Release Notes              



IBM® Security Verify Adapter 10.0.7 for Lotus Notes


IBM Security Verify Adapter 10.0.7 for Lotus Notes is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.


© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016, 2024 All Rights Reserved

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Preface. 1

License Agreement. 2

Adapter Features and Purpose. 3

Contents of this Release. 4

Installation and Configuration Notes. 9

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features. 10

Supported Configurations. 11

Notices. 12





Welcome to the IBM Security Verify Adapter for Lotus Notes.


These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Verify Adapter manuals were printed:


IBM Security Verify Adapter for Lotus Notes Installation and Configuration Guide

The IBM Security Verify version 10.0 adapters have enhanced capabilities that are not compatible with 5.x / 4.x version adapters.


On Windows servers, it is a requirement that all adapters must be upgraded simultaneously due to the sharing of DLLs. Any adapters installed prior must be un-installed before the installation of any version 7.1 adapter.


License Agreement

Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Verify Adapter License prior to using this product. The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.


Adapter Features and Purpose

The Lotus Notes Adapter is designed to create and manage Domino accounts. The Adapter runs in agentless mode and uses the Lotus Notes Administrator Client software to manage a single Domino domain. The adapter supports multiple mail servers, a single Registration server and multiple Lotus SameTime servers.


IBM recommends running the adapter in agentless mode; installation on the Domino server is not recommended. The deployment configuration is based, in part, on the topology of your network domain, but the primary factor is the planned structure of your IBM Security Verify Identity Provisioning Policies and Approval Workflow process. Please refer to the IBM Security Verify Identity Information Center for a discussion of these topics.


The IBM Security Verify Adapters are powerful tools that require Administrator Level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories. Operations requested from the IBM Security Verify server will fail if the Adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this Adapter run with administrative (root) permissions.


Service Groups Management
By service groups, it is referring to any logical entity that can group accounts together on the managed resource.


Managing service groups implies the following:


Create service groups on the managed resource.
Modify attribute of a service group.
Delete a service group.


Note that service group name change is not supported in this release.

The Notes adapter supports service groups management.

Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Release Date

2024-06-20 07:35:42 PDT

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter Build    2024-06-20 07:35:42 PDT
Profile                10.0.7

ADK                   8.0.7


The following guides are available in the IBM Verify Adapter Knowledge Center

Lotus Notes Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide



New Features

Enhancement # (RFE)



Items included in current (10.0.7) release


Updated to ADK 8.0.7 (OpenSSL 3.1.6)



Items included in current (10.0.6) release


Updated to ADK 8.0.6 (OpenSSL 3.1.4)



Items included in current (10.0.5) release


Updated to ADK 8.0.5 (OpenSSL 3.1.4)



Items included in 10.0.4 release


Updated to ADK 8.0.3 (OpenSSL 3.0.5)



Items included in 10.0.3 release


ISIM-I-4943, ISV-I-1165

This release includes support for Notes-12


Updated to ADK 8.0.1 (OpenSSL 3.0.5) using Visual Studio 2022 compiler



Items included in 10.0.2 release





Items included in 10.0.1 release



This release includes ADK 7.0.9 will have OpenSSL 1.1.1k

Notes 11 Support



Items included in 7.1.16 release



Internal - Notes 10 support



Items included in 7.1.15 release



PSIRT update the OpenSSL to 1.1.1x Windows ADK



Items included in 7.1.14 release





Items included in 7.1.13 release


As a developer of the Windows local adapter, I need to use a newer OpenSSL version that addresses PSIRT advisories. 

OpenSSL is upgraded from version 1.0.2n to 1.0.2p


Items included in 7.1.12 release



This release includes ADK 7.0.4 which update openssl to 1.0.2m



Items included in 7.1.11 release


This release now supports FIPS compliant mode

Items included in 7.1.10 release


This release includes ADK 7.0.3 which update openssl to 1.0.2f to address a vulnerability to excessive CPU utilization


This release requires an updated C++ runtime. An update install does not install the C++ runtime. You can either do a FULL install or install Visual Studio 2012 redistributable manually.

Items included in 7.1.9 release


Add support for IGI 5.2.2. This adapter is now designed for use with IBM Security Identity Manager, Privileged Identity Manager, and Identity Governance and Intelligence.

Items included in 6.0.8 release


Updated ADK 6.0.1027, features OpenSSL upgrade to 1.0.1m fips. The new ADK provides an option disabling sslv3.  There is also support for setting the list of ciphers used.


Accept multiple group name

Items included in 6.0.7 release


Test Connection will not trigger group reconciliation

Items included in 6.0.5 release

35948 (20949)

ITIM Notes Adapter needs to be notes cluster aware

17095 (7337)

Notes: Support for RequestRename/MoveInHierarchy combined adminp request type.

Support for Sametime 9

Items included in 6.0.4 release

33516 (19357)

Support for Notes/Domino 9 in Tivoli Identity Manager

30427 (17381)

ITIM 5.1 - Support for reconciliation of Domino groups having multiple values in the description attribute of a group (this enhancement applies to ISIM 6.0 as well)

23244 (11649)

Comment Field for Lotus Notes and TIM Notes are not identical for the length of the field. (Please see 'Installation and Configuration Notes' section.)

Items included in 6.0.3 release

17112 (7354)

Notes: ITIM Lotus Notes Adapter Sametime 8.5.x support

17100 (7342)

Notes Adapter nested groups membership management

Items included in 6.0.2 release


Items included in 6.0.1 release

ISIM 6.0 release


Closed Issues



Case# / Description



Items closed in 10.0.3 release




Bugz 3867


Notes Adapter fails to start


TS009419958, TS010740610

Bugz 3860


Lotus Agent not installing correctly




Items closed in 10.0.2 release



RTC 190326

Bugz 3272


Case TS003839175/ Notes Adapter crash on UpdateGroup()




Items closed in 10.0.1 release



Bugz 3513


Case TS005520656/ Notes adapter on windows 2019




Items closed in 7.1.16 release



RTC 187420

Bugz 3235


Case TS003689125/ Notes adapter does not clear password digest during change password




Items closed in 7.1.15 release



RTC 183060


Notes adapter crash when Notes Group Name length is exceeded


RTC 183583


Windows Notes adapter crashes during any operation




Items closed in 7.1.14 release



RTC 180192


Internal - Need to remove Obsolete attribute 'erNotesLocalAdmin' from schema.dsml and targetProfile.json for Lotus notes adapter


Note – This change was done for IGI 5.2.5 as create account operation was failing on IGI 5.2.5 due to obsolete attribute reference.



RTC 180131


Internal - As a developer of the Lotus Notes adapter installer, I must set the correct USE_SSL value



RTC 181462


Internal -Notes Adapter Profile change for IGI 5.2.5 - eruid target attribute should be mapped to CODE governance attribute by default





Items closed in 7.1.13 release








Items closed in 7.1.12 release








Items closed in 7.1.11 release








Items closed in 7.1.10 release








Items closed in 7.1.9 release








Items closed in 6.0.8 release




Extend attribute length for erNotesGroupDescription to 1024



iNotes fullname was populated with eruid

Items closed in 6.0.7 version


Updated ADK 6.0.1019 which includes version 1.0.1h-fips of openSSL.



Move user without certifier causes agent to crash



Silent install does not populate all Windows registry items



Adapter clears cert expiration time value when moving user to new ou



Adapter reconciliation fails with insufficient memory

Items closed in 6.0.6 version



Notes Adapter 5.1.1015- Saving of Person Document fails because of a race between adapter and Domino server.


(Note: This fix also applies to 6.0.x adapter)



Notes Adapter crashes when performing reconciliation containing explicit policies


Notes Adapter fails to restart when restarted from Windows Services administrative tool.

Items closed in 6.0.5 version



Date conversion to string loses millisecs



Date/Time format when using Notes Admin Client in a non-US language


Print error information for certificate errors during password change

Items closed in 6.0.4 version


Notes Adapter crashes while checking for mail template file



Notes adapter crashes during recertification operation

Items closed in 6.0.3 version



Request to Notes Adapter that only includes postexec or preexec attribute will end with failure status


Dialog pops up during Notes adapter upgrade install



ITIM Lotus Notes Adapter crashes with nsd (Access_violation)

Items closed in 6.0.2 version


Notes Adapter unable to create multiple replica mail files on Domino Mail server


Notes Adapter does not default to a mail system if the mail system attribute is not specified



The erNotesReplServerName attribute is supposed to be multi-value in adapter schema


Notes Adapter prepends "Repl_" to replica mail filename


Notes Adapter crashes on modification of a Custom Attribute with an empty/null value

Items closed in 6.0.1 version


Known Issues



Case# / Description



The adapter works in single thread regardless of thread count setting in agentCfg

The "Modifying advanced settings" section of the installation guide to change the adapter thread count is not applicable to the Lotus Notes adapter. Due to limitations in Notes API, the adapters run in single thread mode only. Any thread count settings changes are ignored by the adapter.



Cluster awareness in Notes Adapter

Due to the limitation in Notes API, following operations will fail if the primary registration server becomes unavailable:
1. Registering a user. This applies to users with an ID file. A 'PersonDocOnly' user can still be added.
2. Changing password in ID vault.

RTC 55034


User not added to vault when notes explicit policy allows it.

This a Notes related issue (SPR MSKA8R8JWK). Following workaround will, however, work in the interim: 1. In the Domino Admin Client, open the Registration Settings for the explicit policy. Edit Settings. 2.Click on the 'Miscellaneous' tab. In the 'Group Assignments' list select any group. E.g. LocalDomainAdmins. Save the settings. 3.Register a new user with the explicit policy.

RTC 55036


Password Hash not secure with ISIM/Lotus.

This is a Notes related issue. Upgrading to Notes version 8.5.2 or 8.5.3 will fix the issue.



Incorrect status on Delete operation for restricted authority

The Notes ID used by the adapter must have full administrative authority; this is the only supported configuration. If this account does not have authority to delete domino accounts, the adapter may return a "warning" status, which will be interpreted by the ISIM server as a "success" (ISIM does not recognize "warning" as a valid status on a Delete).



Important Configuration Notes:

Notes 8.5.1 Client is not Supported

Remote Desktop is not allowed
Using Remote Desktop to access the machine on which the Notes client and adapter are installed may lead to instability and random crashes.

Do not open the Notes Client If the notes client is opened, the adapter machine must be completely rebooted.

ID File must be unique Adapter must have its own ID File. It cannot be shared with any other running copy of the adapter or any Notes user.

VMware is not supported After resolving all the above issues, if problems remain, the adapter may need to be run on a physical machine. Lotus does not support the Notes client on VMware.



Class 3 Certificates:

Class 3 Certificates (class 3 secure server CA-G2) are not written properly to "DamlCACerts.pem" file through CertTool.exe Utility. The certificate data is written twice between BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE.

Work around:

To correct this issue, please follow the below steps and edit "DamlCACerts.pem" file present in "< Adapter installation path >\data" folder.

Step 1. Start the CertTool utility
Step 2. Import the class 3 CA certificate by using "F" option from the main menu of CertTool Utility.
Step 3. Once the class 3 CA certificate is successfully installed, open "DamlCACerts.pem" file stored in the "< Adapter installed path >\data" folder using text editor.
Step 4. Delete the class 3 CA certificate data (i.e. content between BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE) from "DamlCACerts.pem".
Step 5. Open class 3 CA certificate file using text editor and copy the certificate data (between the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE)
Step 6. Paste the certificate data to "DamlCACerts.pem" file between the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE lines of same class 3 CA Certificate. If more than one class 3 certificates are installed, then you can identify the certificate using issuer and subject data.
Step 7. Save "DamlCACerts.pem" file.
Step 8. To verify the "DamlCACerts.pem" file is edited properly, display certificate information by using option "E" from the main menu of CertTool Utility.

Please note that this issue is seen after installing class 3 CA certificate. If you correct the DamlCACerts.pem and then install another class 3 CA certificate, the newly installed class 3 CA certificate will show same issue.
This issue is also seen when you delete any certificate using option "G" from the main menu of CertTool utility. The delete option will affect all remaining class 3 CA certificate and you have to follow step 1 to 8 to correct the DamlCACerts.pem file.



Limitations of "Comments" attribute for Group:

1.This attribute is supported with text data only.
2. You can manage this attribute from Adapter only

In following cases, "Comments" attribute will not be supported by Adapter:
1. Once the value of this attribute is modified/cleared from Resource
2.Any file is attached on "Comments" tab of the Group Document on Resource


Installation and Configuration Notes

See the IBM Security verify Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide for detail instructions.

Installing ILMT-Tags File

Please add new section Installing ILMT-Tags File under the section Installing in adapter install guide. Under Installing ILMT-Tags specify below steps.

Before you begin:
The Dispatcher must be installed


Copy the files from ILMT-Tags folder to the specified location:

1. Windows: <SDI-HOME>/swidtag

2. Unix/Linux: <SDI-HOME>/swidtag


Make sure the certlog.nsf is available on server which handles move user request


The adapter will fail the adminP MoveUser request if the certlog.nsf is missing on the server that handles the move request. The domino document on certlog states: "Create a replica of the Certification Log on every server that is a registration server and on every server that stores a Domino Directory that is used for user management -- for example, renaming and recertifying users. If the server whose Domino Directory replica you are using does not have a Certification Log, user-management actions will fail."



Using Notes Adapter 6.0.5 Features


35948 (20949) ITIM Notes Adapter needs to be notes cluster aware


IBM Notes adapter now takes advantage of special options in Notes API for cluster failover. Note that the failover occurs only when the Domino server becomes unavailable while opening a database (e.g. Names.nsf). If the server becomes unavailable after the database is opened, then the operation would fail and no failover would take place. Please consult Domino Administration Guide to learn more about clustering and failover. Please also see the 'Known Issues' section in this Release Notes.


17095 (7337) Notes: Support for RequestRename/MoveInHierarchy combined adminp request type.


When moving a person in hierarchy, it is now possible to perform a simultaneous rename operation. To do this, please follow these steps:

1.     Issue the Adminp command MoveUserInHierarchy as described in the Notes Adapter Users Guide.

2.     When Issuing the Adminp command MoveComplete, specify the First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name if you want to rename the user.


Corrections to User Guide



Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

The IBM Security Verify Identity Adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.


Getting Started

Customizing and extending adapters requires a number of additional skills. The developer must be familiar with the following concepts and skills prior to beginning the modifications:


-         LDAP schema management

-         Working knowledge of scripting language appropriate for the installation platform

-         Working knowledge of LDAP object classes and attributes

-         Working knowledge of XML document structure

Note: This adapter supports customization only using pre-Exec and post-Exec scripting.


IBM Security Verify Identity Resources:

Check the page IBM Support website and search the IBM Security Verify Identity product name for links to training, publications, and demos. 


Support for Customized Adapters

The integration to the IBM Security Verify Identity server - the adapter framework - is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a PMR is opened.


Running in Federal Information Processing Standards compliance mode

IBM Security Verify Adapters can be operated with FIPS 140-2 certified cryptographic modules. FIPS 140-2 is a standard from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that applies to cryptographic modules.

Two FIPS 140-2 modules are used:

·         IBM Java Crytographic Extension

·         Open SSL module

As a user of these modules, there is no certification implied for IBM Security Verify Adapters. However, for the correct use of these FIPS 140-2 modules, IBM customers need to follow the instructions listed below.

The fipsEnable tool allows the adapter to be Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliant. The fipsEnable tool causes the adapter to use a FIPS-certified encryption library so that all cryptographic keys that are used are generated by a FIPS-compliant algorithm. Any communications with the adapter are also secured. The tool generates the FIPS master key, enables the FIPS mode setting, changes the USE_SSL parameter to TRUE and re-encrypts the existing encrypted values for:

·         agentCfg key

·         ADK user name and password

·         Adapter specific encrypted registry items

Note: After FIPS mode is enabled, it cannot be disabled. You must reinstall the adapter, if you want to disable FIPS mode.


Configuring the adapter to run in FIPS mode

1. Install the adapter.

2. Run the fipsEnable tool. Issue the command:fipsEnable -reg agentName

3. Restart the adapter.


Operational differences running in FIPS mode


The DAML protocol that is used to communicate between the adapter and the ADK service provider must run in SSL mode. The fipsEnable tool sets the ADK SSL mode to TRUE. In SSL mode, however, you must install a server certificate because the fipsEnable tool does not convert an existing ADK certificate and key.


Note: You cannot import a PKCS12 file containing a certificate and key. You must use CertTool (option A) to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and have it signed by a Certificate Authority. You can then install the signed certificate with CertTool (option B).


The agentCfg tool automatically detects when the adapter is running in FIPS mode and initializes the encryption library in FIPS mode. In addition, the ADK only accepts agentCfg connections from localhost (


Security policy

For FIPS compliance, a security policy must be defined that outlines the requirements for the end user to operate the application in a FIPS-compliant mode. The software ensures that the correct algorithms and keys are used, however, additional requirements for the environment are the responsibility of the security officer. The security policy defines two roles, security officer and user. It defines the extent to which each of these persons can physically access the workstation, file system and configuration tools. The security of the workstation, of the file system, and of the configuration is the responsibility of the security officer.

Authentication roles

The FIPS security policy normally defines separate roles for a security officer and a user. In the case of an adapter, the user role is actually the IBM Security Verify Identity or Identity Governance and Intelligence (IGI) server. The installation and configuration of the adapter needs to be performed by the security officer.

It is the responsibility of the security officer to ensure that the proper physical and logical security is in place to prevent access to the adapter by unauthorized personnel. This means that the physical workstation must be in a secure location that is accessible only by persons with the authority and access privileges of the security officer. In addition, the security on the folder in which the adapter is installed must be configured to prevent access by personnel other than security officers.

For Windows installations, the system registry must be secured at the top-level key for the adapter to prevent access by personnel other than security officers.

Rules of operation

·        The replacement or modification of the adapter by unauthorized intruders is prohibited.

·        The operating system enforces authentication methods to prevent unauthorized access to adapter services.

·        All critical security parameters are verified as correct and are securely generated stored, and destroyed.

·        All host system components that can contain sensitive cryptographic data (main memory, system bus, disk storage) must be located in a secure environment.

·        The operating system is responsible for multitasking operations so that other processes cannot access the address space of the process containing the adapter. Secret or private keys that are input to or output from an application must be encrypted using a FIPS-approved algorithm




Supported Configurations

Installation Platform

The IBM Security Verify Adapter for Lotus Notes was built and tested on the following product versions.


Adapter Installation Platform:


Windows 10

Windows 11

Windows 2019 Server

Windows 2022 Server


Managed Resource:

Domino R9.0 with optional Sametime 9

Domino R9.0.1 with optional Sametime 9

Domino 10.0.1FP5 with optional Sametime 10

Domino with optional Sametime 11

Domino 12.0.1FP1 with optional Sametime 12


-- with Client


Lotus Notes Client software version R9.0

Lotus Notes Client software version R9.0.1

IBM Notes Client software version 10.0.1FP5

HCL Notes Client software version 11.0.1

Lotus Notes Client software version 12.0.1

IBM Security Verify Identity:

IBM Security Identity Manager v7.0.x

IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager v10.0


IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager (PIM):



Identity Governance and Intelligence (IGI):

IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence v5.2.x

IBM Security Verify Governance v10.0



Although the ISIM Lotus Notes adapter code does not contain any dependency on Windows workstations OS and should run properly on Windows servers, the adapter was tested and verified on Windows workstations due to the limitation of the Notes client software that is required for the adapter to function.


The IBM Security Verify Identity development and L3 team will accept all PMRs related to the ISIM Lotus Notes adapter running on Windows servers. However, any issue that is related to the Notes API not working properly and can't be duplicate on Windows workstations or require the Lotus Notes L3 development team involvement, we may need to ask the customer to duplicate the issue on a Windows workstation machine in order to solve the issue.



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End of Release Notes