# set ug.install.flag to true for upgrading Microservices (MS) tier to ug.install.flag=true # set ug.install.type to UPGRADE when upgrading a Microservices tier to ug.install.type=UPGRADE # If WKC Lite is currently installed, this flag should be set to true else it should be set to false wkc.deployed.flag=false # If WKC Pro is currently installed, this flag should be set to true else it should be set to false wkc.pro.deployed.flag=false # set as 1 for single node, and 3 for multi node (number.of.nodes=3 ) number.of.nodes=1 # set the MS tier master node/host name master.node.host=lin-fs-new-int-2.domain.yourcompany.com # set the user name (should have sudo privileges) to login to the MS tier master node/host master.node.user=root # provide the location of the tar file if you specified ug.install.flag as true ug.images.tar.path=/tmp/iis-microservices-installer- # Specify the directory where you want to install the MS tier ug.install.dir=/opt/IBM/UGinstall # set value to IBM Information Server (IIS) installed https port is.console.port=9446 # if IIS is installed with WebSphere Network deployment, set it as “was”; for Liberty WebSphere, set it as “lwas” app.server.type=was # IIS server node or host name isf.server.host=lin-fs-new-int-1.domain.yourcompany.com # IIS server Administrator user is.admin.user=isadmin # IIS server Administrator user password is.admin.password=P455w0rd # sftp port for MS tier node/host master.node.port=22 # Set a value when you are installing the MS tier with a password; otherwise, leave it blank master.node.password=MyPassw0rd! # Set as true when you are installing MS tier with password; set to false when installing MS tier with passwordless ssh ug.ssh.pwd.flag=false # Set the database type based on the Database you use; if DB2, set it as db2, if ORACLE, set it as oracle, if SQL SERVER, set it as sqlserver(db2 / oracle / sqlserver) xmeta.db.type=db2 # set the value as true when you already have 11710 installed ug.11710.installed=true # In case of multi node when number.of.nodes=3 then this property is set to true otherwise set to false multi.node.flag=false # set the value as per your network; the default value is set as an example weave.net.ip.range= # set the value as per your network; the default value is set as an example service.ip.range= # Set the value to your domain name ug.domain.name=domain.yourcompany.com # Set the following values for upgrade kafka.sasl.username=kafka kafka.sasl.password=P455w0rd solr.auth.basic.username=solr solr.auth.basic.password=P455w0rd # Set the value to true if you are upgrading microservices to 11.7.1.fp1 ug.11711FP1.install=true