Release notes - IBM Security Verify Governance and Intelligence- PeopleSoft HR Feed Adapter 10.0.1

IBM Security Verify Governance and Intelligence PeopleSoft HR Feed Adapter 10.0.1 is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.





Welcome to the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for PeopleSoft HR Feed.

These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Verify Governance manuals were printed:


Adapter Features and Purpose


The PeopleSoft HR Feed Adapter is designed to reconcile Person and organizational information from the PeopleSoft target. The adapter runs in "agentless" mode and communicates using JDBC and the People Tools Java API to the systems being managed. 


License Agreement


Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter License prior to using this product.

The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.



Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Release Date

2023 June 16 10.26.29

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter build:



Dispatcher 7.1.39 or higher (packaged separately)


The following guides are available in the IBM Knowledge Center

PeopleSoft HR Feed Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide

New Features


Enhancement # (Idea)


Items included in 10.0.1 release



Add support for IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager (ISVGIM) starting v10.0.1 FP4 release onwards



Verify and Certify Support for PS 8.60


Rebranding to IBM Security Verify Governance



Items included in 7.1.4 release 


Items included in 7.1.3 release 

RTC 174564

Verify and Certify Support for PS 8.56

Items included in 7.1.2 release 

RTC 155223

US - As a PeopleSoft HR adapter developer, I need to create a suitable 8.55 dev/test environment.

Certify PeopleSoft HR Feed adapter on PeopleTools 8.55 HRMS 9.2 version 

Items included in 7.1.1 release 

RTC 152292

Add Support for Verify Governance and Intelligence (IGI) v5.2.2 

Closed Issues

Internal# Case#





Items closed in current release (10.0.1) 






Items closed in 7.1.4 release 

RTC 182039


APAR IJ12544, Bugz 2739

D - As a PS HR adapter developer, I must ensure that the adapter works with PS configured with Oracle DB, APAR IJ12544, Bugz 2739, TS001434428



Items closed in 7.1.3 release 






Items closed in 7.1.2 release






Items closed in 7.1.1 release 




 Known Limitations



Case# / Description


Adapter returns account status as active for all user entries


Installation and Configuration Notes


See the Installation and Configuration guide for IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for PeopleSoft HR Feed for detailed instructions.

The PeopleSoft HR Feed Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide can be obtained from the IBM Knowledge Center.

Corrections to Installation Guide:

Chapter 1: Overview
              No updates for the current release

Chapter 2: Planning
Remove all Roadmap sub-chapters except for "Roadmap for IBM Security Directory Integrator based adapters, for IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager 10.x"

                            Directory Integrator IBM Security Directory Integrator

                            Remove IBM Security Directory Integrator Version 7.1.1 + 7.1.1-TIV-TDI-FP0004 + 7.2.0-ISS-SDI-LA0008 from the description
                            Replace "IBM® Security Directory Integrator Version 7.2" in the description with "Please consult the release notes for the currently supported versions of the below products".

                            Identity server IBM Security Verify Governance Server
                            Remove existing description and update description as below:
                                          The following servers are supported:
                                          - IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager
                                          - IBM Security Verify Governance

                            PeopleSoft Enterprise
                            Remove existing description and update description as below:
                                          Please consult the release notes for the currently supported versions of the below products

                            PeopleTools Software
                            Remove existing description and update description as below:
                                          Please consult the release notes for the currently supported versions of the below products

Chapter 3: Installing
              Importing the adapter profile
              Please add below note to the end of the page based on the product
                            Note: (Below note is only for IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager)
                              There are three adapter profiles included in the PeopleSoft HR Feed Adapter distribution package: IdentityManager\BPPerson\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar, IdentityManager\Person\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar and ISVG\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar.
                              The difference between the three profiles is that the IdentityManager\BPPerson\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar and IdentityManager\Person\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar can be only used with IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager instance whereas ISVG\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar can only be used with IBM Security Verify Governance instance.
                              If Business Partner entity is in scope then IdentityManager\BPPerson\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar should be used in IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager instance else IdentityManager\Person\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar should be used. It is not possible for both IdentityManager\BPPerson\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar and IdentityManager\Person\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar profiles to exist in the same IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager instance.

                            Note: (Below note is only for IBM Security Verify Governance)
                              There are three adapter profiles included in the PeopleSoft HR Feed Adapter distribution package: IdentityManager\BPPerson\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar, IdentityManager\Person\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar and ISVG\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar.
                              The difference between the three profiles is that the IdentityManager\BPPerson\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar and IdentityManager\Person\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar can be only used with IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager instance whereas ISVG\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar can only be used with IBM Security Verify Governance instance.
                              For IBM Security Verify Governance instance IdentityManager\BPPerson\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar and IdentityManager\Person\PeopleSoftHRProfile.jar profiles should not be used.

              Installing ILMT-Tags File
                            Before you begin:
                            The dispatcher must be installed

                            Copy the files from ILMT-Tags folder to the specified location:
                            1. Windows: <SDI-HOME>\swidtag
                            2. Unix/Linux: <SDI-HOME>/swidtag

              Loading the Project
                            Loading the component interfaces
                                          Update step 1 as below:
                                                        1. Download the file if you haven't done so.

                            Setting the component interface security
                                          Remove existing procedure and add new procedure as below:
                                                        1. Log in to the PeopleSoft web interface using PeopleSoft Administrator Account
                                                        2. Create new Permission List
                                                                      2.a. From the PeopleSoft menu, go to PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Permission Lists
                                                                      2.b. Click on "Add a New Value"
                                                                      2.c. Provide any Permission List name. For instance, "ENROLE_PERSON_PL"
                                                                      2.d. Click on Add
                                                                      2.e. Provide any Description. For instance as "ENROLE_PERSON Permission List"
                                                                      2.f. Click on "Component Interfaces" tab
                                                                      2.g. Add following Component Interfaces to the list:
                                                                      2.h. Click on Edit hyperlink against CI_PERSONAL_DATA component interface and click on "Full Access (All)" on the next screen and click on OK. (Repeat this 2.h step for CI_JOB_DATA component interfaces listed in step 2.g)
                                                                      2.i. Click on Save

                                                        3. Create new Role
                                                                      3.a. From the PeopleSoft menu, go to PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Roles
                                                                      3.b. Click on "Add a New Value"
                                                                      3.c. Provide any Role name. For instance, "ENROLE_PERSON_ROLE"
                                                                      3.d. Click on Add
                                                                      3.e. Provide any Description. For instance, "ENROLE_PERSON Role"
                                                                      3.f. Click the "Permission Lists" tab
                                                                      3.g. Add ENROLE_PERSON_PL permission list created in step 2
                                                                      3.h. Click on Save

                                                        4. Assign the new Role to User Profile
                                                                      4.a. From the PeopleSoft menu, go to PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles
                                                                      4.b. Search and select the user that would be configured in Adapter Service form
                                                                      4.c. Click on the Roles tab
                                                                      4.d. Add ENROLE_PERSON_ROLE role created in step 3
                                                                      4.e. Click on Save

                            Resource-specific JAR files
                                          Remove everything under psft.jar section including psft.jar header

                                          Generating the CompIntfc.jar file
                                                        Remove existing step 8 and 9.c from the procedure and replace with below. Also remove step 12 as its not required anymore:
                                                                      8. Select below Component Interfaces from the list and click OK.
                                                                                    - CompIntfc.CompIntfcPropertyInfo
                                                                                    - CompIntfc.CompIntfcPropertyInfoCollection
                                                                                    - PeopleSoft.* (Select all the Component Interfaces that begin with the prefix PeopleSoft)
                                                                                    - CompIntfc.CI_PERSONAL_DATA* (Select all the Component Interfaces that begin with the prefix CompIntfc.CI_PERSONAL_DATA)
                                                                                    - CompIntfc.CI_JOB_DATA* (Select all the Component Interfaces that begin with the prefix CompIntfc.CI_JOB_DATA)

                                                                      - If you must generate Component Interface Java files for the entire group of Component Interfaces, click ALL.

                                                                      9.c. Run the following command.
                                                                                    javac -classpath PEOPLESOFTHOME\class\psjoa.jar *.java

                                          psjoa.jar file
                                                        Replace "PEOPLESOFT_HOME\web\psjoa" with "PEOPLESOFT_HOME\class"

                                          JDBC type 4 driver JAR file
                                                        Add below details to the end of this sub-chapter before "What to do next" section
                                                        PeopleSoft configured with the Oracle DB:
                                                                      JDBC Drivers:
                                                                      Driver Class:

              Service/Target form details
                            General Information tab (Below additional attributes are applicable only for IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager)
                                          Person profile name
                                                        This is a read only field with "PeopleSoftHRPerson" value.
                                          Use workflow
                                                        If this check box is checked, then an identity policy needs to be created for the IBM Security Governance Identity Manager account for the new person. By default, Use workflow check box is checked.
                                          Evaluate separation of duty policy when workflow is used
                                                        This check box should be check if evaluation of separation of duty policy is required when the workflow is used.
                                          Placement rule
                                                        Provide details for Placement rule. If you do not specify, the default org is used.

Chapter 4: Upgrading
              No updates for the current release

Chapter 5: Configuring
              Enabling TLSv1.2 in Security Directory Integrator
1. Apply recommended fix packs and limited availability (LA) versions on the Security Directory Integrator. See Recommended fixes for IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) & IBM Security Directory Integrator (SDI).
                            2. After applying the appropriate updates, modify the / file by appending the following text to the bottom of the file:

                            # # Protocols to enforce SSL protocols in a SDI Server
                            # # Optional values for* property (TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2). # # This can be a multi-valued comma separated property
                            # # Optional values for property (SSL_TLSv2, TLSv1,TLSv11,TLSv12).
                            # # This is a single value property.

              Customizing the adapter
                            The adapters can be customized or extended or both. The type and method of this customization varies depending on the adapter.
                            Customizing and extending adapters requires a number of skills. The developer must be familiar with the following concepts and skills:

                            - IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager administration
                            - IBM Security Verify Governance administration
                            - IBM Security Directory Integrator management
                            - Security Directory Integrator Assembly Line development
                            - LDAP schema management
                            - Working knowledge of Java™ scripting language
                            - Working knowledge of LDAP object classes and attributes
                            - Working knowledge of XML document structure

                            Note: If the customization requires a new Security Directory Integrator connector, the developer must also be familiar with Security Directory Integrator connector development and working knowledge of Java programming language.

                            Support for custom adapters
                                          The integration to IBM Security Verify Governance servers "the adapter framework" is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a PMR is opened.

Chapter 6: Troubleshooting
              Enabling DEBUG Logs on SDI Server
                            1. Stop the SDI Server process

2. Edit the <SDI_Solution_Directory>/etc/
3. Modify the following line:
              log4j.rootCategory=INFO, Default
              log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, Default

2. Edit the <SDI_Solution_Directory>/etc/log4j2.xml
3. Modify the following line:
              <Root level="info">
              <Root level="debug">

4. Start the SDI Server process
5. Re-create the problem and collect the <SDI_Solution_Dir>/logs/ibmdi.log

Chapter 7: Uninstalling
              No updates for the current release

Chapter 8: Reference
              No updates for the current release


Supported Configurations

Installation Platform
The IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for PeopleSoft HR Feed was built and tested on the following product versions.

Adapter Installation Platform
Due to continuous Java security updates that may be applied to your IBM Security Verify Governance servers, the following SDI releases are the officially supported versions:

·       Security Directory Integrator 7.2 + FP9 


Earlier versions of SDI that are still supported may function properly, however to resolve any communication errors, you must upgrade your SDI releases to the officially supported versions by the adapters. Please refer to the adapters installation and configuration guides for the latest update on IBM Security Directory Integrator versions and fix packs.


Managed Resource

·        PeopleSoft PeopleTools v8.60 resource

· for PeopleTools 8.60

IBM Security Verify Governance servers:

·        IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager (v10.0.1 FP4 release or later)

·        IBM Security Verify Governance v10.0 



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