IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter 10.0.2 for Amazon Web Services - Release notes



IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter 10.0.2 for AWS is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.





Adapter Features and Purpose

License Agreement

Contents of this Release

Installation and Configuration Notes

Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

Supported Configurations





These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Verify Governance manuals were printed:


·        IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for AWS Installation and Configuration guide



Adapter Features and Purpose


The IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for AWS is designed to operate several administrative tasks on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Identity and Access Management


This adapter (and the prerequisite IBM Security Directory Integrator) should be installed for each node of an IBM Security Verify Governance WebSphere cluster. A single copy of the adapter can handle multiple IBM Security Verify Governance services.


IBM Security Verify Governance adapters are powerful tools that require Administrator Level authority. Adapters operate creating console access accounts, groups and policies. 


Service Group Management

A service group refers to any logical entity that can group accounts together on the managed resource. In the case of IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for AWS, the service group is an AWS group, role and policies.


Managing service groups implies the following:


·      Retrieve service groups on the managed resource.

·      Add users to AWS group or Attach AWS policies to user.

·      Remove users from AWS group or detach AWS policies from user.


Note:  Modify service group name is not supported.


License Agreement


Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter License prior to using this product.

The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.


Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Release Date

2023 December 12 04.06.36

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter build:




The following guide is available in the IBM Knowledge Center

  • IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for AWS Installation and Configuration guide



New Features






Items included in current 10.0.2 release



AWS Adapter to support AssumeRole.



Added the adapter support to use temporary security credentials for authentication and connection to AWS IAM.



Added the adapter support to use access key id,secret access key and session token generated using AssumeRole API for authentication.



Items included in 10.0.1 release



Added the adapter support for aws-java-sdk 2.0 jar with package names changes and code changes



Items included in 7.1.5 release

RTC 190586


Certification: Testing and Document Update AWS adapter for Redshift

RTC 181496


Supporting data changes for IGI 5.2.5 - Attribute Values Lookup Support



Items included in 7.1.4 release






Items included in 7.1.3 release






Items included in 7.1.2 release

RTC 167542


US - As an AWS adapter developer, I must support AWS service accounts.

More details about ‘Service Accounts’ are available at Creating accounts with Programmatic Access




Addition of the special flag attribute in targetProfile.json




Items included in 7.1.1 release

RTC 157156


Support for AWS adapter Service Account Creation And Access Key Management


Closed Issues



PMR# / Description



Items included in current 10.0.2 release






Items included in 10.0.1 release



Problem in full reconciliation.It was getting failed with the error:connection refused.



Problem in filter reconciliation.Adapter was fetching all the roles even when the filter eruid=username is given.



Problem in access key generation option for AWS adapter.Access keys were not getting stored in the derby database table



Items included in 7.1.5 release






Items included in 7.1.4 release



Code optimization



Items included in 7.1.3 release

RTC 167240


Implement "Restore" functionality in AWS adapter to use 'password'

RTC 170843


US - As an AWS IAM adapter developer, I must implement proper error handling and clean up unused code



Items included in 7.1.2 release






Items included in 7.1.1 release





Known Limitations



PMR# / Description

RTC 176821


AWS accounts with Programmatic Access and Console and Programmatic Access are unable to map to IGI users on IGI 524

--Programmatic Access Account has an access key for which Last Used value is N/A if the access key has not been used even once.

--This Access key needs to be used at least once and when in AWS the Last Used value for that Account has date value then the IGI users are mapped to the AWS accounts.

RTC 163543


'Add External Role Child' event didn't get triggered in IGI 522 with PostgreSQL


Installation and Configuration Notes

             See the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for AWS Installation and Configuration guide.


Corrections to Installation Guide:  

Chapter 1: Overview

No updates for the current release


Chapter 2: Planning

No updates for the current release


Chapter 3: Installing

 - Installing ILMT-Tags File
  (Please add new section "Installing ILMT-Tags" File under the section Installing > Installing ILMT-Tags in install guide.)

  Before you begin:
   - The Dispatcher must be installed

   Copy the files in the ILMT-Tags folder to the specified location:
   1. Windows: < SDI-HOME > /swidtag
   2. Unix/Linux: < SDI-HOME >/swidtag

 Installing third-party client libraries
  (Please update section "Installing third-party client libraries" under the section Installing in install guide.)


  1. Go to the AWS SDK for Java website at (See the AWSIAM adapter release notes for the current supported aws-java-sdk version.)
  2. Download the AWS SDK for Java package to a temporary directory.
  3. Extract SDK files.
  4. From the lib directory, copy the file aws-java-sdk.jar into ITDI_HOME\jars\patches directory.
  5. Under third-party\lib, copy all files except spring* jars into ITDI_HOME\jars\patches.See the AWS IAM Adapter Release Notes for these JAR files in the package.
  6. Restart the Dispatcher service.
  For more information about starting and stopping the service, see the Dispatcher Installation and Configuration Guide.

 Service or target form details
  (Please update section "Service or target form details" under the section Installing in install guide.)

 Connection details:
  Add this two sections after section "Region"

 Role Arn of the role to be assumed.

  -AssumeRole UserName
 Username of the user which have permissions to assume the role.

Installing in Virtual Appliance (Chapter present under ISVG only)

  Add below note to the end of the content of the chapter:


Note: While uploading the Adapter package, you may receive System Error: A file included in the SDI Adapter zip already exists on the system
and the Server Message log under Appliance tab of VA will have a reference to error E File ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_xxxx.swidtag found in the adapter zip at location ILMT-Tags/ already exists in system. This is because, you can install the same swidtags only once. So, if another adapter of the same type is installed, remove the swidtags
In addition to the common swidtag file, an application adapter needs ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Application_Adapters-xxxx.swidtag file and an infra adapter needs ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Lifecycle-xxxx.swidtag and ibm.com_IBM_Security_Verify_Governance_Compliance-xxxx.swidtag files.
So, if an application adapter is already installed and this is an infra adapter, then only install the infra-specific swidtags and the other way around. Please visit Security Verify Governance Adapters v10.x link to identify the adapter type of the installed adapters.


Chapter 4: Configuring

  Enabling TLSv1.2 in Security Directory Integrator


1. Apply recommended fix packs and limited availability (LA) versions on the Security Directory Integrator. See Recommended fixes for IBM Security Directory Integrator (SDI).

2. After applying the appropriate updates, modify the / file by appending the following text to the bottom of the file:
# # Protocols to enforce SSL protocols in a SDI Server
# # Optional values for* property (TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2). # # This can be a multi-valued comma separated property
# # Optional values for property (SSL_TLSv2, TLSv1,TLSv11,TLSv12).
# # This is a single value property.


Configuring the SSL connection between the Dispatcher and the AWS IAM server
  (Please update section "Configuring the SSL connection between the Dispatcher and the AWS IAM server" under the section Configuring in install guide.)


   Add the below step between step 6 and step 7 -

7. Download the second certificate from the following link : sf-class2-root.crt

Chapter 5: Troubleshooting

Enabling DEBUG Logs on SDI Server


1. Stop the SDI Server process


 2. Edit the < SDI_Solution_Directory >/etc/
 3. Modify the following line:
  log4j.rootCategory=INFO, Default
  log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, Default


 2. Edit the <SDI_Solution_Directory>/etc/log4j2.xml
 3. Modify the following line:
  <Root level="info">
  <Root level="debug">

4. Start the SDI Server process
5. Re-create the problem and collect the /logs/ibmdi.log


Chapter 6: Reference

No updates for the current release.


 Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

IBM Security Verify Governance Adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.


Getting Started

Customizing and extending adapters requires a number of additional skills. The developer must be familiar with the following concepts and skills prior to beginning the modifications:


·         IBM Security Verify Governance administration

·         IBM Security Directory Integrator management

·         IBM Security Directory Integrator Assembly Line development

·         LDAP schema management

·         Working knowledge of Java scripting language

·         Working knowledge of LDAP object classes and attributes

·         Working knowledge of XML document structure


Note: If the customization requires a new IBM Security Directory Integrator connector, the developer must also be familiar with IBM Security Directory Integrator connector development and working knowledge of Java programming language.


IBM Security Verify Governance Resources:

Check the Training section of the IBM Knowledge Centre for links to training, publications, and demos.


IBM Security Directory Integrator Resources:

Check the Learn section of the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator Support web site for links to training, publications, and demos.

Support for Customized Adapters

The integration to the IBM Security Verify Governance – the adapter framework – is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a PMR is opened.



Supported Configurations

The IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for AWS was built and tested on the following product versions.


Adapter Installation Platform: 

This adapter installs into IBM Security Directory Integrator (SDI) and may be installed on any platform supported by the SDI product and supported by the target system libraries or client, where applicable. IBM recommends installing SDI for each node of the IBM Security Verify Governance WAS Cluster and then installing this adapter on each instance of SDI. Supported SDI versions include:


·         Security Directory Integrator 7.2 + FP0011 


Note:  The adapter supports IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2, which is available only to customers who have the correct entitlement. Contact your IBM representative to find out if you have the entitlement to download IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2.

Managed Resource:




aws-java-sdk-2.20.40 or above



            IBM Security Verify Governance:


IBM Security Verify Governance Identity Manager v10.0.x


IBM Security Verify Governance v10.0.x



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Other directories that comply with RFC2798 standards and are supported by the IBM Security Directory Integrator LDAP connector. However, you might require additional customization. See the IBM Security Verify Governance Adapter for LDAP Customization Guide for information on customizing this adapter.

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End of Release Notes