Release notes - IBM® Security Verify Governance Adapter 10.0.5  for UNIX and Linux


IBM® Security Verify Governance Adapter 10.0.5 for UNIX and Linux is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2024. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.



Table of Contents

1. Contents

2. Preface

3. Adapter Features and Purpose

Service Groups Management 

Directory Service Support

4. License Agreement

5. Contents of this Release

Adapter Version

New Features

Closed Issues

Known Issues

6. Installation and Configuration Notes

Corrections to Installation Guide

7. Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

8. Supported Configurations

9. Notices


These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Identity Server manuals were printed:

·         UNIX and Linux Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide

·         UNIX and Linux Adapter User Guide


Adapter Features and Purpose

The IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for UNIX and Linux is designed to create and manage accounts on AIX, HP-UX, RedHat and SUSE Linux systems. The adapter runs in "agentless" mode and communicates using Secure Shell (SSH) to the systems being managed.

IBM Security Verify Governance Adapters are powerful tools that require Administrator Level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories. Operations requested from IBM Security Verify Governance Server will fail if the adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this adapter run with administrative (root) permissions.


Service Groups Management 

Managing service groups implies the following:

·         Create service groups on the managed resource.

·         Modify attribute of a service group.

·         Delete a service group.

Note:  Modify service group name is not supported.


Directory Service Support

·         This adapter supports LDAP as a user registry on AIX only.

·         This adapter does not support Network Information Service (NIS).


License Agreement

Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter License prior to using this product. The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the adapter package.


Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Release Date

2024 April 19 06.20.04

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter build:



Dispatcher:  Dispatcher 7.1.39 (or higher, packaged separately).


The following guides are available in the IBM Documentation

·         UNIX and Linux Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide

·         UNIX and Linux Adapter User Guide

New Features

Internal #

Enhancement # (RFE)


Items included in current release (10.0.5)



Update Unix/Linux adapter to support SDI10


Verify linux adapter with Ubuntu 20.04.5

Items included in release (10.0.4)


ADAPT-132 / ADAPT-I-208

Unix PosixAdapter for RedHat 9.x (9.2)


Validate UnixLinux adapter on SLES 15.5

SVGAD-961/ SVGAD-769/ SVGAD-676


Enable IBM Security Identity Manager to manage AIX RBAC roles. (Added domains and default role for user)


Remove the support of Solaris OS

Items included in release (10.0.3)

RTC 191170


Fix umask recon for secure home directories (sudo)

The umask settings are now retrieved and updated.

When updating the umask for an account to 027, it got defined as 750 in the UI. The umask setting in the .profile file was updated with the 750 file permissions defined as umask, not 027. To resolve this we have kept the bitstring for the file permissions as is (as this is correct both in the UI and on the OS) , but flipped to bitstring for the umask as this was both displayed incorrectly in the UI as incorrectly written to the profile (as filepermission).



Adapter certification on RedHat Enterprise Linux Server 9.0

Items included in release (10.0.2)

RTC 190965


Adapter certification on AIX 7.3



Items included in release (10.0.1)





Items included in release (7.1.46)

 RTC 185239


Certify UnixLinux adapter on RHEL 8, SuSe 15



Items included in release (7.1.45)

RTC 183245

RFE 129090 (57162)

Unix/Linux Adapter supporting current encryption/hashing for SSH.

Note: Use SDI 7.2.0 Fix Pack 6 & TDI 7.1.1 Fix Pack 9 onwards version for the below newly supported algorithms:

•     rsa-sha2-256, rsa-sha2-512, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521

•     diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group16-sha512, diffie-hellman-group18-sha512, ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521

•     aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr

RTC 184762

RFE 92534 (44991)

Allowed password maximum age limit in Linux and Solaris.

If password maximum age value is greater than LDAP limit value (2147483647), then adapter will set LDAP limit value for password maximum age.

See Allowed password maximum age limit in Linux and Solaris section for more information.



RTC 184354


Attribute value lookup support for IGI 5.2.5



Items included in the release (7.1.44)

RTC 183246


50336: Don't create private group on user creation although additional attributes cannot be set



Items included in the release (7.1.43)

RTC 177521


Adapter certification on RHEL7.4

RTC 177521


Adapter certification on RHEL7.5



Items included in the release (7.1.42)

RTC 174565
Bug 2591


Verify and Certify Suse 12.3

Suse 12. Fixpack 3 is supported or not



Items included in the release (7.1.41)

RTC 168740


US - As a UnixLinux adapter developer, I must support the new specialFlags attribute in targetProfile.json



Items included in the release (7.1.40)

RTC 165309


US - As a UnixLinux adapter developer, I must implement support for the latest IGI requirements



Items included in the release (7.1.39)

RTC 158753


US - As a UnixLinux adapter developer, I should remove the <replaceMultiValue> tag in service.def

RTC 156577


Adapter certification on following new Linux releases
RHEL 7.3
Oracle Linux 7.3
Oracle Linux 7.2

SUSE 12.2



Items included in the release (7.1.38)

RTC 151776


Add support for IGI 5.2.x

This adapter is now designed for use with IBM Security Verify Manager, Privileged Identity Manager, and Identity Governance and Intelligence.

PMR 04119,67E,760

Bugz 2174


Adapter certification on AIX 7.2



Items included in the release (7.0.37)

40870 (82030)

RTC 142443


Password change automation for PIM Solaris Profile



Items included in the release (7.0.36)

42052 (84783)

RTC 142442


ISIM v6.0 Unix and Linux Adapter support for Oracle Linux 6.6

RTC 142444


Adapter certification on RHEL7.2

RTC 142445


Adapter certification on SuSE12.1



Items included in the release (7.0.35)



Adapter certification on Oracle Linux 7.1



Items included in the release (7.0.34)

76587 (38540)
RTC 131797


Support for Dormant accounts on Linux.



Items included in the release (7.0.33)

RTC 127027


Adapter certification on Oracle Linux 7

RTC 124805


Adapter certification on RHEL7.1

RTC 127026


Adapter certification on SLES 12

RTC 127028


Adapter certification on AIX 7.1 TL3



Items included in the 7.0.32 release



Initial release


Closed Issues


Known Issue/ Case#


Items included in current release (10.0.5)




INVALID_LOGIN_CREDENTIALS using Key Based Authentication

Error: CTGRI0000E Could not establish a connection to the target machine with the authorization credentials that were provided.




Posix adapter not working on AIX

Error: Recon operation caught exception: Data read failed; retval: 1

Items included in release (10.0.4)

Bug 3986



CTGIMT018E: A system error occurred while deleting an account. The account is not deleted.

Error: no crontab for xxxxxxx Cannot lock password file: already locked.

Items included in release (10.0.3)




Items included in release (10.0.2)

RTC 187875

Bug 3315


"root all=(all:all) all" syntax in sudoers file causes recons to fail


It will fail for only 'root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL' As an alternate use 'root ALL=(ALL) ALL'





Items included in release (10.0.1)






Items included in release (7.1.46)






Items included in release (7.1.45)

RTC 184353

Bug 2951



Allow $ in password

$ was prohibited in earlier release but since its common character used in password, its being allowed again from this release onwards. However, there are still some limitations, so we must ensure that $() and ${} is not allowed. To use $ in password Select Allow $ in password checkbox in service form.

See Allow $ in password section for more information.




Items included in release (7.1.44)

RTC 183393

Bug 2874

PMR TS002079080

UnixLinux - change the special flags for erPosixPrimaryGroup’s to none



Items included in the release (7.1.43)

RTC 177762

Bug 2644


Groups not returned during reconciliation, $ is escaped in sed command, sed -e 's/\$



Items included in the release (7.1.42)






Items included in the release (7.1.41)

RTC 166794


US - As a Unix Linux adapter developer, I must ensure that '$' characters in attribute names are not subject to macro expansion



Items included in the release (7.1.40)

RTC 161484


PEN TEST - User account creation allows a rogue Linux start process command to be appended


RTC 161485


PEN TEST - Group creation allows a rogue Linux start process command to be appended


RTC 161486


PEN TEST - Identity Service Center allows directory creation under /root




Items included in the release (7.1.39)






Items included in the release (7.0.38)






Items included in the release (7.0.37)






Items included in the release (7.0.36)




Linux recon scripts do not handle usernames with period in them.



Items included in the release (7.0.35)

Bug 1964


Adding user to an AIX target with ISIM UnixLinux adapter fails.
-Handled the NPE during user creation if the registry and/or primary group was null or invalid.




Items included in the release (7.0.34)



No need to add an user to "Security" group for creating as super user on AIX.



Items included in the 7.0.33 release




UnixLinux connector claims RHEL 7 is not supported

Items included in the 7.0.32 release



Initial release




Known Issues



Case# / Description

Bugz 2059,

RTC 145019

PMR 44212,082,000

diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 SSH key exchange algorithm does not work


Successful connection between the UNIX and Linux Adapter and a managed resource depends, in part, on the SSH key exchange algorithms configured on each of the systems.  The underlying Remote Execution and Access (RXA) libraries used by the adapter define which SSH algorithms are supported.  The RXA libraries are packaged with SDI.  To get diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 support, you must use ITDI 7.1.1 LA 0030 or later.



Adding audit class value on AIX


During user add and user modify, if audit class attribute contains a valid value but some other attribute fails, then adapter returns failure instead of warning.




Deleting audit class value on AIX


Adapter returns success for deleting audit class value on AIX, but the changes do not reflect on resource.



User add request with primary group value on Aix


Adapter returns failure status for useradd request if primary group contains value which does not exist on resource.




Changing primary group values on AIX


When primary group and secondary groups values are updated in the same useradd or usermod request, the primary group value is added to the secondary groups list without removing the previous primary group name from the list.

Example: Assume that a user is added with two attributes Primary group = gr01, Secondary Groups = gr02,gr03 

Then the user is modified for the two attributes Primary group = grp1, Secondary Groups = grp2,grp3

Result:  The new secondary group values are:  grp1,grp2,grp3,gr01.




Password change with using LDAP registry on AIX


Configuring multiple AIX services to use the same LDAP may cause errors. If LDAP is configured to use password history checking, and IBM Security Identity Server is configured for password synchronization, any passwords changes initiated from the IBM Security Identity Server effectively cause IBM Security Identity Server to send the same password to each AIX service. The result is a history violation.




pwdadm process might be left running on AIX after root password change


If a failure occurs when changing root's password on AIX 7.1, the pwdadm command can consume a large number of CPU cycles. This can be resolved by installing AIX 7.1 TL3 or higher, which includes APAR IV63940.

RTC 177762

Bug 2644


Groups not returned during reconciliation, $ is escaped in sed command, sed -e 's/\$


From this release (7.1.43), adapter does not support $ character in input values to avoid macro expansion or unwanted command execution.


Note: From release (7.1.45), adapter allows $ in password.

$ was prohibited in earlier release but since its common character used in password, its being allowed again from this release onwards. However, there are still some limitations, so we must ensure that $() and ${} is not allowed. To use $ in password Select Allow $ in password checkbox in service form. (Ref. RTC 184353, Bug 2951, Case TS002309060)


Bug 2577


UNIX/Linux Adapter fails to create role on AIX 7.1 when authorization does not exist


On Aix 7.1, for creating a new role through adapter, make sure the authorization exists on Aix resource.






erPosixForcePwdChange request not working when set to 0


On Linux, Solaris and HPUX, the 'force password change' feature cannot be toggled. You can only set the 'force password change' option to true. The OS does not support resetting it back to false. On AIX, the 'force password change' feature can be toggled between true and false.



Supported shells


Only shells that support setting environment variables via "envvar = xxx; export envvar;" are supported for the service admin user. csh and tcsh in particular do not work (others might not work as well). The sh and bash shell works for the admin user. Note that on many systems, sh is a symlink to another shell.





Known Limitations


APAR# / Case#


PosixAdapterInstall can only be installed on operating systems and releases that are specified in the Supported operating systems for the PosixAdapterInstall.jar section of the release notes and might have unexpected results if used in unsupported versions. For unsupported versions one can manually install the adapter. refer to Installing the adapter binaries or connector section under Installing.


Installation and Configuration Notes

See the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for UNIX and Linux Installation Guide for detailed instructions.


Corrections to Installation Guide

The following corrections to the Installation Guide apply to this release: 

Chapter1: Overview

Remove Solaris from Overview points

Installing the adapter using the installation wizard
                    About this task
                     Note: For IBM Security Verify Directory Integrator, use the PosixAdapterInstall.jar that is located in the SDI10.0 folder of the adapter package. For IBM Security Directory Integrator , use the PosixAdapterInstall.jar that is located in the SDI7.2 folder of the adapter package.

Chapter2: Planning

                            Remove solaris from Operating systems

Chapter3: Installing

              Installing the adapter binaries or connector
                            The connector might or might not be available with the base Security Directory Integrator or Security Directory Integrator product. The connector is required to establish communication between the adapter and the Dispatcher.
                            Before you begin:
                            The dispatcher must be installed


                                          1. Create a temporary directory on the workstation where you want to extract the adapter.
2. Extract the contents of the compressed file in the temporary directory.
3. Copy the PosixConnector.jar file to the ITDI_HOME/jars/connectors directory.
4. Copy below files to adapter_solution_directory.
- CryptPwd
5. Restart the adapter service.

              Verifying the adapter installation
                            Remove from Table 1. Adapter components

              Enabling secure communication
                            Remove Solaris systems from title of About this task

              Installing ILMT-Tags File
                            Before you begin:
                            The dispatcher must be installed

                            Copy the files from ILMT-Tags folder to the specified location:
                            1. Windows: <SDI-HOME>\swidtag
                            2. Unix/Linux: <SDI-HOME>/swidtag

              Service/Target form details
                            Remove Solaris operating system reference from description.
On the Authentication tab
Allow $ in password
Select this check box to use $ in a password.

Allowed password maximum age limit in Linux and Solaris
Remove Solaris from the title.

              Installing the adapter language pack
The adapters use a separate language package from the IBM Security Identity Server. See the IBM Security Governance Adapters Documentation Center for information about installing the adapter language pack.

IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter Documentation

              Installing in the Verify Governance Virtual Appliance


( Please add this new section at knowledge centre (under Installing > Installing in the Verify Governance Virtual Appliance) for UnixLinux Adapter to describe installation procedure of adapter in Verify Governance Virtual Appliance: Please add this below note as well after adding the description.)

             Note: While uploading the Adapter package, you may receive System Error: A file included in the SDI Adapter zip already exists on the system and the Server Message log under Appliance tab of VA will have a reference to error E File ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_xxxx.swidtag found in the adapter zip at location ILMT-Tags/ already exists in system. This is because, you can install the same swidtags only once. So, if another adapter of the same type is installed, remove the swidtags.

             The ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Enterprise-xxxx.swidtag file is common to all adapters. In addition to the common swidtag file, an application adapter needs ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Application_Adapters-xxxx.swidtag file and an infra adapter needs ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Lifecycle-xxxx.swidtag and ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Compliance-xxxx.swidtag files. So, if an application adapter is already installed and this is an infra adapter, then only install the infra-specific swidtags and the other way around. Please visit IBM Security Verify Governance Adapters v10.x link to identify the adapter type of the installed adapters.

              Installing in an IBM Security Verify Directory Dispatcher Container

Before you begin

The steps to install adapter and related files into the container can be performed using the script, which is shipped with the dispatcher package. This script should be staged on the machine running Kubernetes cli. The script is also readily available in the bin directory of ISIM IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager Container Starter Kit installation directory (If ISVDI was selected for installation during the ISIM container installation steps).

If, for any reason, the adapter util script cannot be executed or used, the below manual instructions must be followed to copy the files to the persistent volume.

Note: The container must be restarted after installing or uninstalling the adapter and any changes to the configuration.yaml. To activate changes and restart the container run the following commands:
·    <path_to_starterkit>/bin/ isvdi
·    for OpenShift container: oc -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi
·    for kubernetes container: kubectl -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi

Note: This document only describes the command options that are required to install this adapter. For other command options, such as listing installed connectors and 3rd party jars, please refer to the Dispatcher10 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Installing / Upgrading / Re-installing / Downgrading the adapter

Using Script

Use the below command to install / upgrade/ re-install / downgrade the adapter:

/path/to/ -loadAdapter "/path/to/Adapter-UnixLinux-*.zip" accept

Where /path/to/ is the location where the script could be found is installed and /path/to/Adapter-UnixLinux-*.zip is the location where the Adapter zip file is staged on the machine running Kubernetes cli.

Manually copying files to Persistent Volume

Copy the files to the persistent volume mapped to the /opt/IBM/svgadapters directory of the container image as per the given directory structure:


Copy this file to the <Persistent_Volume>/jars/connectors directory.

Reconcile Scripts

Copy this file to the <Persistent_Volume>/timsol directory.



Copy below files to the <Persistent_Volume>/swidtag directory:




Enabling TLS 1.2

Refer page from SDI to add advanced configuration element (if it don’t exist in current configuration) to the config.yaml file which is used as parameter for YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable of the container.

If the config.yaml file which is used as the YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable for the container doesn't have an advanced configuration element, follow the instructions that are provided in to add an advanced configuration section to the config.yaml file.

To enable TLSv1.2, add 2 attr and value (key pair as mentioned in the SDI guide) as below:

- attr:

  value: 'TLSv1.2'

- attr:

  value: 'TLSv1.2'

Enabling debug logs and disabling json-logging

If the config.yaml file which is used as the YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable for the container doesn't have root-level and json-logging configuration elements, follow the instructions that are provided in to the add root-level and json-logging configuration elements section to the config.yaml file.

Refer page from SDI to add root-level and json-logging configuration elements (if they don’t exist in current configuration) to the config.yaml file which is used as parameter for YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable of the container.

To enable debug logs, set the value for root-level to debug. To and to disable json logging, set the value for json-logging element to false.


Uninstalling the adapter

Using Script

Use the below command to remove the Aadapter:

/path/to/ -removeAdapter UnixLinux


Manually copyingremoving files tofrom the Persistent Volume

Remove files from the given directory structure of the persistent volume mapped to the /opt/IBM/svgadapters directory of the container image.

Note: Some 3rd party jars and ILMT-Tags files might be common with other installed adapters, and hence should not be removed while uninstalling this adapter:


Remove this file from <Persistent_Volume>/jars/connectors directory.


Remove below files from <Persistent_Volume>/swidtag directory:




Reconcile Scripts

Remove below files from <Persistent_Volume>/timsol directory:


Chapter4: Configuring

              Customizing the adapter profile
                            Remove Solaris (PosixSolarisProfile.jar) section from this page

              Customizing the adapter attributes
                            Adding home directory permissions on the account form
Remove POSIX Solaris account from procedure

Chapter5: Troubleshooting

              Enabling DEBUG Logs on SDI Server
                            1. Stop the SDI Server process

2. Edit the <SDI_Solution_Directory>/etc/
3. Modify the following line:
              log4j.rootCategory=INFO, Default
              log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, Default

2. Edit the <SDI_HOME_Directory>/etc/log4j2.xml
3. Modify the following line:
              <Root level="info">
              <Root level="debug">

4. To enable TCB block in debug
5. Append the line in the <SDI_HOME_Directory>/etc/ file
6. Start the SDI Server process
7. Re-create the problem and collect the <SDI_Solution_Dir>/logs/ibmdi.log

Chapter6: Upgrading

             Upgrading the adapter binaries or connector

                          Take backup of adapter binaries or connector


                                         Take backup of below files before performing upgrade:



                          Note: Stop the dispatcher service before the upgrading the connector and start it again after the upgrade is complete.


                            Upgrade adapter binaries or connector


                                         Copy PosixConnector.jar from the adapter package to the <SDI-HOME>/jars/connectors directory.


             Upgrading the adapter profile

                          Read the adapter Release Notes for any specific instructions before you import a new adapter profile.

                          There are OS specific adapter profiles included in the UnixLinux Adapter distribution package.


                          Note: Restart the Dispatcher service after importing the profile. Restarting the Dispatcher clears the assembly lines cache and ensures that the dispatcher runs the assembly lines from the updated adapter profile. 



Chapter7: Reference

Adapter Attributes and Object classes

Remove Solaris from Operation Systems of Table 1. Account form attributes, descriptions, permissions, and applicable operating systems






  Read and Write

  Specifies the Domains that the user is assigned.



  Read and Write

  Specifies the Default roles that the user is assigned.



  Read and Write

Specifies the maximum age for a password. If password maximum age value is greater than LDAP limit value, then adapter will set LDAP limit value for password maximum age.(Applies for Linux)

Linux Shadow

Adapter attributes by operations

Remove Solaris from System Login Add,System Login Change,System Login Delete,System Login Suspend and System Login Restore tables.

Key-based authentication for the UNIX and Linux Adapter

Enabling RSA key-based authentication on UNIX and Linux® operating systems

Note: On newer versions of OS (Redhat 8.8 & Ubuntu 20.04) command ssh-keygen -t rsa do not generate RSA key, it generates OPENSSH key. In order to generate rsa key on newer OS (using ssh-keygen utility) we need to use ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM command.

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

IBM Security Verify Governance Adapters for Unix and Linux can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter. 

Refer to the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter Development and Customization Guide 

Support for Customized Adapters

The integration to the IBM Security Verify Governance server – the adapter framework – is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a Support Case is opened.


Supported Configurations

The IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for UNIX and Linux was built and tested on the following product versions.


Adapter Installation Platform: 

This adapter installs into Security Directory Integrator (SDI) and may be installed on any platform supported by the SDI product and supported by the target system libraries or client, where applicable. IBM recommends installing SDI on each node of the IBM Security Identity Server WAS Cluster and then installing this adapter on each instance of SDI. Supported SDI versions include:

Due to continuous Java security updates that may be applied to your ISIM or PIM servers, the following SDI releases are the officially supported versions:

·         Security Directory Integrator 7.2 + FP12

·         Security Verify Directory Integrator 10.0 FP1

Note:  Earlier SDI supported versions may function properly, however to resolve any communication errors, you must upgrade your SDI releases to the officially supported versions.


Managed Resource:




           HP-UX 11i v3 : Supported operating system modes: non-trusted, trusted non-secure

Oracle Linux




Red Hat Linux

          RedHat Linux Enterprise Server 9.0

          RedHat Linux Enterprise Server 9.2

·         Red Hat Enterprise Server supported operating system modes are standard and SE Linux

·         Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server release updates may introduce changes and/or features that are not supported by the adapter. In such a case, support for the changes or features will be added in a future release of the adapter.

SUSE Enterprise Linux Server

          SUSE SLES 12.5

          SUSE SLES 15 SP3

          SUSE SLES 15.5

Z System and LinuxONE

          RedHat Linux Enterprise Server 8.8

          SUSE SLES 15

          SUSE SLES 15.4

          Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS

Supported IBM Security Verify servers

·         IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager v10.0

·         IBM Security Verify Governance v10.0

·         *Unless this document specifies a specific fix pack version of ISVG Identity Manager v10, we expect the adapter to work with ISIM 6 as well. However, it will only be debugged and fixed from the perspective of ISVG-IM v10

Supported operating systems for the PosixAdapterInstall.jar

·         Windows: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, and 2022,Windows 7 and 8.1 (x86 and x64)

·         Apple: macOS Sonoma (14), macOS Ventura (13), macOS Ventura (13), macOS Montarey (12), macOS Big Sur (11), macOS Catalina (10.15), macOS Mojave (10.14)

·         Linux: CentOS Stream 9.0, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9, 8 (x64), 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 9.0, 9.1, and 9.3, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 and 8 for PowerPC (little endian), Red Hat Linux 7.1 and 8 for PowerPC (little endian - silent and console mode only),                       OpenSUSE Linux 15.3 and 15.4, Oracle Linux 8.5, 9, and 9.3,SUSE Linux Enterprise 15,Ubuntu 21.4, 22.04, 22.10, and 23.10,Fedora 34, 36, 37, and 39

·         Solaris: Solaris 11 (x86 and SPARC),Solaris 9, 10 (x86, SPARC, and AMD-64)

·         HP-UX: HP-UX 11i (Itanium 2 and PA-RISC)

·         AIX: AIX 7.1 and 7.2 (Power/PowerPC)

·         IBM: i5/OS (OS/400) on System i - V5R3 and V5R4 (Enterprise Edition only), IBM i 6.1, and IBM i 7.1, z/OS



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End of Release Notes