Release notes - IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter v10.0.6 for IBM Security Verify Access

IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter v10.0.6 for IBM Security Verify Access is available. Compatibility, installation and other getting-started issues are addressed.

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2023. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.






Welcome to the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for IBM Security Verify Access, previously known as IBM Tivoli Access Manager Combo Adapter.


·        IBM Security Verify Access Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide


Adapter Features and Purpose


The IBM Security Verify Access Adapter is designed to create and manage accounts on the IBM Security Access Manager for Web server. The adapter runs in "agentless" mode and communicates using the IBM Security Access Manager RegistryDirect API to the systems being managed.

The IBM Security Verify Governance Adapters are powerful tools that require Administrator Level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories. Operations requested from IBM Security Verify server, IBM Security Verify Privilege Vault, and IBM Security Verify- Governance server will fail if the adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this adapter run with administrative (sec_master) permissions.


License Agreement

Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter License prior to using this product. The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the adapter package.


Contents of this Release


Adapter Version




Build Date

2024 April 19 20.22.09

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter build:



Dispatcher 7.0.39 (or higher, packaged separately)


The following guides are available in the IBM Verify Adapters Knowledge Center:


·IBM Security Verify Access Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide


New Features





Enhancement # (RFE)




Items included in 10.0.6 release



Add support for ISVA 10.0.6



Add support for ISVA 10.0.5



Certify the adapter for use with IBM Security Verify Directory Integrator version 10.0.0



Items included in 10.0.5 release

RTC 190879


Add support for ISVA 10.0.4



Items included in 10.0.4 release

RTC 190344


ISVA Internal Changes for SDI Log4j update



Items included in 10.0.3 release

RTC 189881


Added support for ISVA 10.0.2



Items included in 10.0.2 release






Items included in 10.0.1 release






Items included in 7.1.29 version






Items included in 7.1.28 version

RTC 183244


Internal - ISAM 9.0.7 support

RTC 184339


Internal - Attribute value lookup for IGI 5.2.5



Items included in 7.1.27 version


RTC 182692


Add support for IGI 5.2.5


See “Limitation on how to use eritamcred attributesection for more information.



Items included in 7.0.26 version



Add support for IGI 5.2.2

This adapter is now designed for use with Identity Manager, Privileged Identity Manager, and Identity Governance and Intelligence.




Items included in 7.0.25 version



Add support for ISAM 9.0

The ISAM 9 PDJRTE is included in the appliance. In the Local Management Interface, navigate to Manage System Settings -> Secure Settings -> File Downloads. Under the isam directory, download




Add ability to manage Disable Time Interval on each account




Reconciliation now uses a case insensitive filter.

If you need the old behavior, edit the service.def file in the profile. In the tamSearch section, look for "CaseInSensitiveFilter", then change true to false between the default tags.




Items included in 7.0.24 version







Items included in 7.0.23 version




Add ability to manage Max Password Age on each account




Add ability to manage Max Concurrent Web Sessions on each account. The value must be an integer greater than zero, -3 for Displace, or -4 for Unlimited.




Add ability to synchronize user password to GSO credentials during account create.

To utilize this feature, the ISAM service must be configured to Synchronize SSO passwords. When specifying the SSO credentials, leave the password field empty. And a password must be supplied for the user. If using the import option and not providing a user password, or not enabling Sync Password to SSO Lockbox on the Service form, a blank GSO credential password will generate an error.




Boolean flag attributes are always converted to lowercase before checking their value.




Initial release.


Closed Issues



Case# / APAR#




Items included in 10.0.6 release

RTC 190836


Remove Apache log4j from 3rd party libraries TAM/SVA adapter
Adapter is using TDI v7.2 lib during build



Items included in 10.0.5 release

Bug 3785

RTC 190685



"Default_Ok" hook restored


Items closed in 10.0.4 release

Bug 3623

RTC 190036



Issue While Importing User from ISIM When AD is Used as Federated User Registry.



Items closed in 10.0.3 release




Items closed in 10.0.2 release

Bug 3390



ObjectClassViolation during tamAdd when using AD federated user registry.



Items closed in 10.0.1 release

RTC 187878

Bug 3359



ISAM Adapter returns STATUSCODE 3 when group does not exists in isam, breaks IGI flow.

RTC 187879

Bug 3340



Recon fails with "Unparseable date" error for unknown attribute



Items closed in 7.1.29 version

RTC 186402, Bug 3106, TS002983015


ISAM adapter should restore PwdValid flag to existing value after change password operation



Items closed in 7.1.28 version

RTC 183804,

Bug 2890


Usage of Admin API deprecated


See “Add admin API option on service formsection for more information.




Items closed in 7.1.27 version

RTC 182698, Bug 2802


As an ISAM adapter developer, I must ensure that the adapter re-uses the LDAP connections

RTC 182696


Internal - As an ISAM adapter developer, I must ensure that the operation name in service.def uses proper case



Items closed in 7.0.26 version








Items closed in 7.0.25 version




Attempting to modify account with a non-existent group results in whole request failing.




Items closed in 7.0.24 version




Changes for RFE61605 caused new accounts to be provisioned as inactive if "eraccountstatus" was not included in the request.




Items closed in 7.0.23 version




The previously deprecated LDAP profile has been removed. Any installations that were using the LDAP profile will need to review the ISAM Service configuration in ISIM after loading the new profile. The service form is different, and some fields will need to be set.




Initial release.


Known Limitations




Case# / Description




When using the IBM Security Access Manager API method of reconciliation to reconcile IBM Security Access Manager accounts, if an IBM Security Access Manager account already in the IBM Security Identity registry becomes a malformed IBM Security Access Manager account then IBM Security Identity will identify this malformed IBM Security Access Manager account as no longer existing, and delete it from the IBM Security Identity registry. If the malformed IBM Security Access Manager account does not already exist within the IBM Security Identity server's known IBM Security Access Manager accounts, the account will not be added. This behavior does not provide any warning or failure message by the IBM Security Identity server. See the Installation guide for how to change the adapter configuration regarding this issue.




During the creation of IBM Security Access Manager accounts when IBM Security Access Manager is configured against Windows Active Directory, the account is created as a GSO user even when the Single Signon Capability for the account is not checked (i.e. There is no request to create the account as a GSO user). This is a reflection of the operation of IBM Security Access Manager when administrating accounts. If GSO credentials are supplied with same request they will be created without warning that IBM Security Access Manager account doesn't have Single Signon Capability.




When IBM Security Access Manager is configured against Windows Active Directory, IBM Security Access Manager account's common name (cn) must be the same as the first RDN value of the Distinguished Name. For example, when requesting a new IBM Security Access Manager service account through the IBM Security Identity web console, the "Full name" specified in the Account form must be the same as the "cn" portion of the Distinguished Name. E.g. If a user has the Distinguished Name cn=JohnSmith,o=myCompany,c=com,  then the "Full name" should also be set to JohnSmith. Not doing so could result in account modification issues.




Adapter does not check syntax for any non-IBM Security Access Manager account attributes. This can result in those attributes not being set in the registry if their values have incorrect syntax. A possible consequence is that operations such as account creation may fail.




In case an account already has SSO credentials and the checkbox Single Signon Capability is disabled during MODIFY operation, this will delete credentials in IBM Security Access Manager registry, but not in the IBM Security Identity server. A reconciliation is needed to synchronize the account attributes.




If password synchronization is configured to synchronize passwords from WebSEAL via the IBM Security Identity server to other person accounts, the synchronization with SSO credential passwords is not supported. The synchronization with SSO credential passwords is supported only if the password change is initiated from the IBM Security Identity server, and the corresponding SDI Assembly Line is executed.




If password synchronization is configured to synchronize passwords from WebSEAL the "Change password on next login" checkbox on the account form cannot be reset. This is due to a current limitation of the IBM Security Identity Manager Server.


Known Limitations




Case# / Description



Limitation on how to use eritamcred attribute


Enter the value for eritamcred attribute in this format - “Name of the resource (Web Resource)|username|{clear}password”

e.g. zira (Web Resource)|isupport|{clear}password


Please note that the password will be visible in clear text in the logs as option to encrypt the password is not available on IGI currently.


To avoid password in clear text, use the “Synchronize IBM Security Access Manager password in SSO Lockbox” checkbox to set the SSO credential password same as the ISAM account password.




Adapter does not support modifying the last name (sn) attribute of IBM Security Access Manager account when IBM Security Access Manager Administration API is used since the API does not support modifying the last name.




Management of non-standard IBM Security Access Manager account attributes is only available for user registries supported by Registry Direct API.




IBM Security Access Manager Web Gateway appliance in standalone mode, PRIOR TO FP4, does not externalize the interface to its internal directory server. Consequently, Registry Direct API and managing non-standard ISAM account attributes are not supported by the adapter for the appliance versions 8.0 through For example, the adapter cannot modify "mail" attribute of the user object stored in the appliance's internal directory server. In addition, only "TAM API" based reconciliation is supported for the appliance in standalone mode prior to FP4.




Registry Direct API based reconciliation does not reconcile inetorgperson attributes by default. This is an optimization that was made in order to improve the performance of the reconciliation. In order to reconcile the inetorgperson attributes, edit "tamSearch" assemblyline in the profile to include the required attributes in the input mapping of the connector "tamIterRgy". Please refer to this technote for more details.




The adapter does not support the modification of UID, CN, principal name, and attribute(s) that form the Distinguished Name(DN).




Custom containers are not supported when creating an IBM Security Access Manager group. IBM Security Access Manager specifies a default




Filtered reconciliation on groups is not supported.




When "Single Signon Capability" attribute is unchecked and an account modification request is submitted, the SSO credentials for the account are removed in IBM Security Access Manager but this is not reflected in the ISIM server. This is due to the RMI protocol not allowing the response to contain the updated account information. In order to work around this limitation, edit the "modify" operation workflow for "IBM Security Access Manager Account" entity to delete "eritamcred" attribute when "eritamsinglesign" attribute is set to "false". For example, add a script element with the following script before "MODIFYACCOUNT" extension:


var accountObj = account.get();
var changes = account.get().getChanges();
if (changes != null && changes.length > 0)
    for (i =0 ; i < changes.length ; i++)
        if (changes[i].attr == "eritamsinglesign" && changes[i].values[0] == "false")

Alternatively, a subsequent reconciliation will correct the account information in ISIM.


Known IBM Security Verify Access Issues



Case# / Description




The "com.tivoli.pd.rgy.jar" API library that can be downloaded from ISAM v8.0.1 appliance includes an incorrect search that will not return GSO enabled users during a reconciliation. This is corrected in the jar file available from the v8.0.1-FP1 appliance.




Certain user management functions (e.g. enabling GSO) in IBM Security Access Manager do not work if the user ID contains "," and as such "," in the user ID is not supported by the adapter.




When the Single Signon Capability of an IBM Security Access Manager user account is disabled (i.e. the user is no longer a GSO user), the GSO resource credentials for that account are also deleted. Hence when disabling the Single Signon Capability for a IBM Security Access Manager user account from the IBM Security Identity server, attempting to delete or modify resource credentials in the same request for that account results in "successful with warning" as the GSO credentials cannot be found.




IBM Security Access Manager Java Admin API does not provide for a CN to be specified when creating a group. This is reflected in the adapter which does not manage this attribute when adding or modifying groups.




If IBM Security Access Manager is configured against Windows Active Directory, an existing user or group description cannot be modified to a blank value. The description will remain unchanged.




If IBM Security Access Manager is configured against Windows Active Directory, when importing an account using the pdadmin command line, the user name and first RDN value of the user DN must be the same. This issue is reflected in the adapter: User ID and first RDN value in the user Distinguished Name must be the same.




If IBM Security Access Manager is configured against IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.0, then Fix Pack 5 must be installed on the Directory Server. This fix pack addresses a problem that may affect adapter operation (APAR IO06328).

Installation and Configuration Notes

See the Installation and Configuration guide for IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for IBM Security Verify Access for detailed instructions.

Corrections to Installation Guide

·       Chapter 1: Overview

o   No Updates for the current release

·       Chapter 2: Planning

o   No Updates for the current release

·       Chapter 3: Installing

o   perform the steps in the configuration paragraph to establish the connection with the target system:

§  Configuring the IBM Security Verify Access Runtime for Java System

§  Configuring the IBM Security Verify Access Registry Direct API for Java System

§  Configuring the IBM Security Directory Integrator Java Runtime Environment into the IBM Security Verify Access secure domain


            Configuring the IBM Security Verify Access Run Time for Java™ System


           Refer the release notes to check which version of the external jar is required for ISVA.

1. Log on as root for UNIX systems or a user with Administrator group privileges for Windows systems.

2. Download the runtime package file from the appliance.

                        a. Go to System > File Downloads.

                        b. Download the runtime package file pdjrte-10.0.*.zip for ISVA  from the Verify Access directory.


*There is a known problem with pdjrte-10.0.*.zip The PD.jar and pd.rgy from that zip file is compiled using OpenJDK11

*The downloads area of the appliance now contains the PDJRTE distribution from the v10.0.2.0 release of IBM Security Verify Access.

            This version of the PDJRTE supports IBM Java. The PDJRTE does not currently support OpenJDK.

*Existing deployments still using IBM JVM 8 for APIs but have upgraded the Policy Server to should move up to at least

            If the pdjrte-10.0.*.zip file is still not shipped in VA.


Follow the steps below to activate the base component and install KML license.

1.     Obtain your activation key and support license.

2.     Import the activation key, which is required.

3.     Import the support license, which is optional. Import the license if you want to install service release updates.

4.     Log in to the local management interface.

5.     Click System > Updates and Licensing > Licensing and Activation.

6.     Perform one or more of the following actions:

§  Import the activation key and deploy the changes:

1.     In the Licensing and Activation window, click Import under Activated products.

2.     Browse to the activation key file that you downloaded from Passport Advantage.

3.     Select the activation file.

4.     Click Open.

5.     Click Save Configuration.

6.     Deploy the changes:

a.In the undeployed change message, click Click here to review the changes or apply them to the system.

b.Click Deploy.

·       Optional: Import the product support license so that you can update the appliance:

7.     In the Licensing and Activation window, under Support license, click Select License.

8.     Browse to the support license file that you downloaded from IBM Security Systems License Key Center.

9.     Select the license file.

10.  Click Save Configuration.

         3.  Extract the contents of the pdjrte-10.0.*.zip for ISVA.

         4. Ensure that either IBM Java™ Runtime or the JRE provided with WebSphere® Application Server is installed. IBM Security Verify Access Runtime Runtime for Java configures extra security features into the specified JRE and only these two JREs are supported.

        5. To set up IBM Security Verify Access Runtime for Java with a configuration type of Full, ensure that both the policy server and registry server are running. If the configuration type is standalone, this step is not required.

        6. Before you configure the IBM Security Verify Access Runtime for Java component, ensure that either the IBM Java Runtime or the JRE provided with WebSphere Application Server can be located by using the PATH environment variable.

        7. To configure the IBM Security Verify Access Runtime for Java component, run the pdjrtecfgutility.


Set JAVA_HOME and set PATH

set PATH=SDI_HOME_DIR\jvm\jre\bin


set _JAVA_OPTIONS="--add-opens=java.base/"  (This is only for SDI 10v)


On UNIX systems, use the following command:

Pdjrte_DIR/sbin>pdjrtecfg -action config -interactive

On Windows systems, use the following command:

Pdjrte_DIR/sbin>pdjrtecfg.bat -action config -interactive

8.Chose configuration type – STANDALONE and provide the SDI JRE path
(If you choose type – full, enter the port number)


Configuring the IBM Security Verify Access Registry Direct API for Java System

You must use the Registry Direct API to improve the adapter performance.



Copy the com.tivoli.pd.rgy.jar and PD.jar  files from downloaded pdjrte runtime package(pdjrte\java\export\rgy\com.tivoli.pd.rgy.jar, pdjrte\java\export\pdjrte\PD.jar) to IBM Security Directory Integrator JRE installation directory.

Copy these files to the following directory on the system where IBM Security Directory Integrator is installed:

<SDI_HOME> /jvm/jre/lib/ext   


If SDI 10v is being used then copy files at below location



For more information, see Appendix D. Registry Direct Java™ API in the IBM Security Verify Access: Administration Java Classes Development Reference.



Configuring the IBM Security Directory Integrator Java Runtime Environment into the IBM Security Verify Access secure domain

The Administration API is available as a deprecated option for customers who were using it before the introduction of the Registry Direct API. All new deployments must use the Registry Direct API because the Administration API might not be available in subsequent IBM Security Verify Access releases.
Follow the steps to configure using Registry Direct API:

1.   Open CMD and set JAVA_HOME and set PATH

set PATH=SDI_HOME_DIR\jvm\jre\bin

     set _JAVA_OPTIONS="--add-opens=java.base/"  (This is only for SDI 10v)


2.              Run the inline command for tam_rgy.conf (for registry direct API) under SDI_HOME_DIR/jvm/jre/bin:

     SDI_HOME_DIR\jvm\jre\bin>java.exe -cp "PDJRTE_DIR\java\export\rgy\com.tivoli.pd.rgy.jar" com.tivoli.pd.rgy.util.RgyConfig "SDI_HOME_DIR\timsol\tam_rgy.conf" create Default Default "{ISVA_endpointIP}:{Port}:readwrite:5" "cn=root,secAuthority=Default" {enter_password} "SDI_HOME_DIR\timsol\serverapi\testadmin.jks" {truststore_password}

If you are using SDI 10v then instead of JKS keystore create and use PKCS12 keystore to in above command.

     (Only in case of embeddedLDAP) Add the below cipher-suites property in the tam registry conf file (tam_rgy.conf) :


3.              Upgrade the TDI-JRE (if required)

4.              Copy the PD.jar and com.tivoli.pd.rgy.jar file from to <TDI_HOME>/jvm/jre/lib/ext folder, if you are using SDI 10 then copy at <TDI_HOME>/jars/patches folder.

5.              Import the LMI and LDAP Certificates
(You will be required to import your LDAP server's certificate according to your environment. In case using ISVA's embedded LDAP, import both LMI and LDAP certificates into truststore. If you are using SDI 10v then import certificates in PKCS12 keystore.)

6. Below step is only for SDI v10.

    Update Java command in <SDI_HOME>/ibmdisrv file like below:


"$TDI_JAVA_PROGRAM" $TDI_MIXEDMODE_FLAG -cp "$TDI_HOME_DIR/IDILoader.jar" "$LOG_4J" "$HOST" --add-exports java.base/ --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/com.sun.crypto.provider=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap=ALL-UNNAMED "$@" &



    Installing in an IBM Security Verify Directory Dispatcher Container

Before you begin

The steps to install adapter and related files into the container can be performed using the script, which is shipped with the dispatcher package. This script should be staged on the machine running Kubernetes cli. The script is also readily available in the bin directory of ISIM IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager Container Starter Kit installation directory (If ISVDI was selected for installation during the ISIM container installation steps).

If, for any reason, the adapter util script cannot be executed or used, the below manual instructions must be followed to copy the files to the persistent volume.

Note:  The container must be restarted after installing or uninstalling the adapter and any changes to the configuration yaml. To active changes and restart the container run the following commands:

·       <path_to_starterkit>/bin/ isvdi

·       For OpenShift container:   oc -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi

·       For Kubernetes container: kubectl -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi

Note: This document only describes the command options that are required to install this adapter. For other command options, such as listing installed connectors and 3rd party jars, please refer to the Dispatcher10 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Installing / Upgrading / Re-installing / Downgrading the adapter

         Using Script

Copy the files to the persistent volume mapped to the /opt/IBM/svgadapters directory of the container image as per the given directory structure:

Use the below command to copy connector jar:

/path/to/ -copyToConnectors  /path/to/TAMComboUtils.jar

Use the below command to copy (Follow instruction in Installing> Configuring the IBM Security Verify Access Run Time for Java™ System to download and get certificates)

                                                /path/to/ -copyFile /path/to/ <Persistent_Volume>/isva


Use the below command to copy certificates:

                                                 /path/to/ -copyFile  /path/to/certificate_name <Persistent_Volume>/isva


Use the below command to copy swidtags:

                                                 /path/to/ - copyToSwidtag /path/to/<swidtag_name>.swidtag


                                                         Copy below swidtags file:





Where /path/to/ is the location where the script is installed and /path/to/TAMComboUtils.jar is the location where the TAMComboUtils.jar file is staged on the machine running Kubernetes cli.

Copying files to Persistent Volume

Copy the files to the persistent volume mapped to the /opt/IBM/svgadapters directory of the container image as per the given directory structure:


Copy this file to the <Persistent_Volume>/jars/connectors directory. 


Copy below files to the <Persistent_Volume>/swidtag directory:





                                                  (Follow instruction in Installing> Configuring the IBM Security Verify Access Run Time for Java™ System to download pdjrte-*.zip and get certificates, Refer release notes for the supported versions)

                                                                      Copy this file to the <Persistent_Volume>/isva path.



                                                                    Copy this file to the <Persistent_Volume>/isva path.


                       Configuring the IBM Security Verify Access Run Time for Container Image:


                                             Follow below procedure to configure ISVA Runtime in container image:


                                             Update ibmdisrv file


1.     Copy ibmdisrv file from container using command:

   For OpenShift container:   oc cp -n isvgim <isvdi_pod_name>:/opt/IBM/TDI/ibmdisrv <destination_on_local_system>

   For Kubernetes container:   kubectl cp -n isvgim <isvdi_pod_name>:/opt/IBM/TDI/ibmdisrv <destination_on_local_system>

2.     Update Java execution command of <destination_on_local_system>/ibmdisrv file, add below exports:

--add-exports java.base/com.sun.crypto.provider=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap=ALL-UNNAMED 

3.     copy ibmdisrv file to the <Persistent_Volume> path :

 /path/to/ -copyFile <destination_on_local_system>/ibmdisrv <Persistent_Volume>


                                             Create script file having script as mentioned below:


4.     Set java environment variable in a class path as below:

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/IBM/TDI/jvm/jre/bin

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/TDI/jvm

export _JAVA_OPTIONS="--add-opens=java.base/"


5.     Unzip <Persistent_Volume>/isva/ file in a <Persistent_Volume>/isva directory.

    unzip -o <Persistent_Volume>/isva/ -d <Persistent_Volume>/isva

6.     Copy <Persistent_Volume>/isva/pdjrte/java/export/rgy/com.tivoli.pd.rgy.jar to the /opt/IBM/TDI/jars/3rdparty/others directory.

7.     Copy <Persistent_Volume>/isva/pdjrte/java/export/pdjrte/PD.jar jar to the /opt/IBM/TDI/jars/3rdparty/others directory.

8.     Create IBM Security Verify Access Runtime by using following command:

<Persistent_Volume>/isva/pdjrte/sbin/pdjrtecfg -action config -host <isva_host_name> -port <isva_port> -java_home /opt/IBM/TDI/jvm/jre -cfgfiles_path /opt/IBM/TDI/jvm/jre -alt_config -config_type full

9.     Generate p12 keystore in <Persistent_Volume>/timsol/serverapi directory

/opt/IBM/TDI/jvm/jre/bin/keytool -genkeypair -noprompt -alias <define_pkcs12_keystore_alias> -keystore <Persistent_Volume>/timsol/serverapi/keystore.p12  -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -storepass <Enter_pkcs12_keystore_password> -dname “<Enter_dn_name>”

Dname example, it should be based on your organization: “, OU=ID, O=IBM, L=AHM, S=GUJ, C=IN”

10.  Generate conf file (for registry direct API)

    java -cp <Persistent_Volume>/isva/pdjrte/java/export/rgy/com.tivoli.pd.rgy.jar “<Persistent_Volume>/timsol/tam_rgy.conf” create Default Default “<isva_endpoint_ip>:<port>:readwrite:5” “cn=root,secAuthority=Default” <enter_password> “<Persistent_Volume>/timsol/serverapi/keystore.p12” <pkcs12_keystore_password>

11.  Import ldap certificate in p12 keystore.

/opt/IBM/TDI/jvm/jre/bin/keytool -importcert -noprompt -alias <define_ldap_cert_alias> -file <Persistent_Volume>/isva/ldap_cert_name -keystore <Persistent_Volume>/timsol/serverapi/keystore.p12 -storepass <pkcs12_keystore_password>

12.  Copy ibmdisrv file to the /opt/IBM/TDI

cp <Persistent_Volume>/ibmdisrv /opt/IBM/TDI


                                  Configure script in the container:

  Copy script to the <Persistent_Volume>/scripts directory manually in the container or you can use below command:

     /path/to/ -copyFile /path/to/


Refer page from SVDI to add an advanced configuration element (if it don’t exist in current configuration) to the config.yaml file which is used as parameter for YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable of the container.


If the config.yaml file which is used as the YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable for the container doesn't have an advanced configuration element, follow the instructions that are provided in to add an advanced configuration section to the config.yaml file.


Add script (as mentioned in the SVDI guide) as below:



  - command: /opt/IBM/svgadapters/scripts/


                            Configure ISVA host in the container:

1.     Add host in the <path_to_starterkit>/helm/templates/225-deployment-isvdi.yaml file.

Update like below in the container section:



      - ip: <isva_host_ip>


        - <isva_host_name>


2.     Run file using below command:

    <path_to_starterkit>/bin/ isvdi

3.     Restart the container.



Enabling TLS 1.2

Refer page from SVDI to add an advanced configuration element (if it don’t exist in current configuration) to the config.yaml file which is used as parameter for YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable of the container.


If the config.yaml file which is used as the YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable for the container doesn't have an advanced configuration element, follow the instructions that are provided in to add an advanced configuration section to the config.yaml file.


To enable TLSv1.2, add 2 attr and value key pair (as mentioned in the SVDI guide) as below:


- attr:

  value: 'TLSv1.2'

- attr:

  value: 'TLSv1.2'



Enabling debug logs and disabling json-logging

If the config.yaml file which is used as the YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable for the container doesn't have root-level and json-logging configuration elements, follow the instructions that are provided in to the add root-level and json-logging configuration elements section to the config.yaml file.


Refer page from SVDI to add root-level and json-logging configuration elements (if they don’t exist in current configuration) to the config.yaml file which is used as parameter for YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable of the container.

To enable debug logs, set the value for root-level to debug. To and to disable json logging, set the value for json-logging element to false.




Uninstalling the adapter

Using Script

Use the below command to remove the adapter:


/path/to/ -removeAdapter Adapter-ISVA


Manually copying / removing files to / from the Persistent Volume

Remove files from the given directory structure of the persistent volume mapped to the /opt/IBM/svgadapters directory of the container image.

Note: Some 3rd party jars and ILMT-Tags files might be common with other installed adapters, and hence should not be removed while uninstalling this adapter:


Remove this file from <Persistent_Volume>/jars/connectors directory.


Remove below files from <Persistent_Volume>/swidtag directory:






3rd party jars

Remove the appropriate version of the 3rd party jar files used by this adapter as listed below from the <Persistent_Volume>/jars/patches directory:







      Chapter 4: Upgrading

o   No updates for the current release


Chapter 5: Configuring

o   No updates for the current release


     Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

                Enabling DEBUG Logs on SDI Server



1.     Stop the SDI Server process



                          2. Edit the <SDI_Solution_Directory>/etc/

                          3. Modify the following line:

                                      log4j.rootCategory=INFO, Default


                                      log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, Default



                          2. Edit the <SDI_HOME_Directory>/etc/log4j2.xml

                          3. Modify the following line:

                                      <Root level="info">


                                      <Root level="debug">



                          4. To enable TCB block in debug

                          5. Append the line in the the <SDI_HOME_Directory>/etc/ file.


                          6. Start the SDI Server process

     7.Re-create the problem and collect the <SDI_Solution_Dir>/logs/ibmdi.log

To Resolve error when performing 'test connection' in service form in ISIM console.

In case of "exception": "java.lang.NullPointerException" or "exception": "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.tivoli.pd.rgy.ldap.LdapRgyRegistryFactory",
validate the procedures documented below have already been performed:

o   Configuring the IBM Security Verify Access Runtime for Java System

o   Configuring the IBM Security Verify Access Registry Direct API for Java System

o   Configuring the IBM Security Directory Integrator Java Runtime Environment into the IBM Security Verify Access secure domain

o   Confirm that PD.jar and com.tivoli.pd.rgy.jar files are present in <TDI_HOME>/jvm/jre/lib/ext directory or at <TDI_HOME>/jars/patches.



                        In case of error, HPDAA0278E   None of the configured LDAP servers of the appropriate type for the operation can be contacted."


1.      In SDI machine add the host file entry as : <LDAP_IP> <LDAP_HOST_NAME>
In the generated .conf replace the LDAP IP with hostname.

2.     Check if imported LDAP certificate is valid or not.


                       This is just a work around there might be other reasons as well for this error.



                    In case of error, ConfigurationErrorRgyException: HPDAA0333E   Unable to determine the registry server type.  


Error message HPDAA0337E   The configured trust key store, <SDI_HOME>/timsol/serverapi/testadmin.jks of type jceks from provider SunJCE can not be loaded. 

1.     Instead of JKS keystore use PKCS12 key store to generate .conf file.

2.     load certificates in that PKCS12 keystore.


While running the command " pdjrtecfg -action config -interactive "


In case of Exception, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

          Set environment variable, set _JAVA_OPTIONS="--add-opens=java.base/" 


               While creating .conf file with PD.jar


             In case of Exception, Exception in thread "main"  [java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This method is deprecated and marked for removal. Use the getPeerCertificates() method instead.


             Instead of creating .conf file with PD.jar use com.tivoli.pd.rgy.jar




Chapter 7: Reference

·       No updates for the current release


Password Synchronization


Password Synchronization Adapter is no longer included in the adapter package and can be downloaded separately from Passport Advantage. For Access Manager 8.0 or above, Password Synchronization Adapter is only available with the appliance and is pre-installed on the appliance.


Customizing or Extending Adapter Features


The IBM Security Verify Governance Adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.


Refer to the ‘IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter Development and Customization Guide

Support for Customized Adapters

The integration to the IBM Security Verify server "the adapter framework" is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a PMR is opened.


Supported Configurations


Installation Platform

The IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter was built and tested on the following product versions.

Adapter Installation Platform

Due to continuous Java security updates that may be applied to your IBM Security Verify server, IBM Security Verify Privilege Vault, and IBM Security Verify- Governance server, the following SDI releases are the officially supported versions:

                             Security Directory Integrator 7.2 + FP8

      Security Verify Directory Integrator 10.0.0 (validated with

Earlier versions of SDI that are still supported may function properly, however to resolve any communication errors, you must upgrade your SDI releases to the officially supported versions by the adapters

Managed Resource

·       IBM Security Verify Access v10.0.2

·       IBM Security Verify Access v10.0.4 (

·       IBM Security Verify Access v10.0.5

·       IBM Security Verify Access v10.0.6 (

Please note that some IBM Security Access Manager versions are not supported on some JREs associated with some Operating Systems. Please see the IBM Security Verify Access Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide for further information.

·         Supported IBM Security Verify Governance servers

-       IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager v10.0*

-      IBM Security Verify Governance v10.0

* Unless this document specifies a specific fix pack version of ISVG Identity Manager v10, we expect the adapter to work with ISIM 6 as well. However, it will only be debugged and fixed from the perspective of ISVG-IM v10.






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