Release notes - IBM® Security Windows Local Account (WinLocal) Adapter


IBM Security WinLocal Adapter 10.0.5 is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.




Welcome to the IBM Security Windows Local Account (WinLocal) Adapter.

These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Identity Manager manuals were printed:

BM Security Windows Local Account Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide.

Adapter Features and Purpose

The Windows Local Account Adapter is designed to create and manage local accounts on Windows Operating Systems. The adapter runs in agentless or agent mode. The agent can be installed on system other than the system being managed. Refer to the "Installation and Configuration Guide" for remotely managing Windows Local account.

The deployment configuration is based, in part, on the topology of your network domain, but the primary factor is the planned structure of your Identity Manager Provisioning Policies and Approval Workflow process. Please refer to the Identity Manager Information Center for a discussion of these topics.

The Identity Manager adapters are powerful tools that require administrator level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories. Operations requested from the Identity Manager server will fail if the adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this adapter run with administrative (root) permissions.

License Agreement

Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Verify License prior to using this product. The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.

Service Groups Management

            The ability to manage service groups is a feature introduced prior to IBM Security Identity Manager 7.0.  By service groups, Service Group is referring to any logical entity that can group accounts together on the managed resource.

Managing service groups implies the following:

·        Create service groups on the managed resource.

·        Modify attribute of a service group.

·        Delete a service group.

·        Note that service group name change is not supported in TIM 6.0 release.

·        The Windows Local adapter supports service group management.


Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Build Date

2024-06-19 07:31:03 PDT

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter Build 10.0.5

Profile 10.0.5

ADK 8.0.6


Check the IBM Knowledge Centre  for the following guide(s):

Windows Local Account Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide


New Features

Enhancement # (FITS)



Items included in current release (10.0.5)


Updated to ADK 8.0.7 to with openSSL 3.1.6


Items included in current release (10.0.4)


Updated to ADK 8.0.6 to with openSSL 3.1.4


Items included in release (10.0.3)


Updated to ADK 8.0.3 to with openSSL 3.1.4


Items included in release (10.0.2)


Updated to ADK 8.0.3 to with openSSL 3.1.0


Items included in current release (10.0.1)


Rebranded for IBM Verify


Items included in current release (7.1.20)


Updated to ADK 7.0.8 with openSSL 1.1.1d. Added support for min tls level


Items included in current release (7.1.18)


As a developer of the Windows local adapter, I need to use a newer OpenSSL version that addresses PSIRT advisories.
OpenSSL is upgraded from version 1.0.2n to 1.0.2o


Items included in release (7.1.17)




Items included in release (7.1.16)


US - As a WinLocal adapter developer, I need to address PSIRT advisories


Items included in release (7.1.15)


Installer now defaults to enabling SSL for DAML during installation


Items included in release (7.1.14)


This release now supports FIPS compliant mode


Items included in release (7.1.12)


This release includes ADK 7.0.3 which updates openssl to 1.0.2f to address a vulnerability to excessive CPU utilization


Items included in release (7.1.12)


This release officially supports Windows 2016 server.  Both as a managed resource and an installation platform


Now using ADK 7.0.1 with updated openSSL, ICU and SQLite all built on Visual Studio 2012.  Adapter is now built on Visual Studio 2012 using .NET 4.5.  It no longer requires .NET 3.5 to be installed.


Items included in release (7.0.11)




Items included in 7.0.10 release

RFE:73386 (37302)


Support Domain Accounts on Windows Local Adapter


Items included in 7.0.9 release


Added add/delete functionality instead of replace for erntlocalgroups multi-valued attribute.


Items included in initial release (7.0.8)




Now using ADK 6.0.1027 which provides an option disabling sslv3.  There is also support for setting the list of ciphers used.


Closed Issues



PMR# / Description



Items closed in current release (7.1.19)



Upgraded to ADK 7.0.6 with openSSL 1.0.2r



Items closed in current release (7.1.18)

RTC 175607

Bug 2592

US - As a Windows Local adapter developer, I need to remove the commented copyright notice from the account.xml.

RTC 171429


US - As a developer of the Windows Local adapter installer, I must set the correct USE_SSL value.

RTC 181390


Update profile name in resource.def for Windows Local Account adapter.



Items closed in release (7.1.17)

RTC - 174706
BUG - 2595
PMR - TS000140128



Account with lastaccessdate are not reconciled to IGI.



Items closed in release (7.1.16)






Items closed in release (7.0.14)






Items closed in release (7.0.11)




Change password request does not return "failure" but "warning" when setting erpassword attribute fails




Items closed in 7.0.10 release






Items closed in 7.0.9 release






Items closed in initial release (7.0.8)





Known Issues



PMR# / Description






Class 3 Certificates

Class 3 secure server CA-G2 certs are not written properly to "DamlCACerts.pem" file through CertTool.exe Utility. The certificate data is written twice between BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE.

Work around: To correct this issue, please follow the below steps and edit “DamlCACerts.pem" file present in Adapter installation path>\data" folder.


Step 1. Start the CertTool utility


Step 2. Import the class 3 CA certificate by using “F" option from the main menu of CertTool Utility.


Step 3. Once the class 3 CA certificate is successfully installed, open “DamlCACerts.pem" file stored in the Adapter installed path>\data" folder using text editor.


Step 4. Delete the class 3 CA certificate data (i.e. content between BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE) from “DamlCACerts.pem".


Step 5. Open class 3 CA certificate file using text editor and copy the certificate data (between the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE)


Step 6. Paste the certificate data to “DamlCACerts.pem" file between the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines of same class 3 CA Certificate. If more than one class 3 certificates are installed then you can identify the certificate using issuer and subject data.


Step 7. Save ï”DamlCACerts.pem" file.


Step 8. To verify the “DamlCACerts.pem" file is edited properly, display certificate information by using option “E" from the main menu of CertTool Utility.


Please note that this issue is seen after installing class 3 CA certificate. If you correct the “DamlCACerts.pem" and then install another class 3 CA certificate, the newly installed class 3 CA certificate will show same issue.

This issue is also seen when you delete any certificate using option "G" from the main menu of CertTool utility. The delete option will affect all remaining class 3 CA certificate and you have to follow step 1 to 8 to correct the “DamlCACerts.pem" file.



Installation and Configuration Notes

See the IBM Security Identity Manager Windows Local Account Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed instructions.

Corrections to Installation Guide

The following corrections to the Installation Guide apply to this release:  
1. Under Configuring > configuring the adapter > modifying protocol settings > Step 5 (Table 1)


Displays the following prompt:
Modify Property 'DISABLE_TLS10':
Among other weaknesses, TLS 1.0 is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks, risking the integrity and authentication of data communication. Disabling TLS 1.0 support on your server is sufficient to mitigate this issue.
To disable TLS 1.0, set this value to TRUE. If this value does not exist or is not FALSE, the TLS 1.0 protocol will be disabled when using SSL.

Note: It is recommended to use TLS 1.2 for all SSL communications. Please refer Enabling TLS 1.2 in Identity Manager (ISIM/IGI/ISPIM)


Table 7. Options for the DAML protocol menu

New DAML protocol setting for TLS level

The DAML protocol settings now include a value called MIN_TLS_LEVEL. The setting supersedes the values DISALBE_SSLV3 and DISABLE_TLS10. The valid settings for this value are:


0             No restrictions.� This setting allows SSLV3 connections which are known to have vulnerabilities.

1.0          TLS 1.0 and higher are supported

1.1          TLS 1.1 and higher are supported

1.2          TLS 1.2 and higher are supported

1.3          TLS 1.3 and higher are supported


For backward compatibility, if MIN_TLS_LEVEL is not set, it will be set at startup based on the settings of DISABLE_SSLV3 and DISABLE_TLS10.

2. Under Configuring > configuring the adapter > modifying protocol configuration settings > Step 4
            add the following options:
                        L.  DISABLE_SSLV3       TRUE  ;          Disable SSLv3 and earlier

M.  DISABLE_TLS10       FALSE ;         Disable TLS 1.0 and earlier


3. Add the following configuration settings topic :

Enabling TLS 1.2 in Identity Manager (ISIM/IGI/ISPIM):

After Setting up certificates in Identity Manager and Adapter, Enable TLS 1.2 by adding/modifying the following line in file in ISIM (equivalent for ISPIM and IGI)

Configuration Notes

The following configuration notes apply to this release:  

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

The IBM Security Identity Manager adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.


Getting Started

Customizing and extending adapters requires a number of additional skills. The developer must be familiar with the following concepts and skills prior to beginning the modifications:

         LDAP schema management

         Working knowledge of scripting language appropriate for the installation platform

         Working knowledge of LDAP object classes and attributes

         Working knowledge of XML document structure

Note:  This adapter supports customization only through the use of pre-Exec and post-Exec scripting.


IBM Security Identity Manager Resources:

Check the "Training" section of the IBM Security Identity Manager Support website for links to training, publications, and demos.


Support for Customized Adapters

The integration to the IBM Security Identity Manager server the adapter framework is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a PMR is opened.

Supported Configurations

Installation Platform

The IBM Security Identity Manager Adapter was built and tested on the following product versions.

Adapter Installation Platform: 

Installable on the 32 or 64-bit versions of the following Operating systems on x86 or x64 compatible CPU (application runs as a 32-bit application on 64-bit OS):

Windows 10

Windows 11

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2022

Managed Resource:

Local Windows accounts (non-network accounts) on the following

            Windows 10

            Windows 11

            Windows Server 2019

            Windows Server 2022


IBM Security Identity Manager v7.0.x
IBM Security Identity Manager v6.0.x

IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence v5.2.x

IBM Security Verify Identity v10.x
IBM Security Verify Governance v10.x 




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