//jobname JOB 'user data','user name',RD=R, // CLASS=T,NOTIFY=userid,MSGCLASS=H,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),REGION=5000K, // TIME=1440 //****************************************************** //* >>>> use 'caps off' when editing <<<<< //* >>>> FTP Commands use mixed case <<<<< //* SAMPLE JOB TO USE BATCH FTPS TO RETRIEVE ENHANCED //* HOLDDATA FROM IBM. //* DATASET SMPE.FULL.HOLDDATA MUST BE PRE-ALLOCATED //* AS RECFM=FB AND LRECL=80. ANY DATASET NAME MAY BE USED. //****************************************************** //* As of Feburay 12, 2023, FTPS is required so if your //* system does not default to FTPS for the FTP command, //* you need to specify TCP/IP parameters to use FTPS. //* More information is at //* https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zos/2.5.0?topic=operations-ftpdata-configuration-file //****************************************************** //FTP EXEC PGM=FTP,REGION=5000K, // PARM='( EXIT' //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=$ //OUTPUT DD SYSOUT=$ //INPUT DD * public.dhe.ibm.com user anonymous your_userid@your_company.com <===Your userid/address/email cd /s390/holddata get full.txt 'SMPE.FULL.HOLDDATA' (repl quit /*