Release Notes



IBM® Security

Active Directory 64-Bit Adapter


























Version 10.0.14


Edition notice


Note:  This edition applies to versions 10.0.x of the IBM Security Identity Manager, version 5.2.x of the IBM Identity Governance and Intelligence and version 10.0.x of IBM Verify.


© Copyright IBM Corporation 2009, 2024

US Government Users Restricted Rights. Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.





Table of Contents

Preface. 3

Adapter Features and Purpose. 3

License Agreement. 3

Adapter profiles. 3

Service Groups Management. 4

Contents of this Release. 5

Adapter Version. 5

New Features. 6

Closed Issues. 9

Known Issues. 12

Running in Federal Information Processing. 14

Standards compliance mode. 14

Configuring the adapter to run in FIPS mode. 14

Operational differences running in FIPS mode. 14

Security policy. 15

Authentication roles. 15

Rules of operation. 15

Remote Mailbox Support. 15

Installation and Configuration Notes. 16

Corrections to Installation Guide. 16

Configuration Notes. 16

Corrections to User Guide. 17

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features. 18

Getting Started. 18

Update the targetprofile.json file (IGI only) 18

Support for Customized Adapters. 20

Troubleshooting. 21

Log Output From Exchange and Lync powershell calls. 21

Exchange connection issues. 21

Issues when used with multiple Exchange versions. 21

Preferred servers. 21

Installation Platform.. 21

Notices. 23




Welcome to the IBM Security Active Directory 64-bit (WinAD64) Adapter.


These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the adapter manuals were printed:




Adapter Features and Purpose

The Active Directory Adapter is designed to create and manage accounts on Microsoft Active Directory and mailboxes on Exchange and Lync (Skype for Business). The adapter runs in “agentless" mode and communicates using Microsoft ADSI API and PowerShell to the systems being managed.


IBM recommends the installation of this adapter in “gentless" mode on a 64-bit OS and computer in the domain being managed. Installation on a Domain Controller is not recommended. A single copy of the adapter can handle multiple Identity Manager Services. The deployment configuration is based, in part, on the topology of your network domain, but the primary factor is the planned structure of your Identity and/or Governance policies and processes. Please refer to the Identity or Governance Information Center for a discussion of these topics.


The IBM Verify adapters are powerful tools that require Administrator Level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories. Operations requested from the Identity Manager server will fail if the adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this adapter run with administrative (root) permissions.

License Agreement

Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Verify License prior to using this product. The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.

Adapter profiles

The adapter package includes two profiles:


·        ADprofile.jar

o   This profile is supported Identity and Governance. When used, if an AD group name or DN is changed in AD, the reconciliation operation will result it deleting the original group and adding the updating group as a new group.

§  Governance results: all users who had permission on the original group will lose that permission and new permission will be added using the new name

o   No additional configuration changes are required on the adapter when the ADprofile.jar is used.


·        ADprofileGUID.jar

o   This profile is supported on Identity and Governance. When used, if an AD group name or DN is changed in AD, the reconciliation operation will only change the name and/or DN of the group.

§  Governance results: all users who had permission on the original group will retain that permission but with new name and/or DN

o   When using ADprofileGUID.jar, you must configure the adapter to use GUID as the group naming attribute using agentCfg.exe on the adapter server

§  Invoke agentCfg.exe -a adagent

-      Use option (F) Registry Settings

-      Use option (A) Modify Non-encrypted registry settings

-      Use option (B) Modify attribute value

-      Registry item to modify is: useGroup

-      New registry item value is: GUID

-      Use option (X) Done three times to exit out

-      Restart the adapter service for the change to take effect.


Service Groups Management

The ability to manage service groups is a feature introduced prior to IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.  By service groups, ISIM is referring to any logical entity that can group accounts together on the managed resource.


Managing service groups implies the following:


            Create service groups on the managed resource.

            Modify attributes of a service group (group name change is not supported)

            Delete a service group.



The Windows Active Directory x64 adapter supports service groups management on Identy Manager only.


Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Build Date

2024-06-18 16:38:48 PDT

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter Build:  10.0.14

Profile 10.0.14

ADK 8.0.7



Check the IBM Knowledge Centre for the following guide(s):

IBM Verify Active Directory Adapter with 64-Bit Support Installation and Configuration Guide


New Features




Items included in this release (10.0.13)


Upgraded to ADK 8.0.7 with openSL 3.1.6



Items included in this release (10.0.13)


Upgraded to ADK 8.0.6 with openSL 3.1.4



Items included in this release (10.0.11)


Upgraded to ADK 8.0.5 with openSL 3.1.4



Items included in this release (10.0.9)


Added Support for Exchange remote session



Support Exchange Archive Mailbox



Items included in this release (10.0.8)


Upgraded to ADK 8.0.2 with OpenSSL 3.1



Support Basic Authentication in AD adapter with support for Exchange



AD agent to exchange remote powershell in SSL mode



Items included in this release (10.0.4)

RFE 63875

Specify display name when enabling mailboxes.. Added registry setting to enable or disable this new feature



Items included in this release (10.0.3)

RFE 64093

Support for setting WorkingHoursStartTime using the ISIM6 WinAD64 Adapter


RFE 64626

IGI AD Adapter GUID Profile Latency.  Add cache GUID/DN lookup


RFE 63875

Specify display name when enabling mailboxes.



Items included in this release (10.0.2)


Upgraded to ADK 7.0.9 with openSSL 1.1.1k


RFE 145716 (63010)

AD Cross Domain Group Member Support for Universal Groups  (FPL)


Items included in this release (10.0.1)


Rebranded for IBM Security Verify



Items included in this release (7.1.34)

RFE TS001318020 (55491)

IGI Active Directory Adapter - EmployeeNumber not supported

RFE TS001619165 (58739)

AD Adapter does not change Country to AD Country Code

RFE TS002747046 (59959)

Management of the attribute 'msExchAddressBookPolicyLink' by ISIM Windows AD Adapter



Updated to ADK 7.0.8 with openSSL 1.1.1d.� Added support for min tls level



Items included in this release (7.1.33)

RFE 127449 (56512)

Supporting eradeallowedaddresslist in hybrid environment (Adapter)


RFE 128222 (56765)

ISIM and O365 email usage in hybrid environment



Items included in this release (7.1.32)

RFE 130064 (57543)

'businessCategory' attribute in Security Identity Adapter for Windows AD not handled as multi-valued.



Attribute values lookup support.



Support for Windows 2019 server.  Both as a managed service and adapter platform.  Support for Exchange 2019 and Skype for Business 2019.



Upgraded to ADK 7.0.6 with OpenSSL 1.0.2r



Items included in this release (7.1.31)




Items included in 7.1.30 release


As a developer of the Windows AD adapter, I need to use a newer OpenSSL version that addresses PSIRT advisories.

OpenSSL is upgraded from version 1.0.2n to 1.0.2p


Implementation for supporting recon for:                                                            msDS-LastSuccessfulInteractiveLogonTime and other 3 related attributes.

New attributes supported:

- msDS-LastSuccessfulInteractiveLogonTime,
- msDS-FailedInteractiveLogonCount,
- msDS-FailedInteractiveLogonCountAtLastSuccessfulLogon,
- msDS-LastFailedInteractiveLogonTime


Note: On IGI Date attributes are not displayed correctly.
IGI team will provide a fix, after that the date attributes will get displayed.



Items included in 7.1.29 release


US - As a Windows AD adapter developer, I need to update my adapter to use the newer OpenSSL


Items included in 7.1.28 release




Items included in 7.1.27 release



Windows AD adapter to support mailbox attribute msExchRecipientTypeDetails and msExchRemoteRecipientType in integer8 format



Add businessCategory as a regular adapter attribute



Enhance AD Adapter to detect user's email status for remote mailbox (O365) and manage proxy address and other exchange attrib



Added support for remote mailbox to support Office 365 mailboxes in a hybrid Exchange environment



Modified installer to default to SSL enabled




Items included in 7.1.26 release


Added support for lync Mobility and Persistent Chat policies



Now supports FIPS compliant mode




Items included in 7.1.25 release


This release includes ADK 7.0.3 which update openssl to 1.0.2f to address a vulnerability to excessive CPU utilization




Items included in 7.1.24 release


This release officially supports Windows 2016 server.  Both as a managed resource and an installation platform




Items included in 7.1.23 release


Now using ADK 7.0.1 with updated openSSL, ICU and SQLite all built on Visual Studio 2012.  Adapter is now built on Visual Studio 2012 using .NET 4.5.  It no longer requires .NET 3.5 to be installed.




Items included in 7.0.20 release


 Adapter Support for Exchange 2016 and Lync 2015  



Second and following Mailbox Move Requests Fail on Exchange 2013



Reduce IO in WinAD Adapter for PW change




Items included in 7.0.18 release


Support "Manager can update membership list" attribute for AD Group



Support display name attribute for AD Groups



WinAD Adapter does not reconcile Lync Registry Pools from AD



ISIM AD Adapter Customization for Group Object class


Updated resource.def in profile to support external roles




Items included in initial release (7.0.16)




ISIM AD adapter unable to set Mail box Retention policy check    




Now using ADK 6.0.1027 which provides an option disabling sslv3.  There is also support for setting the list of ciphers used.




The Domain Admin and Domain Password fields have been removed from the service form in the profile.  They can still be used, but the preferred method is to set the logon account on the adapter windows service.



Items included in 6.0.15 release




Added support for Exchange Automatic Mailbox Distribution.  Supplying only eradealias without a mail store or external email address allows Exchange to determine the mail store to use based on load balancing.




Prevent deletion of user accounts that have a mailbox that is under litigation hold




Add support for msExchCoManagedByLink to group schema




Add support for msExchRequireAuthToSendTo to group schema



Updated logging to include output from Lync and Exchange modules



Items included in 6.0.14 release



The Password Synchronization plug-in is now released as a separate package.  It is no longer bundled in with the AD Adapter 



Includes updated ADK 6.0.1020 which includes update to prevent password values from being written to the log on password change failures



Items included in 6.0.13 release



Includes updated ADK 6.0.1019 which includes version 1.0.1h-fips of openSSL.

Closed Issues



PMR# / Description




Items closed in this release (10.0.14)


Creation of remote mailbox with primary smtp address in list of proxy address on add request





Items closed in this release (10.0.13)


AD Attribute erADEHideFromAddrsBk is not returned during recon for remote mailboxes;



AD Attribute eradealllowaddresslist changed from DNString to DNValue





Items closed in this release (10.0.12)


Some AD account don't have their Exchange attributes mail, proxyAddresses and targetAddress set





Items closed in release (10.0.11)


Test Connection in ISV SaaS fails because of eradeusebasicauth field added in 10.0.9



 outdated country codes





Items closed in release (10.0.10)

BUGZ 4053

How to manage cloud migrated AD account with AD Agent


BUGZ 4165

Unable to set Exchange Quota warning - AD adapter


BUGZ 4142

Change Log Sync finish failed AD with error Error code: 0x80072030





Items closed in release 10.0.9

BUGZ 4090

Windows AD 10.0.8 ADprofile.jar file has syntax issue 


BUGZ 4091

IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for Windows AD broken SSL 




Items closed in release 10.0.8


erADEAllowedAddressList occurs twice in targetProfile.json and is missing DNString flag




Items closed in release 10.0.7


error in AD recon for some users





Items closed in release 10.0.6


User member of group that has been deleted kills recon



Full recon on AD adapter does not contain eradgrpcontainerrnd data



Active Directory adapter has issues with Group Reconciliation





Items closed in release 10.0.5


Displayname getting set to -1 when creating mailbox



TS006823945 How can we manage erADEAllowedAddressList attribute managing by rule.� Missing from targetProfile.json





Items closed in release 10.0.4


The Windows AD adapter profiles newer than 7.1.35 version are missing erADEmployeeNumber in targetProfile.json file





Items closed in release 10.0.3


WinAD adapter Enable-DistributionGroup fails




Setting the eradexpirationdate in IGI to null sends a default date to active directory which is in the past and expires the account





Items closed in release 10.0.2


AD Agent Silent Installation Not Working





Items closed in release 10.0.1)


WinAD Adapter crashes during reconciliation





Items closed in release 7.1.38)



Recon/search failure with AD adapter and some AD group lookup




WinAd adapter profile ADprofileGUID.jar does not send GUID on group add




Items closed in release 7.1.37)



Windows AD - unable to remove erADLyncLineURI attribute from Lync/Skype server





Items closed in release 7.1.36)


Fixed targetProfile.json which had been reverted to the old format by mistake




Windows AD - unable to remove erADLyncLineURI attribute from Lync/Skype server



Adding an Activedirectory account results in

SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE command (long DNs in container names)




Windows AD - recon not picking up erADLyncDialpPolicy (DialPlan) attribute for Lync/Skype




Group basepoint - Unable to bind to group basepoint





Items closed in release (7.1.35)


Null pointer when mailbox store is empty value on add request



Active Directory Adapter performance (1.5 second delay per request)


APAR IJ23159

A random server is chosen for group modify if no server is specified in the group base point





Items closed in release (7.1.34)


duplicate erADEmailboxGUID entries returned resulting in warnings



Issue with updating proxyaddresses inExchange/Active directory


APAR IJ17835 






Items closed in release (7.1.33)


eradexdialin and erADEShowInAddrBook not working correctly due to errors in targetprofile.json 



erUID incorrectly marked as immutable preventing renaming user.



erADERstrctAdrsLs, erADEAllowedAddressList, erADEDelegates incorrectly marked as not supported for remote mailboxes erADETargetAddress incorrectly marked as supported for remote mailboxes. 




Items closed in release (7.1.32)



erADEHideFromAddrsBk not returned.  Behaving as designed, the value is not present when set to false through the ADSI api.




businessCategory on containers now supported as multi-valued.





Items closed in release (7.1.31)



RTC 181198:

Internal - As a WinAD adapter, i must ensure that the profile jars in 7.x package are correct



Items closed in 7.1.30 release



US - As a WinAD adapter developer I must ensure that the correct version numbers are set for the 6.x and 7.x adapter builds.

Bugz 2647 - wrong version of ad adapter in log post install



Items closed in 7.1.29 release






Items closed in 7.1.28 release





Added support for providing primary SMTP address when mailbox is created.  This avoids, the default SMTP address from becoming a secondary SMTP address when the primary SMTP address is set after the mailbox is created.





Items closed in 7.1.27 release





Error 0x00000037 and 0x80004005 trying to set eradnochangepassword










 ADprofile.jar file from 7.1.26 package won't import on IGI 5.2.3 




Items closed in 7.1.26 release










Items closed in 7.1.25 release









Items closed in 7.0.21 release










Items closed in 7.0.20 release











Issue with erADGrpWriteMembers attribute value on reconcile returning both true and false.







WinAD Adapter Release Notes Wrong+Missing Information





Items closed in 7.0.19 release









Items closed in 7.0.18 release






ITIM adapter deleting the $IPC share accidentally























Items closed in 7.0.17 release




























Items closed in initial release (7.0.16)






Event Notification no more working if USN-Changed attribute exceeds 7 digits




Items closed in 6.0.15 release




Test connection fails.  Test connection now only reports warning if the Domain/Forest functional level cannot be determined




Change the default behavior for eradgroup to be add/delete rather than replace



LyncDisableSearch registry setting in wrong location after install



Items closed in 6.0.14 release




WTS attributes and recon error 1317




WinAD adapter reports success in case of AD group interface problems during reconciliation




eradlynctelephony and eradlynclineurl fail on modify to Lync





WinAD adapter logs password in clear text on password change failures.  This addresses IBM Security Bulletin CVE-2014-8923.




Items closed in 6.0.13 release




Thread logging option not showing in WinAD adapter agentcfg program




WinAD adapter recon fails when AD cannot provide information about an attribute's schema




WinAD adapter crash if eradlynctelephony is NULL

Known Issues



PMR# / Description




Support for Exchange and Lync is provided using remote powershell connections to the Exchange or Lync server.  There is a fixed limit of 5 concurrent connections to a remote powershell.  Setting the thread count to higher than the default of 3 could result in some Exchange or Lync attributes failing to be set under heavy loads.





Support for erADEAllowedAddressList and erADERstrctAdrsLs is no longer available for Exchange 2007.





Service form fields:


  • Administration User Account
  • Administration User Password


See Corrections to Installation Guide,

The settings for Exchange Mailbox security for Read and Full access were using different values for settings in an attempt to have the default values on the form match those of Exchange.  This was confusing and causing issues when the default settings on the Exchange server were changed from what the adapter expected.  The adapter now uses the same values for all Exchange security settings.  1=Allow, 2=Deny and 0 or no value=None.


Chapter 4. Adapter installation" section below.







Class 3 Certificates

Class 3 secure server CA-G2 certs are not written properly to “DamlCACerts.pem" file through CertTool.exe Utility. The certificate data is written twice between BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE.


Work around: To correct this issue, please follow the below steps and edit “DamlCACerts.pem" file present in “Adapter installation path>\data" folder.


Step 1. Start the CertTool utility


Step 2. Import the class 3 CA certificate by using “F" option from the main menu of CertTool Utility.


Step 3. Once the class 3 CA certificate is successfully installed, open �DamlCACerts.pem� file stored in the �<Adapter installed path>\data" folder using text editor.


Step 4. Delete the class 3 CA certificate data (i.e. content between BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE) from “DamlCACerts.pem".


Step 5. Open class 3 CA certificate file using text editor and copy the certificate data (between the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE)


Step 6. Paste the certificate data to “DamlCACerts.pem" file between the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines of same class 3 CA Certificate. If more than one class 3 certificates are installed then you can identify the certificate using issuer and subject data.


Step 7. Save �DamlCACerts.pem" file.


Step 8. To verify the “DamlCACerts.pem" file is edited properly, display certificate information by using option “E" from the main menu of CertTool Utility.


Please note that this issue is seen after installing class 3 CA certificate. If you correct the DamlCACerts.pem and then install another class 3 CA certificate, the newly installed class 3 CA certificate will show same issue.


This issue is also seen when you delete any certificate using option "G" from the main menu of CertTool utility. The delete option will affect all remaining class 3 CA certificate and you have to follow step 1 to 8 to correct the DamlCACerts.pem file.



Exchange remote session timeout


Version 10.0.9 adds support for Exchange remote session timeout.


In order to execute Exchange powershell commands, the adapter establishes a remote powershell session with an Exchange server. This can take over a minute. Due to the overhead to establish a new connection, the adapter maintains the connection and uses it in subsequent requests. There is an idle timeout and if the connection is idle past that timeout, the connection is closed. However, if there are enough requests to keep the connection open without an idle timeout long enough, the credential is invalidated and powershell commands fail to execute with an Access is denied error. To avoid this, the adapter now supports a session timeout. If the connection is open past that timeout, it is closed and a new session is created. The default value is 1 hour. A new registry setting can be used to customize this timeout:


ExchSessionTimeoutMS - timeout value is milliseconds.

Archive Mailbox Support


Version 10.0.9 adds support for Exchange Archive Mailbox. The following attributes have been added to the schema to support this:








An Archive mailbox can be on premises or remote.� For on premises archive you supply erADEArchiveDatabase with the DN of the database in which to create the archive. For remote archive, you supply erADEArchiveAddress with the domain name of your Office 365 instance in a hybrid configuration using AzureADSync. The values erADEArchiveDatabase and erADEArchiveAddress are mutually exclusive and supplying both values in a request will result in an error.


For on premises archives, if erADEArchiveDatabase is supplied and an archive already exists, the adapter will issue a move request if the value is different from the current value.


specifying erADEArchiveDatabase or erADEArchiveAddress with a delete operation will delete the archive if one exists.


Exchange remote connection updates:


A new registry setting was added to configure ssl for the remote exchange session:


ExchUseSSL               Set to TRUE to use https.� If this value is not set, the default is FALSE.� If Basic Authentication is enabled, it will default to TRUE.


New attributes were added to the service form to configure Basic Authentication with Exchange servers.�

erADEUseBasicAuth  Set to TRUE to use Basic Authentication (otherwise Kerberos is used)           

erADEUserName        Username to use with Basic Authentication with Exchange server

erADEPassword         Password to use with Basic Authentication with Exchange server.


If erADEUseBasicAuth is TRUE, erADEUserName and erADEPassword are required.


If ExchUseSSL is TRUE, you must install the CA certificate for the Exchange server(s) in the trust store for the user under which the adapter runs.


When using the default Kerberos authentication, the data is encrypted already and SSL is not necessary, but can be enabled as second level of encryption.


New registry setting SearchMoreDataTimeout

SearchMoreDataTimeout is used to set the timeout (in seconds) that the adapter will continue to retry when it receives ERR_MORE_DATA during a search.� When getting rows of data from the search result, this occurs when get next row fails because more data is available but has not yet been received.

RFE 63875 Specify display name when enabling mailboxes.

A new specific adapter setting called �MailCreateAddDisplayName� is used to enable this feature.� By default it is set to FALSE.� Set to TRUE to enable this feature.

RFE 64093 Support for setting WorkingHoursStartTime using the ISIM6 WinAD64 Adapter

To implement this RFE, support for a new Exchange powershell call was required.� The RFE was for Working Hours Start Time, but the api also supports the end time, time zone and work days.� Support was added for all four values.�


The attributes are:


erADECalStartTime               This is a local time value in the form of hh:mm:ss

erADECalEndTime                This is a local time value in the form of hh:mm:ss

erADECalTimeZone              This is the name of the time zone.�

erADECalWorkDays              This is a comma separated list of days or one of the following: None, AllDays, WeekDays, or WeekEndDays


They are all String syntax. For more details see


Important: These values are not stored as ldap attributes on the account object. In order to retrieve these values during a recon requires a remote powershell call for each user that has an Exchange mailbox. This can severely impact performance during a large recon. A registry setting ( ReconCalendarTimes ) was added that must be set to TRUE for these attributes to be included in the recon results.



Remote Mailbox Support

The adapter now supports remote mailboxes.  This allows supporting Office 365 mailboxes in a hybrid Exchange environment.  A new attribute (erADEremoteAddress) has been added to the user object to support this feature.  There are now 4 ways to create a mailbox with the adapter:


  1. Supply a mailbox store (erADEmailboxStore) to create a standard mailbox in the local Exchange server
  2. Supply a target mail address (erADEtargetAddress) to create an external mail account
  3. Supply a valid remote mail address (erADEremoteAddress) to create a remote mailbox
  4. Don’t supply any of the above attributes, but supply any Exchange attribute ( such as erADEalias ) to create a standard mailbox and allow Exchange to decide which mail store to use.


To delete a mailbox, simply delete the value for the mail store or mail address.


The remote address and target address values use the same user attribute to store their value.  The msExchRecipientType value indicates whether the mailbox is remote or not.  Currently remote addresses appear in the target address field.  You will need to run a full reconciliation after installing this update to populate the remote addresses.

Installation and Configuration Notes

See the IBM Security Windows Local Account Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed instructions.


The previous installation was installed with newer version of InstallAnywhere

You may see this error while running the installer. It is only a warning and can be safely ignored.


Corrections to Installation Guide

The following corrections to the Installation Guide apply to this release:


Exchange Mailbox Security

The settings for Exchange Mailbox security for Read and Full access were using different values for settings in an attempt to have the default values on the form match those of Exchange.  This was confusing and causing issues when the default settings on the Exchange server were changed from what the adapter expected.  The adapter now uses the same values for all Exchange security settings.  1=Allow, 2=Deny and 0 or no value=None.


Chapter 4. Adapter installation

Section "Adapter user account creation"


The following paragraph is incorrect:

The account information must be supplied on the Active Directory Adapter service form. See Creating an adapter service on page 14 for information about creating a service.


Furthermore, you must not supply the account information on the service form. The following two fields on the adapter service form are not used and must be blank:


� The adapter account, used by the adapter to manage AD/Exchange/Lync, must be supplied on the logon tab of the Windows Adapter service that is named ISIM Active Directory Adapter.


Configuration Notes

The following configuration notes apply to this release:


Managed Folder Mailbox Policy

Managed folder policies and retention policies are now treated as separate items.  The type of policy is determined by the location in the Active Directory LDAP. 


Corrections to User Guide

The following corrections to the User Guide apply to this release:


Chapter 2 - Service/Target form details


A new field has been added.Return Universal Groups from all domains in forest� is a new checkbox. When checked, during a reconcile, Universal Groups from the entire forest instead of just the current domain. This allows add users to Universal groups from other domains.


Force Password Change

The "Force Password Change" check box is documented incorrectly in section "Specifying controls for a user account" of the User Guide.


It should be as follow: "If you select the Force Password Change check box, then the adapter sets the value of the pwdLastSet attribute to 0. If you do not select the Force Password Change check box, then the adapter sets the value of the pwdLastSet attribute to -1".


Table 7. Options for the DAML protocol menu


New DAML protocol setting for TLS level

The DAML protocol settings now include a value called MIN_TLS_LEVEL. The setting supersedes the values DISALBE_SSLV3 and DISABLE_TLS10. The valid settings for this value are:


0          No restrictions. This setitngs allows SSLV3 connections which are known to have vulnerabilities.

1.0       TLS 1.0 and higher are supported

1.1       TLS 1.1 and higher are supported

1.2       TLS 1.2 and higher are supported

1.3       TLS 1.3 and higher are supported


For backward compatibility, if MIN_TLS_LEVEL is not set, it will be set at startup based on the settings of DISABLE_SSLV3 and DISABLE_TLS10.


A new option L should be included in the table of DAML protocol options.

Displays the following prompt:


Modify Property �DISABLE_SSLV3�:


SSLv3 is now considered an unsecure protocol.  SSLv3 is now disabled by default.  In order to enable SSLv3 you need to set this value to FALSE.  If this value does not exist or is anything other than FALSE, the SSLv3 protocol will be disabled when using SSL.

A new option M should be included in the table of DAML protocol options. 

Displays the following prompt:


Modify Property �DISABLE_TLS10�:


TLS1.0 setting is configurable. By default, DISABLE_TLS10 is set to FALSE


Setting DISABLE_TLS10 to TRUE will disable TLS1.0 and SSLV3 regardless of the setting for DISABLE_SSLV3.


Add the following configuration settings topic:
Enabling TLS 1.2 in Identity Manager (ISIM/IGI/ISPIM):

After Setting up certificates in Identity Manager and Adapter, Enable TLS 1.2 by adding/modifying the following line in file in ISIM (equivalent for ISPIM and IGI)

Chapter 7

The section �Modifying protocol configuration settings" should add this section for setting the SSL cipher list.


Setting the Cipher list

The DAML protocol now checks for an environment variable called "ISIM_ADAPTER_CIPHER_LIST".  This variable can contain a list of ciphers for the SSL protocol.  DAML uses the openSSL library to support SSL.  This cipher string is passed to openSSL during initialization.  The cipher names and the syntax can be found on the openSSL web site ( ).  When this string is used, it only fails if none of the ciphers can be loaded.  It is considered successful if at least one of the ciphers is loaded.




Chapter 5

For IGI uses, under the section Customizing the Active Directory Adapter there should be another section between steps 5 and 6 should be inserted for updating the targetProfile.json file ( see Update the targetprofile.json file (IGI only) )



Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

The IBM Security Identity Manager adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.


Getting Started

Customizing and extending adapters requires a number of additional skills. The developer must be familiar with the following concepts and skills prior to beginning the modifications:




IBM Security Identity Manager Resources:


Check the �Training" section of the IBM Security Identity Manager Support website for links to training, publications, and demos.


This adapter now supports extending the schema for group objects as well as user objects on.  The procedure is the same as for user objects except that the file name used for the

extended attributes is exschemagrp.txt.� Extending the schema for group objects is supported on ISIM only.


Update the targetprofile.json file (IGI only)

The Active Directory Adapter targetprofile.json file identifies all of the supported Windows

account attributes for the IGI server.


About this task

Modify this file to identify the new extended attributes. To update the targetProfile.json file, complete the following steps:



Change to the \ADprofile directory, where the targetProfile.json file has been created.

Open the targetProfile.json file in a text editor.  Find the section for �userExtension�.  It should look like this:


    "userExtension": {

        "schema": "urn:ibm:idbrokerage:params:scim:schemas:extension:ADAccount:2.0:User",

        "definition": {

            "id": "urn:ibm:idbrokerage:params:scim:schemas:extension:ADAccount:2.0:User",

            "name": "CustomUserExtension",

            "description": "Security adapter view of a user",

            "attributes": [


The �attributes� section contains an array of attribute definitions.  Each definition is separated by a comma.  You add your extended attributes to this section.  An attribute object contains these fields:





Attribute name


data type (string, integer, boolean, binary)


True if attribute can have multiple values


Attribute description text


true if required attribute


true if value is case sensitive


immutable, read, write, readwrite


Use �default�


Use �server�


Use �none�


Optional list of valid values for this attribute as a json array.


The attribute object is enclosed in braces ({}).  Each field has the name in quotes followed by a colon and the value.  Each field is separated by a comma.  Below is an example from the AD adapter:




                    "name": "eruid",

                    "type": "string",

                    "multiValued": false,

                    "description": "An identifier used to uniquely identify a user",

                    "required": true,

                    "caseExact": false,

                    "mutability": "immutable",

                    "returned": "default",

                    "uniqueness": "server",

                      "specialFlags": "none"




Add the new attributes to the account class. For example (new attribute text in red):


 "userExtension": {

        "schema": "urn:ibm:idbrokerage:params:scim:schemas:extension:ADAccount:2.0:User",

        "definition": {

            "id": "urn:ibm:idbrokerage:params:scim:schemas:extension:ADAccount:2.0:User",

            "name": "CustomUserExtension",

            "description": "Security adapter view of a user",

            "attributes": [


                    "name": "eruid",

                    "type": "string",

                    "multiValued": false,

                    "description": "An identifier used to uniquely identify a user",

                    "required": true,

                    "caseExact": false,

                    "mutability": "immutable",

                    "returned": "default",

                    "uniqueness": "server",

                     "specialFlags": "none"





                    "name": "title",

                    "type": "string",

                    "multiValued": false,

                    "description": "title",

                    "required": false,

                    "caseExact": false,

                    "mutability": "readWrite",

                    "returned": "default",

                    "uniqueness": "none",

                      "specialFlags": "none"



                    "name": "shirtSize",

                    "type": "string",

                    "multiValued": true,

                    "description": "Shirt Size",

                    "required": false,

                    "caseExact": false,

                    "mutability": "readWrite",

                    "returned": "default",

                    "uniqueness": "none",

                     "specialFlags": "none",

        "canonicalValues": [










Make sure to separate each attribute definition with a comma.  Once you have updated the file, it is recommended that you verify the syntax is correct by using one of the freely available json lint sites. 



Support for Customized Adapters

The integration to the IBM Security Identity Manager server  the adapter framework is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a PMR is opened.



Log Output From Exchange and Lync powershell calls

The adapter uses a remote powershell session to communicate with Exchange and Lync servers.  This code runs as a pair COM servers in the .NET environment.  As such they do not have access to the adapter logging functions.  However, there are messages that are output to the console.  In order to see these log messages, you must run the adapter in console mode.  This is done by running the adapter directly from the command line and specifying console as a command line option.  This causes all of the adapter logging as well as any output from the Exchange and Lync modules to be output to the console.  To capture the logging to a file, simply redirect the output of the adapter to a file.  For example:


>ADAgent.exe console > adagent.log


Exchange connection issues

The adapter uses remote powershell sessions to manage Exchange servers.  If the adapter has issues connecting to the servers, you can manually run the powershell cmdlets that the adapter uses to troubleshoot the connection errors.


Use this command to create a new session on the remote server.  Replace <hostAddr> with the actual hostname or IP of the Exchange server.


PS>$mySession = New-PSSession -configurationname Microsoft.Exchange -connectionuri http://<hostAddr>/Powershell -authentication Kerberos


Use this command to import the remote session into your local session.  If this is successful, you should be able to run any Exchange cmdlets as if you were on the Exchange server.

PS>import-pssession $mySession


Issues when used with multiple Exchange versions

Different versions of Exchange Server have some issues when modifying mailboxes on a server of one version from a powershell session on a server of a different version.  Preferred servers allow you to specify which Exchange servers are used to execute requests.

Preferred servers

There is no API for managing Exchange servers.  They are managed through the use of powershell cmdlets.  The required cmdlets are only available on the Exchange servers.  The adapter must use a remote powershell connection to one of the servers to execute the cmdlets to process a request. 

The adapter uses the concept of preferred servers for both Exchange and Lync.  When a request comes in, the adapter must connect to a remote server to execute the request.  By default it does an LDAP search into AD to find the servers, then tries to connect.  It uses the first server that it can connect with.  If preferred servers are specified, the adapter will try to connect with those servers first.  Setting the exclusive flag to TRUE will force the adapter to only use the preferred servers.

Keep in mind that the preferred servers are where the request is executed.  This has nothing to do with where mailboxes are created.  The account attribute erMailboxStore specifies the mail database which is not necessarily on the preferred server. 


Installation Platform

The IBM Security Identity Manager Adapter was built and tested on the following product versions.


Adapter Installation Platform: 


Windows 10

Windows 11

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2022



Managed Resource:


Active Directory on Windows Server 2019          

Active Directory on Windows Server 2022          


            With optional:


Exchange Server 2019

Skype For Business Server 2019





IBM Security Identity Manager v7.0.x
IBM Security Identity Manager v6.0.x

IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence v5.2.x


IBM Security Verify Identity v10.0
IBM Security Verify Governance v10.0 






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End of Release Notes