# set ug.install.flag to true when we are installing ISES-UG otherwise it should set it as false ug.install.flag=true # set ug.install.type to PATCH when already have 11711 installed and adding any patch ug.install.type=PATCH # 1 for single node and 3 for multi node (number.of.nodes=3 ) number.of.nodes=1 # set the MS tier master node/host name master.node.host= # set the MS tier master node/host os user login name which should have sudo privillages master.node.user=root # provide the value if you are upgrading ISES with flag “ug.install.flag=true” the provide the ug.images.tar.path location ug.images.tar.path= # Provide the value directory where you want to install the MS tier ug.install.dir= # In case of multi node when number.of.nodes=3 the below two worker node properties are required # set value to IIS installed https port is.console.port=9446 # set value , IIS installed with WebSphere Network deployment the set it as “was”or if it is wih Liberty WebSphere then set it as “ lwas” app.server.type=was # IIS (IBM Information Server) server node or host name isf.server.host= # IIS server Administrator user is.admin.user= # IIS server Administrator user password is.admin.password= # sftp port for MS tier node/host master.node.port=22 # Set the value when you are installing MS tier with password leave the property as it is or blank master.node.password= # Set the value to true when you are installing MS tier with password, set to false when MS tier installing with passwordless ssh ug.ssh.pwd.flag=false # Set the value to the databse type based on your Database is DB2 then set it as db2, and if the database is ORACLE then set the value as oracle and if the database is SQL SERVER then set the value as sqlserver(db2/oracle/ sqlserver) xmeta.db.type=db2 # Set these mandatory properties to run the Upgrade , false for upgrade upgrade and true for upgrade install ug.upgrade.install.flag=false # set the value when you want to install 11711 SP2 or SP1 ug.11711FP1.install=true # In case of multi node when number.of.nodes=3 the below properties is set to true otherwise set to false multi.node.flag=false # set the value as per your network and default value is set as an example weave.net.ip.range= # set the value as per your network and default value is set as an example service.ip.range= # Set the value to the domain name which you are working ug.domain.name=fyre.ibm.com # Set the values kafka user , solr user names and password kafka.sasl.username=kafka kafka.sasl.password= solr.auth.basic.username=solr solr.auth.basic.password=