Updating IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version 11.3 and its product modules

Use these instructions to use the Update Installer to install patches, fixes, fix packs, and updates to InfoSphere® Information Server and its product modules.

This file is an attachment to the support document, Updating IBM® InfoSphere Information Server, Version 11.3 with patches, fix packs, or other updates


Package downloads

Update packages

Visit Fix Central to download the packages that you want to apply. An IBM.com user ID is required to obtain the downloads.

  1. On the Select product tab, make the following selections:

    Field Value
    Product Group Information Management
    Select from Information Management InfoSphere Information Server
    Installed Version Select the version and fix pack level that you currently have installed.
    Platform Select the platform on which to install. In a multitier topology with different platforms, you will go through this process again for each platform.

    Click Continue to proceed through the wizard and find and download the package or packages that you want.

Update packages

Update packages contain patches, fixes, fix packs, or updates. Update packages can be provided for all operating systems, multiple operating systems, or a single operating system.

File locations

The instructions in this document use the default installation location. Your path varies if you installed InfoSphere Information Server in a different location.

Product installation

The following directories are the default InfoSphere Information Server installation locations by operating system.
  • Linux, UNIX: /opt/IBM/InformationServer
  • Windows: C:\IBM\InformationServer

Update Installer

The Update Installer is installed as part of InfoSphere Information Server in the following directories; however, it is likely out of date. Ensure you obtain the latest version of the Update Installer by following the instructions that follow. For Information Server version 11.3, the latest Update Installer version is Do not use newer versions of the Update Installer unless indicated by IBM Customer Support.
  • Linux, UNIX: /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin
  • Windows: C:\IBM\InformationServer\Updates\bin

Installation log files

Log files are created during the installation and uninstallation process. You can use the log files to troubleshoot installation errors. During the Update Installer installation and uninstallation process, the log files are saved to the following directories.
  • Linux, UNIX: /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/UpdatePackageName
  • Windows: C:\IBM\InformationServer\Updates\UpdatePackageName

Installation process overview

The high-level installation process is as follows:
  1. Preparing to install the update

    Before you install update packages, perform the preparation procedure on all computers in your installation. The installation instructions include specific preparation procedures, including downloading the appropriate update package, performing a full backup, and disabling firewalls and antivirus software.

  2. Installing an update package on each computer

    Install the update packages on all computers in your installation, as appropriate. You must complete the preparation procedures, run the Update Installer program to install the update, and then complete the post-installation procedures.

    Each computer hosts one or more software tiers. Some update packages apply to more than one tier. In distributed installations, you must install the update package on all computers that have tiers installed that the patch, fix, fix pack, or update applies to. Install the update package on the tiers in this order:

    1. Services tier
    2. Engine tier
    3. Client tier
    Note: You do not need to install update packages on a computer that hosts only the repository tier.

    If two or more tiers are on the same computer, the Update Installer installation automatically installs the update on all tiers on the computer in the appropriate order.

  3. Monitoring the installation

    Single computer and distributed installations

    Certain steps in the preparation and installation procedures apply only when you are installing the update on a computer that hosts a particular tier. Each time you complete the preparation or installation procedures, perform only the steps that apply to the tiers that are installed on the computer you are preparing or installing on.

    For example, if the tiers are each installed on separate computers, perform the procedure on the computer that hosts the services tier, completing only the steps that apply to the services tier. Then repeat the procedure on the computer that hosts the engine tier, completing only the steps that apply to the engine tier. Finally, repeat the procedure on the computer that hosts the client tier, completing only the steps that apply to the client tier.

    When more than one tier is installed on a computer, complete the steps that apply to all tiers installed on the computer. For example, if your services tier and engine tier are installed on the same computer, first perform the procedure once for the computer, completing steps that apply to the services tier or the engine tier, or to both tiers. Finally, repeat the procedure on each computer that hosts the client tier, completing only the steps that apply to the client tier.

    Certain steps in the preparation and installation procedures apply only to certain operating systems. These steps identify the operating systems that require these steps.

Preparing to install

Before installing the update, prepare each computer in your installation as described in the following procedure:
  1. Ensure that you are using the latest version of the Update Installer for IBM InfoSphere Information Server.
    1. The latest Update Installer version supported for Version 11.3 is
    2. Verify the version number of your installed version. At the command prompt, type the following command:
      • Linux, UNIX: /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin/installUpdates -version
      • Windows: C:\IBM\InformationServer\Updates\bin\installUpdates.exe -version

      The current version number is displayed.

    3. If the version number that is returned is not as current as the version indicated in step a, install the latest version of the Update Installer to all computers that have any tier of InfoSphere Information Server installed.
  2. Download the update package that you want to install. The instructions in this document assume that the update packages are downloaded to the following directories:
    • Linux, UNIX: /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/Downloads
    • Windows: C:\IBM\InformationServer\Updates\Downloads
  3. Before you install a fix, fix pack, or update, refer to the package's release notes or Readme file for information and installation instructions.
  4. For high availability (HA) installations, disable the HA heartbeat monitor or remove the engine and services resources from the HA resource group. If you do not do this, the HA software might attempt to restart WebSphere® Application Server and InfoSphere Information Server prematurely during the process of installing the update package.
  5. (All tiers) Perform a full backup of your InfoSphere Information Server installation, including the metadata repository database and the analysis database (if installed). For detailed backup and restore instructions for your installation, see http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSZJPZ_11.3.0/com.ibm.swg.im.iis.found.admin.burest.doc/topics/t_admin_backup_restore_super.html.
    • Windows: Backing up the InfoSphere Information Server installation directory is crucial in a high availability configuration, because you must restore the installation to its previous state after you apply the update using the primary server and before you apply the update using the backup server.
    • In rare instances, restoring from the backup might be required if the update package installation fails and makes your installation unusable. Some update packages cannot be uninstalled. See the installation instructions or the readme file that is provided with the update package to determine if the update can be uninstalled.
  6. (All tiers) Disable any firewall and any antivirus software. Some antivirus software blocks the installation or displays confirmation prompts that interfere with the installation and might cause it to fail.
    Note: Reenable the firewall and antivirus software after the installation is complete.
  7. (Services tier) If you configured WebSphere Application Server to run as a non-root user, be aware that the Update installer will apply the update as root; however, this should have no effect on your non-root application server afterward.
    Note: If you had previously started WebSphere Application Server as root while configured for non-root administration, you must stop WebSphere Application Server, follow the documented non-root administration configuration steps to restore proper non-root permissions, and then restart WebSphere Application Server again as the non-root user before attempting an update install. For information on restoring non-root permissions, see Configuring WebSphere Application Server for non-root administration (Linux, UNIX).
  8. (Services tier) For a WebSphere cluster configuration, ensure that the node file synchronization service is enabled and that the synchronization interval is set to one minute. You can do this by using the WebSphere Administration console:
    1. Log in to the WebSphere Administration console.
    2. Select System administration > Node agents.
    3. Select a node agent.
    4. Select File synchronization service.
    5. Check Enable service at server startup.
    6. Set the Synchronization interval to 1 minute.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Repeat steps c - g for each node agent.

    If you made changes in steps a - h (at least one node agent has been reconfigured), then stop and restart the node agents and stop and restart the cluster. If no changes were necessary, there is no need to restart the node agents and cluster.

  9. Verify that the following administrator accounts are valid and active:
    Tier Administrator accounts
    Services tier Verify the following accounts:
    • The InfoSphere Information Server administrator account (default user name is isadmin)
    • The WebSphere Application Server administrator account (default user name is wasadmin)
    Metadata repository tier Verify the metadata repository database owner account (default user name is xmeta).

    Verify the database administrator account. See the installation instructions or the readme file that is provided with the update package to determine is this account must be verified.

    Verify the following items for each account:
  10. The installation program writes required temporary files to the default temporary directory.
    • AIX®, Linux: /tmp
    • HP-UX, Solaris: /var/tmp
    • Windows: %temp%

    There must be roughly 2.5 GB of temporary space available.

    You can redirect most of the temporary files to a different directory if desired. If you do this, about 1.5 GB will be redirected to the specified directory, but 1 GB will still be required in the directory specified above.

    If you want to redirect 1.5 GB of temporary files to a different temporary directory, create the file InformationServer/_uninstall/.jvm_args. Then, add the following line to that new file:
    If you choose to redirect the temporary files and you do not have 2.5 GB of space in the /tmp directory, you will also need to use the -force option when running the installation program. The prerequisite checker still looks at the space in the /tmp directory, but with the -force option, you are given the option of ignoring errors and continuing rather than stopping the installation. If there are no errors other than the temporary space error, you can choose to continue and ignore the errors.

    After the installation completes, preserve the installation log files in the temporary directory until you confirm a successful installation. The log files are typically needed for troubleshooting and verification purposes.

Installing a new version of the Update Installer before installing an update, fix, or patch

Occasionally, a new version of the Update Installer is released. You must install the latest version of the Update Installer to installation instances before you install patches, fixes, fix packs, or updates.

The installation package contains a script that replaces the required files on the installation instance. Run the script on every computer that contains an installation instance and from which you will run the Update Installer.

To install a new version of the Update Installer on an installation instance:
  1. Download the latest version of the Update Installer ( at https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/712531.
  2. Create a new temporary directory to contain only the files that you will extract from the Update Installer package. It is important that the temporary directory is empty. If you have other files in that temporary directory, the script that updates the Update Installer will copy those files along with the files from the Update Installer package.
  3. Extract the contents of the Update Installer package into the new temporary directory.
  4. Complete the steps for your operating system:
    • Linux, UNIX:
      1. Change to the temporary directory where you extracted the contents of the latest version of the Update Installer.
      2. Run updateImage.sh.
    • Windows:
      1. Change to the temporary directory where you extracted the contents of the latest version of the Update Installer.
      2. Run updateImage.bat. If you run the file from the command line, use the Windows shell.
  5. When prompted, enter the location of the _uninstall directory in the directory of the installation instance. The default installation directories:
    • Linux, UNIX: /opt/IBM/InformationServer/_uninstall
    • Windows: C:\IBM\InformationServer\_uninstall

    After the script runs successfully, the installation instance of the Update Installer is updated with the new version of the Update Installer.

Installing an update package (fix pack, patch, or update)

To install an update package, complete this procedure on each computer in your installation that the update package applies to the InfoSphere Information Server computer.
Note: If you are updating a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment cluster installation and the web server configuration has changed, you need complete some additional steps before installing the update package. For more information, see http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21695136.
  1. Select a computer for installation.
  2. (Installations with Pack for SAP BW or Pack for SAP R/3, engine tier) Shut down the SAP BW and SAP R/3 listeners. For details on shutting down the listeners, see http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21409098.
  3. (Services and engine tiers) Open the launchpad to ensure that InfoSphere Information Server is running.
  4. (Services and engine tiers) Disable any InfoSphere Information Services Director applications that are currently running.
    1. Log on to the IBM InfoSphere Information Server console with an account that has the suite administrator role.
    2. Select OPERATE > Deployed Information Services Applications.
    3. From the View pane, select a deployed application.
    4. Click Edit.
    5. In the bottom of the View pane, click Disable and select Disable from the menu.
    6. Repeat these steps for each deployed application.
    Note: Do not re-enable the deployed applications until both the services and engine tiers are updated.
  5. (Services and engine tiers) Stop all scheduled tasks, such as reports and log purge activities. To shut down these tasks, create an unfiltered schedule view within the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console, and then stop all scheduled tasks that are displayed in the view.
    1. Log in to the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console with an account that has the suite administrator role.
    2. In the Web console, click the Administration tab.
    3. In the Navigation pane, select Scheduling Management > Scheduling Views.
    4. In the Scheduling Views pane, click New.
    5. Enter a name and description in the Name and Description fields.
    6. Click Save and Close.
    7. Select the schedule view that you created in the previous steps.
    8. Click View Schedules.
    9. Select a schedule in the list, and click View Task.
    10. Look at the Status value in the Schedule section:
      • If the Status value is STARTED, click Close, and then click Stop to stop the task. Write down the name of the schedule so that you can restart it after the installation is completed.
      • If the Status value is not STARTED, click Close.
    11. Repeat steps (i) through (j) for each schedule in the list.
    Note: Do not restart the scheduled tasks until both the services and engine tiers are updated.
  6. (Services tier) On slower computers, increase the Inactive Session Timeout value to 7200 seconds (120 minutes). Change the value of the timeout to avoid being disconnected automatically during installation:
    1. Log in to the Web console with an account that has the suite administrator role.
    2. In the Web console, click the Administration tab.
    3. In the Navigation pane, select Session Management > Active Sessions.
    4. In the Active Sessions pane, click Global Session Properties.
    5. In the Inactive Session Timeout field, type 7200.
    6. Click Save and Close.
    Note: After you have installed the update package, you can reset the Inactive Session Timeout value to its original value.
  7. (Services and engine tiers) Ensure that no jobs are running.
  8. (Services and engine tiers) Unschedule any scheduled tasks or jobs for external tools that run on these computers. Ensure that scheduled tasks or jobs do not run on these computers during the installation process.
  9. (Client tier) Ensure that all InfoSphere Information Server clients are shut down.
  10. (Services and engine tiers) Ensure that all InfoSphere Information Server clients, including browser-based clients, are shut down for the duration of the installation of both tiers. Halt any other applications, such as import tools, that might be running on the server.
  11. Start the installation.
    • Windows: (All tiers)
      1. Log in as a user with administrator privileges to install update packages. Use the same user name that you used to install IBM InfoSphere Information Server to ensure that you have the correct privileges.
      2. Open a command prompt window.

        Windows Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7 must open an elevated command window. To install update packages, you must use a command window that is elevated to full administrative privileges.

        1. Click the Start menu.
        2. Enter cmd.exe in the Start Search box.
        3. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
        4. Click Continue to accept the prompt asking for your permission to continue.
      3. At the command prompt, type the following command to start the Update Installer program in the C:\IBM\InformationServer\Updates\bin directory:
        • Graphical (wizard) mode:
          Note: Graphical mode opens a web browser. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard to complete the installation.
        • Console mode:
          installUpdates.exe -console 
          Enter the required values as you are prompted during the installation.
        Alternatively, you can provide all of the parameters and values and enter the following command to install an update package as shown in the following example:
        installUpdates.exe -installLocation C:\IBM\InformationServer 
        -patchPackage C:\IBM\InformationServer\Updates\Downloads\UpdatePackageName 
        -user isadmin -password isadminpassword -wasadmin WebSphereUsername 
        -waspassword WebSpherePassword -console -verbose
        • UpdatePackageName = the update package that you want to install
        • isadmin = InfoSphere Information Server administrator user
        • isadminpassword = InfoSphere Information Server administrator password
        • WebSphereUsername = WebSphere Application Server user name
        • WebSpherePassword = WebSphere Application Server password
    • Linux and UNIX
      1. Log in as the root user. If you log in with another account and sudo to root, the root privileges must not be restricted.
      2. Set the file creation mask to 022. Type the following command:
        umask 022
      3. Set the open file descriptor to 10240 or higher. Type the following command:
        ulimit -n 10240
      4. (All tiers) Change to the /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin directory and type the following command to start the Update Installer program:
        • Graphical (wizard) mode:
        • Console mode:
          ./installUpdates -console
          Enter the required values as you are prompted during the installation.
          Alternatively, you can specify all the command-line parameters and values to avoid interactive installation prompts. Enter the following command to install an update package as shown in the following example:
          ./installUpdates -installLocation /opt/IBM/InformationServer 
          -patchPackage /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/Downloads/UpdatePackageName 
          -user isadmin -password isadminpassword -console -verbose
          -wasadmin WebSphereUsername -waspassword WebSpherePassword
          • UpdatePackageName = the update package that you want to install
          • isadmin = InfoSphere Information Server administrator user
          • isadminpassword = InfoSphere Information Server administrator password
          • WebSphereUsername = WebSphere Application Server user name
          • WebSpherePassword = WebSphere Application Server password
          Note: Enter the command on a single line. The example is shown on multiple lines to improve readability.
  12. (All tiers) Monitor the installation. When the Update Installer is running in graphical (wizard) mode on a computer, follow the progress of the installation in the installation progress window. When the Update Installer is running in a console window, follow the progress by viewing the installation log files.
  13. (All tiers) After the installation is completed, the History section of the InformationServer\Version.xml file is updated to include the installation information.
  14. (Client tier) Ensure that all InfoSphere Information Server client applications start and run correctly.
  15. Windows: If you have configured your installation for active-passive high availability, also apply the update to the backup server:
    1. Cause a failover to the backup server.
    2. Delete the InfoSphere Information Server installation directory on the shared storage device.
    3. Restore the pre-updated installation that you backed up in step 5 of the Preparing to install section, overwriting the changes made by updating the primary server.
    4. Repeat the update from the backup server, starting from step 11, using the shared storage device, with the same user names, passwords, and directories that are used on the primary server.
    5. After the backup installation is verified, switch back to the primary server.
  16. (Services and engine tiers) After the update package is installed on both the services and engine tiers, restart the scheduled tasks that you stopped before you started the installation.
    1. Log in to the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console with an account that has the suite administrator role.
    2. Click the Administration tab.
    3. In the Navigation pane, select Schedule Monitoring > Scheduling Views.
    4. In the Views of Schedules pane, select the schedule view that you created before you started the Update Installer installation program.
    5. Click View Schedules.
    6. Select all of the schedule views that you stopped.
    7. Click Start.
  17. (Services and engine tiers) After the update package is installed on both the services and engine tiers, use the console to re-enable the IBM InfoSphere Information Services Director applications that you disabled before you started the fix pack installation.
  18. (Installations with Pack for SAP BW or Pack for SAP R/3, engine tier) Restart the SAP R/3 listeners. For details on restarting the listeners, see http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21409098.

Installing multiple updates

You can install multiple updates after InfoSphere Information Server is installed. To install multiple updates, you use the Update Installer in graphical mode.

Before installing multiple updates, review the readme file that is included with each update package.

About this task

  • If you install multiple updates, the Update Installer checks for dependencies among the updates to ensure that they are installed in the required order.


  1. Read the installation overview for update packages.
  2. Prepare to install the update packages. As part of the preparation to install updates, ensure that you install the latest version of the Update Installer.
  3. Complete the steps to install an update package, returning to this procedure after you start the Update Installer program. You must use the graphical mode to install multiple updates with the Update Installer.
  4. After you start the Update Installer program, enter information as you are prompted for it by the installation program.
  5. When you reach the Patch Packages screen of the Update Installer, click Add package to add as many packages as you require.
  6. Click Next to merge multiple updates. The Update Installer merges the update packages to ensure that the dependencies are adhered to.
  7. Click Next to install the updates.
  8. Follow the instructions in the graphical interface to complete the installation of the update packages. On the Preinstallation Summary for the Current® Computer screen, notice that the name and description of the update is displayed.

Post-installation backup

Perform a complete backup of the IBM InfoSphere Information Server installation to ensure that you can recover your installation in the event of hardware failure or other disaster. For detailed backup and restore instructions for your installation, see http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSZJPZ_11.3.0/com.ibm.swg.im.iis.found.admin.burest.doc/topics/t_admin_backup_restore_super.html.

Uninstalling a fix or update

Fix packs cannot be uninstalled. Some fixes or updates can be uninstalled. See the installation instructions or readme file that is provided in the update package to determine if the update can be uninstalled.

Fixes or updates must be uninstalled in reverse order of their installation. Only the last fix or update that was installed can be uninstalled. To uninstall a fix or update that is not the latest fix, or update that was installed, you must first uninstall the latest installed fix or update, and then uninstall earlier fixes or updates. Installing a fix pack, or installing a fix or update that cannot be uninstalled prevents all previously installed fixes or updates from being uninstalled.

To determine the update packages that are installed, enter the following command:
  • Linux, UNIX: /opt/IBM/InformationServer/_uninstall/versionInfo
  • Windows: C:\IBM\InformationServer\_uninstall\versionInfo
Examine the installation history as shown in the following hypothetical example:
IBM InfoSphere Information Server Version Information
Report date:    2014/07/12
Installer Version:
Patches Installed:
        Description     =       XMLPack3 Patch
        Version         =
The installation entries shown by the versionInfo command are not the same file name of your installed update packages. The entries that are returned by versionInfo are the patchName attributes in the PatchManifest.xml file or the installerId values in the HistoricalEvent entries in Version.xml file.

You must use the Update Installer in console mode to uninstall updates. Follow the same instructions for uninstallation that you used for installation. To uninstall a package, you must specify the -rollback parameter and the update name (patch name) on the command line.

After you uninstall fixes or updates, some files that were created during installation might not be removed by the uninstall process. Files that are not removed in the uninstallation process do not affect the functionality of the installation after the fixes or updates are uninstalled.

Known problems

Limitations and problems for the Update Installer are available on the IBM Support Portal.

You can search the IBM Support Portal, or for a complete list of customized queries for APARs and technotes, refer to the Known Problems section of the IBM InfoSphere Information Server 9.1 release notes.

installUpdates command syntax

Installing fixes, fix packs, and updates on Linux, UNIX

installUpdates -installLocation installLocation -patchPackage UpdatePackageName [-user username] [-password userpassword] [-wasadmin wasadminusername] [-waspassword waspassword] [-console] [-verbose] [-secure] [-version] [-usage] [-list] [-acceptLicense] [-collect] [-log] [-dbadmin dbadminusername] [-dbpassword dbadminpassword] [-force]

Installing fixes, fix packs, and updates on Windows

installUpdates.exe -installLocation installLocation -patchPackage UpdatePackageName [-user username] [-password userpassword] [-wasadmin wasadminusername] [-waspassword waspassword] [-console] [-verbose] [-secure] [-version] [-usage] [-list] [-acceptLicense] [-collect] [-log] [-dbadmin dbadminusername] [-dbpassword dbadminpassword] [-force]

Uninstalling fixes and updates on Linux, UNIX

installUpdates -installLocation installLocation -rollback UpdatePackageName [-user username] [-password userpassword] [-wasadmin wasadminusername] [-waspassword waspassword] [-console] [-verbose]

Uninstalling fixes and updates on Windows

installUpdates.exe -installLocation installLocation -rollback UpdatePackageName [-user username] [-password userpassword] [-wasadmin wasadminusername] [-waspassword waspassword] [-console] [-verbose]

Displaying command syntax usage on Linux, UNIX

./installUpdates -usage

Displaying command syntax usage on Windows

installUpdates.exe -usage


You start the Update Installer from a command line.
  • If you run the Update Installer with the -console parameter, you provide the parameters and values on the command line.
  • If you run the Update Installer without the -console parameter, then the Update Installer starts in graphical mode and you use an installation wizard to run the installation.
Here is the full list of parameters that you can use with the Update Installer.
-rollback patchName
The name of the InfoSphere Information Server fix or update package that you want to uninstall.
-installLocation installLocation
The absolute location of your InfoSphere Information Server installation.
-patchPackage UpdatePackageName
For installation, the UpdatePackageName is the absolute directory and file name of the update package. For uninstallation, the UpdatePackageName is the name of the installed patch.
-user username
IBM InfoSphere Information Server administrator user name.
-password userpassword
IBM InfoSphere Information Server administrator password, required when the -user parameter is provided.
-wasadmin wasadminusername
IBM WebSphere Application Server administrator (server ID) user name. Applies only when installing update packages on computers with the services tier installed and the services tier is using IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.
-waspassword waspassword
IBM WebSphere Application Server administrator (server ID) password. Applies only when installing update packages on computers with the services tier installed and the services tier is using IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.
Run the Update Installer from the command line without opening the installation wizard.
Start the installation session in trace mode. In this mode, log messages are displayed to the console and are also written to the log file. If you do not specify this parameter, log messages are written to the log file only.
Prompts you to create a password when the installation program starts in graphical installation mode. The password is used to authenticate access to the installation program from the web browser. This parameter is ignored if the -console parameter is specified.
Display the version number of the Update Installer and exit the Update Installer program.
Display the fixes, fix packs, or updates that are currently installed.
Automatically accept license agreements during installation, if the fix, fix pack, or update requires a license.
Collect installation information and preserve the information in a .zip file in the IBM InfoSphere Information Server installation directory. This .zip file is named isdump-os-timestamp.zip and contains host name, user credentials, and other installation troubleshooting information.
-dbadmin dbadminusername
DB2® administrator user name. Optional unless required by the fix, fix pack, or update. The default DB2 administrator user names are as follows:
  • Linux, UNIX: db2inst1
  • Windows: db2admin
-dbpassword dbadminpassword
DB2 administrator password. Optional unless required by the fix, fix pack, or update.
Force reinstallation of the fix, fix pack, or update.