Release Notes

IBM® Security Verify Governance RACF Adapter

Second Edition (Nov 17, 2023)

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2023. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


Table of Contents

Preface 1

Adapter Features and Purpose 1

License Agreement 1

Contents of this Release 1

Adapter Version 1

New Features 1

Closed Issues 1

Known Issues and Limitations 1

Installation and Configuration Notes 1

Corrections and/or additions to the Installation and 1

Configuration sections of the RACF adapter guide. 1

Chapter 1: Overview 1

Chapter 2: Planning 1

Chapter 3: Installing 1

Chapter 4: Upgrading 1

Chapter 5: Configuring 1

Chapter 6: Troubleshooting 1

Chapter 7: Reference 1

Corrections and/or additions to the Installation and 1

Configuration sections of the zSecure RACF adapter guide. 1

Chapter 1: Overview 1

Chapter 2: Planning 1

Chapter 3: Installing 1

Communication configuration 1

Importing the adapter profile 1

Chapter 4: Upgrading 1

Chapter 5: Configuring 1

Chapter 6: Troubleshooting 1

Chapter 7: Reference 1

Upgrading to the current release 1

Starting and stopping the adapter 1

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features 1

Getting Started 1

IBM Security Verify Product Resources: 1

Supported Configurations 1

Installation Platform 1

Trademarks 1


Welcome to the IBM Security Verify RACF Adapter. This installation package contains 2 adapters that can be installed using the ISPF panels: the standard RACF adapter and the zSecure RACF adapter.

The zSecure RACF adapter requires the zSecure RACF admin product to be installed on the adapter host. Unless we specifically mention zSecure, any reference to the RACF adapter refers to both adapters.

These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Verify Adapter manuals were created:

Adapter Features and Purpose

The RACF Adapter is designed to create and manage RACF accounts. The adapter runs in ”agent” mode and must be installed on z/OS. One adapter is installed per RACF Database, but the RACF Adapter may be configured to support a subset of the accounts through the scope of authority feature on the RACF Service Form.

The Security Verify Adapters are powerful tools that require administrator level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories. Operations requested from the Verify server will fail if the adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this adapter run with administrative permissions.

License Agreement

Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Verify product license prior to using this product. The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.

Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Release Date


Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter Build



enRole Resource Management API

OpenSSL 3.1.0


Please check out the latest documentation on the IBM Documentation Center.

Select the latest server release to navigate to the latest version of the adapter documentation.

New Features

Internal #



Items included in current release

No items included

Items included in release 10.0.8

No items included

Items included in release 10.0.7

No items included

Items included in release 10.0.6

No items included

Items included in release 10.0.5

RFE 151566

IBM Security Manager RACF adapter support for IBM Multi-Factor Authentication for z/OS

Items included in release 10.0.4

RTC 189952

Verify adapters on z/OS 2.5

RTC 189953

Verify zSecure RACF adapter on zSecure 2.5

Items included in release 10.0.3

No items included

Items included in release 10.0.2


Deliver RACF and zSecure RACF adapter as one installation. Combine sources and installation package and allow either adapter to be installed using the same part.


Document new features in zSecure RACF adapter that are inherited from the RACF adapter as part of the merged sources.

Historical features RACF adapter

Internal #



Items included in release 10.0.1

RTC 187573


Rebranding IBM Security Identity to IBM Security Verify

Items included in release 7.1.40

No items included

Items included in release 7.1.39

No items included

Items included in release 7.1.38

No items included

Items included in release 7.1.37

RTC 55048

RFE 122650

RACF CSDATA segment support for single account lookup

Items included in release 7.1.36

No items included

Items included in release 7.1.36


RFE 127701

ISIM RACF Adapter enhancement.

RTC 182687

Disallow external calls to agentCfg port.

Items included in release 7.1.35

RTC 182213

IGI 5.2.5 support -

As an adapter developer for z/OS I need to add support for supporting data and canonical values to the IGI profiles

Items included in release 7.1.34

No items included

Items included in release 7.1.33

No items included

Items included in release 7.1.32

RTC 174146

RFE 52070

Add an option to include “REMOVE <connect_group>” or “CONNECT <connect group>” for PRE MODIFY and POST MODIFY operations to be passed on to ISIMEXIT.

RTC 174284


As an adapter for RACF user I want to have an option to run RECOJOB outside of the adapter so that the adapter can instantly start processing the RECOSAVE contents.

RTC 176712


Add a registry setting to specify if the adapter should attempt to delete existing data set profiles before deleting an account.

RTC 174414

As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2o to address PSIRT CVE-2018-0739

Items included in release 7.1.31

RTC 52661

RTC 173352


As an AD for z/OS developer I need to offer the ability to explicitly disable TLS1.0 in all ADK based adapters.

RTC 173354


As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to add diagnostic messages to the ADK that allow troubleshooting 2-way ssl connections

RTC 173351

As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2n

Items included in release 7.1.30


Add support for WAEMAIL in WORK segment

Items included in previous releases

RTC 163356

Enable SSL by default in the ISPF installation panels

RTC 166577

Add tooltips to

RTC 166584

PMR 22151,003,756

Registry setting to keep the RECOSAVE export data set



Status tab in IGI target.json, erLastAccessDate in target.json



TSO/E 8 Character Userid support



Upgrade expat libraries to 2.2.0


Update OpenSSL to release 1.0.2j


PMR 42182,122,000

Disable SSLV3 and RC4 ciphers and certify TLS 1.1 / 1.2 is supported by the ADK



Adapter appears to be running while it was unable to connect to the socket.



RACF adapter enhancement. How to know what attributes are being modified in a ISIMEXIT.



Support ROAUDIT attribute in the RACF adapter


Include IGI specific profile with JSON in the adapter package


Update the adapter panels


Include adapter mapping file in the adapter package


Include a license folder in the adapter package


Add two initial lines to which are required for translation

RTC 135237

Complex Attribute Handler for RACF Connect Groups

RTC 136795

ISIM Lookup transaction performance enhancements

RTC 93081

Remove APPC protocol dependency

RTC 74287

Added support for password phrases

RTC 35332

Added support for custom fields (CSDATA)

RTC 75819

Changed KERB form: Added AES and changed DESD description

Changed agent behavior:
Setting a boolean flag to blanks is now the same as setting it to FALSE

Historical features zSecure RACF adapter

Internal #



Items included in release 10.0.1

RTC 187573


Rebranding IBM Security Identity to IBM Security Verify

Items included release 7.1.15

RTC 186771


Add support for the LNOTES RACF segment to the zSecure RACF adapter

RTC 186772


Add support for the KERB RACF segment to the zSecure RACF adapter

RTC 186773


Add support for the NETVIEW RACF segment to the zSecure RACF adapter

RTC 186776


Add support for the NDS RACF segment to the zSecure RACF adapter

Items included release 7.1.14

No items included

Items included release 7.1.13

RTC 183526 Help


Ability to remove resource profile permissions that are assigned directly to an user account using CKGRACF.

RTC 183116


Implement connect groups as complex attributes when defining groups as permissions rather than external roles.

RTC 183456


Add ISIMEXIT functionality

RTC 183458


Delete data set profiles before attempting to delete the matching account

RTC 183459


Option to specify language environment dump location (CEEDUMP)

RTC 183533


OPMODE unencrypted registry setting to allow the adapter to run in READ-ONLY or READ-ONLY with PASSWORD/PASSPHRASE support mode.

Items included release 7.1.12

No items included

Items included release 7.1.11

RTC 182213

IGI 5.2.5 support -

As an adapter developer for z/OS I need to add support for supporting data and canonical values to the IGI profiles

RTC 177897

As an adapter for zSecure RACF user I would like to be able to view and modify user profile attributes from the DCE segment.

RTC 177898

As an adapter for zSecure RACF user I would like to be able to view and modify user profile attributes from the DFP segment.

RTC 177900

As an adapter for zSecure RACF user I would like to be able to view and modify user profile attributes from the PROXY segment.

RTC 177901

As an adapter for zSecure RACF user I would like to be able to view and modify user profile attributes from the WORK segment.

Items included release 7.1.10

No items included

Items included release 7.1.9

RTC 170932

As an adapter for zSecure RACF user I would like to be able to view and modify user profile attributes from the TSO segment.

RTC 176018

As an adapter for zSecure RACF user I would like to be able to view and modify user profile attributes from the OMVS segment.

RTC 176019

As an adapter for zSecure RACF user I would like to be able to view and modify user profile attributes from the CICS segment.

RTC 176019

As an adapter for zSecure RACF user I would like to be able to view and modify user profile attributes from the LANG segment.

RTC 176016

As an adapter for zSecure RACF user I would like to be able to view and modify user profile attributes from the BASE segment.

RTC 176020

Add support for the new segments in targetprofile.json

RTC 175175

As a zSecure RACF adapter developer I need to upgrade to ADK 6.0.5 / OpenSSL 1.0.2o

Items included release 7.1.8

RTC 52661

RTC 173352


As an AD for z/OS developer I need to offer the ability to explicitly disable TLS1.0 in all ADK based adapters.

RTC 173354


As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to add diagnostic messages to the ADK that allow troubleshooting 2-way ssl connections

RTC 173351

As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2n

Items included release 7.1.7

RTC 170056

Include specialFlags in targetprofile.json

Items included release 7.1.6

RTC 163356

Enable SSL by default in the ISPF installation panels

RTC 166577

Add tooltips to

RTC 166584

PMR 22151,003,756

Registry setting to keep the RECOSAVE export data set

RTC 166586

Implement registered prefix IRVxxxxx for shared profile variables

Items included in release 7.1.5



Status tab in IGI target.json, erLastAccessDate in target.json



TSO/E 8 Character Userid support



Upgrade expat libraries to 2.2.0

Items included in release 7.1.4


Update OpenSSL to release 1.0.2j


PMR 42182,122,000

Disable SSLV3 and RC4 ciphers and certify TLS 1.1 / 1.2 is supported by the ADK



Adapter appears to be running while it was unable to connect to the socket.

Items included in release 7.1.3


Update JSON in the adapter profile


Include adapter mapping file in the adapter package


Include a license folder in the adapter package


Add two initial lines to which are required for translation

RTC 151010

Stickybit set on adapter_readonly_home subfolders

Items included in release 7.0.2

Fulfillment: added support for account Add, Delete and Modify

Items included in release 7.0.1

IGI 7.0.1 initial release

Closed Issues

Internal #



Items closed in current release



Single account lookup fails


CEEDUMP in UserModify() for delete connect after add connect



SMF will show 2 PHRASE commands where the adapter should perform a PHRASE and a PASSWORD command.

Items closed in release 10.0.8

RTC 191079



Customer facing issue while creating new ID with RACF Adapter

Items closed in release 10.0.7

RTC 190968



Items closed in release 10.0.6

RTC 190602


Thread:000004 Unable to load private key

RTC 190603



RTC 190562


RACF zSecure adapter permision name problem

RTC 190563


grpnamelist as permission



IGIZSECURE adapter wrong actions

Items closed in release 10.0.5


Racf certificate update shows incorrect valid date

Items closed in release 10.0.4

RTC 189940


zSecure RACF - Hebrew characters are returned reversed

RTC 189941


zSecure RACF - no error returned for failing add or modify request

RTC 189942


zSecure RACF - abend after receiving erzsrorgunit modify request

RTC 189943

zSecure RACF - error when trying to delete non-existing account

RTC 189944

RACF - no error is returned if a required attribute is missing from an ADD request

RTC 189954

zSecure RACF - add _CEE_RUNOPTS to start script

Items closed in release 10.0.3

RTC 189789


Place and document limitations on Hebrew language support implementation.

RTC 189790

CSDATA field delete is not correctly impletented in the RACF adapter

RTC 189791


RACF adapter error when creating userid

RTC 189792

DEFECT: standard RACF adapter recon does not work in IGI

Items closed in release 10.0.2

RTC 188446


Fully qualified generic data set profiles not deleted.

RTC 188442


Duplicate values returned for CSDATA attributes

RTC 188441


Hebrew returned reversed during reconciliation

Historical Closed Issues RACF adapter

Internal #



Items closed in release 10.0.1

RTC 187967


Abend 0C4 after  getpwuid() error

RTC 187968

Upgrade to Expat 2.2.10

RTC 187569


Adapter fails to delete profiles if the accounts connection to the group has been revoked.

Items closed in release 7.1.40

RTC 186766


AGJB04 writes empty JOBCHAR to registry

RTC 186767


ISIM_ADAPTER_CIPHER_LIST variable is not having any effect with RACF adapter 6.0.39

RTC 186768


Error when processing unmodified values in reply message

RTC 186769


Abend when processing reconciliation request xmls

Items closed in release 7.1.39

RTC 186212


RACF "EDC5112I Resource temporarily unavailable”

RTC 186218


Increasing memory allocations for erracconxml values during reconcilitations.

RTC 186218


Adapter STC does not abort when running out of memory required for new connection pthreads.

RTC 186213


vulnerability CVE-2016-2183(SWEET32) reported on ISIM V6.0.

RTC 186214



Memory leak in ConnectionTest operations.

Items closed in release 7.1.38

No items included

Items closed in release 7.1.37

RTC 184015


Adapter abend 40D, RC10 with the below messages in the CEEDUMP

5 _ermAlloc +00000076 libErmApi.dll Call

6 ErmSBCSStrtoUCS2Str

+000000C0 libErmApi.dll

RTC 184017


Excessive non-ISIM server connections causing abend

Starting SSL handshake (OpenSSL)...

Handshake failed. Error code: 1

SD_SEND to socket

Start SSL cleanup

Shutting down SSL server...

Received a segmentation violation...

RTC 183205


Debug output in agentCfg tool causes DAML protocol configuration issues

RTC 184018


Account DELETE continues with ISIMEXIT POST DELETE even if the account can’t be deleted.

RTC 184019


<adapter_rw_home>/data/ files not removed after attempt to delete data set profiles

Items closed in release 7.1.36

RTC 182687

Disallow external calls to agentCfg port

RTC 182516


Reconciliation doesn't return all accounts.

RTC 182686

Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2.q

Items closed in release 7.1.35

RTC 181312


RACF adapter returns rc ‘20030’ on account ADD

RTC 181313

IKJ567161I when provisioning/modifying a custom attribute

RTC 181314


Adapter abends during the reconciliation of CSDATA segment attributes

RTC 181315

Upgrade to ADK 6.0.6

RTC 181319


IKJ56702I INVALID USERID returns error for account DELETE where this should return a success as the account no longer exists in RACF

Items closed in release 7.1.34

RTC 179053


IKJ56716I when provision/modify a comma-separated CSDATA value

RTC 179043

Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2p

Items closed in release 7.1.33

RTC 177574


Add an option to continue to use tsocmd to allow authorized TSO/E commands to be executed from ISIMEXIT.

RTC 177573


TSO/E STATUS command fails if the JOBNAME contains a $ character.

RTC 177575


SURROGATE ID ignored on account MODIFY

Items closed in release 7.1.32

RTC 174285


RACF Adapter for ISIM 6.0 - tsoCmd: return code 255

when using ISIMEXEC.

RTC 175922


Inconsistent erraculogtime between full and filtered reco

Items closed in release 7.1.31

RTC 173353


As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to ensure that manually dropping the DAML_PORT socket doesn't result in a loop

RTC 173360


Since installing 6.0.29 customer cannot longer change the DAML password

RTC 173359

change the group profile name from RacfGroupProfile to RACFgroupProfile

RTC 173723

Attempt to destroy context for invalid socket results in dump in _ermListFree

Items closed in release 7.1.30


PSIRT Malformed X.509 IPAddressFamily could cause OOB read (CVE-2017-3735)



Report Data Sync does not synchronize RACF Group memberships

Items closed in previous releases

RTC 166463



RSA key length used by certTool increased from 1024 to 4096, which

allows it to be NIST compliant beyond 2021.

RTC 166581



Lock file that is created during reconciliations is not removed when switching between the SURROGATID and the ADAPTERID


RACF Adapter Complex Attribute Handler NullPointerException while trying to remove or add a connect group.


PMR 17895,001,862

The adapter allowed multiple parallel reconciliation requests without closing pipes and failing the duplicate requests.



Memory allocation related abends during reconciliation when processing large amounts of connect groups for individual user accounts.



erraculogtime value is incorrect if the account has not been used after creation.


Attribute values following the string PASSWORD are masked in the adapter log


PMR 17895,001,862

Heap storage problem in RACF agent

CEE3204S The system detected a protection exception (System Completion Code=0C4).

From entry point _ermFree at compile unit offset +0000008A at entry offset +0000008A at address 2500BF4A.


PMR 70620,704,704

RACF adapter abend

CEE0802C Heap storage control information was damaged. From entry point _ermAlloc at compile unit offset +00000076 at entry offset +00000076 at address 2932CDAE.
From entry point tsocmd_exec at compile unit offset +00002660 at entry offset +00002660 at address 29113BE0.
CEE0802C Heap storage control information was damaged. From entry point _ermFree at compile unit offset +00000084 at entry offset +00000084 at address 2932CF44.
CEE0802C Heap storage control information was damaged. From entry point tsocmd_exec at compile unit offset +00002660 at entry offset +00002660 at address 29113BE0.


PMR 91447,L6Q,000

RACF 6.0.23 Abend 0c4




RACF agent started task on Z/OS 2.1 abends 0c4



RACF adapter crashes when handling ISIM requests


Adapter abends when not receiving a connect owner value


PMR 75768,122,000

Abend U4038

RTC 153442


ErRacConXml changed from string to binary in the IGI specific profile, this change had to be undone in the standard profile to prevent abends. KerbIsAES was changed back from KerbisAES128 to KerbIsAES to prevent errors in existing installations.

RTC 153443

PMR 27999,200,838

Deleting an account may fail if data set profiles for the account are still defined in RACF.

RTC 153444


The adapter should first set a password before setting the password interval when adding a new account.

RTC 151566

PMR 65622,004,000

Reconciliation runs longer starting release 7.0.23 due to Fix0205 message improvements

RTC 151007

subattribute values from ComplexAttributeValue Object reset to default

RTC 151009

PMR 76787,122,000

Lookup fails due to duplicate erracuname when NAME is specified in the instdata field

RTC 151010

Stickybit set on adapter_readonly_home subfolders

RTC 148905

PMR 76787,122,000

ISIMRECO 0C4 on fclose in Fix0205 message

RTC 148907

Lookup: Connect attributes not updated.

RTC 148908

Error while modifying BINDDN in PROXY segment

RTC 148909

Erraculogtime is not returned with the lookup operation

RTC 148910

Accounts with only BASE segment fail lookup

RTC 148911

Inconsistent results when supplying AES as encryption parameter in KERB segment

RTC 148912

Reconciliation and lookup not supported for erracuopmonitor



Issue changing from SURROGAT ID to Agent ID.

RTC 136796


"Unload 0102 record is missing" message during reconciliation.

RTC 141112

PMR 91113,003,756

RACF Adapter 0C4 (protection exception) socket.

RTC 145789

Adapter uptime on connectiontest is not updated.

RTC 144303

When you send a request to modify multiple connect groups and all of these connect commands fail, the adapter should return a failure.

RTC 144305

Change erracunoexpire from semi-supported to supported

by re-adding it to the account form.

RTC 144236


ISIM 6 RACF adapter acct creation error after delete / Thread security environment not reset after using SURROGAT ID.

RTC 141532

PMR 91113,003,756

erracupwinterval error message bogus.

RTC 141531

PMR 91113,003,756

ADK bogus characters in Bind message.



Missing profile description: update racf2profile and racf2profiledesc

RTC 134668


Adapter ignores erracupwnoexpire on password change

RTC 134667


R_Admin is called during reconciliation when RECOSAVE data set name contains “CO” characters.

RTC 134666

OpenSSL upgrade to 1.0.1m

RTC 126656


Update ISIMEXIT to support current TSO/E implementation.

RTC 134037

Agent abends after single account lookup from PIM server while processing entries for all accounts defined to RACF

RTC 134036

RACF recon fails because JOBCHAR(R) does not meet the standard for jobnames

RTC 134035


RACF DELUSER returns ISIM console success but it fails

RTC 125820


RACF Adapter failed to open output file when processing >1000 simultaneous requests

RTC 124239


Clear text password visible while changing password using ISIM

RTC 121370


Recon failed, adapter didn't wait 99 seconds

RTC 121366


RACF adapter crashes when using PASSEXPIRE is true in combination with a pass phrase ending with a '$' character.

RTC 121368


Reconciliation fails due to prefixing.

RTC 121369


Errors in CSDATA processing for one-character fields and integer fields.

RTC 121371


Help panel message AMGRA034 should be AGRMA034.

RTC 118499

Pre-Delete exit does not work


Add account fails if 'KJ56644I NO VALID TSO USERID, DEFAULT USER ATTRIBUTES USED' is returned from RACF.


RACF adapter password command formatting errors when creating a new account.

RTC 117760

AGRCCFG utility not working as expected





RTC 113676


Password is set to EXPIRED on password change although "PASSEXPIRE" is set to "TRUEADD"

RTC 112167

Password not propagated on password change

RTC 109531


Erracupwinterval: Interval 0 not interpreted as NOINTERVAL

RTC 67672


Update on previous fix: now also includes solution for agentCfg dumping when entering a 4 character key when starting agentCfg

RTC 99335


AgentCfg -codepages does not return information

RTC 108483


RacfAgent.dat overwritten every IPL

RTC 108485


Openssl upgraded to 10.1.g

RTC 109528


Changed max thread settings and additional debug messages

RTC 109530


Running the adapter in -console mode does not open remote socket

RTC 98358


Warning messages CONNECT group: incorrect characters returned in errorMessage when creating a new account on the ISIM server and specifying a connect group to which the user can not be added by the adapter resulting in the following message on the ISIM server:

CTGIMD812E An error occurred while processing the adapter response

message. The following error occurred.

Error: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x7) was found in the value of

attribute "errorMessage" and element is "attr".

RTC 95787


Adapter issue with CONNECT group

RTC 95782


Incorrect characters present in some account attributes

RTC 64756


Error in setting the READ_TIMEOUT parameter.

RTC 67672


When trying to change the ISIM adapter Configuration Key using agentCfg, a problem is encountered if the length of the new key is less than 5 characters. If it is 4 characters or less the registry will be corrupted.

Historical Closed Issues zSecure RACF adapter

Items closed in release 10.0.1

RTC 187967


Abend 0C4 after  getpwuid() error

RTC 187968

Upgrade to Expat 2.2.10

Items included in release 7.1.15

RTC 186767


ISIM_ADAPTER_CIPHER_LIST variable is not having any effect with RACF adapter 6.0.39

RTC 186768


Error when processing unmodified values in reply message

RTC 186769


Abend when processing reconciliation request xmls

Items included in release 7.1.14

RTC 186218


Adapter STC does not abort when running out of memory required for

new connection pthreads.

RTC 186213


vulnerability CVE-2016-2183(SWEET32) reported on ISIM V6.0

RTC 186214



Memory leak in ConnectionTest operations.

RTC 186217


Hebrew chars not passed to zSecure adapter

Items included in release 7.1.13

RTC 184015


Adapter abend 40D, RC10 with the below messages in the CEEDUMP

5 _ermAlloc +00000076 libErmApi.dll Call

6 ErmSBCSStrtoUCS2Str

+000000C0 libErmApi.dll

RTC 184017


Excessive non-ISIM server connections causing abend

Starting SSL handshake (OpenSSL)...

Handshake failed. Error code: 1

SD_SEND to socket

Start SSL cleanup

Shutting down SSL server...

Received a segmentation violation...

RTC 183205


Debug output in agentCfg tool causes DAML protocol configuration issues

Items included in release 7.1.12

RTC 182687

Disallow external calls to agentCfg port


Hebrew codepage aliases not checked and reading direction incorrect.

RTC 182516


Reconciliation doesn't return all accounts.

RTC 182686

Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2.q

Items included in release 7.1.11

RTC 181308

Upgrade to ICU 3.6

RTC 181306


Hebrew writing direction

RTC 181301

Incorrect entry in adapter log for EXPORT data set

RTC 181302


IKJ56702I INVALID USERID returns error for account DELETE where this should return a success as the account no longer exists in RACF

RTC 181310

Upgrade to Expat 2.2.6

RTC 181303

Upgrade to z/OS ADK 6.0.6

Items included in release 7.1.10

RTC 179043

Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2p

Items included in release 7.1.9

RTC 174414

As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2o to address PSIRT CVE-2018-0739

Items included in release 7.1.8

RTC 173353


As an ADK for z/OS developer I need to ensure that manually dropping the DAML_PORT socket doesn't result in a loop

RTC 173360


Customer cannot longer change the DAML password

RTC 173723

Attempt to destroy context for invalid socket results in dump in _ermListFree

Items included in release 7.1.7



Abend 0C4 when modifying a single connect group for an account.


Error returned for SURROGAT ID during account modify


PSIRT Malformed X.509 IPAddressFamily could cause OOB read (CVE-2017-3735)

Items included in release 7.1.6

RTC 166463



RSA key length used by certTool increased from 1024 to 4096, which

allows it to be NIST compliant beyond 2021.

Items included in release 7.1.5


Items included in release 7.1.4


Attribute values following the string PASSWORD are masked in the adapter log


PMR 17895,001,862

Heap storage problem in RACF agent

CEE3204S The system detected a protection exception (System Completion Code=0C4).

From entry point _ermFree at compile unit offset +0000008A at entry offset +0000008A at address 2500BF4A.

Items included in release 7.1.3


Items included in release 7.0.2

RTC 136791

Increase length for erZsrResource and erZsrAccess

RTC 138813

PMR 54401,004,000 IBM IGI zSecure RACF Adapter creates IGI-only roles

RTC 131691

ConnectionTest requires CKGRACF for zSecure Version in service form

Known Issues and Limitations

Internal #


PMR # / Description


This release of the RACF Adapter does not support FIPS.


The lookup operation will not return UAUDIT settings for an account when the ADAPTER ID does not have the AUDIT attribute.


This version of the zSecure RACF adapter does not support:

  • Attribute modifications for resource profile access permissions: all RACF resource profile access related data is presented readonly.

  • Reconciliation of management access related attributes and values such as access through system privileges (special, group-special, operations, etc..), universal access or other permissions representing any userid.

  • Reconciliation of access to Unix files.


  • Any account attributes or operations not specifically mentioned as included in the adapter guide.


In ISVG, when specifying RACF GROUPS as EXTERNAL ROLES, all CONNECT commands will be limited to include the value “USE”, no rights outside “USE” are included in the command the adapter issues as ISVG does not support RIGHTS for EXTERNAL ROLES.

It is possible to import the profile from the Profile_as_permission folder in the installation package. This profile defines RACF GROUPS as IGI PERMISSONS and will allow rights to be defined. If RACF GROUPS are defined as permissions, RESOURCE PROFILE permissions will no longer be associated to the GROUPS (zSecure RACF only).


In the current Security Verify Governance release it is NOT possible to assign RESOURCE PROFILE permissions to an account or external role. It is also not possible to remove resource profile permissions from an external role. It is possible to remove resource profile permissions from an account.


Resource classes, profiles and permissions are not available in the standard RACF adapter. The adapter does however accept server requests that adhere to the following standards:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<LDAPMessage ID="7056732228">

<BindRequest Name="*****" Version="2.0">

<SimpleAuthentication Password="*****">



<ModifyRequest DN="eruid=IBMUSER">

<Modification Operation="add">

<attr name="erracprofaccesslist">






<Modification Operation="delete">

<attr name="erracprofaccesslist">








Support for the configuration of the server request and/or reconciliation of the involved permissions is currently not supported.


The zSecure RACF adapter now also supports single account lookups from IBM Security Verifty Governance Identity Manager. For a single account lookup for which it does NOT use zSecure functionality, instead it uses IRRXUTIL.


The current IBM Security Verifty Governance and Governance Identity Manager releases do not support connect groups as complex attributes for the zSecure RACF adapter.


This release of the RACF adapter does not support MFA


This release of the adapter only offers limited language support. If the IBM-424 code page is set, all space separated character based string values will be considered to be Hebrew values. These values will be reversed before applying a modification in RACF or in the Verify Governance server to restore the writing direction and word order. The only exception to this rule is the implementation of numeric values, provided they are space-separated from character-based string values.


Limited compatibility with erracexecvar and erracexecname is available on demand. Contact IBM Support for more details. Please include your current ISIMEXIT and ISIMEXEC code in your request for support.

Installation and Configuration Notes

See your products specific RACF Adapter or zSecure RACF Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed instructions.

Corrections and/or additions to the Installation and

Configuration sections of the RACF adapter guide.

Chapter 1: Overview

No updates for the current release

Chapter 2: Planning

No updates for the current release

Chapter 3: Installing

Running the ISPF dialog



Optional. Specifies the character to be added to the RECOJOB job name when submitted. A JOBCHAR is required either in the JOBNAME in the JCL or in the JOBCHAR registry setting if you change the name of the JOB from RECOJOB to the name of an existing User ID. See The JOB statement.




Optional. Specifies the character to be added to the RECOJOB job name when submitted. A JOBCHAR is required either in the JOBNAME in the JCL or in the JOBCHAR registry setting if you change the name of the JOB from RECOJOB to the name of an existing User ID. See The JOB statement.

If used, the adapterID or surrogatID are not allowed to exceed 7 characters.

Chapter 4: Upgrading

No updates for the current release

Chapter 5: Configuring

No updates for the current release

Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

No updates for the current release

Chapter 7: Reference

No updates for the current release

Corrections and/or additions to the Installation and

Configuration sections of the zSecure RACF adapter guide.

Chapter 1: Overview

No updates for the current release

Chapter 2: Planning

No updates for the current release

Chapter 3: Installing

Communication configuration

Importing the adapter profile

About this task
Service definition files are also called adapter profile files.
If the adapter profile is not installed correctly, the adapter cannot function correctly. You cannot create a service with the adapter profile or open an account on the service. You must import the adapter profile again.

Profiles contained in this package:

There are 3 profiles contained in this package. Two in the StandardProfiles folder: zSecRacfProfile.jar and racf2profile.jar
These are the main profiles for the zSecure RACF and the RACF adapters.
Another zSecRacfprofile.jar can be found in the Profile_as_permission folder.

The difference between the two profiles is described in the paragraph below.

Standard profile

The standard profile in the main folder of the adapter package configures resource profile permissions as external roles.


RACF groups are defined as entitlements that can be granted to users. In the picture below you will fined that RACF user CHUCK is connected to the SYSPROG group.

This profile, which uses external roles, does not support rights. You can not defined the connect rights to the group.

This profile does provide an overview of the Entitlement hierarchy.

In the picture below you can see that group ZTDEPT61 is a subgroup of ZTDEPT60 , which in turn is a subgroup of ZSTWEAK , which is a subgroup of ZSTARGET, which is a subgroup of ZSECURE.

ZSECURE has several resource profile permissions assigned to it.

The resource profile permissions are defined as external roles, which can be validated in the Roles tab as depicted below.

An overview of the resource profile permissions that are granted to a RACF group is also provided in the Roles tab. In the picture below it shows the resource profile permissions that are granted to RACF group ZSECURE.

In this structure there are no rights that can be defined for RACF groups. If you assign a user to a group, the adapter will only set the default USE authority.

Service Center

In the service center users can request a connect to a RACF group as an external role.

In the picture below you can see RACF user ZTU001 is entitled to use RACF group ZTDEPT61, which is defined as an external role.

T he RACF user CHUCK is entitled to use RACF group SYSPROG as an external role , to which he has the default USE authority.


The profile that is contained in Profile_as_permission folder in the adapter installation package must be used to be able configure the rights for RACF connect groups. To enable this, the RACF groups are imported as permissions.

It is not possible to view the resource profile permissions that are granted to the groups when using this profile. The hierarchy that links resource profile permissions to groups requires the groups to be defined as external roles. External roles however can not have rights.

The following screenshots provide an overview of the settings that are available if the profile from the Profile_as_permission folder is installed.


User CHUCK is a member of the group SYSPROG

User CHUCK only has AUTHORITY USE on the SYSPROG group

User ZSTU is connected to three groups: ZDEPT61, ZDEPT31 and ZPACC02.

This user has the authority to USE these groups.

In the Roles overview the rights for each group can be reviewed.

Service Center

In the Service Center the groups are presented as permissions that can be requested and assigned as entitlements for a user.

Chapter 4: Upgrading

No updates for the current release

Chapter 5: Configuring

No updates for the current release

Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

No updates for the current release

Chapter 7: Reference

No updates for the current release

Upgrading to the current release

Upgrading to the current release of adapter requires a full install of the adapter.

Starting and stopping the adapter

Before you start the adapter, ensure that TCP/IP is active.

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

The IBM Security Verify Adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.

Getting Started

Customizing and extending adapters requires a number of additional skills. The developer must be familiar with the following concepts and skills prior to beginning the modifications:

Note: This adapter supports customization only through the use of pre-Exec and post-Exec scripting. The RACF adapter has REXX scripting options. Please see the RACF Installation and Configuration guide for additional details


IBM Security Verify Product Resources:

Please check out the latest documentation on the Verify Governance Knowledge Center.

Select the latest server release to navigate to the latest version of the adapter documentation.

Supported Configurations

Installation Platform

The IBM Security Verify Adapter supports any combination of the following product versions.

Adapter Installation Platform:

z/OS V2.4

z/OS V2.5

z/OS V3.1

Managed Resource:

IBM Security Server (RACF) for z/OS

zSecure RACF specfic:

IBM Security zSecure RACF V2.4.0 with applied 2020 Q2 SEE and higher.

IBM Security zSecure RACF V2.5.x

IBM Security Verify Governance:

IBM Security Verify Governance v10.x

IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager:

IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager v10.x


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End of Release Notes