############################################################################## # IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms # # Server for # # AIX, Linux, Linux on System z, and Windows # # README # # Release # # Dec. 10, 2021 # # # # 5724-J33 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORPORATION 2021 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # ############################################################################## Welcome to the Installation Notes for IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server. For the latest information about IBM Content Manager OnDemand visit the product web site at: https://www.ibm.com/us-en/marketplace/ibm-content-manager-ondemand Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Installation Notes 1.1) Upgrade Notes 1.2) Upgrade Steps 1.3) ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE 1.4) Update the System Log and System Load definitions to support the new date formats 1.5) Update the IBM Content Manager OnDemand System tables indexes 2) Server History 2.1) Server Notes 2.1.1) Enhancements and Changes Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.1.2) Separately Priced Feature Enablement 2.2) APARs Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.3) AIX Server Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.4) Windows Server Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.5) Linux Server Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.6) Linux on System z Server Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 3) Web Enablement Kit History 3.1) Web Enablement Kit Notes Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 3.2) Contents of the Installation Package 3.3) AFP Web Viewer (ActiveX) Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 3.4) Java Line Data Applet Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 3.5) Line Data HTML5 Viewer Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 3.6) Java APIs Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 3.7) CFSOD Export Utility Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 3.8) Content Manager OnDemand REST Services Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 4) IBM Global Security Kit Installation 4.1) AIX GSKit Install 4.2) Linux GSKit Install 4.3) Linux for System z GSKit Install 4.4) Windows GSKit Install 5) Testing Environment 5.1) IBM Content Manager OnDemand Currency Testing 5.2) IBM Content Manager OnDemand Testing Environment 6) Reference -----------------end of Contents---------------------------------------------- 1) Installation Notes 1.1) Upgrade Notes Before upgrading to IBM Content Manager OnDemand V10.5, you should backup your database and make sure you have a copy of the currently installed version of IBM Content Manager OnDemand. You should backup your configuration files too. The IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms V10.5 installation uses InstallAnywhere. The default install directory path names have changed for IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms Server. The default install path is now /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5 for AIX and /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5 for Linux and Linux on System z. The Windows install path is now C:\Program Files\IBM\OnDemand\V10.5. Customers can now install to the default path or specify an alternative one. If you choose to install in a different directory other than the default, you will have to add the new install lib64 path to the library search path using the environment variables LIBPATH for AIX or LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the other UNIX platforms. IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms Server requires the installation of the 64bit IBM Global Security Kit Version 8. Please see the section below for each platform for more information about how to install this component. Any ACIF exits that use ICU will need to be recompiled with version 58.2. The exits will also need to properly locate the ICU Data library in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand server installation directory. For more information please read the WBTS Technote, "Upgrade Guide for IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server V10.5.0" available by going to: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/136341 1.2) Upgrade Steps These steps are only required if you are upgrading from a previous version of IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms Server. Before upgrading to IBM Content Manager OnDemand V10.5, you should backup your database, configuration files, and make sure you have a copy of the currently installed version of IBM Content Manager OnDemand. Upgrade your Content Manager OnDemand instance. By default, V10.5 will be installed to a different directory than V10.1 or V9.5. On Unix: Restore your Content Manager OnDemand server configuration files (ars.ini, ars.cfg, ars.cache, ars.dbfs, arsload.cfg) and re-compiled custom user exits to your Content Manager OnDemand V10.5 directories. On Windows: Run the V10.5 OnDemand Configurator to upgrade the instance. To upgrade the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Database for use with IBM Content Manager OnDemand V10.5, log in as the IBM Content Manager OnDemand instance owner and run the following commands after installing V10.5 and any fix packs. This is mandatory. Stop the IBM Content Manager OnDemand server arssockd [-I ] -T Install the base IBM Content Manager OnDemand V10.5.0.0 See the section on your specific platform Apply the current fix pack See the section on your specific platform Then perform database maintenance for IBM Db2: arsdb [-I ] -mv for Oracle: arsdb [-I ] -sv Start the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server arssockd [-I ] -S where OD_INSTANCE is the IBM Content Manager OnDemand instance name. If this is not specified, the default is ARCHIVE. 1.3) ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE - Configuration changes needed for localized database codepage support - A new ARS.CFG parameter, ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE, is now required. When upgrading IBM Content Manager OnDemand for MP V10.5 from a pre-V8.5 IBM Content Manager OnDemand for MP instance, this MUST be set to the codepage the pre-V8.5 IBM Content Manager OnDemand server was running in. Failure to set it will prevent the IBM Content Manager OnDemand server from starting. SETTING IT INCORRECTLY WILL RESULT IN DATA CORRUPTION. Example failure to start message which will be sent to the console: DB Error: STARTUP -- SQLSTATE=1. ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE is not defined in ars.cfg. Run arsdb -u -I to determine setting of ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE, SQLCODE=0, File=arssrvr.c, Line=7892 - Steps to set the value of ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE - UNIX Servers Run the command "arsdb -I -u" without setting the ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE environment variable in the ARS.CFG for information on the proper setting for ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE. Example output: arsdb: Unable to initialize environment. The return code is -1. If this is a new (created in 8.5 or later) instance, then define ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE=1208 in ars.cfg. Otherwise, if this is an existing instance (created prior to 8.5), then define ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE=923 in ars.cfg. Once set, ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE must never change. Edit the ARS.CFG file and add the ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE parameter set to the appropriate value determined by the arsdb command. The values from this message would be 1208 for a new installation or 923 for an existing one. - Windows Server Run the command "arsdb.exe -I -u" using the OnDemand Command Window for information on the proper setting of ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE. Example output: arsdb: Unable to initialize environment. The return code is -1. If this is a new (created in 8.5 or later) instance, then define ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE with a value of 1208 in the registry. Otherwise, if this is an existing instance (created prior to 8.5), then define ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE with a value of 5348 in the registry. The registry setting should be placed in the following section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\OnDemand for Windows\@SRV@_)\CFG. Once set, ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE must never change. IMPORTANT: This README contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, read the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 256986 Description of the Microsoft Windows Registry (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/256986/EN-US/ ) Use the regedit.exe command to update the Windows Registry Key specified in the output of the arsdb command and add the ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE string value set to the appropriate value determined by the arsdb command. The values from this message would be 1208 for a new installation or 5348 for an existing one. 1.4) Update the System Log and System Load definitions to support the new date formats. - This is optional. The old date formats are still supported. If you have not already updated the System Log and System Load to take advantage of the new date support, you can run the following commands: To update the System Log Application Group and Folder arssyscr [-I ] -l -u To update the System Load Application Group and Folder arssyscr [-I ] -a -u To display the new date, date/time formats, you must use one of the V9 or later clients. This includes, but is not limited to, the Windows Client, ODWEK Java APIs, CICS, etc. Once this is done, older V8.5 Clients will not be able to display the newer date format. For more information please read Technote #7036188 - "Content Manager OnDemand V9.0 new date types for Date, Date/Time and Date/Time(TZ)" available by going to http://support.ibm.com and searching on the Technote number. 1.5) Update the IBM Content Manager OnDemand System tables indexes - Customers should run the arsdb commands to drop and recreate the indexes if updating from older versions. Drop the indexes: arsdb [-I ] -efv Create the indexes: arsdb [-I ] -rfv Then you will need to update the statistics on all the IBM Content Manager OnDemand System tables. For IBM Db2: arsdb [-I ] -mv For Oracle arsdb [-I ] -sv -------------end of Installation Notes---------------------------------------- 2) Server History 2.1) Notes 2.1.1) Enhancements and changes Release ( - For information about the new enhancements and other changes to IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms V10.5, please read the Technote titled "What's new in Content Manager OnDemand" available by going to: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/590033 Release ( - The arsdoc get command now extracts PDF Resources for use with the Generic Index File format Release ( - The arsxml command has extended the ServerFTI format to include a collection directory name, ,, - The arsxml command now allows an update of existing objects during an ADD operation with -eu option Release ( - New parameter, docFailThreshold, has been added to the FTS Exporter. This requires using JDBC 4.0. For more information, see the online documentation at: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cmofm/10.5.0?topic=fts-configuring-exporter - Added support for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) - Added additional configuration options for arslsync. For more information, see the online documentation at: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cmofm/10.5.0?topic=arslsync-notes - OS390 Indexer has been updated to report unrecognized parameters with message ARS5490I instead of ARS5481I 2.1.2) Separately Priced Feature Enablement In order to use any IBM Content Manager OnDemand Separately Priced Feature, you must now install the appropriate feature. The install images for Enhanced Retention Management, PDF Indexer, OnDemand Distribution Facility, and Full Text Search are available through Passport Advantage. -------------end of Notes----------------------------------------------------- 2.2) APARs Release ( PH19468 - The System Load Folder field Document Date is a range mapping type and should not allow the Between operator - This fix requires you to run arssyscr -a to update the System Load Folder PH22413 - Specific configurations expose a conflict between the use of Enhanced Retention Management and Implied Hold equals No PH22537 - Loading data using old_style_dates for DB Segment start and stop dates can result in incorrect LoadIds if the dates change during the loading of the data PH22616 - When an Application Group has over 5000 loads to expire that are under implicit hold, arsmaint -cd -g AGName will go into an infinite loop PH23023 - The 'Retention' field in Hitachi Content Platform dialog has incorrect value PH24793 - Object not found in IBM Spectrum Protect causes the CMOD server to crash Release ( PH16491 - The arsdoc query command does not reflect holds properly PH21578 - When searching for text inside AFP documents for a hit list only text on the first page of a doc is found PH23544 - arssockd process crashes when processing documents with annotations PH23956 - Recipient List may end with report bundles not processed PH24749 - Distributions with location of file and an hfs pathname that contains a # fails with ARS4703E PH25708 - FTI work table rows are inadvertently deleted PH26838 - The 390 indexer gets message ARS5419E No documents found - input exhausted for INDEXSTYLE=DOC PH26971 - ARSLOAD goes into a loop when the 390 indexer is passed an empty parameter PH28584 - After CMOD server is upgraded from V9.5 to V10.1, retrieval of documents archived on TSM prior to the upgrade fails PH28596 - Correct incompatibility with the 9.5 390 indexer PH28808 - ODF distributions of DJDE reports may not include the DJDE resource PH31721 - Enable EC2 connection in AWS Service Release ( PH32768 - Incorrect ACIF message 0425-448 issued when float FIELDn occurs before first group FIELDn PH32826 - Error "ARS1117E Unable to gather statistics about the file >.dbnew<" appearing randomly during document loads PH33971 - Intermittent arssockd crash due to storing to cloud-based storage PH34131 - ARSDOC bulk_delete command failure when Application Group does not exist PH34151 - Encrypted resource retrieval failure PH35116 - Adding folder permission using ARSXML changes the field information interval settings PH36111 - CMOD server high memory utilization with arsload and memory leak associated with loading to Storage Manager File system Release ( PH36445 - Upgrade Azure API version to allow large BLOB Storage PH37296 - Content Manager OnDemand resources disappearing in Hitachi Content Platform (HCP). PH37673 - ARSLOAD will fail to load a document if the number of ignored fields is greater than the number of actual fields PH38086 - Changing UserType from 'System Administrator (Read-Only)' to 'System Administrator' using ARSXML is corrupting the UserType PH38422 - Loads failing on server when initiated from ODWEK PH39211 - Memory exhaustion when many documents are added to Amazon S3 device on Amazon EC2 instance PH39975 - Memory leaks when using ARSLOAD with XML indexing PH40088 - ARSXLINE commands using -m 0,0,0,0 do not produce documents with the correct margins PH40459 - XML Indexer - embedded CDATA values are being translated incorrectly PH41643 - ARSXML export all should not cause SQL0204N when ODF tables do not exist PH41838 - Upgrade to caused performance slowdown/issue indexing large PDF files (for example 1 GB) PH41898 - Slow performance when storing resources from Amazon S3 API Cloud storage PH41990 - Adobe libraries extract text in the wrong order causing indexing failure PH42237 - ARSXAFP incorrectly converts AFP to line data when AFP has a 90 degree rotation -------------end of APARs----------------------------------------------------- 2.3) AIX Server Release ( - Pre-reqs - AIX 7.2 TL4 or later - IBM XL C/C++ Runtime for AIX, V16.1.0 or later - Database - IBM Db2 V11.1 or later - Oracle 19c or later - IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1 or later - IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 - Included in the installation packaging - Installation - UNIX installs are packaged with InstallAnywhere. The native installs using SMIT, swinstall, pkgadd, or RPM are no longer supported - Pre-reqs - 700MB of free space in /tmp and 1.2GB in /opt. - To install from the command line - odaix.bin -i console - To uninstall from the command line - /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/_uninst1050/uninstallod -i console - Please read the Installation Documentation online at: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPCD_10.5.0 for further information - Installing the IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 - See section 4) IBM Global Security Kit Installation Release ( Release ( Enhancements: - POWER9 hardware compression is now supported This requires AIX 7.2 TL4 - A new parameter (RETAINPDFVERSION) has been added to the PDF Indexer which will preserve the original PDF version in the output PDF file Release ( -------------end of AIX Server------------------------------------------------ 2.4) Windows Server Release ( - Pre-reqs - Windows Server 2016 or later - Database - IBM Db2 V11.1 or later - Oracle 19c or later - Microsoft SQL Server 2017 or later - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later - IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1 or later - IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 - Included in the installation packaging - Installation - Pre-reqs - 2GB of free space on C:\ - To install from the command line - odwin.exe - To uninstall use Programs and Features from the Control Panel - Please read the Installation Documentation online at: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPCD_10.5.0 for further information - Installing the IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 The GSKit Crypt and SSL components are installed automatically. Release ( Enhancements: The GSKit has been updated to APARs: PH21312 - Non-English messages not working on Windows PH26241 - When running FTI exporter, it fails and in the trace shows it is looking for executable ARSXAFP in the {CMODROOTDIR}\bin32 folder Release ( Enhancements: - The Configurator has enhanced its IBM Db2 detection - The GSKit has been updated to Release ( Enhancements: - The Configurator: Added Database Login User ID and Password Fields Added support for Google Cloud Storage (GCS) - The GSKit has been updated to -------------end of Windows Server-------------------------------------------- 2.5) Linux Release ( - Pre-reqs - Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 update 7 for x86_64 or later - glibc.i686, libgcc.i686, and libstdc++.i686 for 32bit support. - SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12 SP4 for AMD64/Intel64 or later - Database - IBM Db2 V11.1 or later - Oracle 19c or later - IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1 or later - IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 - Included in the installation packaging - Installation - UNIX installs are packaged with InstallAnywhere. The native installs using SMIT, swinstall, pkgadd, or RPM are no longer supported - Pre-reqs - 620MB of free space in /tmp and 1.1GB in /opt - To install from the command line - odlinux.bin -i console - To uninstall from the command line - /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/_uninst1050/uninstallod -i console - Please read the Installation Documentation online at: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPCD_10.5.0 for further information - Installing the IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 - See section 4) IBM Global Security Kit Installation Release ( Release ( Release ( -------------end of Linux Server---------------------------------------------- 2.6) Linux on System z Server Release ( - Pre-reqs - Red Hat Enterpise Linux (RHEL) 7 update 7 for IBM System z or later - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) for System z 12 SP4 or later - Database - IBM Db2 V11.1 or later - IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1 or later - IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 - Included in the installation packaging - Installation - UNIX installs are packaged with InstallAnywhere. The native installs using SMIT, swinstall, pkgadd, or RPM are no longer supported - Pre-reqs - 620MB of free space in /tmp and 1.1GB in /opt - To install from the command line - odlinux390.bin -i console - To uninstall from the command line - /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/_uninst1050/uninstallod -i console - Please read the Installation Documentation online at: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPCD_10.5.0 for further information - Installing the IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 - See section 4) IBM Global Security Kit Installation Release ( Release ( Enhancements: - z15 hardware compression is now supported Release ( -------------end of Linux on System z Server---------------------------------- -----------------end of Server History---------------------------------------- 3) Web Enablement Kit History 3.1) Web Enablement Kit Notes Release ( - The ODWEK executables, libraries, jars, applets, and plugins are now packaged with OnDemand Server installations. - The IBM Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement Kit is now installed to a new default directory. It is installed to /opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/www for AIX. It is installed to /opt/ibm/ondemand/V10.5/www for Linux and Linux on System z. It is installed to C:\Program Files\IBM\OnDemand\V10.5\www for Windows. - Before using the latest version of the Web Enablement Kit, you must delete all of the files from the Web Enablement Kit temp directory. - The Java API shared libraries are both 32bit and 64bit on AIX, Linux, and Windows. The Java API shared library on Linux for System z is 64-bit only. - The ODWEK 32bit CGI and Servlet are no longer supported. - The Image Web Viewer(ActiveX) is no longer supported. - Pre-reqs - IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 - 64bit and 32bit - Included in the installation packaging Release ( Release ( Release ( -------------end of Web Enablement Kit Notes---------------------------------- 3.2) Contents of the Web Enablement Kit Package. locale/icudt58l.dat (Windows, Linux) locale/icudt58b.dat (AIX, Linux for System z) - This file should be left in the installation Locale directory. bin32/icudt58.dll (Windows 32bit) bin32/icuin58.dll (Windows 32bit) bin32/icuio58.dll (Windows 32bit) bin32/icuuc58.dll (Windows 32bit) - These libraries are used for 32bit ICU support on Windows. These files must be placed in the same directory as the JAVA API shared library or a directory that is in the command search path defined by the Path environment variable. bin/icudt58.dll (Windows 64bit) bin/icuin58.dll (Windows 64bit) bin/icuio58.dll (Windows 64bit) bin/icuuc58.dll (Windows 64bit) - These libraries are used for 64bit ICU support on Windows. These files must be placed in the same directory as the JAVA API shared library or a directory that is in the command search path defined by the Path environment variable. bin32/arsgsk32.dll (Windows 32bit) bin/arsgsk64.dll (Windows 64bit) -These libraries are used for GSKit SSL support on Windows. These files must be placed in the same directory as the JAVA API shared library or a directory that is in the command search path defined by the Path environment variable. ODApi.jar ars3wapi32.dll (Windows) ars3wapi64.dll (Windows) libars3wapi32.so (AIX, Linux) libars3wapi64.so (AIX, Linux, Linux for System z) - Java API and support files. See the documentation and api/ODApiDoc.zip for more information on using the APIs. api/ODApi.jar - This is the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement Kit Java API jar file api/ODApiDoc.zip - This is the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement Kit Java API Documentation log4j2.xml - This file is used to capture Java-side logging for troubleshooting issues with the ODWEK Java APIs. jars/gson-2.8.6.jar jars/log4j-api-2.13.0.jar jars/log4j-core-2.13.0.jar - Utility libraries to satisfy Java API dependencies locale/arscpcs.cfg - This file contains the code page to code set mappings. This file should stay in the installation directory. applets/ODLineDataViewer2.jar - IBM Content Manager OnDemand Line Data Viewer applet applets/IEFix.js - JavaScript file to assist applet launch plugins/afpplgin.exe - IBM Content Manager OnDemand AFP Web Viewer (ActiveX) - All languages including DBCS support - This is an InstallShield self extracting install file. This file should be downloaded to the user's Windows 10 system and run to install the IBM Content Manager OnDemand AFP Web Viewer. If the user is running a browser while the installation is in progress, then the user must stop and restart the browser before the Web Viewer can be used. plugins/afpplgin.zip - IBM Content Manager OnDemand AFP Web Viewer (ActiveX) - Zip format for all languages include DBCS support rest/cmod-rest.war rest/default.tmpl rest/restapi.html - IBM Content Manager OnDemand REST Services rest/log4j2.xml - This file is used to capture Java-side logging for troubleshooting issues with the REST Services. viewers/LineDataHTML5Viewer.zip - zip file containing the HTML5 Line Data Viewer distribution -------------end of Contents of the Web Enablement Kit Package---------------- 3.3) AFP Web Viewer (32bit ActiveX) Release ( - Pre-reqs - Windows 10 - Upgraded the AFP Web Viewer to Version Release ( - Upgraded the AFP Web Viewer to Version Release ( Release ( -------------end of AFP Plugin------------------------------------------------ 3.4) Java Line Data Applet Release ( - Pre-reqs - Java 1.7 or later Release ( Release ( Release ( -------------end of Java Line Data Applet------------------------------------- 3.5) Line Data HTML5 Viewer Release ( Release ( APARs: PH23012 - Bug in HTML5 Line Data Viewer preventing users from viewing documents PH26527 - System Error: 2111' pop-up appears even if customer does not use annotations Release ( APARs: PH32245 - Timestamp on the notes log in HTML5 viewer to be the same as that on the ICN PH33940 - Up and down arrows in scroll bar of Line Data Viewer are missing PH35916 - HTML5 LDV hangs when the COPY DOC PAGES TO FILE '&_fileN=' value has an ampersand [&] in the file name Release ( APARs: PH37065 - HTML Line Data Viewer - page jump after text search in Full Report Browse PH37066 - HTML Line Data Viewer - printing "All Pages" incomplete in Full Report Browse PH37437 - Note permissions are being incorrectly submitted during the add ("m_public":false) PH39731 - The status of the LineData HTML5 Viewer obscures current page and number of pages in the status line on large docs -------------end of Line Data HTML5 Viewer------------------------------------ 3.6) Java API Release ( - Pre-reqs - Java 1.8 or later - AIX 7.2 TL3 or later - Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.7 or later - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12.4 or later - Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on System z RedHat 7.7 or later - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) on IBM System z 12.4 or later - Windows Server 2016 or later (64bit only) - If the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement Kit is installed to a different path than the default, the path to the new installation directory must be specified in the ODConfig object. APARs: PH22523 - When using ODFolder.storeDocument with both UniqueId and Hash fields, the server generated hash field contains the characters from the UniqueId in the value PH21312 - When running ODWEK in a non-English locale on Windows, all messages return "Unable to find message number(0X00000826)", under certain circumstances this may cause the JVM to crash. Release ( APARS: PH26437 - ODWEK ODFolder.getName() returns the basename when language mapping exist if the folder has been closed and reopened PH27215 - ODFolder.open could crash when there is no connection to the server PH27990 - Null Pointer Exception is thrown when trying to log in with SSO is using ODWEK 10.5 PH30362 - ODFolder.recreateHit(open docid), fails for open docids when at least one of the queryable folder fields in the folder does not have 'Equal' set as a valid operator PH31545 - Data loaded to an Application Group after migrating from old style dates to new style dates returns -1 to ODHitProperties.getStartDate() Release ( APARS: PH33770 - ODWEK crash in viewerPassthru when folder name is extremely long PH33854 - ODWEK can crash in getOpenDocid() when multiple folders open or if the folder has been closed prior to the call PH34722 - ODFolder.recreateHit(open docid) fails PH36084 - ODWEK crashes during annotation update when user does not have annotation update permissions Release ( Enhancements: - ODWEK will now try to create temp and trace directories if they don't already exist APARS: PH37383 - ODWEK crashes when retrieving data from corrupted storage object as 'ascii' PH37414 - Client-side bulk processing (ODWEK, ARSDOC) performance issue PH42515 - 'Copy document pages to file' functionality fails on Large Object data when the last page in the first segment is requested for copy -------------end of Java API-------------------------------------------------- 3.7) CFSOD Export Utility Release ( - Pre-reqs - Java 1.8 or later - Database with JDBC Type 4 driver - IBM Db2 V11.1 or later - Oracle 19c or later - Microsoft SQL Server 2017 or later - IBM FileNet P8 Version 5.5 or later Release ( Release ( Release ( -------------end of CFSOD Export Utility-------------------------------------- 3.8) Content Manager OnDemand REST Services Release ( - Pre-reqs - Java 1.8 or later - Application Server - WebSphere Application Server V9.0.5 or later - WebSphere Liberty V19.0.0.10 or later Release ( Release ( Release ( -------------end of Content Manager OnDemand REST Services ------------------- ----------------end of Web Enablement Kit History----------------------------- 4) IBM Global Security Kit Installation 4.1) AIX GSKit Install The GSKit install media must be accessible to the installation programs. Although the SMIT program can access the install media via a read-only device (such as a CD-ROM), the recommended method is to copy the GSKit media to the local file system first. A good place for this is /var/spool/pkg or alternatively /tmp/gsk8. The AIX packages are distributed in a compressed tar file. To gain access to the software packages that will be recognized by native install tools you first need to uncompress them. This can be achieved as follows: zcat gskcrypt64- | tar -xvf - zcat gskssl64- | tar -xvf - zcat gskcrypt32- | tar -xvf - zcat gskssl32- | tar -xvf - This will decompress the RTE install packages for AIX. The following installation instructions assume that you have decompressed the installation packages and are working with them directly. Installing with SMIT GUI tool Do the following: 1. From the command line, run inutoc in the directory containing the GSKit packages. This creates a table of contents needed by SMIT. /usr/sbin/inutoc /tmp/gsk8 2. Invoke the SMIT application by entering smit on the command line. 3. Choose "Software Installation & Maintenance". 4. Then choose "Install Software". 5. Select "Install and Update Software by Package Name". 6. On the device/directory window specify the directory that contains the installable software. 7. Select packages GSKit8.gskcrypt64.ppc.rte, GSKit8.gskssl64.ppc.rte, GSKit8.gskcrypt32.ppc.rte, and GSKit8.gskssl32.ppc.rte from the Multi-select List. 8. Select the file sets of the software package to install. 9. Mark the options appropriate to your installation requirements from the options window. Note: Set the "AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software?" to "yes" Set the "ACCEPT new license agreements?" to "yes" 10. Confirm to complete the installation. Installing with installp command line tool To install GSKit 8 for PPC64 systems using the installp command the following chain of commands would need to be executed: 1. /usr/bin/inutoc /tmp/gsk8 2. installp -acgqw -d /tmp/gsk8 GSKit8.gskcrypt64.ppc.rte \ GSKit8.gskssl64.ppc.rte \ GSKit8.gskcrypt32.ppc.rte \ GSKit8.gskssl32.ppc.rte See the installp man page for more information about the command line switches. Removing packages with SMIT GUI tool Do the following: 1. Invoke SMIT, by entering smit on the command line. 2. From the menu, choose the "Software Installation and Maintenance". 3. Then select "Software Maintenance and Utilities". 4. From the Maintenance window select "Remove Installed Software" to open the "Remove Software Product" dialogue window. 5. Enter the name of the installed GSKit SSL software package (e.g. GSKit8.gskssl64.ppc.rte). 6. Turn the flag for "REMOVE dependent software?" to "YES" to instruct the system to automatically remove the GSKit Crypt software package. 7. Confirm the procedure to complete the removal of the software package. Removing packages with installp command line tool Use installp to remove all of the GSKit packages. To remove GSKit 8 for PPC64 with the installp command: installp -u -g -V2 GSKit8.gskssl64.ppc.rte \ GSKit8.gskcrypt64.ppc.rte \ GSKit8.gskssl632.ppc.rte \ GSKit8.gskcrypt32.ppc.rte -------------end of AIX GSKit Install----------------------------------------- 4.2) Linux GSKit Install The installation must be performed as the user root. The -nodeps flag should not be used unless specifically called out in the instructions below. Installing with RPM command line tool Do the following: 1. Use the rpm command to perform the installation as follows: To install in the default location: /usr/local rpm -Uv gskcrypt64- rpm -Uv gskssl64- rpm -Uv gskcrypt32- rpm -Uv gskssl32- Removal using the Command Line Note that the rpm command run with the -qa option will provide a list of installed packages. This may be used to determine the exact names of the currently installed GSKit packages. For example, rpm -qa | grep gsk Do the following: 1. Run the rpm command to remove the GSKit SSL package followed by the GSKit Crypt package. rpm -ev gskssl64- gskcrypt64- \ gskssl32- gskcrypt32- -------------end of Linux GSKit Install--------------------------------------- 4.3) Linux for System z GSKit Install The installation must be performed as the user root. The -nodeps flag should not be used unless specifically called out in the instructions below. Installing with RPM command line tool Do the following: 1. Use the rpm command to perform the installation as follows: To install in the default location: /usr/local rpm -Uv gskcrypt64- rpm -Uv gskssl64- rpm -Uv gskcrypt31- rpm -Uv gskssl31- Removal using the Command Line Note that the rpm command run with the -qa option will provide a list of installed packages. This may be used to determine the exact names of the currently installed GSKit packages. For example, rpm -qa | grep gsk Do the following: 1. Run the rpm command to remove the GSKit SSL package followed by the GSKit Crypt package. rpm -ev gskssl64- gskcrypt64- \ gskssl31- gskcrypt31- -------------end of Linux for System z GSKit Install-------------------------- 4.4) Windows GSKit Install The GSKit Crypt and SSL components are installed automatically. -------------end of Windows GSKit Install------------------------------------- -----------------end of IBM Global Security Kit Installation------------------ 5) IBM Content Manager OnDemand Testing 5.1) Concurrency Testing IBM Content Manager OnDemand has been currency tested with: AIX 7.2 TL3 Windows Server 2016 IBM Db2 V11.1 SQL Server 2017 Oracle 19c IBM Spectrum Protect(TSM) 8.1 KVM Hypervisor IBM Db2 pureScale AdoptOpenJDK 8/11 IBM Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement Kit has been currency tested with: Apache Tomcat 9.0.30 WebSphere Application Server Version Liberty 5.2) Testing Environments IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms is tested in 15 configurations on 7 different platforms. The following is a list of the environments which were tested with the latest fix pack. AIX: AIX - 7.2 TL4 IBM Db2 - 11.1 Oracle - 19c IBM Spectrum Protect(TSM) - 8.1 Windows: Windows - Server 2016 IBM Db2 - 11.1 Oracle - 19c SQL Server - 2017 IBM Spectrum Protect(TSM) - 8.1 Linux on x86_64: RedHat - RHEL release 7 Update 7 SuSE - SLES 12 SP 4 IBM Db2 - 11.1 Oracle - 19c IBM Spectrum Protect(TSM) - 8.1 Linux on System z: RedHat - RHEL release 7 Update 7 SuSE - SLES 12 SP 4 IBM Db2 - 11.1 IBM Spectrum Protect(TSM) - 8.1 -----------------end of IBM Content Manager OnDemand Testing------------------ 6) Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can find information updates by searching the IBM Support web site at: https://www.ibm.com/mysupport You can find the following additional documents by entering the document # or title in the search field: Document# Document title 1432774 Upgrade Guide for IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server V10.5.0 590033 What's new in Content Manager OnDemand 1078959 Content Manager OnDemand REST Services -----------------end of Reference---------------------------------------------