I-Logix-RPY-Archive version 8.14.0 * 9810313 { IProfile - _id = GUID d9689b73-885e-44c4-896b-de43defa0a33; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "In"; - _Value = "$type*"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Out"; - _Value = "$type&"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ReturnType"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Format"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "ControlFlow"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineStyle"; - _Value = "1"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineWidth"; - _Value = "0"; - _Type = Int; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Object"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Font.Weight@Child.NameCompartment@Name"; - _Value = "700"; - _Type = Int; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Profile"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "GloballyApplied"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "PropertyFile"; - _Value = "$OMROOT\\Profiles\\SysML\\SysMLProfile_rpy\\SysML.prp"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "RDFEnableNewTermContainers"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "RDFNamespace"; - _Value = "http://jazz.net/ns/dm/rhapsody/sysml#"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "SysML"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _lastID = 45; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 13; - value = { ISubsystem - _id = GUID de79a326-409d-49eb-9ff6-57e20a475f80; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "Requirements"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset177{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial (Hebrew);}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\lang1033\\fs20 This package contains terms based on the SysML Requirements chapter\\lang1037\\f1\\rtlch\\par \\pard\\ltrpar\\par }"; } - _lastID = 13; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IStereotype - _id = GUID 9338eb3d-2c87-43c6-8197-9c4adf4ce736; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Decomposition.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Decomposition"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Decompositions"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "decompose"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Dependency"; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID c69773c8-90f6-4988-9e03-fa229ae80a0d; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Verification.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Verification"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Verifications"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "verify"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Dependency"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 53ddc7a4-031a-4525-a251-b68e02cf5ca3; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/TestCase.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingShape"; - _Value = "BasicBox"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Default,BasicBox,RoundedBox"; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Test Case"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Test Cases"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "testCase"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Operation"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID ac8ca999-c415-4942-b5eb-99bb8da2415c; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "InitialLayoutForTables"; - _Value = "ReqTableLayout"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "RequirementsTable"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "TableView"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID bd4e59da-660e-4d0f-b509-206b2bd9daaf; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/DerivReqt.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Derive Requirement"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Derive Requirements"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Sources"; - _Value = "Requirement"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Targets"; - _Value = "Requirement"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "deriveReqt"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}{\\f1\\fnil Segoe UI;}{\\f2\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\fi17\\cf1\\f0\\fs18 A DeriveReqt relationship is a dependency between two requirements in which a client requirement can be derived from\\cf0\\f1\\par \\cf1 the supplier requirement. For example, a system requirement may be derived from a business need, or lower-level\\cf0\\par \\cf1 requirements may be derived from a system requirement. As with other dependencies, the arrow direction points from the\\cf0\\par \\pard\\ltrpar\\cf1 derived (client) requirement to the (supplier) requirement from which it is derived.\\cf0\\f2\\fs20\\par } "; } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Dependency"; } - _newTerm = 1; } } - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID e8088103-d521-4b84-b118-456fb74c9a5b; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID e8088103-d521-4b84-b118-456fb74c9a5b; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - TableLayouts = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITableLayout - _id = GUID 8f1f7467-b093-4abe-9871-3462587c6bc8; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "ReqTableLayout"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - TableElementTypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 8f1f7467-b093-4abe-9871-3462587c6bc8; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "Requirement"; - _DataType = 2; } } - DataColumns = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 8f1f7467-b093-4abe-9871-3462587c6bc8; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "Requirement.ID"; } { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 8f1f7467-b093-4abe-9871-3462587c6bc8; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "General.Name"; } { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 8f1f7467-b093-4abe-9871-3462587c6bc8; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "Requirement.Specification"; } } } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; } { ISubsystem - _id = GUID b6fdedb2-c5e2-43d2-be5a-84cdd433f307; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "Blocks"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset177{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial (Hebrew);}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\lang1033\\fs20 This package contains terms based on the SysML Blocks chapter\\lang1037\\f1\\rtlch\\par \\pard\\ltrpar\\par }"; } - _lastID = 25; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 10; - value = { IStereotype - _id = GUID f685432f-691e-4ff1-be70-4d09d19457e1; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Block.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "HideTabsInFeaturesDialog"; - _Value = "?$_HideTabsInFeaturesDialog>"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "OldName"; - _Value = "block"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "RDFContainedBy"; - _Value = "Package,Block,UseCase,Actor,ConstraintBlock"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "RDFContainers"; - _Value = "Internal Block Diagram, Statechart, ActivityDiagram, Parametric Diagram, SequenceDiagram, Block, Part,Interface,DataType,ValueType,Unit,Attribute,Operation,Reception,AssociationEnd,Generalization,Port,StandardPort,FlowPort,InterfaceBlock,ProxyPort,FullPort,Flow,FlowProperty,Dependency,Satisfaction,Allocation,ConstraintBlock,ConstraintProperty,BindingConnector,Hyperlink,Tag"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "QuickNavigationCategories"; - _Value = "InternalBlockDiagrams,MainBehavior,MainDiagram,Hyperlinks,Diagrams"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Block"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _lastID = 1; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Class"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "In"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Out"; - _Value = "$type&"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ReturnType"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserGroupIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Dimension.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Dimension.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Dimension"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Dimensions"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "Tag"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } } } - _name = "Dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Type"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "In"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Out"; - _Value = "$type&"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ReturnType"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserGroupIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Unit.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Unit.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Unit"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Units"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "Tag"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } } } - _name = "Unit"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; } } - _lastID = 1; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Type"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 07facaa0-2de4-4089-b5bb-64e56e4ae04f; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserGroupIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/ValueType.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/ValueType.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "ValueType"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "ValueTypes"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "Tag"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } } } - _name = "ValueType"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID a917d01d-ef68-4da5-9550-ff96ae3934dc; - _name = "unit"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } - _isOrdered = 0; } { ITag - _id = GUID 76fc0a78-ac96-412f-904d-e66ac47669ca; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; } } - _lastID = 4; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Type"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID af0f57c0-ca41-456e-87cc-be8bf10a1c55; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "RDFContainedBy"; - _Value = "Block,UseCase,Actor,Package"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Sources"; - _Value = "Object,FlowPort,Port,StandardPort,FullPort,ProxyPort,AssociationEnd"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Targets"; - _Value = "Object,FlowPort,Port,StandardPort,FullPort,ProxyPort,AssociationEnd"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "UseApplicableToName"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - _name = "connector"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 0d345037-ba06-4d7d-a7ad-8e238726e596; - _name = "End1Path"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - myTypeOf = { IType - _id = GUID 3bd55c91-0e30-4bcb-8f28-adee8a1bc55a; - _myState = 8192; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _declaration = "Object"; - _kind = Language; } - _multiplicity = "*"; - _isOrdered = 0; } { ITag - _id = GUID 9a437f0e-f2f1-4075-bc5f-5c9e92c6c615; - _name = "End2Path"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - myTypeOf = { IType - _id = GUID e7591289-4dcb-4333-998b-10660f488d66; - _myState = 8192; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _declaration = "Object"; - _kind = Language; } - _multiplicity = "*"; - _isOrdered = 0; } } - _lastID = 2; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Link"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 39bf6572-6f61-4cbf-b651-64241e075688; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "DataType"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Data Types"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "DataType"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Type"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID d10728e0-b034-4b51-afad-c00fb9c8c328; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Format"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Flow"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineColor"; - _Value = "0,0,128"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineStyle"; - _Value = "0"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineWidth"; - _Value = "2"; - _Type = Int; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Link"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineStyle"; - _Value = "1"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineWidth"; - _Value = "0"; - _Type = Int; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 7; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/ValueBinding.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "HideTabsInFeaturesDialog"; - _Value = "Details"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "BindingConnector"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Binding Connectors"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "RDFContainedBy"; - _Value = "Package,Block,ConstraintBlock,UseCase,Actor"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Sources"; - _Value = "Attribute,Tag,ConstraintParameter,FlowProperty,Port,ProxyPort,FullPort"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Targets"; - _Value = "Attribute,Tag,ConstraintParameter,FlowProperty,Port,ProxyPort,FullPort"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Flow"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowArrowHeads"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "flowKeyword"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - _name = "BindingConnector"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 9a437f0e-ba06-4d7d-a7ad-8e238726e596; - _name = "SourceContext"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - myTypeOf = { IType - _id = GUID e7591289-0e30-4bcb-8f28-adee8a1bc55a; - _myState = 8192; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _declaration = "Object"; - _kind = Language; } - _multiplicity = "*"; - _isOrdered = 0; } { ITag - _id = GUID 0d345037-f2f1-4075-bc5f-5c9e92c6c615; - _name = "TargetContext"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - myTypeOf = { IType - _id = GUID 3bd55c91-4dcb-4333-998b-10660f488d66; - _myState = 8192; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _declaration = "Object"; - _kind = Language; } - _multiplicity = "*"; - _isOrdered = 0; } { ITag - _id = GUID 75d9e3e1-a2fd-4dd8-9102-80541f38f8ae; - _name = "Value"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpString"; - _id = GUID ae5e3720-4e3e-40f1-9346-9a8b4e501f35; } - _isOrdered = 0; } } - _lastID = 3; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Flow"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID f5cec18c-9b1f-4289-97a8-b98bdb1ca448; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Link"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Sources"; - _Value = "InstanceSpecification"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Targets"; - _Value = "InstanceSpecification"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "link"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Link"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 7da2bffd-6f3f-405e-b835-a19d5e2134da; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Format"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Object"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineStyle"; - _Value = "1"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineWidth"; - _Value = "0"; - _Type = Int; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "DiagramDisplayString"; - _Value = "participant"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "ParticipantProperties"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "ParticipantProperty"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 618b998e-cbde-402d-9072-db655d45a580; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "end"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.10.2013::8:21:44; - myTypeOf = { IType - _id = GUID 9f202368-e6ef-4bc6-b8fa-3bc232c8497f; - _myState = 8192; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _declaration = "AssociationEnd"; - _kind = Language; } - _isOrdered = 0; } } - _lastID = 1; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Object"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 04164f8c-01a3-4eab-b4a4-c37aae7a46e9; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Value Properties"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "ValueProperty"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Attribute"; } - _newTerm = 1; } } - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID 2073e3de-c1a9-4e02-9f39-9ba444283e34; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID 2073e3de-c1a9-4e02-9f39-9ba444283e34; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - Types = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IType - _id = GUID 192a0217-2505-44ab-8a7b-36b1991050c0; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "Direction"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _lastID = 4; - Literals = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID 5328c810-4680-4b1e-b155-97ebdd66ab58; - _name = "In"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID b615914f-7f99-4b0f-ba53-9dc72164525f; - _name = "Out"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID 008c5633-0f6d-4074-a159-aa8b25bc684b; - _name = "Bidirectional"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID e45299d6-b4b2-4233-9bdf-64d96c9fd664; - _name = "Unspecified"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } } - _kind = Enumeration; } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 11.28.2007::13:43:19; } { ISubsystem - _id = GUID 2a4d77d8-1bc3-4f73-a27b-a786516879b8; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "ConstraintBlocks"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset177 Arial;}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\lang1033\\fs20 This package contains terms based on the SysML Parametrics chapter\\lang1037\\f1\\rtlch\\par } "; } - _lastID = 6; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IStereotype - _id = GUID 31b97f57-8db8-470e-87ea-ce3eccdc46de; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Generate"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Framework"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "HeaderFile"; - _Value = ""; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AdditionalCompartments"; - _Value = "EnumerationLiteral,ConstraintParameter"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 11; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Aggregates"; - _Value = "Constraint, ConstraintParameter, Allocation, Dependency, BindingConnector, Satisfaction, Verification, ConstraintProperty, Generalization, Directed Composition, Object, Parametric Diagram, Tag"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/ParamConstraint.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "Constraint"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "HideTabsInFeaturesDialog"; - _Value = "Flow Properties"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "ConstraintBlock"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PartMetaclassName"; - _Value = "ConstraintProperty"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Constraint Blocks"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "RDFContainedBy"; - _Value = "Package,ConstraintBlock,Block,Actor,Requirement,UseCase"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "RDFContainers"; - _Value = "Parametric Diagram,Block, Part,DataType,ValueType,Unit,AssociationEnd,Generalization,Dependency,Satisfaction,Allocation,ConstraintProperty,BindingConnector,Hyperlink,Tag"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowAttributes"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowOperations"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "Constraint"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Interface"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "Constraint"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } } } - _name = "ConstraintBlock"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Class"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 74a9b0c1-e0d9-40c1-9fa6-c230687670fe; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Generate"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SubstituteTerm"; - _Value = "ConstraintBlock"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 8; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Aggregates"; - _Value = "Constraint, ConstraintParameter, Allocation, Dependency, BindingConnector, Satisfaction, Verification, Tag"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AllowedTypes"; - _Value = "ConstraintBlock"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/ParamConstraintUsage.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "Constraint"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "ConstraintProperty"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Constraint Properties"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowAttributes"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowOperations"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Object"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "Constraint"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowAttributes"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowOperations"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } } } } } } } - _name = "ConstraintProperty"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Object"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID e1c38e88-2966-405f-a4f2-d3cb74e4596a; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Format"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Link"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineStyle"; - _Value = "1"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineWidth"; - _Value = "0"; - _Type = Int; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/ValueBinding.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Value Binding (Deprecated)"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Value Bindings (Deprecated)"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Flow"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowArrowHeads"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "flowKeyword"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - _name = "valueBinding_D"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset177{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial (Hebrew);}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\fs20 This is a deprecated term based on Dependency to indicate Value Bindings.\\par Please use the new term called valueBinding that allows binding of properties to constraint blocks via constraint parameters.\\f1\\rtlch\\par } "; } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Dependency"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 0e2af54e-a57b-41d6-8e2f-91c9186e7aa9; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "$OMROOT/Profiles/SysML/icons/ConstraintParameter.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "ConstraintParameter"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "ConstraintParameters"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "Constraint"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowAttributes"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowOperations"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Interface"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "Constraint"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowAttributes"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowOperations"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } } } } } } } - _name = "ConstraintParameter"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Inheritances = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IGeneralization - _id = GUID c40f30b5-66f5-4f4e-839d-fb9725461c30; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _dependsOn = { INObjectHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "flowPort"; - _id = GUID e38cbf02-1c06-464c-927e-6e2c6c764315; } - _inheritanceType = iPublic; - _isVirtual = 0; } } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 0; } } } - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID 3b4d91f7-c3e7-4401-a2b3-9eab7b5507b3; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID 3b4d91f7-c3e7-4401-a2b3-9eab7b5507b3; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; } { ISubsystem - _id = GUID 6b02d523-df45-4aac-9810-f8ad4abd1116; - _name = "Diagrams"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset177{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial (Hebrew);}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\lang1033\\fs20 This package contains terms for SysML diagrams (e.g. External Blocks Diagram)\\lang1037\\f1\\rtlch\\par }"; } - _lastID = 2; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IStereotype - _id = GUID 6c142614-3349-49e9-8c6b-0236be5f6b61; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ContextByTopology"; - _Value = "Attribute"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Model"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AddNewMenuStructure"; - _Value = "?$"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/ExternalBlockDiagram.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolbar"; - _Value = "??$?<==>?$?<:>$?"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolbarContent"; - _Value = "Block, Object, Interface, FlowSpecification,Package, Port, FlowPort, InterfaceBlock, FullPort, ProxyPort, RpySeparator,Association,Directed Association, Aggregation,Directed Composition, connector, Dependency, Generalization, Flow, RpySeparator, ConstraintBlock, constraint, RpySeparator, Allocation, Derivation, Satisfaction, conform, Problem, Rationale, RpySeparator, ValueType, Dimension, Unit, InstanceSpecification, link, RpySeparator, ActivityBox"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 7; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Attribute"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowContext"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowPorts"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Composition"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "RepresentParts"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "General"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SysMLDiagramKindTitle"; - _Value = "bdd"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Interface"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowPorts"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Object"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowPorts"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotypeOfClass"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Requirement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "RequirementNotation"; - _Value = "Box_Style"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Note_Style,Box_Style"; } } } } } } } - _name = "Block Definition Diagram"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "ObjectModelDiagram"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 38dfec39-1968-4f0a-87ef-c2fde9a5d5e1; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ContextByTopology"; - _Value = "Attribute"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "DefaultBoxView"; - _Value = "Structured"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Specification,Structured,Default"; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Model"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AddNewMenuStructure"; - _Value = "?$"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/InternalBlockDiagram.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolbar"; - _Value = "??$?<==>?$?<:>$?"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolbarContent"; - _Value = "Object, Block, Package, RpySeparator, Port, FlowPort, FullPort, ProxyPort, RpySeparator,connector, Dependency, Flow, RpySeparator,ConstraintProperty,BindingConnector, RpySeparator,Satisfaction,Allocation, RpySeparator, ActivityBox"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "RDFContainedBy"; - _Value = "Block,UseCase,Actor,Package"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Attribute"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowContext"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "General"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SysMLDiagramKindTitle"; - _Value = "ibd"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Object"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotypeOfClass"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - _name = "Internal Block Diagram"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "StructureDiagram"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 6041edfe-4126-4073-b7e9-91b61336d765; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ContextByTopology"; - _Value = "Attribute"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "DefaultBoxView"; - _Value = "Structured"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Specification,Structured"; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Model"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AddNewMenuStructure"; - _Value = "?$"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/ParametricDiagram.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolbar"; - _Value = "??$?<==>?$?<:>$?"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolbarContent"; - _Value = "ConstraintBlock, ConstraintProperty, RpySeparator, Package, Block, Object, ConstraintParameter, BindingConnector, RpySeparator,Satisfaction,Allocation, Dependency"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "RDFContainedBy"; - _Value = "ConstraintBlock,Package,Block"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Attribute"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowContext"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Complete"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Complete_Relation"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "General"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SysMLDiagramKindTitle"; - _Value = "par"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Object"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotypeOfClass"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Requirement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "RequirementNotation"; - _Value = "Box_Style"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Note_Style,Box_Style"; } } } } } } } - _name = "Parametric Diagram"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset177{\\*\\fname Times New Roman;}Times New Roman (Hebrew);}{\\f2\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\cf1\\f0\\fs20 A parametric diagram describes the parametric relationships among the properties associated with\\f1\\rtlch \\lang1033\\f0\\ltrch blocks\\lang1037 , parts, parametric constraints, parametric constraints usages and items that flow between them. The parametric diagram is used to integrate behavior and structure models with engineering analysis models such as performance, reliability, and mass property models.\\cf0\\fs24\\par \\par \\par \\par \\f2\\fs20\\par } "; } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "ObjectModelDiagram"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 44ecf98f-3643-40b9-8eef-f0f82d1a3185; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Model"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AddNewMenuStructure"; - _Value = "?$"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/requirementsDiagram.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolbar"; - _Value = "??$?<==>?$?<:>$?"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolbarContent"; - _Value = "Requirement, Problem, Rationale, Package, RpySeparator, Derivation, Derive Requirement, Satisfaction, Verification, Dependency, RpySeparator, UseCase, RpySeparator,Allocation"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "ClassDiagram"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "TreeContainmentStyle"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "General"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SysMLDiagramKindTitle"; - _Value = "req"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Object"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotypeOfClass"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Requirement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "RequirementNotation"; - _Value = "Box_Style"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Note_Style,Box_Style"; } } } } } } } - _name = "Requirements Diagram"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\\f2\\fnil\\fcharset177{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial (Hebrew);}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\lang1033\\fs20 \"\\f1 A requirement diagram provides a modeling construct for text based requirements, and the relationship between requirements, such as the trace relationship, and the relationship between the requirements and the model elements that satisfy them.\"\\lang1037\\f2\\rtlch\\par }"; } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "ObjectModelDiagram"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 240f8214-239e-4ada-91e6-f49f2497f4d9; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Model"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AddNewMenuStructure"; - _Value = "?$"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/PackageDiagram.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolbar"; - _Value = "??$?<==>?$?<:>$?"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolbarContent"; - _Value = "Package,Dependency,RpySeparator,Allocation,Problem,Rationale,Satisfaction,conform"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Composition"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "RepresentParts"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "General"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SysMLDiagramKindTitle"; - _Value = "pkg"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Object"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotypeOfClass"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Requirement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "RequirementNotation"; - _Value = "Box_Style"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Note_Style,Box_Style"; } } } } } } } - _name = "Package Diagram"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "ObjectModelDiagram"; } - _newTerm = 1; } } - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID 4fad9e90-e9af-4973-a264-06635c8cf7f7; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID 4fad9e90-e9af-4973-a264-06635c8cf7f7; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; } { IDiagram - _id = GUID f40e5421-bc8c-49b6-b0dd-cc8f0bb8c145; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Format"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Comment"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 7; - value = { IProperty - 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m_nNameFormat = 0; - m_nIsNameFormat = 0; - frameset = " "; - Compartments = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { CGICompartment - _id = GUID 2d5a6b44-0683-41bb-9691-a76f1a0698d6; - m_name = "Description"; - m_displayOption = All; - m_bShowInherited = 0; - m_bOrdered = 0; } } } { CGIPackage - _id = GUID b71efdbf-26fc-43c3-a215-59ba97f556b3; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "FitBoxToItsTextuals"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - m_type = 127; - m_pModelObject = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ISubsystem"; - _id = GUID 2a4d77d8-1bc3-4f73-a27b-a786516879b8; } - m_pParent = GUID 9a282dbc-845a-4271-aa5b-221e8ad934e1; - m_name = { CGIText - m_str = "ConstraintBlocks"; - m_style = "Arial" 10 0 0 0 1 ; - m_color = { IColor - 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size = 1; - value = { CGICompartment - _id = GUID 7aafb18c-84ce-4020-aaf8-e6fc939e0f5d; - m_name = "Description"; - m_displayOption = All; - m_bShowInherited = 0; - m_bOrdered = 0; } } } { CGIPackage - _id = GUID ca9db64e-86a4-4f45-a823-36663a0468e4; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "FitBoxToItsTextuals"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - m_type = 127; - m_pModelObject = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ISubsystem"; - _id = GUID 5f4a2b21-e3a3-4466-bc93-6517dd739c2d; } - m_pParent = GUID 9a282dbc-845a-4271-aa5b-221e8ad934e1; - m_name = { CGIText - m_str = "Activities"; - m_style = "Arial" 10 0 0 0 1 ; - m_color = { IColor - m_fgColor = 0; - m_bgColor = 0; - m_bgFlag = 0; } - m_position = 1 0 0 ; - m_nIdent = 0; - m_bImplicitSetRectPoints = 0; - m_nOrientationCtrlPt = 5; } - m_drawBehavior = 4104; - m_transform = 0.147204 0 0 0.086881 90 157 ; - m_bIsPreferencesInitialized = 1; - m_AdditionalLabel = { CGIText - m_str = ""; - m_style = "Arial" 10 0 0 0 1 ; - m_color = { IColor - m_fgColor = 0; - m_bgColor = 0; - m_bgFlag = 0; } - m_position = 1 0 0 ; - m_nIdent = 0; - m_bImplicitSetRectPoints = 0; - m_nOrientationCtrlPt = 1; } - m_polygon = 4 0 0 0 1151 1216 1151 1216 0 ; - m_nNameFormat = 0; - m_nIsNameFormat = 0; - frameset = " "; - Compartments = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { CGICompartment - _id = GUID 04c6b4c0-b8b4-409a-b353-3cb733848588; - m_name = "Description"; - m_displayOption = All; - m_bShowInherited = 0; - m_bOrdered = 0; } } } { CGIPackage - _id = GUID 2fc82dce-2de4-4978-a721-b6f0600b0929; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "FitBoxToItsTextuals"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - m_type = 127; - m_pModelObject = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ISubsystem"; - _id = GUID adc51001-b216-45c2-bc90-3f201ae16a51; } - m_pParent = GUID 9a282dbc-845a-4271-aa5b-221e8ad934e1; - m_name = { CGIText - m_str = "ModelElements"; - m_style = "Arial" 10 0 0 0 1 ; - m_color = { IColor - m_fgColor = 0; - m_bgColor = 0; - m_bgFlag = 0; } - m_position = 1 0 0 ; - m_nIdent = 0; - m_bImplicitSetRectPoints = 0; - m_nOrientationCtrlPt = 5; } - m_drawBehavior = 4104; - m_transform = 0.165296 0 0 0.0920938 526 286 ; - m_bIsPreferencesInitialized = 1; - m_AdditionalLabel = { CGIText - m_str = ""; - m_style = "Arial" 10 0 0 0 1 ; - m_color = { IColor - m_fgColor = 0; - m_bgColor = 0; - m_bgFlag = 0; } - m_position = 1 0 0 ; - m_nIdent = 0; - m_bImplicitSetRectPoints = 0; - m_nOrientationCtrlPt = 1; } - m_polygon = 4 0 0 0 1151 1216 1151 1216 0 ; - m_nNameFormat = 0; - m_nIsNameFormat = 0; - frameset = " "; - Compartments = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { CGICompartment - _id = GUID b443acad-e57c-49c0-b17f-165ad40a5669; - m_name = "Description"; - m_displayOption = All; - m_bShowInherited = 0; - m_bOrdered = 0; } } } - m_access = 'Z'; - m_modified = 'N'; - m_fileVersion = ""; - m_nModifyDate = 0; - m_nCreateDate = 0; - m_creator = ""; - m_bScaleWithZoom = 1; - m_arrowStyle = 'S'; - m_pRoot = GUID 9a282dbc-845a-4271-aa5b-221e8ad934e1; - m_currentLeftTop = 0 0 ; - m_currentRightBottom = 0 0 ; - m_bFreezeCompartmentContent = 0; } - _defaultSubsystem = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IProfile"; - _id = GUID d9689b73-885e-44c4-896b-de43defa0a33; } } { ISubsystem - _id = GUID bbd171a9-ce68-40a0-80fc-0c22d50a0053; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "Allocation"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset177 Arial;}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\lang1033\\fs20 This package contains terms based on the SysML Allocations chapter\\lang1037\\f1\\rtlch\\par \\par } "; } - _lastID = 5; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IStereotype - _id = GUID 71e4a680-c847-499c-8160-bc05f6a1f2eb; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Allocation.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Allocation"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Allocations"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "allocate"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Dependency"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 1890658b-4636-4eed-bbae-fbc4bdd2d062; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "InitialLayoutForTables"; - _Value = "AllocTableLayout"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "AllocationsTable"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "TableView"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 99342c95-7fbf-4207-89da-78d8badfdf0d; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Comment"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "CallOutCompartments"; - _Value = "AllocatedFrom,AllocatedTo"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "IsCallOut"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowDescriptionForUnanchoredCallOut"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserGroupIcon"; - _Value = "$OMROOT/PredefinedPictures/CalloutGroup.bmp"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "$OMROOT/PredefinedPictures/Callout.bmp"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolIcon"; - _Value = "$OMROOT/PredefinedPictures/Callout.bmp"; - _Type = File; } } } } } } } - _name = "Callout"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Comment"; } - _newTerm = 1; } } - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID 1eec353d-db7e-4c1b-b3e9-e960deb93fba; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID 1eec353d-db7e-4c1b-b3e9-e960deb93fba; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - TableLayouts = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITableLayout - _id = GUID 0d9d7829-ea73-4bf0-91ba-70c32feaf659; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "AllocTableLayout"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - TableElementTypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 0d9d7829-ea73-4bf0-91ba-70c32feaf659; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "Allocation"; - _DataType = 2; } } - DataColumns = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 0d9d7829-ea73-4bf0-91ba-70c32feaf659; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "General.Name"; } { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 0d9d7829-ea73-4bf0-91ba-70c32feaf659; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "General.From"; } { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 0d9d7829-ea73-4bf0-91ba-70c32feaf659; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "General.To"; } { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 0d9d7829-ea73-4bf0-91ba-70c32feaf659; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "General.Description"; } } } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 052b8171-a32b-4f45-a829-5585f79f9deb; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 9; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Activity_diagram"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "General"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "DefaultMode"; - _Value = "Analysis"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Design,Analysis"; } { IProperty - _Name = "SysMLDiagramKindTitle"; - _Value = "act"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Requirement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "ID, Specification"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Framework"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "HeaderFile"; - _Value = "oxf/oxf.h, ../Profiles/SysML/SIDefinitions.h"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "ModelElement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "DisplayArgumentAndReturnTypePatterns"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Operation"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Kind"; - _Value = "virtual"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "common,virtual,abstract"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Format"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "MisplacedElement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Fill.Transparent_Fill"; - _Value = "1"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineStyle"; - _Value = "1"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineWidth"; - _Value = "0"; - _Type = Int; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Requirement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Fill.FillColor"; - _Value = "255,255,255"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineColor"; - _Value = "0,0,0"; - _Type = Color; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 14; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ActivityDiagramToolbar"; - _Value = "??$?<==>?RpyDefault,Callout?<:>$?"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AdditionalCompartments"; - _Value = "AllocatedFrom, AllocatedTo,ProxyPort,FullPort,FlowProperty,ValueProperty"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AllowObjectReparenting"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "AllowRequirementReparenting"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "ContextByTopology"; - _Value = ""; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "DelegateNewDependenciesToType"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "DiagramHeader"; - _Value = "$DiagramKind [$OwnerStereotype $OwnerType] $OwnerName [$Name]"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "SequenceDiagramToolbar"; - _Value = "??$?<==>?RpyDefault?<:>$?"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowCompartmentsTitle"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowDiagramFrame"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowInheritedNotation"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "StatechartToolbar"; - _Value = "??$?<==>?RpyDefault?<:>$?"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "StructureDiagramContext"; - _Value = "ClassOwner"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Default,ClassOwner"; } { IProperty - _Name = "UpdateModelFromGraphicChange"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Message"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AllowRegularPortsInDataFlow"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "DataFlowElementPattern"; - _Value = "flowPort || flowPort, type:Attribute || proxyPort, type:Attribute"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Model"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 9; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AddNewMenuStructure"; - _Value = "??$_AddNewMenuStructure>??$_AddNewMenuStructure>?<:>$?"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "AddNewMenuStructureContent"; - _Value = "Diagrams/Requirements Diagram, Diagrams/UseCaseDiagram, Diagrams/Package Diagram, Diagrams/Block Definition Diagram, Diagrams/Internal Block Diagram, Diagrams/Parametric Diagram, Diagrams/SequenceDiagram, Diagrams/rpy_separator, Diagrams/Statechart, Diagrams/Activity, Diagrams/PanelDiagram, Diagrams/TimingDiagram, Diagrams/rpy_separator, Diagrams/Diagram View, General Elements/Comment, General Elements/Constraint, General Elements/Package, General Elements/Problem, General Elements/Rationale, General Elements/View, General Elements/Viewpoint, General Elements/CustomView, General Elements/rpy_separator, General Elements/Conform, General Elements/Dependency, General Elements/Refinement, General Elements/Realization, Blocks/Block, Blocks/Part, Blocks/Interface, Blocks/Event, Blocks/ChangeStructuralFeatureEvent, Blocks/rpy_separator, Blocks/DataType, Blocks/ValueType, Blocks/Unit, Blocks/Dimension, Blocks/rpy_separator, Blocks/ValueProperty, Blocks/Operation, Blocks/Reception, Blocks/TriggeredOperation, Blocks/Constructor, Blocks/Destructor, Blocks/rpy_separator, Blocks/AssociationEnd, Blocks/BindingConnector, Blocks/Generalization, Blocks/InstanceSpecification, Ports and Flows/Port, Ports and Flows/FlowPort, Ports and Flows/rpy_separator, Ports and Flows/InterfaceBlock, Ports and Flows/FullPort, Ports and Flows/ProxyPort, Ports and Flows/rpy_separator, Ports and Flows/FlowSpecification, Ports and Flows/FlowProperty, Ports and Flows/FlowItem, Ports and Flows/Flow, Requirements/Requirement, Requirements/RequirementsTable, Requirements/Remote Requirements Table, Requirements/Requirements Coverage Table, Requirements/Derivation, Requirements/Satisfaction, Requirements/TestCase, Requirements/Validation, Requirements/Derive Requirement, Use Cases/UseCase, Use Cases/Actor, Constraint Blocks/ConstraintBlock, Constraint Blocks/ConstraintProperty, Constraint Blocks/ConstraintParameter, Allocations/Allocation, Allocations/AllocationsTable, Extensions/Profile, Extensions/Stereotype, Extensions/Tag, Extensions/rpy_separator, Extensions/Component, Extensions/Configuration, Extensions/File, Extensions/ControlledFile, Extensions/HyperLink, Views and Layouts/TableLayout, Views and Layouts/TableView, Views and Layouts/MatrixLayout, Views and Layouts/MatrixView, Views and Layouts/Metrics Layout, Views and Layouts/Metrics View, Views and Layouts/CSVImporter, Views and Layouts/ExtendedTableLayout, Views and Layouts/ExtendedTableView, General Elements/TestObjective, TestingProfile/TestPackage, TestingProfile/TestRequirementMatrix, TestingProfile/TestResultTable, TestingProfile/TestCase, TestingProfile/TestContext, TestingProfile/SUT, TestingProfile/TestComponent, TestingProfile/TestActor, TestingProfile/TestComponentInstance/, TestingProfile/TestConfiguration, TestingProfile/TestContext Diagram, TestingProfile/TestObjective, TestingProfile/TestScenario, TestingProfile/ScenarioRequirementTable, TestingProfile/TestRequirementProjectionMatrix, TestingProfile/RequirementCoverageTable, TestingProfile/TestCaseResultTable, TestingProfile/TestRequirementResultMatrix, TestingProfile/SDMapping, TestingProfile/SDMappingsTable, TestingProfile/SDInstanceRealizationMapPair, TestingProfile/SDInstanceRealizationMerge, TestingProfile/SDInstanceRealizationMergeOrigin, TestingProfile/SDInstanceRealizationSplit, TestingProfile/SDInstanceRealizationSplitTarget, DDS/dataReader, DDS/dataWriter, DDS/deadlineQosPolicy, DDS/domainParticipant, DDS/doQosPolicy, DDS/dsQosPolicy, DDS/durabilityQosPolicy, DDS/efQosPolicy, DDS/gdQosPolicy, DDS/historyQosPolicy, DDS/key, DDS/lbQosPolicy, DDS/lifespanQosPolicy, DDS/livelinessQosPolicy, DDS/osQosPolicy, DDS/ownershipQosPolicy, DDS/partitionQosPolicy, DDS/presentationQosPolicy, DDS/publisher, DDS/rdlQosPolicy, DDS/reliabilityQoSPolicy, DDS/rlQosPolicy, DDS/subscriber, DDS/tbfQosPolicy, DDS/tdQoSPolicy, DDS/topic, DDS/topicStruct, DDS/tpQosPolicy, DDS/udQosPolicy, DDS/wdlQosPolicy, DDS/ddsDiagram, DDS/guardCondition, DDS/guardConditionLink, DDS/idlType, DDS/listener, DDS/qualityOfService, DDS/queryCondition, DDS/readCondition, DDS/statusCondition, DDS/waitSet, rpy_separator, Query"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "AutoCascadeAddNewMenu"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "AvailableMetaclasses"; - _Value = "??$_AvailableMetaclasses>??$_AvailableMetaclasses>?<:>$?"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "AvailableMetaclassesContent"; - _Value = "AcceptTimeEvent,AcceptEventAction,Activity,ActivityDiagram,Object,Requirement,SwimlaneDivider,File,ControlledFile,Anchor,Actor,Argument,Association,AssociationEnd,Attribute,Callout,ClassifierRole,CombinedFragment,Comment,Component,ComponentInstance,Configuration,Connector,Constraint,DefaultTransition,Dependency,EnumerationLiteral,Event,ExecutionOccurrence,Flow,ItemFlow,Folder,Generalization,HyperLink,InteractionOccurrence,InteractionOperand,Link,Message,Package,Pin,Operation,Profile,Project,Reception,Refere nceActivity,SequenceDiagram,State,Statechart,Stereotype,Swimlane,Tag,Transition,TriggeredOperation,Type,UseCase,UseCaseDiagram, Directed Composition, CallOperation, TableLayout, TableView, MatrixLayout, MatrixView,Constructor,Destructor,DataFlow,LostMessage,FoundMessage,DestructionEvent,PanelDiagram,Knob,Gauge,Meter,LevelIndicator,MatrixDisplay,DigitalDisplay,Led,OnOffSwitch,PushButton,ButtonArray,TextBox,Slider,FlowFinal,interruptibleRegion,activity,note,EventMessage,SDActionBlock,Query,InstanceSpecificatio n,InstanceSlot,DirectedFeature,InterfaceBlock,Port,FullPort,ProxyPort,ChangeStructuralFeatureEvent,MetricsLayout,MetricsView,ParticipantProperty,Conform,TimingDiagram,TimingInstanceLine,StateInvariant,DurationConstraint,DurationObservation,TimeConstraint,TimeObservation,CSVImporter,TimingEnvironmentLine,ETimingInstanceLine,EStateInvariant,deriveReqt,CustomView,Diagram View"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "DiagramsToolbar"; - _Value = "??$_DiagramsToolbar>??$_DiagramsToolbar>?<:>$?"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "DiagramsToolbarContent"; - _Value = "Requirements Diagram, UseCaseDiagram, Package Diagram, Block Definition Diagram,Internal Block Diagram, Parametric Diagram, SequenceDiagram,RpySeparator,Statechart,ActivityDiagram,PanelDiagram,TimingDiagram"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "ExcludedMetaclasses"; - _Value = "??$_ExcludedNewTerms>??$_ExcludedNewTerms>?<:>?"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "ExcludedNewTerms"; - _Value = "??$_ExcludedNewTerms>??$_ExcludedNewTerms>?<:>?"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Project"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "isSysML"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "TableView"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ScopeMetaClass"; - _Value = "Block,Association,Package,Project"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SubstituteTerm"; - _Value = "Block"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Comment"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "CallOutCompartments"; - _Value = "AllocatedFrom,AllocatedTo"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "IsCallOut"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AllocateMetaclassName"; - _Value = "allocate"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "DependencyToImplicitObject"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "RequirementNotation"; - _Value = "Box_Style"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Note_Style,Box_Style"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Requirement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "ID, Specification"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowAnnotationContents"; - _Value = "Specification"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Name,Specification,Description,Label"; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "fullPort"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowName"; - _Value = "NameAndType"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Name,NameAndType,Type,Label,None"; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowRedefinesLabel"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotype"; - _Value = "Label"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Label,None"; } { IProperty - _Name = "SingleLabelFormat"; - _Value = "$Stereotype $Name $Interface"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "proxyPort"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowName"; - _Value = "NameAndType"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Name,NameAndType,Type,Label,None"; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowRedefinesLabel"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotype"; - _Value = "Label"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Label,None"; } { IProperty - _Name = "SingleLabelFormat"; - _Value = "$Stereotype $Name $Interface"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "SequenceDiagram"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "General"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SysMLDiagramKindTitle"; - _Value = "sd"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Requirement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "ID, Specification"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "StatechartDiagram"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "General"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SysMLDiagramKindTitle"; - _Value = "stm"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Requirement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "ID, Specification"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "State"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = ""; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "UseCaseGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Association"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowSourceRole"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowTargetRole"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "General"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SysMLDiagramKindTitle"; - _Value = "uc"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Requirement"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "ID, Specification"; - _Type = MultiLine; } } } } } } } - _name = "SysML"; - Dependencies = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IDependency - _id = GUID 5e714b5b-6329-4a22-bf21-0afc3c645d41; - _myState = 2048; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Dependency"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "UsageType"; - _Value = "Existence"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Specification,Implementation,Existence"; } } } } } } } - _name = "SysML"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "AppliedProfile"; - _id = GUID d2eca2c1-e5a5-4296-9453-29283c4ed8bc; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _dependsOn = { INObjectHandle - _m2Class = "IProfile"; - _id = GUID d9689b73-885e-44c4-896b-de43defa0a33; } } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Project"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { ISubsystem - _id = GUID 5f4a2b21-e3a3-4466-bc93-6517dd739c2d; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "Activities"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset177{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial (Hebrew);}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\fs20 This package contains elements corresponding to the Activities chapter in SysML\\f1\\rtlch\\par } "; } - _lastID = 8; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 12; - value = { IStereotype - _id = GUID a5b21d60-5d9e-4c7e-a58f-4e0c220d408e; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Owners"; - _Value = "State"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "localPostcondition"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Constraint"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 4e198359-06dc-4337-a741-587ccdf51f18; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "Nobuffer"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = "ObjectNode"; "Pin"; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID ef530f46-c202-4107-9ed0-a248a4364a7f; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Owners"; - _Value = "State"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "localPrecondition"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Constraint"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 47baa7ef-0d4f-4552-8da0-6047ad1834ba; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Optional.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Optional Transition"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Optional Transitions"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "optional"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Pin"; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 63e165fc-7607-4491-ac5c-48a1b71516b5; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Overwrite.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Overwrite"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Overwrites"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "overwrite"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Pin"; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID f7699f26-7e48-476e-a09d-4efba14c8fec; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "continuous"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Inheritances = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IGeneralization - _id = GUID e986cf80-54c0-4798-9a52-47a3c78eb7e1; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _dependsOn = { INObjectHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 522dafa9-b855-4d76-8f77-2e7fc2044e12; } - _inheritanceType = iPublic; - _isVirtual = 0; } } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = "State"; "Transition"; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID c52bd989-3d33-4a0e-a101-6698488d5a64; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "discrete"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Inheritances = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IGeneralization - _id = GUID dca73537-bd2c-4f66-aa33-e61d0e699408; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _dependsOn = { INObjectHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 522dafa9-b855-4d76-8f77-2e7fc2044e12; } - _inheritanceType = iPublic; - _isVirtual = 0; } } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "State"; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 522dafa9-b855-4d76-8f77-2e7fc2044e12; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "rate"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 54109d87-5fe4-4a34-8381-d45436306dd7; - _name = "rateType"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID cf79d149-aeb9-4a91-8e65-c5dcae1b0e97; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "constant"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 3af393da-43f5-4378-aa8a-8be8991b1c13; } - _isOrdered = 0; } { ITag - _id = GUID c3b81f18-b0b8-41cc-beed-c2469c650f1d; - _name = "rate"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpString"; - _id = GUID ae5e3720-4e3e-40f1-9346-9a8b4e501f35; } - _isOrdered = 0; } } - _lastID = 1; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = "State"; "ObjectNode"; "Pin"; "Transition"; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 187f2509-d765-454c-af6f-44310e1503b2; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Activity_diagram"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "CallBehavior"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotype"; - _Value = "Label"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Label,Bitmap,None"; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "ReferenceActivity"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotype"; - _Value = "Label"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Label,Bitmap,None"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Model"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "DiagramsToolbar"; - _Value = "Requirements Diagram, UseCaseDiagram, Block Definition Diagram,Internal Block Diagram, Parametric Diagram, SequenceDiagram,RpySeparator,Statechart,ActivityDiagram"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolIcon"; - _Value = ""; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "ControlOperator"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = ""; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "controlOperator"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = "ReferenceActivity"; "CallOperation"; "ActivityDiagram"; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 7bb74a7e-bf5f-455c-bdd2-ae7e6355ceff; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserGroupIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Activity.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Activity.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Activity.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "HideTabsInFeaturesDialog"; - _Value = "Flow Properties"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Activity_D"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Activities_D"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "activity_D"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _text = "This is a deprecated term based on Class to specify activity. No need to use this term anymore - simply specify activities."; } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Class"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 3287ffbf-c9ae-4417-a6cb-68212fa3d26c; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "CentralBuffer"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "ObjectNode"; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID c38b7c72-029f-4d28-be18-8473db532171; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "DataStore"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Inheritances = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IGeneralization - _id = GUID 4db1e6f8-10f0-4e2f-9cf4-4b861f82cbf2; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _dependsOn = { INObjectHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3287ffbf-c9ae-4417-a6cb-68212fa3d26c; } - _inheritanceType = iPublic; - _isVirtual = 0; } } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 0; } } } - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID 8a52762f-8cf5-4bd0-9abe-8f99fffc4afa; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID 8a52762f-8cf5-4bd0-9abe-8f99fffc4afa; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - Types = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IType - _id = GUID 3af393da-43f5-4378-aa8a-8be8991b1c13; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "RateType"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _lastID = 2; - Literals = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID 412a9a82-db23-4331-b47c-ca9c8c32d33f; - _name = "constant"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID 67971693-200f-43ed-abd2-800878b97ce4; - _name = "distribution"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } } - _kind = Enumeration; } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; } { ISubsystem - _id = GUID adc51001-b216-45c2-bc90-3f201ae16a51; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "ModelElements"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset177 Arial;}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\fs20 This package contains terms based on the SysML ModelElements chapter\\lang1037\\f1\\rtlch\\par \\par \\lang1033\\f0\\ltrch\\par } "; } - _lastID = 6; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IStereotype - _id = GUID 7f90c082-df0a-4c55-a24d-6a47ce48b710; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserGroupIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Problem.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Problem.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Problem.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Problem"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Problems"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "problem"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Comment"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID abf9763f-69a6-4b58-92bc-9379a6faab65; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserGroupIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Rationale.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Rationale.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Rationale.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Rationale"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Rationales"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "rationale"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Comment"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 2d0d46b4-f76c-4f43-b5de-58aea594b054; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserGroupIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Conform.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Conform.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Conform.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Conform"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Conforms"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Targets"; - _Value = "viewpoint"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "conform"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Dependency"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 4f02eb7d-b1a3-4efd-a4a5-9ba220d78dc0; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserGroupIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/View.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/View.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/View.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "View"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Views"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "view"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Package"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 27091cef-970f-4af0-80ef-8c9712e96f48; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserGroupIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Viewpoint.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Viewpoint.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DrawingToolIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/Viewpoint.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "HideTabsInFeaturesDialog"; - _Value = "Flow Properties"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Viewpoint"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Viewpoints"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "viewpoint"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID c073f18d-9cf5-4c9f-b340-2e01a0d5102c; - _name = "stakeholders"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpString"; - _id = GUID ae5e3720-4e3e-40f1-9346-9a8b4e501f35; } - _isOrdered = 0; } { ITag - _id = GUID b700ce00-ea5c-4894-999a-22f2beaec845; - _name = "purpose"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpString"; - _id = GUID ae5e3720-4e3e-40f1-9346-9a8b4e501f35; } - _isOrdered = 0; } { ITag - _id = GUID a3daa487-60f8-4e2a-8e10-4b3545637b9c; - _name = "concerns"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpString"; - _id = GUID ae5e3720-4e3e-40f1-9346-9a8b4e501f35; } - _isOrdered = 0; } { ITag - _id = GUID ff10ae27-46bb-46e0-9a96-41ed28538d9d; - _name = "languages"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpString"; - _id = GUID ae5e3720-4e3e-40f1-9346-9a8b4e501f35; } - _isOrdered = 0; } { ITag - _id = GUID 02ea8f0c-26ed-46e1-a199-12d78e8a6d2a; - _name = "methods"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpString"; - _id = GUID ae5e3720-4e3e-40f1-9346-9a8b4e501f35; } - _isOrdered = 0; } } - _lastID = 5; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Class"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID daa19553-3ef8-4893-93f5-79989a9c6916; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Refinement"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Refinements"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "refine"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Dependency"; } - _newTerm = 1; } } - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID 23a9c40f-cd1b-43fe-b222-b42e4e5e7af1; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID 23a9c40f-cd1b-43fe-b222-b42e4e5e7af1; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; } { ISubsystem - _id = GUID 8593646f-fef9-4444-b273-339ddaaf7841; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "PortsAndFlows"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _lastID = 13; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 10; - value = { IStereotype - _id = GUID cdc1fd16-34a1-4daf-825b-770aa157c4df; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Attribute"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "GenerateAttributeImplementationForInterface"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AdditionalCompartments"; - _Value = "FlowProperty,AllocatedTo,AllocatedFrom,ValueProperty"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 7; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/FlowSpecification.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Compartments"; - _Value = "FlowProperty"; - _Type = MultiLine; } { IProperty - _Name = "HideTabsInFeaturesDialog"; - _Value = "Attributes,Operations,Full Ports,Proxy Ports"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "FlowSpecification"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Flow Specifications"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowAttributes"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowOperations"; - _Value = "None"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "All,None,Public,Explicit"; } } } } } } } - _name = "flowSpecification"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Inheritances = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IGeneralization - _id = GUID 17079046-21b1-48a4-b06c-b0405e4a196e; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _dependsOn = { INObjectHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "Interface"; - _id = GUID 2a7b8a63-f54f-4379-bab0-02800a5084e1; } - _inheritanceType = iPublic; - _isVirtual = 0; } } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 0; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID c9914b0d-7eb7-4a8d-ade7-8013d4364ee5; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "Flow Attribute"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Flow Attributes"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "flowAttribute"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset177{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial (Hebrew);}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\fs20 This term is kept only for backward compatibility.\\par Please use FlowProperty instead.\\f1\\rtlch\\par } "; } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Attribute"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID eab7d550-8820-4016-84c4-5f9d822752a1; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "FlowProperty"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Flow Properties"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "flowProperty"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _description = { IDescription - _textRTF = "{\\rtf1\\fbidis\\ansi\\ansicpg1255\\deff0\\deflang1037{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f1\\fnil\\fcharset177{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial (Hebrew);}} \\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\ltrpar\\fs20 SysML flow property.\\par Inherits FlowAttribute for backward compatibility.\\f1\\rtlch\\par } "; } - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID cc62d98a-dc8a-4c6d-87b9-a6fc4d62bb79; - _name = "direction"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 606f4515-d042-426b-b5d9-28c019bd289e; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "Unspecified"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID a03711f4-fb72-4f76-9470-618a1ee3394f; } - _isOrdered = 0; } } - _lastID = 1; - Inheritances = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IGeneralization - _id = GUID 3b5a30fe-1054-4ff7-8d61-c065a209f8c6; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _dependsOn = { INObjectHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID c9914b0d-7eb7-4a8d-ade7-8013d4364ee5; } - _inheritanceType = iPublic; - _isVirtual = 0; } } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 0; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID b2944aa1-daf4-4596-9707-d7ae5b2f2976; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Generate"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AdditionalCompartments"; - _Value = "AllocatedFrom, AllocatedTo,ProxyPort,FullPort,FlowProperty,ValueProperty"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Aggregates"; - _Value = "AssociationEnd,Attribute,Comment,Constraint,Dependency,Generalization,HyperLink,Operation,Reception,Tag,FlowPort,Port,StandardPort,FullPort,ProxyPort,FlowProperty,Flow,BindingConnector,connector,ValueProperty"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "HideTabsInFeaturesDialog"; - _Value = ""; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "InterfaceBlock"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Interface Blocks"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "interfaceBlock"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Inheritances = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IGeneralization - _id = GUID 04303c1d-eb3b-4238-904f-ff4690e994fb; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _dependsOn = { INObjectHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID f685432f-691e-4ff1-be70-4d09d19457e1; } - _inheritanceType = iPublic; - _isVirtual = 0; } } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 0; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID da9c8b9b-a98c-4009-a5ad-d98c020e0ced; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "DirectedFeature"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Directed Features"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "directedFeature"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID bfbc8bed-20c0-4cfa-9582-7463abc29883; - _name = "direction"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID dced3dd2-5d3f-465a-b720-6c6226c63004; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "provided"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 3868dc24-9894-4822-a127-b11dd0ecdfe0; } - _isOrdered = 0; } } - _lastID = 1; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = "Attribute"; "Operation"; "Reception"; "TriggeredOperation"; } } { IStereotype - _id = GUID def79ab4-d6c5-4440-ac76-85b0dae8e41d; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/FullPort.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DiagramDisplayString"; - _Value = "full"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "FullPort"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Full Ports"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Port"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowName"; - _Value = "NameAndType"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Name,NameAndType,Label,None"; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotype"; - _Value = "Label"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Label,None"; } } } } } } } - _name = "fullPort"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Port"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID b04e5e63-f5d7-4e3d-8000-2e07f5be4e8a; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AllowedTypes"; - _Value = "InterfaceBlock"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/ProxyPort.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "DiagramDisplayString"; - _Value = "proxy"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "HideTabsInFeaturesDialog"; - _Value = "Contract"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "ProxyPort"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Proxy Ports"; - _Type = String; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "ObjectModelGe"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Port"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowName"; - _Value = "NameAndType"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Name,NameAndType,Label,None"; } { IProperty - _Name = "ShowStereotype"; - _Value = "Label"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Label,None"; } } } } } } } - _name = "proxyPort"; - Dependencies = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IDependency - _id = GUID d60caa3e-26b1-4330-a054-85b7a2072181; - _myState = 2048; - _name = "StubInterfaceBlock"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "DefaultType"; - _id = GUID b8f1f7d2-172b-4f47-beb3-d53758a0abad; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _dependsOn = { INObjectHandle - _m2Class = "IClass"; - _id = GUID f88d3e88-dcfa-434d-a824-071d77aa3bd7; } } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Port"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 33b58a2d-f1ee-4f37-95c4-0d9fd3364791; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "ChangeStructuralFeatureEvent"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "changeStructuralFeatureEvent"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID cbbaf523-c24c-4ef6-87ea-5a897fb3593e; - _name = "structuralFeature"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - myTypeOf = { IType - _id = GUID 0a97d882-b850-4db9-ac3e-691bb745679e; - _myState = 8192; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _declaration = "Attribute"; - _kind = Language; } - _isOrdered = 0; } } - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Event"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID b87e4708-8d1e-42e3-ae41-e4e033d6767e; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Graphics"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "SysMLPort"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "SysMLNotation"; - _Value = "service"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "service,flow,structure"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "BrowserIcon"; - _Value = "../icons/ServicePort.ico"; - _Type = File; } { IProperty - _Name = "Name"; - _Value = "StandardPort"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "PluralName"; - _Value = "Standard Ports"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "standardPort"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "Port"; } - _newTerm = 1; } { IStereotype - _id = GUID 8e374afd-e24c-4495-999e-cb1104317394; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Stereotype"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "InitialLayoutForTables"; - _Value = "MappingLayout"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "InputOutputTable"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _m2Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = "TableView"; } - _newTerm = 1; } } - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID da31d55f-b684-46c8-9b35-6a38172f28d4; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID da31d55f-b684-46c8-9b35-6a38172f28d4; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - Types = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IType - _id = GUID 3868dc24-9894-4822-a127-b11dd0ecdfe0; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "FeatureDirection"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _lastID = 3; - Literals = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID ce5e5b49-a585-457f-9ae9-6da7295070b5; - _name = "provided"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID 97ca6852-c094-49a9-8bbe-f2f3222fce56; - _name = "required"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID 7cc9b040-8fef-4d25-9284-27ba14199bd8; - _name = "providedrequired"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } } - _kind = Enumeration; } { IType - _id = GUID a03711f4-fb72-4f76-9470-618a1ee3394f; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "FlowDirection"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _lastID = 4; - Literals = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID 1ee9f9d4-2391-4c1b-872e-501c286fa1a0; - _name = "In"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID 3e5d37c2-47ac-4a59-8f3c-f4c5f2f44110; - _name = "Out"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID 45223fac-b893-48b4-8bdc-24932f24912b; - _name = "Bidirectional"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } { IEnumerationLiteral - _id = GUID d6f0430b-027e-4f88-b0c3-ec7254edc255; - _name = "Unspecified"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = ""; } } - _kind = Enumeration; } } - TableLayouts = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITableLayout - _id = GUID 1990fafb-b37e-4571-8a96-b3c7e0457803; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Model"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "TableLayout"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "CollapseFirstColumn"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - _name = "InputOutputLayout"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 8.8.2013::12:27:50; - TableElementTypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 1990fafb-b37e-4571-8a96-b3c7e0457803; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "BindingConnector"; - _DataType = 2; } } - DataColumns = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 1990fafb-b37e-4571-8a96-b3c7e0457803; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "UserDefinedMethod.fromPropertyWithContextAndType"; - _columnName = "From"; } { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 1990fafb-b37e-4571-8a96-b3c7e0457803; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "UserDefinedMethod.toPropertyWithContextAndType"; - _columnName = "To"; } { TableDataDefinition - _myTable = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITableLayout"; - _id = GUID 1990fafb-b37e-4571-8a96-b3c7e0457803; } - _modelElement = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _name = "General.Name"; - _columnName = "Mapping Element"; } } } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.5.2012::13:22:53; } { ISubsystem - _id = GUID 011caf35-a2ad-48f1-b8e9-b467073493b3; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "UseAsExternal"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Package"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "GeneratePackageCode"; - _Value = "Never"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Always ,Never ,Smart"; } { IProperty - _Name = "UseAsExternal"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "UseAsExternal"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Framework"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "IncludeHeaderFile"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Dialog"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Package"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "CommonProperties"; - _Value = "CG::Package::UseAsExternal;General::Graphics::ShowLabels;General::Graphics::MarkMisplacedElements;SequenceDiagram::General::RealizeMessages;SequenceDiagram::General::ShowSequenceNumbers;SequenceDiagram::General::ClassCentricMode;SequenceDiagram::General::ShowArguments;ObjectModelGe::Class::ShowAttributes;ObjectModelGe::Object::MultilineNameCompartment;ObjectModelGe::Class::ShowOperations;ObjectModelGe::Class::ShowName;CG::Type::UseAsExternal"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "SIDefinitions"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "ModelLibrary"; - _id = GUID 8518812a-fc16-43c2-80fa-e34d61c1ca6c; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _lastID = 17; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { ISubsystem - _id = GUID 09beda1c-8806-40db-a77a-c35fccfb2805; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "BaseSIUnits"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Declaratives = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IDiagram - _id = GUID 9cb1f40d-3ad3-4d6a-ba48-227474634b5a; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "Format"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Depends"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Font.Font"; - _Value = "Arial"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Font.FontColor"; - _Value = "0,0,128"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Font.Size"; - _Value = "10"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineColor"; - _Value = "0,16,230"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineStyle"; - _Value = "1"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineWidth"; - _Value = "0"; - _Type = Int; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "DiagramFrame"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 9; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "DefaultSize"; - _Value = "20,20,590,500"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Fill.FillColor"; - _Value = "255,255,255"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Fill.Transparent_Fill"; - _Value = "1"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Font.Font"; - _Value = "Arial"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Font.FontColor"; - _Value = "0,0,255"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Font.FontColor@Label.Stereotype"; - _Value = "0,0,255"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Font.Size"; - _Value = "10"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineColor"; - _Value = "0,0,255"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineWidth"; - _Value = "1"; - _Type = Int; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Object"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Font.Weight@Child.NameCompartment@Name"; - _Value = "700"; - _Type = Int; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 7; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "DefaultSize"; - _Value = "0,0,108,73"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Fill.FillColor"; - _Value = "255,255,255"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Font.Font"; - _Value = "Arial"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Font.FontColor"; - _Value = "0,0,0"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Font.Size"; - _Value = "10"; - _Type = Int; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineColor"; - _Value = "0,112,0"; - _Type = Color; } { IProperty - _Name = "Line.LineWidth"; - _Value = "1"; - _Type = Int; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "General"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Graphics"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "ShowCompartmentsTitle"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - _name = "SI Base Units"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _lastModifiedTime = "7.5.2010::8:32:38"; - _graphicChart = { CGIClassChart - _id = GUID 6d8efb72-bf5a-4dc7-b8e1-a3944b72fe05; - m_type = 0; - m_pModelObject = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IDiagram"; - _id = GUID 9cb1f40d-3ad3-4d6a-ba48-227474634b5a; } - m_pParent = ; - m_name = { CGIText - m_str = ""; - m_style = "Arial" 10 0 0 0 1 ; - m_color = { IColor - m_fgColor = 0; - m_bgColor = 0; - m_bgFlag = 0; } - m_position = 1 0 0 ; - m_nIdent = 0; - m_bImplicitSetRectPoints = 0; - m_nOrientationCtrlPt = 8; } - m_drawBehavior = 0; - m_bIsPreferencesInitialized = 0; - elementList = 16; { CGIClass - _id = GUID bd8ca0a8-e726-4ac2-99bf-7705b5fd5f25; - m_type = 78; - m_pModelObject = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IClass"; - _id = GUID 18ffbbe7-cf97-49d8-b9e2-8f9ad1ed5280; } - m_pParent = ; - m_name = { CGIText - m_str = "TopLevel"; - m_style = "Arial" 10 0 0 0 1 ; - m_color = { IColor - m_fgColor = 0; - m_bgColor = 0; - m_bgFlag = 0; } - m_position = 1 0 0 ; - m_nIdent = 0; - m_bImplicitSetRectPoints = 0; - m_nOrientationCtrlPt = 5; } - m_drawBehavior = 0; - m_bIsPreferencesInitialized = 0; - m_AdditionalLabel = { CGIText - m_str = ""; - m_style = "Arial" 10 0 0 0 1 ; - m_color = { IColor - m_fgColor = 0; - m_bgColor = 0; - m_bgFlag = 0; } - m_position = 1 0 0 ; - m_nIdent = 0; - m_bImplicitSetRectPoints = 0; - m_nOrientationCtrlPt = 1; } - m_polygon = 0 ; - m_nNameFormat = 0; - m_nIsNameFormat = 0; - Compartments = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { CGICompartment - _id = GUID db3b3bfd-9a41-4dfa-a4ed-84531890eee1; - m_name = "Attribute"; - m_displayOption = Explicit; - m_bShowInherited = 0; - m_bOrdered = 0; - Items = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 0; } } { CGICompartment - _id = GUID f04ee16e-9dc6-4de3-8883-c81c134eef8c; - m_name = "Operation"; - m_displayOption = Explicit; - m_bShowInherited = 0; - m_bOrdered = 0; - Items = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 0; } } } - Attrs = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 0; } - Operations = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 0; } } { CGIDiagramFrame - _id = GUID 8445c4e3-3ed8-4955-aca3-a9574ff33481; - m_type = 203; - m_pModelObject = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - m_pParent = GUID bd8ca0a8-e726-4ac2-99bf-7705b5fd5f25; - m_name = { CGIText - m_str = ""; - m_style = "Arial" 10 0 0 0 1 ; - m_color = { IColor - m_fgColor = 0; - m_bgColor = 0; - m_bgFlag = 0; } - m_position = 1 0 0 ; - m_nIdent = 0; - m_bImplicitSetRectPoints = 0; - m_nOrientationCtrlPt = 8; } - m_drawBehavior = 4096; - m_transform = 2.81481 0 0 4.73485 20 20 ; - m_bIsPreferencesInitialized = 1; - m_AdditionalLabel = { CGIText - m_str = ""; - m_style = "Arial" 10 0 0 0 1 ; - m_color = { IColor - m_fgColor = 0; - m_bgColor = 0; - m_bgFlag = 0; } - m_position = 1 0 0 ; - m_nIdent = 0; - m_bImplicitSetRectPoints = 0; - m_nOrientationCtrlPt = 1; } - m_polygon = 4 0 0 0 132 216 132 216 0 ; - m_nNameFormat = 0; - m_nIsNameFormat = 0; } { CGIGenericElement - _id = GUID 8c799afa-62a8-4048-9dc4-cdc605dd1165; 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- _defaultComposite = GUID 18ffbbe7-cf97-49d8-b9e2-8f9ad1ed5280; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID 18ffbbe7-cf97-49d8-b9e2-8f9ad1ed5280; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - Types = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 14; - value = { IType - _id = GUID 9adbaa6a-0da4-43e2-86bb-c52eaeff2937; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; 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- _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 9256d2ad-4a2d-4010-aec8-9ed8bc679d4f; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Candela"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 5aa78ba6-8494-43e7-87f9-4389cf403fdb; - _name = "dimension"; 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- Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Kelvin"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID d8909f96-d9fe-4127-ae4b-eee193657c42; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IInstanceValue - _id = GUID be9f0c59-c87e-4210-8eac-6522e1aa42d4; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID be307863-fedd-490b-a2fb-41b379a1eb16; } } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _lastID = 1; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID be307863-fedd-490b-a2fb-41b379a1eb16; } - _typedefMultiplicity = ""; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID eb5be710-16c4-433c-8fc1-3637dfe1d928; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Kilogram"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID cf1b0bdd-576f-496e-8c59-805f975995a6; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 20f1207f-79a7-4ff1-b462-afa9912051b9; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "Mass"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _lastID = 1; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID e46d2d82-4bda-453d-b46e-fdf560233a5d; } - _typedefMultiplicity = ""; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 69e0f267-001f-4024-8a9b-9e3b979df485; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Meter"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 921bca8b-221c-44d4-b1f7-6156d29bb45b; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 59a05c6e-09b8-4a2b-9290-5abf7ef307c8; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "Length"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _lastID = 1; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 5a48b750-4479-4166-ba4e-978fd8038472; } - _typedefMultiplicity = ""; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID e1971789-44ae-46e7-b7e9-8d64f4448542; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; 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- _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Volume"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID c606b6ad-891f-46c3-b9c7-81486120c0ac; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Velocity"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 3ac6363a-515c-4f37-a27e-bf5f8351a663; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Acceleration"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID bbd27041-206a-421c-8354-c1f6be308eec; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "WaveNumber"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 23a02b5f-4dc6-46d8-8b76-5632e2eba30a; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "MassDensity"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID f55c1ee0-5617-40ea-84b0-b7c47c718ff6; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "SpecificVolume"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 50004075-7fd8-4cb8-85df-961ba55ab265; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "CurrentDensity"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 3d90fd0e-ed2f-4b08-ba51-2786950f8953; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "MagneticFieldStrength"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID c00b8648-fd6a-4b07-9d8e-37bb8f93a6ed; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "AmountOfSubstanceConcentration"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID edf7aa1f-d8e0-4da8-afa2-4451ffd7c3bd; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Luminace"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 8ae35e43-9a18-4931-9b5c-aa783e811f55; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "SquareMeter"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 9e83439d-4b4c-4cf6-a042-46d6d2043f1b; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 8c1fb636-98c9-46d3-9e2d-969cf71ab72e; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "Area"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID a5f7dcf2-b2e9-4766-803f-1c8fa52c1f87; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 6bbbf980-158a-4666-ad0c-ed41c9543d05; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "CubicMeter"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 264fc458-441b-401f-bf80-28cba89b187f; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 6b5f4692-e093-4d37-b0f1-41b5716caeb2; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "Volume"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 4153d041-4386-408f-9bf0-a4521fd8bfc4; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID c2ac426b-ea61-4ce7-b5ab-d2426c82d86b; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "MeterPerSecond"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 6d5beb18-4176-4407-9849-a23965d2d8e6; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 6d08cf01-532f-4919-ac35-a305829d0a66; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "Velocity"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID c606b6ad-891f-46c3-b9c7-81486120c0ac; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 5a00dcc2-49dc-4630-9a2f-8380688e59aa; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "MeterPerSecondSquared"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 087cfef2-d05d-4e0e-a90d-813f9291731b; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 47ab31ea-7a5d-4a11-88fb-46040a5915d0; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "Acceleration"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 3ac6363a-515c-4f37-a27e-bf5f8351a663; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID fe15767b-a4c9-49bd-b932-25224828830d; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "CandelaPerSquareMeter"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID c9e431cf-0b9c-4316-86ba-00f5f21a2495; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID f645bd38-6fad-4d61-9a6e-60bdb8a73f8b; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "Luminace"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID edf7aa1f-d8e0-4da8-afa2-4451ffd7c3bd; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID fa05512e-bc1e-46ee-955f-bf2a3dce88fb; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "ReciprocalMeter"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 6438a74f-9f29-4256-956e-cb12cc60cf49; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 1a989d20-70bd-42dd-a8ef-89ba76c21d31; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "WaveNumber"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID bbd27041-206a-421c-8354-c1f6be308eec; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 4f34e6c6-cc20-45b0-94f8-456300eb210c; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; 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} - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 9f656351-9afa-4a9e-bced-c8c0d0a9edbe; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "KilogramPerCubicMeter"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 4ac2beb2-f9d3-4f96-a034-c25c71e4308d; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 2cdaa2a9-7e7e-4e7d-ba7f-0b8dd6f0aa34; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "MassDensity"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 23a02b5f-4dc6-46d8-8b76-5632e2eba30a; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 2ed71240-a7c7-4bac-992b-50b2d6d5a4a9; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "AmperePerMeter"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 03401157-6489-49cf-bd76-5cf3843d5ae7; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 2aaeaf90-c026-47d5-8d6f-b8693a218616; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "MagneticFieldStrength"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 3d90fd0e-ed2f-4b08-ba51-2786950f8953; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 14f90061-82c8-4e59-b23b-61841e7dd70a; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "CubicMeterPerKilogram"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 3506a3d3-cd3d-46b5-835b-264720eed8a7; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID 9bb53406-82d6-45e8-ba3d-686a8ba71a31; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "SpecificVolume"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _lastID = 1; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID f55c1ee0-5617-40ea-84b0-b7c47c718ff6; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID d9f32d03-ef0a-498d-8cab-bc559059a322; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "MolePerCubicMeter"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 07b50665-53fb-4a2c-89bf-6f0d1a95c057; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID f89a6ff7-feae-42a0-ab25-2f2c95518887; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "AmountOfSubstanceConcentration"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID c00b8648-fd6a-4b07-9d8e-37bb8f93a6ed; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID e51a4f42-1e3a-46d0-bee6-18ad71cb155c; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Force"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 91e8f96a-5b8b-47c9-b9d6-9f6f763a4140; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Newton"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 00d11f10-aa7c-4ec3-a4fc-80fb745c10be; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IInstanceValue - _id = GUID 684e33ae-2492-4712-9f23-b8e20d0fcd8d; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID e51a4f42-1e3a-46d0-bee6-18ad71cb155c; } } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID e51a4f42-1e3a-46d0-bee6-18ad71cb155c; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID cd67527f-9afa-4ee2-8f54-4b6b98642ccf; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Joule"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 120cc7dc-a495-4894-a5d1-64af74d91d25; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IInstanceValue - _id = GUID b35dd382-b8ff-4638-9639-886c7e244ddb; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 96c0beb8-a5a0-4f11-9616-9e3e88800043; } } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 96c0beb8-a5a0-4f11-9616-9e3e88800043; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 96c0beb8-a5a0-4f11-9616-9e3e88800043; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Energy"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID c5ad2882-5175-4a78-976f-9ea6fb30b723; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Watt"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 95612719-fb3f-48c2-8ecb-aa2a40dd9327; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IInstanceValue - _id = GUID b5ac3224-9842-41a8-9044-3507c463d6fd; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 3edfaa16-5a59-4379-b3dc-11e84b9f1770; } } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 3edfaa16-5a59-4379-b3dc-11e84b9f1770; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 3edfaa16-5a59-4379-b3dc-11e84b9f1770; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Power"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID bd0a4510-e872-4cf9-9723-377af8175f03; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Coulomb"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 53de7292-45b5-4239-9c04-b02f09cbc646; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ILiteralSpecification - _id = GUID ed500cc0-2754-4c5d-8914-1fb42c489eed; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = "MagneticFieldStrength"; } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 3d90fd0e-ed2f-4b08-ba51-2786950f8953; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 4d58ec1e-aed1-4fd1-8dc4-543a7e1c39b4; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "ElectricCharge"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = ""; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 203e3966-9973-4dc9-8956-8b1113d29b94; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "ElectricVoltage"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 73c4b4e4-221c-4cff-9327-2f0eb24a4b6b; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Volt"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 81a400fb-b24a-4fe4-8e6c-9ee2f88d400d; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IInstanceValue - _id = GUID c3ba249a-5182-4409-97f4-2796a1380896; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 203e3966-9973-4dc9-8956-8b1113d29b94; } } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 203e3966-9973-4dc9-8956-8b1113d29b94; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 93d9d785-3218-406f-9f78-f521feea03d3; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "ElectricResistance"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 959fc064-5730-48ca-8b31-e2ace3c7392c; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Ohm"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 10037b17-f44d-4d94-b48a-8b358fa636c9; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IInstanceValue - _id = GUID 7340f8fe-ade2-4a14-b6ba-a3bc7f0c87e0; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 93d9d785-3218-406f-9f78-f521feea03d3; } } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 93d9d785-3218-406f-9f78-f521feea03d3; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID f48b7af7-8172-4811-924c-b8df25b09bb5; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Pressure"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 2fd42b09-2dc4-469a-b7da-3405062df6ed; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Pascal"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 8169396c-a860-42b8-bbb1-8a88cbab3805; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - Tags = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { ITag - _id = GUID 8fbe6559-3f72-4fdd-a4cd-c385a342dd1b; - _name = "dimension"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - ValueSpecifications = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IInstanceValue - _id = GUID 123fbe33-8a13-4994-b581-11a8b8c959e1; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID f48b7af7-8172-4811-924c-b8df25b09bb5; } } } - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 3499da9d-b593-4f52-afb7-e4d36eb9e8ed; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _base = { IHandle - _m2Class = "ITag"; - _id = GUID 263b461c-b2bb-456d-8375-cf6698033598; } } } - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID f48b7af7-8172-4811-924c-b8df25b09bb5; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; } } - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID caa0bda9-ba27-47c2-9e6e-c802bf9a97c8; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID caa0bda9-ba27-47c2-9e6e-c802bf9a97c8; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; } { ISubsystem - _id = GUID 072943ad-8ee0-4523-9264-5d2ee784fa25; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 3; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "UseAsExternal"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Package"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "GeneratePackageCode"; - _Value = "Never"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Always ,Never ,Smart"; } { IProperty - _Name = "UseAsExternal"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "UseAsExternal"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - _name = "StandardValueTypes"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "ModelLibrary"; - _id = GUID 8518812a-fc16-43c2-80fa-e34d61c1ca6c; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:54:28; - _lastID = 2; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:54:28; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID 868c2e77-0fa9-49c3-a7b5-e1b6ead400ce; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID 868c2e77-0fa9-49c3-a7b5-e1b6ead400ce; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - Types = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IType - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Animate"; - _Value = "Force"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Force,True,False"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "In"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "LanguageMap"; - _Value = "RhpReal"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Out"; - _Value = "$type&"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ReturnType"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Real"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 07facaa0-2de4-4089-b5bb-64e56e4ae04f; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:54:24; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpReal"; - _id = GUID 34e00222-aae8-4bb2-b23a-cd349dbe0c8e; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 8eeb9640-2089-4a73-a636-545f59ece9d0; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Animate"; - _Value = "Force"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Force,True,False"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "In"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "LanguageMap"; - _Value = "RhpInteger"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Out"; - _Value = "$type&"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ReturnType"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Integer"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 07facaa0-2de4-4089-b5bb-64e56e4ae04f; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:54:13; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpInteger"; - _id = GUID 9503fd72-4374-4a1d-9a70-b60508d8f583; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID d6ce6593-3a9f-4005-9a52-0d7b52ba7fe2; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Animate"; - _Value = "Force"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Force,True,False"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "In"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "LanguageMap"; - _Value = "RhpBoolean"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Out"; - _Value = "$type&"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ReturnType"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Boolean"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 07facaa0-2de4-4089-b5bb-64e56e4ae04f; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:54:9; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpBoolean"; - _id = GUID f19b56f2-78ab-44fa-860e-6ead487ecb07; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 28892b97-4ec8-4647-a63f-a5fea9241adf; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Animate"; - _Value = "Force"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Force,True,False"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 6; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "In"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "LanguageMap"; - _Value = "RhpString"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Out"; - _Value = "$type&"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ReturnType"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "String"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 07facaa0-2de4-4089-b5bb-64e56e4ae04f; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:54:28; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpString"; - _id = GUID ae5e3720-4e3e-40f1-9346-9a8b4e501f35; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 241b4462-befa-4dd7-a39f-68cac27f356b; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Animate"; - _Value = "Force"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Force,True,False"; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 5; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AnimSerializeOperation"; - _Value = "x2String"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "AnimUnserializeOperation"; - _Value = "OMDestructiveString2X"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "In"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "Out"; - _Value = "$type&"; - _Type = String; } { IProperty - _Name = "ReturnType"; - _Value = "$type"; - _Type = String; } } } } } } } - _name = "Number"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 07facaa0-2de4-4089-b5bb-64e56e4ae04f; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:54:20; - _typedefBaseType = { IClassifierHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "RhpReal"; - _id = GUID 34e00222-aae8-4bb2-b23a-cd349dbe0c8e; } - _typedefMultiplicity = "1"; - _typedefIsOrdered = 0; - _typedefIsReference = 0; - _typedefIsConstant = 0; - _kind = Typedef; } { IType - _id = GUID 39632095-cb52-436d-ae3b-7c593e2fb514; - _myState = 8192; - _name = "Complex"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID 07facaa0-2de4-4089-b5bb-64e56e4ae04f; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _lastID = 2; - Attrs = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IAttribute - _id = GUID 95f93309-7e0d-418f-a506-7c751903e021; - _name = "realPart"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _protection = iPublic; - _static = 0; - _isReference = 0; - _isConstant = 0; } { IAttribute - _id = GUID a151fb97-68c2-48f8-8401-faad348e5ef4; - _name = "imaginaryPart"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; - _typeOf = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IType"; - _id = GUID 61a2a90b-9e09-4003-95a6-d522b44eadbe; } - _isOrdered = 0; - _protection = iPublic; - _static = 0; - _isReference = 0; - _isConstant = 0; } } - _kind = Structure; } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; } { ISubsystem - _id = GUID a8afc226-a89f-4e1a-95b3-faf6ed8c2786; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 4; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "UseAsExternal"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "File"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "AddToMakefile"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Package"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "GeneratePackageCode"; - _Value = "Never"; - _Type = Enum; - _ExtraTypeInfo = "Always ,Never ,Smart"; } { IProperty - _Name = "UseAsExternal"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "UseAsExternal"; - _Value = "True"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CPP_CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Framework"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "IncludeHeaderFile"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - _name = "Common"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _filename = ".\\PredefinedTypes.sbs"; - _subsystem = "PredefinedTypes"; - _name = "ModelLibrary"; - _id = GUID 8518812a-fc16-43c2-80fa-e34d61c1ca6c; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _lastID = 17; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID 5b444a36-47ad-45d5-9fb7-a8a5b7cb3256; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID 5b444a36-47ad-45d5-9fb7-a8a5b7cb3256; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } { IClass - _id = GUID f88d3e88-dcfa-434d-a824-071d77aa3bd7; - _myState = 8192; - _properties = { IPropertyContainer - Subjects = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IPropertySubject - _Name = "CG"; - Metaclasses = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Class"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "FileName"; - _Value = "..\\Profiles\\SysML\\SIDefinitions.h"; - _Type = String; } } } { IPropertyMetaclass - _Name = "Type"; - Properties = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 2; - value = { IProperty - _Name = "Generate"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } { IProperty - _Name = "GenerateDeclarationDependency"; - _Value = "False"; - _Type = Bool; } } } } } } } - _name = "StubInterfaceBlock"; - Stereotypes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IHandle - _m2Class = "IStereotype"; - _id = GUID b2944aa1-daf4-4596-9707-d7ae5b2f2976; } } - _modifiedTimeWeak = 7.19.2012::6:24:2; - weakCGTime = 7.19.2012::6:24:2; - strongCGTime = 7.19.2012::6:24:2; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.5.2012::13:22:48; } } - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _defaultComposite = GUID b2bce7fc-4d1e-4243-95a2-1e0984ee2195; - _eventsBaseID = -1; - Classes = { IRPYRawContainer - size = 1; - value = { IClass - _id = GUID b2bce7fc-4d1e-4243-95a2-1e0984ee2195; - _myState = 40960; - _name = "TopLevel"; - _modifiedTimeWeak = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - weakCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - strongCGTime = 6.12.2022::12:53:41; - _multiplicity = ""; - _itsStateChart = { IHandle - _m2Class = ""; } - _classModifier = Unspecified; } } - _configurationRelatedTime = 1.2.1990::0:0:0; }