Release Notes              



IBM Security Identity Manager

Dispatcher Component for Directory Integrator-based Adapters



IBM Security Identity Manager Dispatcher Component for Directory Integrator-based Adapters is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.






           Component Features and Purpose

License Agreement

           Contents of this release

           Installation and Configuration Notes

           Supported Configurations



Welcome to the IBM Security Identity Manager Dispatcher Component.


These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Identity Manager manuals were printed:




Component Features and Purpose

The Dispatcher Component is designed to support integration between Tivoli Directory Integrator and Security Identity Manager. The Dispatcher is shipped with each Directory Integrator based adapter and is updated to the current release version with each adapter release. This package provides the Dispatcher as a separately shipped component to fast-track upgrade and maintenance delivery.




License Agreement


Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Identity Adapter License prior to using this product.

The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.


Contents of this Release

Component Version



Release Date

2020 September 03 10.33.01

Package Version


Component Versions

Dispatcher build:


The following guide is available in the IBM Security Identity Manager Knowledge Center:

·         IBM Security Identity Manager Dispatcher Installation and Configuration Guide


New Features

Enhancement # (RFE)



Items included in Current version (6.0.40)




Items included in 6.0.39 version

RTC 163389

Ensure that Dispatcher should be forward compatible with Java 8


Items included in 6.0.38 version


RFE 101574

RTC 155972

Dispatcher enhancements for better problem message transport.


RTC 153754 / 158915 / 158749 / 160519

FIPS 140-2 compliance for SDI/TDI Adapters.

Configuring Tivoli Directory Integrator to run FIPs mode


Items included in 6.0.37 version





Items included in 6.0.35 version







Items included in 6.0.34 version









Items included in 6.0.33 version







Items included in 6.0.32 version





17132 (7374)



In this release, a new feature has been added to the RMI Dispatcher at service level. With this new feature, when a test operation completes successfully, the Assembly Lines for that service will be removed from the Assembly Line cache. In addition, any Assembly Lines that were running when the test operation was fired, will also not be cached when they complete. Thus, now the dispatcher won’t require a restart if any attribute on the service form has been changed and the test operation has been completed successfully.




RTC 119318

A timed out request should be retried or failed is now configurable





Items included in 6.0.31 version

RFE 30084

Default ALCacheSize For the unique requestID cannot be captured from TCB

Dispatcher now preserves unique requestID.





Items included in 6.0.30 version




Added support for SDI 7.2.



Items included in 6.0.29 version



The assembly lines can now be synchronized at the dispatcher level using a locking mechanism. 



Items included in 6.0.28 version






Items included in 6.0.27 release 



The time that the dispatcher sleeps after a timeout interrupt happens to allow cleanup, is now configurable. 



Items included in 6.0.24 release




Important Installation Note





Dispatcher - Provide some sort of time out for TDI/RMI adapter requests. 


17069 (7313)


ITIMAd script should include output file instead of /dev/null. 





APAR IV27993


PMR 60438,300,624

Caching in RMI Dispatcher




Items included in 6.0.6 release


Initial Release

Closed Issues 




Case# / Description



Items closed in Current version (6.0.40)

RTC 187417
Bugz 3216


Case TS003630892/ LDAP recon is causing Dispatcher OOM after upgrading from 6.0.30 to 6.0.39

RTC 187199
Bugz 3198


Case TS003550734/ Issue with case-sensitive filtering in RMI Dispatcher



Items closed in 6.0.9 version


RTC 161480/ 161481




PEN TEST - Enable JVM security by adding RMI authentication

The Java RMI on the provided adapter system provides a remote unauthenticated command injection as the root user on the system.

To resolve this, changes have been made to installer to set following three properties during dispatcher installation:

1.     {protect}-systemqueue.auth.username

2.     {protect}-systemqueue.auth.password

3.     systemqueue.on=false

These properties enables authentication on systemqueue which TDI Server uses for communication.


For details refer Installation and Configuration Notes section.


RTC 162896



PEN TEST - Adapters are not installed with SSL encryption enabled by default

By Default communication with adapters is unencrypted, default communication of sensitive information needs to be encrypted out of the box, with only options to disable encryption.

To enable encryption in TDI system, we set following property to true during dispatcher installation:

By setting this property it enables one-way SSL on TDI-ISIM environment. End user has to configure the SSL setup manually.


For details refer Installation and Configuration Notes section.




Items closed in Current version (6.0.38)






Items closed in 6.0.37 version

PMR: 83722,695,760

Bug 2209

RTC 153767



Assembly line cache maintenance is stopped once a request was failed.


PMR: 82636,033,724

Bug 2213

RTC 153767



Dispatcher not closing cached Assembly Lines, so keeping connections open

PMR: 82462,033,724

Bug 2176

RTC 153767



RMI Dispatcher throwing IndexOutOfBoundsException

Internal Bug 1987

RTC 138914


ISIM: Documentation wrong for RMI Dispatcher for cluster environments




Items closed in 6.0.35 version

Internal Bug 2047



Internal report of logging issue in latest dispatcher.


PMR: 51402,227,000

RTC 145426


JMX remote connect dispatcher question/issue- System property was set with host name containing only IP address to resolve the JMX remote connect issue.




Items closed in 6.0.34 version


PMR: 00492,499,000


RTC 137454


SSL connections fail to initialize in Dispatcher


For details, refer the "Installation and Configuration Notes, Corrections to Install Guide" section.







Items closed in 6.0.33 version


Internal Bug 1813



When "ITIMAd stop" is executed, respective  logs should be appended in ITIMAd_stdout.log file.



Internal Bug 1771


RTC 125650



Submit for doc update for 6.0/7.0 dispatcher docs for ITIMAd reference in /etc/init.2



Internal Bug 1794


RTC 124532



SSL configuration steps incorrect in Dispatcher Install guide





RMI Dispatcher still seems to double the value of AssemblylineCacheTimeout (6.0.32)





Items closed in 6.0.32 version


Internal Bug1575




Reconciliation fails using Peopletools adapter - Added a null check in the escapeDNValue() method in, to check if the passed in String is null, and if so, an empty string is returned.




Items closed in 6.0.31 version






Dispatcher doesn't lower connection count when AL filesystem path is incorrect







Slash in reconcile filter syntax fails parsing on Dispatcher






Items closed in 6.0.30 version






Service Level Parameter ignored when the HostNameURL is undefined.




PMR 91098,077,649

Added the missing StringUtility file





Items closed in 6.0.29 version





Added missing utility files for i5OS and PeopleTools adapter.




Items closed in 6.0.28 version





PMR 25670,999,000

ITIM 5.1 RMI Dispatcher returning new attributes related to test connection to ISIM 6.0 server





Items closed in 6.0.27 release 




The default values for the timeout in file have been set to zero. By default, there would be no timeout. One may configure it as per need. 




Changes to TDI Adapters Dev. Reference Guide - Added note for implicit attributes






In case the firewall is enabled, refer the following link to configure the port on which dispatcher remote object listens for RMI requests






Dispatcher Install document references invalid URL for info Center






RMI Development Reference guide needs to detail that multi adapters require unique AL names





Items closed in 6.0.24 release





Important Installation Note






Dispatcher- Set AssemblylineCacheTimeout value gives twice the actual timeout






Dispatcher silent installation docs





Items closed in 6.0.6 release




Initial Release



Known Issues




Case# / Description




Dispatcher installation issue on Windows Server 2012 Platform

Installation of dispatcher on Windows Server 2012 fails. In order to install it, the following steps must be followed:


1.     Navigate to the folder ITDI_HOME/jvm/jre/bin

2.     Right click on the java.exe

3.     Select properties and navigate to the Compatibility Tab.

4.     Select the checkbox for "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"

5.     Select the "Windows 7" option from the dropdown menu.

6.     Apply the changes

7.     Run the installer using java –jar DispatcherInstall.jar command from the command prompt.






Service creation fails after test operation is fired, when dispatcher is installed over SDI 7.2.


This problem occurs because SDI 7.2 returns a longer value of the adapter platform than the permissible value, after the test operation is fired. In order to fix this issue, you must add the following to your adapter schema file. (schema.dsml):


<!-- ******************************************************** -->

<!-- erAdapterPlatform                                            -->

<!-- ******************************************************** -->

<attribute-type single-value="true">


<description>Adapter installation platform</description>





Note: Do not add the above if you are using PeopleSoft Adapter (8.5.3)






Reconciliation Operation Issue

The reconciliation operation happens in the form of batches. The batch size is dependent on the "SearchResultSetSize" attribute, specified in the "" file. Thus, the first batch would be reconciliation of "#" accounts, where "#" is nothing but the value specified in the "SearchResultSetSize", and subsequent batches too would be present for reconciliation of the remaining accounts, each batch of the size "#". Now, if an error or timeout occurs while the first batch of accounts is being executed, one would be able to witness that the request has failed along with the relevant error message. However, if error or timeout occurs while the subsequent batches are being processed, the request would fail, but no error message would be seen along, as in the previous case. This is a server side issue, ISIM recon limitation.



Installation and Configuration Notes 

See the IBM Security Identity Manager Dispatcher Installation Guide for detailed instructions.


Corrections to Installation Guide

The following corrections to the Installation Guide apply to this release:

            Enabling the FIPS mode


Add the below ‘Enabling the FIPS mode’ section in Chapter 4, after ‘Configuring logging for the adapter’ section.


The keystore file created should be copied to TIMSOL folder and/or the encryption/decryption should be with the newly generated FIPS compliant keystore file.


Note: If FIPS mode is enabled, changes done to any authentication attributes in file  may not get affected  directly and we may get error related decryption in ibmdi.log file. To resolve this error we have to re-encrypt the file with key created for FIPS mode.


Sample command for encryption is:


cryptoutils -input ../timsol/ -output ../timsol/

            -mode encrypt_props -keystore ../server.jck -storepass mypass -alias server

-transformation AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding -storetype jceks -keypass mykeypass


IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTE for Version 6.0.29(build 27)

1.     Before installing this version of dispatcher, you need to uninstall the earlier versions of dispatcher. This installer cannot be run on top of existing dispatcher installations (builds earlier than 6.0.27). 

IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTE for Version 6.0.24 (build 7)


1.     Before installing this version of dispatcher, you need to uninstall the earlier versions of dispatcher. This installer cannot be run on top of existing dispatcher installation (builds 60.1012 or earlier).


2.      Dispatcher installer will not ask for instance name and port number while upgrade.


3.      The user who is running the installer must have the execute permissions on "ps" command on non-windows platforms.               




                Enable JVM Security/ Enable SSL

Add below content after #5 in “Installing the Dispatcher in GUI mode section”:


6. Enter the Dispatcher Instance Name. Click Next.

7. Enter the Port number. Click Next.

8. Provide credentials to secure access to the Java Virtual Machine. For more information refer “Configuring JVM Security”(Hyperlink to this section in dispatcher guide). Click Next.

9. Select SSL level. When the check-box is checked the SSL is enabled. If you wish to disable SSL then deselect the check-box Enable SSL. If you disable SSL the communication therefore will be unencrypted i.e. in plain text. For more information refer “Configuring SSL communication”(Hyperlink to this section in dispatcher guide).







Add the following content in Table 5. in “Installing the Dispatcher in silent mode:













This parameter provides the username for JVM security.








This parameter provides the Password for JVM security.










This parameter provides the retype password filed for JVM security.





Provides SSL level; default value is Enable



Also change the example for this section:

To install the adapter in silent mode and with one or more custom settings,

use the -D parameter. For example:


-jar DispatcherInstall.jar -i silent











Add following data at 2nd paragraph of “Configuring SSL Communication” section:




As an adapter manages sensitive data of the users it is essential that communication should be encrypted. The SSL facilitates the encrypted communications between an adapter and end resource. SSL requires certificates to be installed.


During installation you may see the panel Enable SSL. The check-box is present on a panel. It is by default checked. When the check-box is checked the SSL is enabled. If you wish to disable SSL then deselect the check-box Enable SSL. If you disable SSL the communication therefore will be unencrypted i.e. in plain text. Whether SSL is enabled or disabled can be verified after installation.

The property "" in is set to true if SSL is enabled otherwise it is set to false.





Add the following content before “Configuring SSL Communication” section.



Configuring JVM Security

Since WAS and Dispatcher server communicates using RMI. It’s mandatory to secure the JVM.

In order to do so, default dispatcher installation is prompted with providing strong credentials for JVM security. These credentials will be required by an outside RMI process to access the RMI stub. You can always modify the existing credentials by changing following properties in file:







Supported Configurations 

Installation Platform 

The IBM Security Identity Manager Dispatcher was built and tested on the following product versions.

Dispatcher Installation Platform:

This component installs into Tivoli Directory Integrator and may be installed on any platform supported by the product. IBM recommends installing Tivoli Directory Integrator on each node of the Identity Manager WebShere cluster and then installing this adapter on each instance of Tivoli Directory Integrator. Supported Tivoli Directory Integrator versions include:


Dispatcher Installation Platform: 

Due to continuous Java security updates that may be applied to your ISIM or PIM servers, the following SDI releases are the officially supported versions:

·         Security Directory Integrator 7.2 + FP6 + 7.2.0-ISS-SDI-LA0019

Earlier versions of TDI that are still supported may function properly, however to resolve any communication errors, you must upgrade your SDI releases to the officially supported versions by the adapter.


Note:  The adapter supports IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2, which is available only to customers who have the correct

Entitlement. Contact your IBM representative to find out if you have the entitlement to download IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2.


Managed Resource:



IBM Security Identity Manager:

·         IBM Security Identity Manager v6.0 





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End of Release Notes