Release Notes



IBM Security Verify Governance


IBM Security Verify Service Desk for ServiceNow



Version 2.6.2


Edition notice



© Copyright IBM Corporation 2023

US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.




Preface. 3

Features and Purpose. 3

Contents of this Release. 3

Module Version. 3

New Features. 3

Closed Issues. 4

Known Issues. 4

Installation and Configuration Notes. 4

Corrections to Installation Guide. 4

Configuration Notes. 4

Installation and Supported Platforms. 5


These Release Notes contain information for the following component that was not available when the component was built



Features and Purpose

The IBM Security Verify Service Desk for ServiceNow enables the IBM Security Verify Service Desk App to communicate with the IBM Security Verify Governance product.


The IBM Security Verify Service Desk App is available on the ServiceNow App store.  The application configuration and setup are described with the App on the ServiceNow App store.


The IBM Security Verify Service Desk consists of one component:


SVG-ServiceNow Synchronizer: is a custom job that updates tickets generated for access requests in ServiceNow based on completed events in SVG.


At a high level, the IBM Security Verify Service Desk App in ServiceNow uses standard ServiceNow interfaces to provide a catalog of services associated with Verify Governance, including management of accesses, recertification etc. When a user requests a service from that catalog, the IBM Security Verify Service Desk App calls SVG using published REST calls to perform the required action. The SVG-ServiceNow Synchronizer runs as an SVG Task.  It updates tickets generated for access requests in ServiceNow based on completed events in SVG.




Contents of this Release

Module Version



Release Date

June 22, 2023




Installation guide included in the IBM Security Verify Service Desk for ServiceNow available on Passport Advantage.


New Features




Items included in 2.6.2 release


  • Updated globalization XML files.
  • SVG - Handled issue with closing old manual requests.


Items included in 2.6 release


  • Supervise certification campaigns for ISV (Verify SaaS) backend.


Items included in 2.5 release


  • New option for ISV (Verify SaaS) backend to Certify Account and Access.
  • ISV - Review Certification campaigns.
  • ISV - View Certification assignments and perform operations on certification requests.


Items included in 2.4 release


  • Enhanced UI for Request Access.
  • Enhanced UI for Access search and filters.
  • Improved supportability by showing RITM number and requestor name in the event-out table of SVG.


Items included in 2.3 release


  • Password Change/Reset of Cloud Directory account for Verify SaaS (ISV) endpoint.


Items included in 2.2 release


  • The ServiceNow App now uses the ARM apis of SVG for access request submission, so the requests will go through the SVG workflow.
  • Improved UI for managing manual fulfillment requests.
  • Enabled support for globalization of the ServiceNow App UI


Items included in 2.1 release


  • New task in ServiceNow App to manage manual fulfillment requests.
  • Separate ServiceNow entitlement category for Verify SaaS and SVG.


Items included in 2.0 release


  • Upgraded App with branding changes.
  • Provide the option for request auto expiry..
  • Processing request based on different group those are set in entitlement


Items included in 1.4.1 release


  • There are separate database specific properties file for each database type


Items included in 1.4 release


  • Provides option to create ServiceNow task for manual fulfillment in ServiceNow
  • Improves IGI system task handling
  • Supports manual fulfillment for account operations
  • Separate job and task for full and delta synchronization


Items included in 1.2 release


  • Creates ServiceNow Request Items for manual fulfillment in ServiceNow
  • Synchronizes IGI entitlements to ServiceNow Catalog items in the ‘IT Security Access Catalog’ catalog


Items included in 1.1 release


  • Removed dependency on the REST API wrapper introduced in v1.0
  • The ServiceNow App now connects directly with IGI using the standard IGI REST APIs.


  • Removed dependency on the standalone IGI-ServiceNow synchronizer.
  • The IGI-ServiceNow synchronizer is now deployed as an IGI job and runs as a task inside IGI



Items included in 1.0 release


Initial release


Closed Issues



PMR# / Description




Items closed in 2.6.2 release





TS011633669 - Customer wants to translate the IBM IGI Governance Service Desk plugin language to the Portuguese language which comes with the English language set as default.






TS012474006 - IGI Manual requests are not getting closed after upgrading V2.6.1.





TS012575159 - IGI manual entitlement out-of-sync issue.

Manual entitlements not being processed by Service Desk in a specific situation.





Items closed in 2.5 release





TS007789061 - ServiceNow 2.3 - IGI Parent request status not updated when child requests are successful for manual service.






TS009009705 - ServiceNow 2.4 - ServiceNow side is showing dozens of RITM tasks/events from the IGI side.

Sql.event.out.request value returns old unprocessed events from EVENT_OUT.





TS009296834 - ServiceNow 2.4 - IGI-ServiceNow connector closed Cancelled when IGI is down.

Documentation to set a custom retry time limit.





Items closed in 2.0 release




TS004378157 - ServiceNow 2.0 - IGI - ServiceNow does not close duplicate requests





TS004132465 - ServiceNow 2.0 - Service Now Integration issue with request and task detail


Known Issues



PMR# / Description








Installation and Configuration Notes

See the IBM Security Verify Service Desk for ServiceNow Installation Guide for detailed instructions.


Corrections to Installation Guide

The following corrections to the Installation Guide apply to this release:



Configuration Notes

The following configuration notes apply to this release:






Installation and Supported Platforms

The IBM Security Verify Service Desk for ServiceNow was built and tested on the following product versions.


ServiceNow versions:





IBM Security Verify Service Desk ServiceNow App


Version 2.6.2



IBM Security Identity Governance Integration


Versions 5.2.6 or higher



IBM Security Verify Governance


Version 10.0 or higher




End of Release Notes