Release notes - IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter v10.0.9 for IBM Security Verify

IBM Security Verify Governance adapter for IBM Security Verify v10.0.9 is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2022, 2024. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.



Welcome to the IBM Security Verify Governance adapter for IBM Security Verify.

This Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Verify Governance Server manuals were printed:



Adapter Features and Purpose


The SDI-based IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for IBM Security Verify is designed to reconcile users, groups and roles on IBM Security Verify. It also supports user management tasks such as account add, modify, suspend, restore and password change.

The adapter runs in "agentless" mode and communicates using HTTPS protocol.

The IBM Verify Governance Adapters are powerful tools that require Administrator Level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, managing users, groups and permissions. Operations requested from the IBM Security Verify Governance Server will fail if the Adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this Adapter run with administrative permissions.


License Agreement


Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter License prior to using this product.

The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.


Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Release Date

2024 April 19 21.37.45

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter build:



Dispatcher 7.0.39 or higher (packaged separately)


The following guides are available in the IBM Knowledge Center


IBM Security Verify Adapter for IBM Security Verify Governance Installation and Configuration Guide

New Features


Enhancement # (IDEA)




Items included in current release (10.0.9)



Certify the adapter for use with IBM Security Verify Directory Integrator version 10.0



Items included in release (10.0.8)




Items included in release (10.0.7)




Items included in release (10.0.6)




Items included in release (10.0.5)


add bundledefinition.json to the profile



Items included in release (10.0.4)




Items included in release (10.0.3)




Items included in release (10.0.2)




Items included in release (10.0.1)

RTC 187867

RFE 145721 (63011)

ISV Adapter should support multivalued CD attribute

RTC 187868


Internal - Support large number of Application Role recon with IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter

RTC 187869


Internal - Support large number of Group recon with IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter



Items included in release (7.1.5)

RTC 186980


Change adapter name to IBM adapter for IBM Security Verify in code, release notes, logs

RTC 186660

RFE  142267 (61824)

Update the CI Adapter code to NOT enforce email attribute as required

RTC 186910

RFE  143020 (62083)

Disable email notification to users when create/modify account in CI tenant.



Items included in release (7.1.4)



RTC 186135

Internal - Support large number of Users recon with Cloud Verify Adapter



RTC 185179

Internal - Support other default attributes on Cloud Verify Adapter



RTC 184337

Internal - Support Custom Attributes on Cloud Verify Adapter



RTC 185434


Internal - Cloud Verify Adapter must support Roles



Items included in 7.1.3 release







Items included in 7.1.2 release





Initial release

Closed Issues



Case # / Description



Items included in current release (10.0.9)


Bug 4263



ISV SaaS Adapter does not support Street Address and Locality standard attributes and sometimes sends null values for country and formatted address attributes causing 400 bad request error


Bug 4262

ISV adapter account modify success even when account does not exist on ISV side



Items included in release (10.0.8)


bundledefinition.json is packaged in the profile


wrong version of thirdparty libary in bundledefinition.json and releasenotes


Bug 4122

TS013151911 - Reconcilation taking long time from SaaS with ISIM


Bug 4248


TS014831663 - Question about NPE failure in ISV adapter account modify



Items included in release (10.0.7)


Bug 4065


question about setup for handling preferredLanguage attribute from ISV side


Bug 4076


issue with utf8 characters in attribute values sent to ISV from adapter


RTC 191372

Internal - fix vulnerabilities that MEND scan reports


RTC 191371

Internal - update libraries in adapter documentation guide and repository

RTC 191276

Enhance the filtered reconciliations: add  reconciliations based on the value of a specific attribute

RTC 190837

ISV SaaS e-mail is mandatory but not in the account form



Items included in release (10.0.6)

RTC 190670

Bug 3884

TS008660227 / Client indicating ISV (Saas) does not update username via adapter



Items included in release (10.0.5)

RTC 190587

Bug 3819

TS009071328 / ISIM ISV Saas adapter reconciliation issues



Items included in release (10.0.4)

Bug 3718

TS007392203 / ISV - ISIM ISV SaaS Adapter reconciliation issues



Items included in release (10.0.3)

RTC 189830

Bug 3599


TS006261815 / ISV - ISIM Adapter gives an error while changing the password for ISV Service



Items included in release (10.0.2)

RTC 189275

Bug 3527


TS005627934 / ISIM ISV adapter does not update username on target



Items included in release (10.0.1)

RTC 187870

Bug 3364


TS004264922 / Not able to add multiple groups in single request from IBM Security Verify - Identity

RTC 187933

Bug 3364


TS004264922 / Not able to add or remove some groups in case of large data from IBM Security Verify - Identity

RTC 187872



Internal - IBM Security Verify adapter is not working properly with proxy server.



Items included in release (7.1.5)







Items closed in release (7.1.4)








Items closed in 7.1.3 release


RTC 184997



Internal - Groups added while create account operation from ISIM are not visible on ISIM account form UI.




Items closed in 7.1.2 release





Initial release.

Known Limitations



Case # / Description



For user filter recon, only userid is supported. Filters can be used in following formats:

Ø  (eruid=b), where b is the exact User Id to be matched.

Ø  (eruid=*b), where b is the ending string of User Id to be matched.

Ø  (eruid=b*), where b is the beginning string of User Id to be matched.

Note: Filter in the form (eruid=*b*) cannot be used as its not supported by target.



If customer change the service form to enable Email notification, they must make sure that email address is assigned to user. Otherwise it will not send email notification.




Clear password is displayed in ibmdi.log if DEBUG logging enabled.


To avoid the issue, update the below property in TDI\V7.2\timsol\, Default

Please refer the link Suppressing Password


Note: If it is in DEBUG level change to INFO level.





While creating Custom Attribute on CI tenant, even if Attribute is created with Number Data type, CI API can accept String as value. So, If Custom Attribute on IBM Security Verify - Identity is defined as Integer in schema.dsml , then value should be passed as Number.


There is API limitation that API can even accept the string as value for integer attribute.


On IBM Security Verify - Identity Account form (erTDICloudIDAccount.xml), validation for data types of custom Attributes can be added so that integer custom attribute will accept strictly number value only on IBM Security Verify - Identity account form.





While modifying user attributes for federated user, API returns 204 No Content success response. Therefore, adapter returns success to IBM Security Verify - Identity and operation is successful even though the attributes are not set on IBM Security Verify resource.





IBM Security Verify API does not return any error response while trying to connect with invalid resource URL and realm. Therefore, it accepts any value for URL and realm, but test connection will show success message on IBM Security Verify Governance or IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager regardless of the values for realm and URL.


Installation and Configuration Notes


Corrections to Installation Guide


Chapter 1: Overview

Features of the adapter

            No updates for the current release


            No updates for the current release

Supported configurations

            No updates for the current release

Chapter 2: Planning

Roadmap for IBM Security Directory Integrator based adapters, for IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager 10.x

            No updates for the current release


Directory Integrator IBM Security Verify Directory Integrator

Replace "IBM® Security Directory Integrator Version 7.2 + FP6 + 7.2.0-ISS-SDI-LA0019" in the description with "Please consult the release notes for the currently supported versions of the below products".


Identity server IBM Security Verify Governance Server

Remove existing description and update description as below:

The following servers are supported:

- IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager

- IBM Security Verify Governance

Software downloads

            No updates for the current release

Installation worksheet

            No updates for the current release

Chapter 3: Installing

Installing in Virtual Appliance (Chapter present under ISVG only)

For Verify Governance target management, you can install an IBM Security Verify Governance Adapters or a custom adapter on the built-in Security Directory Integrator in the virtual appliance instead of installing the adapter externally. As such, there is no need to manage a separate virtual machine or system.


About this task

This procedure is applicable to install this adapter on the virtual appliance.



1.     Download the adapter package from the IBM Passport Advantage.
For example, Adapter-<Adaptername>.zip.
The adapter package includes the following files:

Table 1. Adapter package contents




The adapter definition file. It specifies the content of the package, and the adapter installation and configuration properties that are required to install and update the adapter.

Adapter JAR profile

A Security Directory Integrator adapter always include a JAR profile which contains:

·       targetProfile.json

o   Service provider configuration

o   Resource type configuration

o   SCIM schema extensions

o   List of assembly lines

·       A set of assembly lines in XML files

·       A set of forms in XML files

·       Custom properties that include labels and messages for supported languages.


Use the Target Administration module to import the target profile.

Additional adapter specific files

Examples of adapter specific files:

·       Connector jar files

·       Configuration files

·       Script files

·       Properties files


The file names are specified in the adapter definition file along with the destination directory in the virtual appliance.


2.     From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, click Configure > SDI Management.

3.     Select the instance of the Security Directory Integrator for which you want to manage the adapters and click Manage > SDI Adapters
The SDI Adapters window is displayed with a table that list the name, version, and any comments about the installed adapters.

4.     On the SDI Adapters window, click Install.

5.     On the File Upload window, click Browse to locate the adapter package and then click OK.
For example, Adapter-<Adaptername>.zip.

6.     Provide the missing 3rd party libraries when prompted.

a.      On the File Upload for Pre-requisite files window, click Select Files.
A new File Upload window is displayed.

b.     Browse and select all the missing libraries. For example, httpclient-4.0.1.jar

c.      Click Open.
The selected files are listed in the File Upload for Pre-requisite files window.

d.     Click OK.
The missing files are uploaded and the adapter package is updated with the 3rd party libraries.


7.     Enable secure communication.

a.      Select the instance of the Security Directory Integrator for which you want to manage the adapter.

b.     Click Edit.

c.      Click the Enable SSL check box.

d.     Click Save Configuration.


8.     Import the SSL certificate to the IBM® Security Directory Integrator server.

a.      Select the instance of the Security Directory Integrator for which you want to manage the adapter.

b.     Click Manage > Certificates.

c.      Click the Signer tab.

d.     Click Import.
The Import Certificate window is displayed.

e.      Browse for the certificate file.

f.       Specify a label for the certificate. It can be any name.

g.     Click Save.


Note: While uploading the Adapter package, you may receive System Error: A file included in the SDI Adapter zip already exists on the system and the Server Message log under Appliance tab of VA will have a reference to error E File ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_xxxx.swidtag found in the adapter zip at location ILMT-Tags/ already exists in system. This is because, you can install the same swidtags only once. So, if another adapter of the same type is installed, remove the swidtags.

The ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Enterprise-xxxx.swidtag file is common to all adapters. In addition to the common swidtag file, an application adapter needs ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Application_Adapters-xxxx.swidtag file and an infra adapter needs ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Lifecycle-xxxx.swidtag and ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Compliance-xxxx.swidtag files. So, if an application adapter is already installed and this is an infra adapter, then only install the infra-specific swidtags and the other way around. Please visit Security Verify Governance Adapters v10.x link to identify the adapter type of the installed adapters.

Installing in an IBM Security Verify Directory Dispatcher Container

Before you begin

The steps to install adapter and related files into the container can be performed using the script, which is shipped with the dispatcher package. This script should be staged on the machine running Kubernetes cli. The script is also readily available in the bin directory of ISIM IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager Container Starter Kit installation directory (If ISVDI was selected for installation during the ISIM container installation steps).

If, for any reason, the adapter util script cannot be executed or used, the below manual instructions must be followed to copy the files to the persistent volume.


Note: The container must be restarted after installing or uninstalling the adapter and any changes to the configuration yaml. To activate changes and restart the container run the following commands:

·       <path_to_starterkit>/bin/ isvdi

·       for OpenShift container:   oc -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi

·       for kubernetes container: kubectl -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi

Note: This document only describes the command options that are required to install this adapter. For other command options, such as listing installed connectors and 3rd party jars, please refer to the Dispatcher10 Installation and Configuration Guide.


Installing / Upgrading / Re-installing / Downgrading the adapter

Using Script

Use below command to install / upgrade/ re-install / downgrade the adapter:


/path/to/ -loadAdapter "/path/to/Adapter-IBMSecurityVerify-*.zip" accept


Where /path/to/ is the location where the script is installed and /path/to/Adapter-IBMSecurityVerify-*.zip is the location where the Adapter zip file is staged on the machine running Kubernetes cli.


Manually copying files to Persistent Volume

Copy the files to the persistent volume mapped to the /opt/IBM/svgadapters directory of the container image as per the given directory structure:


Copy this file to <Persistent_Volume>/jars/connectors directory.



Copy below files to <Persistent_Volume>/swidtag directory:






Copying 3rd party libraries:

Using Script

Use below command to copy 3rd party jars:


/path/to/ -copyToPatches "/path/to/httpclient-*.jar"

/path/to/ -copyToPatches "/path/to/httpcore-*.jar"

/path/to/ -copyToPatches "/path/to/json-simple-*.jar"


This command will copy the 3rd party jars to <Persistent_Volume>/jars/patches directory.


Manually copying files to Persistent Volume

Copy below 3rd party jar files to <Persistent_Volume>/jars/patches directory (Refer release notes for the supported jar versions):






Configuring the SSL connection between the IBM Security Verify Directory Integrator Container and the ISV SaaS Target

Uploading the certificates

For non-ISVG-IM container env, download the root certificate / Signer Certificate from the secured URL of the ISV SaaS Target and place the certificate in the certs directory of config volume which contains the config.yaml file. The default location for this config volume is /opt/IBM/dispatcher/config.


For ISVG-IM container env, copy the downloaded root certificate files to the machine that runs the adapter in the <path_to_starterkit>/config/certs directory:

cp <path_to_certificate_that_was_downloaded_from_isv_saas> <path_to_starterkit>/config/certs


cp /home/ibmuser/DigiCertGlobalRootCA.pem /root/isvg/config/certs



Refer page from SVDI.

If the config.yaml file which is used as the YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable for the container doesn't have a trusted-certificates element, follow the instructions that are provided in to add a trusted-certificates section to the config.yaml file.


Provide this path of the certificate in config.yaml file as shown in the example below:




  - '@/opt/IBM/dispatcher/config/certs/ca_cert.pem'


Updating the container

Using Script

To update the dispatcher container with the new certificate using the ISVG-IM starter kit , run the following commands:

<path_to_starterkit>/bin/ isvdi


For OpenShift container: oc -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi


For Kubernetes container: kubectl -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi



To update the dispatcher container with the new certificate on Kubernetes/OpenShift, now run the following commands to create a config map and update the dispatcher specific yaml:


<kubectl or oc > create configmap <namespace> --from-file=<path to main isvdi config yaml> --from-file=<directory where certificates are stored> --dry-run=client -o yaml –namespace=<namespace where dispatcher container resides> > <path_to_dispatcher_container_that_runs_this_adapter_yaml>


kubectl create configmap isvgimsdi --from-file=/root/isvg/config/adapters/isvdi_config.yaml --from-file=/root/isvg/config/certs --dry-run=client -o yaml --namespace=isvgim > /root/isvg/yaml/045-config-adapters.yaml


Then apply the updated dispatcher that runs this adapter yaml .


<kubectl or oc> apply -f <path_to_dispatcher_container_that_runs_this_adapter_yaml>


oc apply -f /root/isvg/yaml/045-config-adapters.yaml


Finally restart the container


<kubectl or oc> rollout restart deployment <isvdi container deployment>


oc -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi


Enabling TLS 1.2

Refer page from SVDI.

If the config.yaml file which is used as the YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable for the container doesn't have an advanced configuration element, follow the instructions that are provided in to add an advanced configuration section to the config.yaml file.

To enable TLSv1.2, add 2 attr and value (key pair as mentioned in the SVDI guide) as below:


- attr:

  value: 'TLSv1.2'

- attr:

  value: 'TLSv1.2'


Note: The container must be restarted after making these changes to the configuration yaml. To activate changes and restart the container run the following commands:

·       <path_to_starterkit>/bin/ isvdi

·       for OpenShift container:   oc -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi

·       for kubernetes container: kubectl -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi


Enabling debug logs and disabling json-logging

Refer page from SVDI.

If the config.yaml file which is used as the YAML_CONFIG_FILE environment variable for the container doesn't have root-level and json-logging configuration elements, follow the instructions that are provided in to the add root-level and json-logging configuration elements section to the config.yaml file.

To enable debug logs, set value for root-level to debug and to disable json logging, set value for json-logging element to false.


Note: The container must be restarted after making these changes to the configuration yaml. To activate changes and restart the container run the following commands:

·       <path_to_starterkit>/bin/ isvdi

·       for OpenShift container:   oc -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi

·       for kubernetes container: kubectl -n isvgim rollout restart deployment isvdi


Uninstalling the adapter

Using Script

Use below command to remove the adapter:


/path/to/ -removeAdapter IBMSecurityVerifySaaS


Manually copying files to Persistent Volume

Remove files from the given directory structure of the persistent volume mapped to /opt/IBM/svgadapters directory of the container image.

Note: Some 3rd party jars and ILMT-Tags files might be common with other installed adapters, and hence should not be removed while uninstalling this adapter:


Remove this file from <Persistent_Volume>/jars/connectors directory.


Remove below files from <Persistent_Volume>/swidtag directory:





3rd party jars

Remove appropriate version of 3rd party jar files used by this adapter listed below from <Persistent_Volume>/jars/patches directory:





Installing the dispatcher

No updates for the current release

Installing the adapter binaries or connector

            No updates for the current release

Installing third-party client libraries

Before you begin

(Replace the content under this section with below details)

Download Jars listed below and copy them to the Security Directory Integrator environment:


·       httpclient

·       httpcore

·       json-simple


See the release notes for the currently supported versions.

Configuring the SSL connection between the IBM Security Directory Integrator and the IBM Security Verify Adapter for IBM Security Verify Software as a Service (SaaS) server

            No updates for the current release

Enabling TLS 1.2 in IBM Security Directory Integrator

            No updates for the current release

Verifying the adapter installation

(Remove the version numbers from jars)

httpclient-4.5.2.jar httpclient

httpcore-4.4.4.jar httpcore

json-simple-1.1.1.jar json-simple

Restarting the adapter service

            No updates for the current release

Importing the adapter profile

No updates for the current release

Adapter profile installation verification

No updates for the current release

Installing ILMT-Tags

No updates for the current release

Creating an adapter service/target

No updates for the current release

Service Target/Form details

            No updates for the current release

Verifying that the adapter is working correctly

            No updates for the current release

Chapter 4: Upgrading

Upgrading the Dispatcher

            No updates for the current release

Upgrading the adapter profile

            No updates for the current release

Chapter 5: Configuring

Customizing the adapter profile

No updates for the current release

Preparing an MS-DOS ASCII file on the UNIX or Linux operating system

No updates for the current release

Suppressing password in clear text

No updates for the current release

Managing Custom Attributes through IBM Security Verify Adapter

No updates for the current release


Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Techniques for troubleshooting problems

No updates for the current release

Error messages and problem solving

            No updates for the current release

Enabling DEBUG Logs on SDI Server

1. Stop the SDI Server process


 2. Edit the <SDI_Solution_Directory>/etc/
 3. Modify the following line:
  log4j.rootCategory=INFO, Default
  log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, Default


 2. Edit the <SDI_HOME>/etc/log4j2.xml
 3. Modify the following line:
  <Root level="info">
  <Root level="debug">

Post-7.2.0-ISS-SDI-FP0011 (To enable TCB block in debug)

4. Append the line in the <SDI_HOME >/etc/ file.


5. Start the SDI Server process
6. Re-create the problem and collect the /logs/ibmdi.log


Chapter 7: Uninstalling

Deleting the adapter profile

No updates for the current release.

Chapter 8: Reference

Required Accesses for API Client

No updates for the current release.

Adapter attributes

            No updates for the current release.


Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

The IBM Security Verify Governance Adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.

Refer to the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter Development and Customization Guide

Support for Customized Adapters

The integration to the IBM Security Verify Governance Server "the adapter framework" is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a case is opened.


Supported Configurations

Supported third-party client libraries:

Installation Platform

The IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for IBM Security Verify was built and tested on the following product versions.


Adapter Installation Platform: 

Earlier versions of SDI that are still supported may function properly, however to resolve any communication errors, you must upgrade your SDI releases to the officially supported versions by the adapters.

Managed Resource:


IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager v10.0.x*

IBM Security Verify Governance v10.0.x

* Unless this document specifies a specific fix pack version of ISVG Identity Manager v10, we expect the adapter to work with ISIM6 as well. However, it will only be debugged and fixed from the perspective of ISVG-IM v10.



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