IBM Corporation --- IBM(R) Maximo(R) Tivoli Process Automation Engine Interim Fix Build IBM Corporation Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in the Notices section at the end of this document. (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2011, 2015. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =============================================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================================== I. Introduction II. Resource Information III. Installation Instructions IV. Behavior Changes V. Manual Changes VI. Issues Resolved VII. Notices =============================================================================================== I. Introduction =============================================================================================== Product : Tivoli Process Automation Engine Version : Release Dependencies : NONE PREREQUISITES : Tivoli Process Automation Engine Release has been installed CO-REQUISITES : NONE A Interim Fix is a group of critical issues that have been repaired since the product fix pack or patch was released. The Interim Fix is cumulative and may contain other fixes in addition to the issues that affect your site. The Interim Fix must be applied in full in order to be supportable. Customers should validate this Interim Fix by installing it in a test environment before rolling it out to a production environment. Interim Fixes, by their very nature, go through a limited quality assurance cycle and may not be included in the latest available program patch. =============================================================================================== II. Resource Information =============================================================================================== Knowledge center URL: Description: Access the information center to view the product documentation. Topics include product overviews; installation and configuration tasks; instructions for using, administering, and troubleshooting the product; and security information. Asset Management community on Service Management Connect URL: Description: Use Service Management Connect to access the product's blogs, wikis, forums, and communities. In Service Management Connect you can review information such as best practices, performance and tuning, and product integrations. You can also collaborate with IBM experts and the broader user community and access continuous open betas. IBM Maximo Asset Management support resources portal Description: The IBM support resources portal provides access to tools and resources to keep your systems, software, and applications running smoothly. From the support resources portal you can find fixes, service requests, useful links and an enhanced search to help you find information quickly. =============================================================================================== III. Installation Instructions =============================================================================================== NOTE For Microsoft Windows 2008 users, you must log in as an administrator before you upgrade to a Maximo Asset Management interim fix pack. If you attempt to upgrade when you are not logged in as an administrator, the installation fails. NOTE The Interim Fix file should be copied to a location on the server where Maximo is installed. NOTE Uninstall Information - This interim fix is provided to you as a PSI zip file. When run with the PSI Installer program, it overwrites your existing Maximo directory structure and may contain database scripts that modify your database. If you want to reverse your changes, you must restore your backed-up versions of the Maximo directory and database. Follow these steps to apply this Interim Fix: 1 Ensure that no database configuration changes are pending. 2 Shut down the Maximo application server. 3 Back up the database. 4 Copy the Maximo directory. 5 Download the file and copy to the Maximo server. 6 To start the PSI Installer, open the desktop folder Maximo Asset Management and click on Process Solution Installer -SMP. The installer can also be launched by navigating with a command prompt to C:\ibm\SMP\bin and running solutionInstallerGUI.bat 7 In the Introduction panel, click Next. 8 In the Choose PSI Package panel, click Choose, navigate to the, select the file, and click Open. 9 Follow the onscreen instructions. 10 Run the 'updatedb.bat' utility to run all the interim fix database scripts: a. At a command prompt, change directory to '\tools\maximo'. For example, c:\IBM\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo. b. Run 'updatedb.bat'. 11 Apply any manual updates listed in this readme.txt file. To find the manual updates for each APAR, the information related to the APAR in the Manual Changes section. 12 Delete the application server cache folders. For Oracle WebLogic Server, delete the 'cache' and 'tmp' folders in \user_projects\domains\mydomain\servers\AdminServer\. Example: C:\bea923\user_projects\domains\max75domain\servers\AdminServer\cache C:\bea923\user_projects\domains\max75domain\servers\AdminServer\tmp For IBM WebSphere(R) Application Server, delete the cache folder in \AppServer\profiles\Custom01\temp\Node01\MAXIMOSERVER\MXServer 13 Delete the Web browser cache on every computer that uses Maximo base services. 14 Rebuild and redeploy the EAR files, and then restart the application server. ---------- =============================================================================================== IV. Behavior Changes =============================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF005 ( ==================================================================================================== APAR: IV65532 Issue: 169427 Type: Functionality Change, User Interface Change Functionality Change Description: In the Assets application, asset status records are now written to the PLUSCASSETSTATUS table and the View Asset Status History dialog is accessible for both calibration and non-calibration assets. User Interface Change Description: In the Assets application, asset status records are now written to the PLUSCASSETSTATUS table and the View Asset Status History dialog box is accessible for both calibration and non-calibration assets. --- APAR: IV72084 Issue: 170089 Type: Functionality Change, User Interface Change Functionality Change Description: Previously, when a user entered values on the Apply IAS dialog box in the Receipts application, closed the dialog, and then opened the dialog again without closing the Receive Rotating Items dialog box, the previously entered values were not displayed. Now, those previously entered values are displayed. User Interface Change Description: When you use the Autonumber All button on the Receive Rotating Items dialog box, the asset number fields are set to read-only after they are populated. This is a User Interface Change but not a Functionality Change because previously, the autokeyed values were used in the asset creation process even if the user tried to edit them after they were populated. --- APAR: IV85105 Issue: 226607 Type: Functionality Change Functionality Change Description: Escalation point time intervals only applies the elapsed time interval during active shifts. Prior to fix, the shifts were not considered when the elapsed time interval pushed escalation to the next day. --- =================================================================================================== Begin IF006 ( ==================================================================================================== APAR #: IV70782 Defect: 171534 Description: When PO Lines were created for Items with certain combinations of Rotating, Inspection Required, and Cost Type, and non-default GL Debit Accounts were specified on the PO Lines, the TRANSFER Receipt lines for those items incorrectly autofilled the GL Debit Account field with the To Storeroom's GL Control Account. Now, the field correctly autofills with the GL Debit Account specified on the PO Line. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- --- ----- --- =============================================================================================== V. Manual Changes =============================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Begin IF001 ( ==================================================================================================== --- APAR #: IV66442 Defect(s): 156385 Description: When you reorder from the List tab, the Include Soft Reservations option is not on the Reorder Dialog box. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find " INVENTOR" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\inventor.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Add the following new line under the above line: 7) Save 8) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the inventor.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save. --- APAR #: IV65124 Defect: 156024 Description: The Requires Hard Reservation flag for tools is automatically selected when it should not be. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find "TOOLINV" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\toolinv.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Replace the following line above with this new line: 7) Save 8) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the toolinv.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save. --- APAR #: IV66446 Defect: 158101 Description: : Display historical status doesn't work in job plans app in upgraded maximo 7.5 environment. Database Scripts: HF7507_06.dbc Manual Changes: 1) In Application Designer, export and save jobplan.xml to a location where you can edit it. 2) Open the jobplan.xml in a text editor. 3) Find the line that contains 4) Change the id from "viewhist" to "viewhistor" so that is looks like this 5) Save the file. 6) Import the modified jobplan.xml file. --- =================================================================================================== Begin IF002 ( =================================================================================================== APAR #: IV63271 Defect(s): 150209 Description: Cognos Direct Integration access remains open after you close a Maximo session. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Stop the Cognos server. Copy reports\cognos\\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib\CAM_AAA_MXCSP.jar to the appropriate folder on the Cognos server. See the Maximo Cognos Integration Installation Guide for details if you are unsure of the correct location. After you copy the JAR file, restart the Cognos server. If you are using Cognos 8.4.1, an additional step is required to ensure that scheduled report jobs execute correctly. Each user should log into Cognos Connection and renew their credentials as described below: It is only necessary to perform this step once. --- APAR #: IV66889 Defect: 154914 Description: In the Purchase Contracts application, the Copy PO Lines to Contract action populates information from the wrong Purchase Order revision. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: - go to Application Designer app and bring CONTPURCH application - click on edit dialogs toolbar button and find copypoline dialog - right click under "Company" (table body) and choose "properties" - change attribute from PO.VENDOR to POREV.VENDOR --- APAR #: IV66446 Defect: 158101 Description: In the Job Plans application, the View Status History option is not available on the Select Action menu. Database Scripts: HF7507_06.dbc Manual Changes: 1) In Application Designer, export and save jobplan.xml to a location where you can edit it. 2) Open the jobplan.xml in a text editor. 3) Find the line that contains 4) Change the id from "viewhist" to "viewhistor" so that is looks like this 5) Save the file. 6) Import the modified jobplan.xml file. --- APAR #: IV66941 Defect: 158902 Description: Integer fields cannot be searched by using a comma-separated list of values without using an equals sign in front of each value. Database Scripts: HF7507_07.dbc Manual Changes : Set system property "mxe.system.IntegerQBEsearchCommaAsOr" to "1" to search integer fields with comma seperated list. --- =================================================================================================== Begin IF003 ( =================================================================================================== APAR #: IV68506 Issue(s): 159438 Description: MULTIPLE REFLECTED CROSS-SITE SCRIPTING (XSS). Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Add Cross Site Scripting Filter to web.xml. Open the file applications/maximo/maximouiweb/webmodule/WEB-INF/web.xml Locate the following . HttpCrossSiteScriptingSecurity /report/* Immediately after the above add following HttpCrossSiteScriptingSecurity /download/* HttpCrossSiteScriptingSecurity /output/* HttpCrossSiteScriptingSecurity /extract/* --- APAR #: IV68925 Defect: 162205 Description: LAST ISSUE DATE IN INVENTORY IS UPDATED WITH ACUTAL DATE OF WO APPROVED INSTEAD OF TRANSACTION DATE Database Scripts: HF7506_09.dbc Manual Changes: Go to System Properties Find Set value to 1 and do a Live Refresh. If is 1 Inventory Last Issue Date will be Inventory Usage COMPLETE Date and Time. --- APAR #: IV68129 Defect: 162405 Description: When you remove the security rights to perform a current balance adjustment, you cannot transfer items from a storeroom. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find "INVENTOR" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\inventor.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Replace the above line with the following line: 7) Save 8) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the inventor.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save --- =================================================================================================== Begin IF005( =================================================================================================== APAR #: IV70365 Defect(s): 165102 Description: When you change the status of multiple records on a table, an error occurs. Database Scripts: HF7507_13.dbc Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find "AMCREW" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. Do the same for "AMCREWT" application. 4) Open resources\presentations\amcrew.xml in notepad. 5) Add the following dialog in the end
7) Save 8) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the amcrew.xml you have just modified in step 5. 10) Save. 11) Open resources\presentations\amcrewt.xml in notepad. 12) Look for the following line: 13) Replace it with: 14) Save 15) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 16) Select the amcrewt.xml you have just modified in step 13. 17) Save. --- APAR: IV71994 Defect: 171009 Description: Several parameters were introduced in V7500_700.dbc that can affect the execution of V7500_700.class. These do not need modification unless script execution time is a problem. This script needs to run on a non-multi language system to update ASSETMETER and LOCATIONMETER LASTREADING/LASTREADINGDATE values, or the wanted decimal separator for updating ASSETMETER and LOCATIONMETER LASTREADING differs from the application server Locale's decimal separator. Since the decimal separator used for LASTREADING needs to match the decimal separator of the application server's Locale, this instance exists if the application server that is used to upgrade Maximo or run the V7500_700 script differs from the application server that ultimately hosts the Maximo production environment, and the Locales of the two different application servers differ. The parameters that were added are: 1. IV71994LANGUAGE: A language code, for example, "fr" or "en", that is used to determine which decimal separator is used for assetmeter and locationmeter lastreading. If this parameter is left empty, the application server's language code is used. 2. IV71994COUNTRY: A country code, for example, "FR" or "US", that is used to determine which decimal separator is used for assetmeter and locationmeter lastreading. If this parameter is left empty the application server's country code is used. 3. IV71994SKIPMLCHECK: If this parameter is set to 1, a script is run even if the system is not multi-language. This is so the script can be used to correct duplicate meterreading or locmeterreading readingdate or measurement measuredate values, or to update assetmeter and locationmeter lastreading and lastreadingdate values. The default value is 0 so that this script only runs in is a multi-language environment. 4. IV71994BATCHSIZE: This parameter can be modified to increase the measurement, meterreading, locmeterreading, assetmeter, and locationmeter update batch size. The default value is set to 1000. This can be used to try to improve script execution time if 1000 is not adequate. 5. IV71994SKIPDUPLOG: When the value of this parameter is set to false, all duplicate measurement/meterreading/locmeterreadings (based on asset or location, metername and measuredate/readingdate) are logged. When this value is set to true, this logging is disabled. The default value for this property is false. Disabling this parameter can speed up script execution if needed. 6. IV71994SKIPFIXLOG: When this parameter is set to false, all duplicate fixes are logged. Set to true to disable this logging. The default value for this parameter is false. Disabling this parameter can speed up script execution if needed. 7. IV71994SKIPUPDLOG: When this parameter is set to false, all assetmeter/locationmeter LASTREADING/LASTREADINGDATE updates are logged. Set to '1' to disable this logging. The default value for this parameter is false. Disabling this parameter can speed up script execution if needed. =================================================================================================== Begin IF009( =============================================================================================== APAR #: IV74581 Defect: 182290 Description: If the Restrictions field in the MAXAPPS table is populated, the Select Asset Spare Parts dialog returns no results. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Edit LIBRARY.xml and wotrack.xml. Edit LIBRARY.xml: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Do Select Action > Export System XML. 3) From the Export System XML dialog, click the Export XML icon for the LIBRARY row. 4) Save LIBRARY.xml, and open in a text editor. 5) Add the following dialog near the end of the document, just above the tag.
6) Save the new LIBRARY.xml file. 7) In Application Designer, click the Import Application Definition icon. 8) Click Browse and navigate to the new LIBRARY.xml. Click OK to import. Edit wotrack.xml: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Filter for the WOTRACK application, and open it. 3) Click the Export Application Definition icon. 4) Save wotrack.xml, and open in a text editor. 5) Search for instances of mxevent="selasparts", and replace with mxevent="woselasparts". There should be two such instances, and the two pushbuttons should appear similar to the following after edits: 6) Save the new wotrack.xml file. 7) In Application Designer, click the Import Application Definition icon. 8) Click Browse and navigate to the new wotrack.xml. Click OK to import. =================================================================================================== Begin IF010( =============================================================================================== APAR: IV76802 Defect: 191431 Manual Changes: 1) Open the file 'resources\presentations\scheduler.xml' in a text editor. 2) Add the following immediately before :
3) Save the modified scheduler.xml file. 4) Import the modified scheduler.xml file into Application Designer. --- APAR #: IV75666 Defect: 186943 Description: When you use an Oracle database, the Inventory ABC Analysis report does not display a graph. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Go to Report Administration application, filter for inventory_abc.rptdesign and select. From Reports tab in the Select Actions menu, click Import Report. Select the inventory_abc.rptdesign file and click OK. Click OK through the rest of the dialog options. --- ==================================================================================================== VI. Issues Resolved ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Begin IF001 ( ==================================================================================================== APAR #: IV66953 Defect(s): 154828 Description: The warning that is displayed on the login screen for federal users in a SaaS environment now includes both the federal and the SPI warning. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61651 Defect(s): 155897 Description: The Reorder action does not allow items at a PENDOBS status to be transferred. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: Defect: 155754 Description: You are unable to extend Invbalance object and make count adjustments. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65124 Defect: 156024 Description: The Requires Hard Reservation flag for tools is incorrectly automatically selected under some circumstances. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find "TOOLINV" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\toolinv.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Replace the following line above with this new line: 7) Save Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the toolinv.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save. --- APAR #: IV67298 Defect: 156655 Description: When you import meter readings with the Maximo Integration Framework and a related PM has more than one PMMETER and the ASSET.AUTOWOGEN option is set to true, work orders are generated before meter frequencies are met. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66986 Defect: 156098 Description: When you duplicate a work order on a different site, the work order prefix is populated with the original site. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV66754 Defect: 156246 Description: The Include Soft Reservations parameter is not available as a configurable option on the ReorderCronTask task. Database Scripts: HF7507_01.dbc & HF7507_02.msg Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61212 Defect: 155782 Description: When multiple assets exist and one of the assets has a status of OPERATING, there is no status of OPERATING in the Status list when multiple assets are selected. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63897 Defect: 157128 Description: In the Inventory application, the Inventory Available quantity and the Hard Reserved quantity are incorrect when you have multiple reservations. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66945 Defect: 156448 Description: When the number of application in the Application list exceeds a certain amount, you cannot scroll through the list. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67735 Defect: 157095 Description: When you add the MXE.ROUTEWFCLEANUP property to Maximo and set the global value of the property to 1, you can no longer modify attribute aliases in the Object Structure application. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66643 Defect: 154835 Description: In the Purchase Order application, when you revise a PO, inventory vendor analysis calculations are incorrect. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65641 Defect: 157472 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, if a GL Account is on a work order record and you choose a location for the work order, a GL warning message is displayed regardless of whether there is a GL on the location record. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67754 Defect: 157116 Description: In the Scheduler application, when you compare a work list and a scenario, the Load view is blank. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: N/A Defect: 157564 Description: In the Assets application, when you select the Manage Downtime History option on the Select action menu, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64924 Defect: 157270 Description: When you add a line to a desktop Requisition and change the line type to Material, the GL account for the MR line and the MR cost are not the same. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66393 Defect: 157133 Description: When you attach a deep nested job plan to a work order, Maximo hangs and the server crashes. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66442 Defect: 156385 Description: When you reorder from the List Tab, the Include Soft Reservations check box is not displayed on the reorder dialog box. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65485 Defect: 153380 Description: You cannot navigate to the Work Order Tracking application from the Scheduler Gantt View tab. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A =================================================================================================== End IF001 ( =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF002 ( =================================================================================================== --- APAR #: IV66288 Defect(s): 154793 Description: In the Condition Monitoring application, job plan descriptions are incorrect. Database Scripts: HF7507_04.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67434 Defect(s): 156376 Description: When you cancel and then revise a PO and then later create invoices off that PO, the information that is populated is incorrect. Database Scripts: HF7507_03.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67049 Defect(s): 155956 Description: When you add a second item to the same item field, a read-only error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67298 Defect: 156655 Description: When you import meter readings with the Maximo Integration Framework and a related PM has more than one PMMETER and the ASSET.AUTOWOGEN option is set to true, work orders are generated before meter frequencies are met. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV63271 Defect(s): 150209 Description: Cognos Direct Integration access remains open after you close a Maximo session. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Stop the Cognos server. Copy reports\cognos\\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib\CAM_AAA_MXCSP.jar to the appropriate folder on the Cognos server. See the Maximo Cognos Integration Installation Guide for details if you are unsure of the correct location. After you copy the JAR file, restart the Cognos server. If you are using Cognos 8.4.1, an additional step is required to ensure that scheduled report jobs execute correctly. Each user should log into Cognos Connection and renew their credentials as described below: It is only necessary to perform this step once. --- APAR #: IV67538 Defect: 157255,159154 Description: The status statuses of some work orders are missing the corresponding WOSTATUS record. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65681 Defect: 157385 Description: The View/Manage Query box is not displayed unless the All Sites flag is selected in Security Groups. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66355 Defect(s): 158598 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, you cannot stop a timer if the timer started between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM and is scheduled to stop between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV61882 Defect(s): 155781 Description: In the Purchase Order application, when you import a paid invoice with MIF, the purchase order does not close automatically. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66769 Defect(s): 154911 Description: In the View Desktop Requisition application, in the Line Details dialog box, the Line Item Order information window incorrectly displays some POs as canceled. Database Scripts: HF7507_08.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66889 Defect: 154914 Description: In the Purchase Contracts application, the Copy PO Lines to Contract action populates information from the wrong Purchase Order revision. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: - go to Application Designer app and bring CONTPURCH application - click on edit dialogs toolbar button and find copypoline dialog - right click under "Company" (table body) and choose "properties" - change attribute from PO.VENDOR to POREV.VENDOR --- APAR #: IV68346 Defect(s): 158534 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, assignments and work plans with no delaut information set are not displayed on the Assignments tab. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66446 Defect: 158101 Description: In the Job Plans application, the View Status History option is not available on the Select Action menu. Database Scripts: HF7507_06.dbc Manual Changes: 1) In Application Designer, export and save jobplan.xml to a location where you can edit it. 2) Open the jobplan.xml in a text editor. 3) Find the line that contains 4) Change the id from "viewhist" to "viewhistor" so that is looks like this 5) Save the file. 6) Import the modified jobplan.xml file. --- APAR #: IV67969 Defect(s): 157639 Description: Fields that are hidden by the Conditional Expression Manager are only displayed after you refresh Maximo. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: Defect(s): 152010 Description: When you enable a table for audit and the table has an attribute with a search type of text, DB2 ConfigDB fails. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68459 Defect: 158884 Description: Crossover domains that move value from a parent work order to a child work order do not function properly. This causes Maximo to ask for required values when you save a work order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68517 Defect: 159071 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, crossover domains added to the MULTIASSETLOCCI.LOCATION do not function properly when the location is determined and set from the Asset Being set. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66162 Defect: 159109 Description: When you start the Preventive Maintenance application, the PM.LASTCOMPDATE date is updated with the start date of the most recent work order generated. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV66941 Defect: 158902 Description: Integer fields cannot be searched by using a comma-separated list of values without using an equals sign in front of each value. Database Scripts: HF7507_07.dbc Manual Changes : Set system property "mxe.system.IntegerQBEsearchCommaAsOr" to "1" to search integer fields with comma seperated list. --- APAR #: IV65751 Defect(s): 155763 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you return a rotating asset, the incorrect GL debit account is assigned. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64918 Defect: 158794 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, you cannot change the default reservation type. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66610 Defect: 160019 Description: When you only belong to groups that have access to specific sites, you cannot create service address records on the serve address Go To menu. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV68688 Defect: 159938 Description: A row marked as delete in the Add Items To Store Room dialog still gets added to the storeroom. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV67566 Defect: 157678 Description: When Maximo SaaS 7.5.1 is using a feature pack for UI features, some keyboard shortcuts do not work. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- APAR #: IV67299 Defect: 158535 Description: You are unable to export more than 9 XML files even when you close all open sessions. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes : N/A --- =================================================================================================== End IF002 ( =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF003 ( =================================================================================================== ----- --- APAR #: IV68150 Defect: 158772 Description: When you import purchase order records with invalid REFWO values, a Null Pointer Exception occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68506 Issue(s): 159438 Description: Cross-Site Scritping Issue Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Add Cross Site Scripting Filter to web.xml. Open the file applications/maximo/maximouiweb/webmodule/WEB-INF/web.xml Locate the following . HttpCrossSiteScriptingSecurity /report/* Immediately after the above add following HttpCrossSiteScriptingSecurity /download/* HttpCrossSiteScriptingSecurity /output/* HttpCrossSiteScriptingSecurity /extract/* --- APAR #: IV67072 Defect: 157461 Description: Nested job plan descriptions do not get copied to a child work order's Description field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65425 Defect: 158989 Description: The SKDLABORHRS, SKDLABORHRSTEMP, and SKDODMEMSQ tables do not have unique indexes. Database Scripts: HF7520_1.dbc, HF7520_2.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69091 Defect: 161112 Description: In Maximo, when you select the View Library File action, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68845 Defect: 160777 Description: After you set a meter type to Charactersitcs and enter action value details, you can then change the meter type to Gauge and the action value details still exist. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64923 Defect: 157938 Description: The New Physical Count function does not accurately reconcile balances. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68004 Defect: 160469 Description: The time scale is not saved and restored during graphical assignment and scheduler sessions. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68795 Defect: 159973 Description: When you apply a job plan to a work order, the estimated duration and estimated labor hours are set to 0. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69165 Defect: 161802 Description: When an organization that is not specified on a user's default profile is added to a record, precautions are not saved. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68472 Defect: 158798, 155735 Description: When you create a new collection that contains an escalation and then select the Validate Migration Collection action, a null pointer exception occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68925 Defect: 162205 Description: When an item is issued from a storeroom, the Last Issue Date field is updated with the actual date rather than the transaction date. Database Scripts: HF7506_09.dbc Manual Changes: Go to System Properties Find Set value to 1 and do a Live Refresh. If is 1 Inventory Last Issue Date will be Inventory Usage COMPLETE Date and Time. --- APAR #: IV68129 Defect: 162405 Description: When you remove the security rights to perform a current balance adjustment, you cannot transfer items from a storeroom. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find "INVENTOR" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\inventor.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: 6) Replace the above line with the following line: 7) Save 8) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the inventor.xml you have just modified in step 6. 10) Save --- APAR #: IV69208 Defect: 161881 Description: When you have two desktop requisitions with the same number in two sites, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66864 Defect: 163203 Description: When you add a revised labor contract record to a work order, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66500 Defect: 158784 Description: In the Assets application, when downtime periods overlap, Maximo calculates downtime incorrectly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66418 Defect(s): 163733 Description: In the Report Downtime dialog box in the Work Order Tracking and Assets applications, downtime is not calculated correctly on assets with 24-hour shifts. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69211 Defect(s): 161916 Description: In the Report application, when you include a < or > in the Long Description field and rich text is disabled, reports fail. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69747 Defect(s): 163979,163978 Description: When you enter labor hours in a planned work order, the value in the estimated duration field is set to 0. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- ----- APAR #: IV69575 Defect(s): 163680 Description: When Maximo is determining the tax rate of a purchase requisition, the address of an organization is not considered. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69238 Defect(s): 162360 Description: When you create a new table with the ConfigDB option, the index table space is not used. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68889 Defect(s): 160191 Description: When you have multiple overlapping shifts, work and nonwork time are not displayed correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69576 Defect(s): 163704 Description: The work_assign_wo.rptdesign report returns no values. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68097 Defect(s): 164503 Description: After you configure a database for specific multi-language search scenarios, there are spacing issues between languages. Database Scripts: HF7507_10.dbc Manual Changes: A new property named mxe.db.defaultLexer was added to set the default Oracle lexer for text searches. The property only affects new or rebuilt indexes. By default this property is "global_lexer". --- APAR #: IV66623 Defect(s): 157942 Description: If you create an empty Inventory Usage record and change the status of the record, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66287 Defect(s): 154798 Description: When a job plan is revised and the description is changed, the description that is displayed on the Children Of Work Order table is incorrect. Database Scripts: HF7507_05.dbc Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find " WOTRACK" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. 4) Open resources\presentations\wotrack.xml in notepad. 5) Look for the following line: If you can not find it, it might be: 6) Replace it with: 7) Look for the following line: 8) Replace it with: The key is to make sure: descdataattribute="wo_rev_jobplan.description" 9) Save Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 10) Select the wotrack.xml you have just modified in step 6. 11) Save. 12) Please repeat the steps 1-11 for change.xml and release.xml. =================================================================================================== End IF003 ( =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF004 ( =================================================================================================== APAR #: IV69208 Defect: 161881 Description: In the Inventory application, when you have two desktop requisitions with the same number, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70432 Defect(s): 165335 Description: In the Service Request application, when you create a requisition for an asset, the GL Debit Account field is cleared. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68777 Defect(s): 161597 Description: In the Preventive Maintenance application, when you use the Select Records function, forecasting occurs for all records on the List tab. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70493 Defect: 165327 Description: When the parent value of the FAILURELIST table is null, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70489 Defect: 165299 Description: When you refresh the work details of a Configuration item, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70960 Defect: 166510 Description: If you use a custom domain and attach files to an application, an error message displays. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70524 Defect: 165416 Description: In the Labor Reporting application, when you select work order lookup from advanced search, no values populate. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64419 Defect: 165402 Description: In the System Properties application, when you cancel a dialog, the Attach Documents icon is not highlighted. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70575 Defect: 165722 Description: In the Warranty Contracts application, when you create a Warranty Contract, the Assets/Location section does not display data. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69910 Defect(s): 164817 Description: The MULTIASSETLOCCI table is not properly translated into other languages. Database Scripts: HF7507_11.dbc Manual Changes: N/A -- APAR #: IV69465 Defect(s): 163045 Description: Resource hours and availability graph in Scheduler should not display. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65237 Defect(s): 165213 Description: Can not remove an email address from a user. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67202 Defect(s): 165507 Description: In the Scheduler Application, when using IE, the right click menu disappears so quickly a user is unable to make a selection Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A =================================================================================================== End IF004 ( =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF005 ( =================================================================================================== APAR #: IV68889 Defect(s): 160191 Description: In the Scheduler application, when you have multiple overlapping shifts, work and non-work times are not displayed correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71555 Defect: 168469 Description: Service request synonym values for different sites and organizations are not validated correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69662 Defect: 167998 Description: On the Failure Reporting tab, only relationships for records with a PROBLEM type are displayed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71326 Defect: 167912 Description: When stock items are issued to a work order, the status of the material is not populated correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66632 Defect: 162612 Description: when you run the CONFIGDB action, you must manually update the MAXSYSINDEXESSTORAGE partition. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71380 Defect: 168009 Description: When you add obsolete material to a requisition, an error dialog box correctly displays but when you select the OK button, the material is added to the requisition. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71527 Defect: 168964 When you create nested job plans that have five levels and over 1500 plans, Maximo hangs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70541 Defect: 165657 Description: When QBR reports are created and saved, Maximo hangs. Database Scripts: HF7507_12.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70365 Defect(s): 165102 Description: When you change the status of multiple records on a table, an error occurs. Database Scripts: HF7507_13.dbc Manual Changes: 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Find "AMCREW" Application, open it. 3) Click on the "Export Application Definition" icon to export the xml file. Do the same for "AMCREWT" application. 4) Open resources\presentations\amcrew.xml in notepad. 5) Add the following dialog in the end
7) Save 8) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 9) Select the amcrew.xml you have just modified in step 5. 10) Save. 11) Open resources\presentations\amcrewt.xml in notepad. 12) Look for the following line: 13) Replace it with: 14) Save 15) Go to back Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. 16) Select the amcrewt.xml you have just modified in step 13. 17) Save. --- APAR #: IV65490 Defect: 168148 Description: When you create a forecast in the Frequency tab, the value in Preventive Maintenance record's Estimated Date field is removed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ---- APAR #: IV71154 Defect: 167295 Description: When you run an All Bookmarks search followed by an advanced search that uses the Change By field, an unknown error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69068 Defect: 168995 Description: When an item is inspected on a receipt, inventory cost of a FIFO record is not taxed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65191 Defect: 163201 Description: You cannot add an attribute to a classification when it was already added to an asset specification with the same classification. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68344 Defect: 166724 Description: You can change the status of a New Usage record with a status of ISSUE to SHIPPED. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67973 Defect: 169402 Description: If an application has a default query that returns no rows, the Quick Insert option does not work. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69353 Defect: 169632 Description: If a table has multiple languages enabled and the user's language is not the base language, when you create a query, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65532 Defect: 169427 Description: In the Assets application, the View Asset Status History dialog is not accessible for non-calibration assets. Database Scripts: HF7507_14.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71211 Defect: 167387 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when the Activity field has a Table domain configuration and you add a task, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72084 Defect: 170089 Description: You can apply the Integrated Web Application Server multiple times. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71632 Defect: 168600 Description: Costs for Services associated with work order tasks do not calcluate correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72311 Defect: 170958 Description: The MAXDOMAINLINK table includes columns that are not persistent. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66939 Defect(s): 162314 Description: In the Scheduler application, when you select the Gantt View tab, the date range of the work order does not work properly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69066 Defect: 168171 Description: A change Work Order is jumping from one change work order to another automatically. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68876 Defect: 161125 Description: The ASSETTRANS.DATEMOVED field is updated when an asset template is applied to an asset. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71735 Defect: 168809 Description: 'Find' search field fails to return existing record when "=" is explicitly prepended to search string, for example, "=1001". Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69611 Defect: 163639 Description: CHANGE INSPECTION STATUS IN THE SHIPMENT RECEIVING APPLICATIONGIVES ERROR: BMXAA4214E - AN UNKNOWN ERROR HAS OCCURRED. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- =================================================================================================== End IF005 ( =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF006( =================================================================================================== APAR #: IV71409 Defect: 168564 Description: When you delete lines from a purchase order and pull other lines from the purchase order to a purchase requisition, the line references are incorrect. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- --- APAR #: IV69607 Defect: 163362 Description: In Shipment Receiving application, you can receive the same shipment items over and over if you use the Filter function. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69102 Defect: 171644 Description: When you send an email from a service requisition with the communication template and a carriage return is included in the SR.DESCRIPTION field, the subject of the email is shortened and the message information is distorted. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72623 Defect: 171778 Description: In the Labor Reporting application, when you enter a work order with the Enter By Labor dialog box, an Invalid GL error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68915 Defect: 171794 Description: In the Use With section, when an asset is not associated with a classification, the classification can still be saved on an asset template. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69874 Defect: 164587 Description: After you apply APAR IV53362, some characters in report where clauses are not parsed correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70782 Defect: 171534 Description: When purchase order lines are created for Items with certain combinations of Rotating, Inspection Required, and Cost Type, and non-default GL Debit Accounts are specified on the purchase order lines, the TRANSFER Receipt lines for those items incorrectly autofills the GL Debit Account field with the To Storeroom's GL Control Account. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71835 Defect: 173235 Description: In the Inventory Usage application, when you transfer FIFO items, the GL debit account is incorrectly populated with information from the LOCATION.CONTROLACC field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71438 Defect: 168974 Description: When you use result set portlets, the Set Chart Option button does not switch you to a chart. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72881 Defect: 173140 Description: When no rows are displayed on the Select By Craft dialog box, an Invalid Binding error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68894 Defect: 172659 Description: When you send an email with a colon in the address, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72563 Defect: 172101 Description: When you remove a security group, scheduled ad hoc reports schedules are deleted. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68359 Defect: 168167 Description: When you add an attachment to a purchase order, the focus changes to the first row of the purchase order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72802 Defect: 173476 Description: On a Contract line, the Total Cost field does not get updated after the line cost is removed. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71969 Defect: 170945 Description: The PERSON.CALTYPE is missing in MAXDOMAINLINK. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71206 Defect: 172658 Description: When you send an email with the :� characters, an error occur Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67942 Defect: 171978 Description: When you apply shifts to a calendar, notifications are sent earlier than expected. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72978 Defect: 173132 Description: In the Campaigns (Tr) application, a maximum open cursors error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73193 Defect: 175273 Description: You cannot add planned materials to a storeroom that is in a different site. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68004 Defect: 160469 Description: The time scale is not saved and restored during graphical assignment and scheduler sessions. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- =================================================================================================== End IF006( =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF007( =================================================================================================== APAR #: IV71478 Defect: 168157 Description: On the Resource Load and Availability tab in Scheduler, the Labor Hours field for crews is set to 0. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68004 Defect: 160469 Description: The time scale is not saved and restored during graphical assignment and scheduler sessions. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73704 Defect: 176628 Description: When multiple Assets with the same Location are entered on a Work Order's Multiple Asset Location CI table, the table is not displayed correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69778 Defect: 164135 Description: When a FIFO/LIFO invoice has direct issue items with a tax variance, it cannot be approved. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73662 Defect: 176594 Description: When you have multiple attributes that start with ASC. you cannot sort the attribute in a list. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73778 Defect: 177098 Description: In the Desktop Requisitions application, when you enter data into Search fields, no data is returned. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71452 Defect: 173277 Description: The Maximo Integration Framework does not remove the spaces from file names. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73490 Defect: 175806 Description: Terms and conditions can be modified by a user with read-only access. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73427 Defect: 175823 Description: In the Start Center, you cannot use keyboard keys to open favorite applications. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73554 Defect: 176753 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, users with read-only access can delete failure codes. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65361 Defect: 176430 Description: In the Crew Graphical Assignment application, when you create a new record and switch to the Graphical View tab, the applet does not load. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71121 Defect: 167438 Description: There is inconsistencies between Object Structure tables and Maximo Data Dictionary tables. Database Scripts: HF7507_16.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71169 Defect: 167213 Description: When the WOCHANGESTATUS parameter is applied to the MAXRELATIONSHIP table, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Go to Application Designer and click on "Import Application Definition" button. Select the amcrew.xml and save. Click on "Import Application Definition" button. Select the amcrewt.xml and save. --- APAR #: IV73278 Defect: 175559 Description: The Reconciliation cron task sometimes runs twice. Database Scripts: HF7507_17.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67680 Defect: 176989 Description: When you run reports in different locations, a date formatting problem occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- =================================================================================================== End IF007( =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF008( =================================================================================================== --- APAR #: IV69611 Defect: 163640 Description: Change inspection status in the shipment Receiving application gives an erros: BMXAA4214E-AN UNKNOWN ERROR HAS OCCURRED. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65361 Defect: 176430 Description: In the Crew Graphical Assignment application, when you create a new record and switch to the Graphical View tab, the applet does not load. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74051 Defect: 178038 Description: When a reservation is made against a child work order, the Description field in the Inventory Usage application indicates that the reservation was made against the parent of the child work order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73112 Defect: 173938 Description: When you change the status of multiple records and the electronic signature function is enabled for a status change, an error message is looped. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73897 Defect: 177477 Description: When the MXE.WEBCLIENT.VERTICALLABELS property is set to 1 and you select a value in a Select Value window, nothing happens. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74440 Defect: 180272 Description: When a disabled site is used on a purchase order line, you can still approve the purchase order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74699 Defect: 181415 Description: When you have multiple, overlapping shifts are displayed on a schedule, the Craft Hours Needed bar on the Resource Hours and Availability tab disappears. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67663 Defect(s): 175771 Description: It is not possible to set MRLINE.RESTYPE default value to SOFT or HARD. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV67453 Defect(s): 181332 Description: When you add material to a work order, the work order status automatically changes from WMATL to APPR. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73928 Defect(s): 177848 Description: When you create a service request and the sigoption property is enabled, a classification is still required when the classstructure.hierarchypath is not required. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74322 Defect(s): 180409 Description: In the Select Reserved Items window, when you check the Show All Reservations check box and click the Next Page button, the Show All Reservations check box clears. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66789 Defect(s): 181083 Description: In the Work Flow Designer application, when you use both the Tab and the Action parameters on the Interaction Node Properties dialog box, only the Action parameter works. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV71994 Defect(s): 171009 Description: When you update ASSETLOCATION meter readings to match METERREADINGS readings during script V7500_700, the database can run out of cursors. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73446 Defect(s): 179667 Description: The GL Navigator lookup has a slow response time on large databases. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74063 Defect(s): 181843 Description: When you run a report in immediate mode, an error appears in the logs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68532 Defect: 182122 Description: When you approve an invoice that is connected to a work order that has a purchase order line that references a different site, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74643 Defect: 182297 Description: You cannot return an item that has a hard reservation. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72964 Defect: 182599 Description: When you save a Maximo Business Object with the Maximo Integration Framework listener enabled, a Current Modification Exception occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74600 Defect: 181535 Description: When you clone the Security Group application and add a user group to the clone, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74230 Defect: 179236 Description: The Binding Value lookup field for launch points does not list automation script application values. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69700 Defect: 183256 Description: In the Scheduler application, the query that is used to fetch availability data joins the Person ID field with the Labor Code field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75023 Defect: 182625 Description: When a purchase order line has a distributed cost and is closed, purchase order lines cannot be returned. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72996 Defect: 173452 Description: When you duplicate a property name in the SKDUSERPROP table, you cannot duplicate a schedule. Database Scripts: HF7520_3.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV73021 Defect: 173954 Description: Added missing np attributes to the DMSCRIPT object structure - dbc script HF7507_18.dbc Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ----- ----- =================================================================================================== End IF008( =================================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF009( =============================================================================================== APAR #: IV75252 Defect: 185355 Description: In the Conditional Monitoring application, records viewed in the advanced search are not the same as the main record. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72835 Defect: 184749 Description: When an email sender's name has an umlaut, the quotation marks inserted around the name by Maximo are incorrect. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75768 Defect: 186880 Description: You cannot write a memo to the PLUSCASSETSTATUS table of a non-calibration asset. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75777 Defect: 186704 Description: In the Labor Reporting application, the Available Queries section is not available. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75827 Defect: 187490 Description: When the Tivoli 13 skin is applied and the default language is set to Hebrew, the background section header is not readable. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75574 Defect: 188358 Description: When the Paste From Word option is used to add text lines to an email, empty lines are added after each text line added. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74581 Defect: 182290 Description: If the Restrictions field in the MAXAPPS table is populated, the Select Asset Spare Parts dialog returns no results. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: See Manual Changes section. --- APAR #: IV76342 Defect: 189226 Description: In the Work Order Tracking application, when you add a nested job plan, child work orders and activities for the nested job plan are not created if WORKORDER.PARENT is not null and background mode is enabled. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75811 Defect: 187026 Description: Maximo allows deletion of a service PO Line when the line has been received and status is WINSP. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A ----- =================================================================================================== End IF009( =============================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF010( =============================================================================================== APAR #: IV75778 Defect: 186706 Description: If the webclient.enabledoclinkonload property is set to true, you cannot add attachment control in the application designer. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64602 Defect: 190024 Description: When uploading/deploying or previewing a new package that uses DMMAXGROUP, the following error is encountered: "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.applicationauth' with unique index 'appauth_ndx1'. The duplicate key value is (TEST_SC, STARTCNTR, SHOWPORTLETDETAILS)." This problem was introduced by the addition of SHOWPORTLETDETAILS to address APAR IV54674. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74835 Defect: 182610 Description: After you start or restart the application server, whenever you save database configuration changes, an error occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68374 Defect: 189116 Description: When you go from the tab list into an application and some of the records are read only, the applications scrolls down to the first editable field. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75890 Defect: 187020 Description: In the Inventory application, when a kit is disassembled, the kit's balance is not decremented accordingly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76552 Defect: 191485 Description: When you create an invoice for a purchase order, there are tax differences between the purchase order and invoice. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV72047 Defect: 170135 Description: In the Invoices application, not all FIFO/LIFO items are written to the Invoice Transaction table. Rework to fix taxes variance. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65971 Defect: 190917 Description: When the Select Records check box is selected it enables the user to select multiple rows on a table. In cases where the table only allows one row to be selected, the Select Records check box will no longer be displayed below the table. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75811 Defect: 187026 Description: You can delete a service purchase order line that is received and has a WINSP status. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75666 Defect: 186943 Description: When you use an Oracle database, the Inventory ABC Analysis report does not display a graph. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Go to Report Administration application, filter for inventory_abc.rptdesign and select. From Reports tab in the Select Actions menu, click Import Report. Select the inventory_abc.rptdesign file and click OK. Click OK through the rest of the dialog options. --- APAR: IV76802 Defect: 191431, 192073 Description: User's need to commit changes to a schedule that they didn't create. Database Scripts: HF7520_04.dbc Manual Changes: See manual changes section --- APAR #: IV70814 Defect: 192451 Description: In the Tools application, when you run an Attribute search, and error message displays. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76857 Defect: 192691 Description: After a user unsuccessfully logs in to Maximo and then successfully logs in to Maximo, Start Center images do not load correctly. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70706 Defect: 191052 Description: Values are not cleared when a different attribute is entered on a new Specification record. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75780 Defect: 191165 Description: Error message BMXAA1895E does not display the status of child work orders. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76966 Defect: 192127 Description: You cannot approve a child work order that has its own child work order due to a Record Refetch error on the parent work order. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV70814 Defect: 192451 Description: In the Tools application, Attribute Search from List tab Advanced Search fails to return records that match the criteria. The following error is logged: "BMXAA6714E - The data for the next record in the mboset could not be retrieved for the SQL query select * from toolitem where exists (select 1 from itemspec where itemspec.itemnum=item.itemnum and itemspec.itemsetid=item.itemsetid and itemspec.classstructureid = item.classstructureid and itemspec.assetattrid= 'SIZE' and (itemspec.numvalue) = 3 )." Depending on the database platform, a message similar to the following is also logged: "ITEM.ITEMNUM" is not valid in the context where it is used." Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR: IV76615 Defect: 191226 Description: Work order class records are not appearing in the value list Forrecord Field (From the Advanced Search Window) Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes:N/A =================================================================================================== End IF010( =============================================================================================== =================================================================================================== Begin IF011( =============================================================================================== Defect: 195130 Description: After applying APAR IV69874, reports with date parameters fail. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77164 Defect: 193549 Description: When you add multiple actual materials of the same item, the FIFO/LIFO balance is not reduced. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78017 Defect: 196238 Description: When you void a receipt that has a WASSET inspection status and then run the Reorder function, items that have a current balance of zero are displayed as negative. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74025 Defect: 178053 Description: Report request pages are displayed in languages other than your default language. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76304 Defect: 191215 Description: In the Scheduler application, on the Other Resources and Availability tab, some values incorrectly display 0.0. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75821 Defect: 186759 Description: When you make a kit and mark one of the items in the kit as rotating, when you disassemble the kit, an incorrect operation occurs. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74433 Defect: 181374 Description: The preventive maintenance forecast feature does not pick up the latest revision of the associated job plan. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A =================================================================================================== End IF011( =================================================================================================== --- APAR #: IV72391 Defect: 171319 Description: In Associate Systems with Location dialog, LOCANCESTOR records were not created when user entered the same parent in multiple systems and save once. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75623 Defect: 185730 Description: RESERVED QUANTITY VALUE IS NOT DECREASED IN ADD/MODIFY RESERVATIONS DIALOG AFTER ITEM IS ISSUED VIA INVENTORY. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76576 Defect: 190408 Description: Error on the Inventory Usage application's Split Usage Quantity dialog when issuing the last rotating asset in Inventory. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV60766 Defect: 196229 Description: ANY CANCELATION OF A WF STEP CAUSES THE PO OBJECT TO REDIRECT TO FIRST RECORD Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78777 Defect: NEED A SYSTEM PROPERTY TO CONTROL PARENT WO STATUS CHANGE WHEN CHILD WO'S HAVE ERROR CONDITIONS Database Scripts: HF7507_20.dbc Manual Changes: --- APAR #: IV73918 Defect: MAXIMO CANNOT REDIRECT TO WEBSEAL LOGIN PAGE ON SESSION TIMEOUT Database Scripts: HF7507_21.dbc Manual Changes: A new property was added called mxe.webclient.proxyLoginStringCheck. It specifies a certain string in the response that is used to indicate a redirect to the WebSEAL login page. The default value is "pkmslogin". --- APAR #: IV72195 Defect: 205944 Description: Cacheable HTTPS response vulnerability. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78706 Defect: 205838 Description: PO SERVICE LINE WITH LINE COST ONLY UNABLE TO APPROVE DUE TO INVOICE TOLERANCE ERROR Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77018 Defect: 192163 Description: Select groups and select conditions buttons do not work in app designer. Database Scripts: HF7507_22.mxs Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77555 Defect: 194430 Description: WHEN ISSUING FIFO/LIFO ITEMS WITH MULTIPLE UNIT COSTS THE ACTUAL COST AND LINE COST ARE INCORRECT. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78182 Defect: 197231 Description: GETTING AN INCORRECT NEGATIVE BALANCE ERROR MESSAGE IN INVENTORY USAGE APPLICATION WHEN TRYING TO ISSUE AN ITEM. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78565 Defect: 202090 Description: USERS CAN REMOVE PLANNED MATERIAL THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN ISSUEDTO WO. Database Scripts: HF7507_23.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV80125 Defect: 209354 Description: AFTER ISSUING AN ITEM TO A WO FROM THE INVENTORY USAGE APP. THEASSET MOVE HISTORY OF THE ASSET DOES NOT SHOW THE WO NUMBER. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78693 Defect: 203167 Description: Database connections frequently getting dropped. This causes reports server to stop after running BIRT reports. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV77906 Defect: 209101 Description: PR DOESN'T REOPEN AFTER PNENDING REVISION PO CANCELLATION Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV80199 Defect: 209356 Description: ERROR IN DELETING CRAFTS, SYSTEM WARNS YOU CANNOT DELETE A CRAFT, BUT CLICKING OK DOES SAVE AND DELETE IT Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV80096 Defect: 208904 Description: Scheduler 752 LOCKS UP WHEN DRAGGING BLUE BAR TO SCHEDULER WORK ORDER. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78840 Defect: 204024 Description: User account blocked after incorrect password entry in eSig with multiple records selected. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV80087 Defect: 209714 Description: PERFORMANCE PROBLEM DURING ASSET STATUS CHANGE Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Edit asset.xml 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Filter for the ASSET application, and open it. 3) Click the Export Application Definition icon. 4) Save asset.xml, and open in a text editor. 5) Search for id "STATUS" and id "list_status", and add async and toemailaddr to the dislog
For example:
6) Save the new asset.xml file. 7) In Application Designer, click the Import Application Definition icon. 8) Click Browse and navigate to the new asset.xml. Click OK to import. --- APAR #: IV80085 Defect: 209711 Description: PERFORMANCE PROBLEM DURING MOVE/MODIFY ASSET. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Edit library.xml 1) Go to Application Designer. 2) Do Select Action > Export System XML. 3) From the Export System XML dialog, click the Export XML icon for the LIBRARY row. 4) Save LIBRARY.xml, and open in a text editor. 5) Search for id="moveasset" and id="moveasset_defaults_section" and then id="pluscmoveasset_defaults_row3", and add async and toemailaddr to the dialog after id="pluscmoveasset_defaults_row3" as the last row
For example:
6) Save the new library.xml file. 7) In Application Designer, click the Import Application Definition icon. 8) Click Browse and navigate to the new library.xml. Click OK to import. --- APAR #: IV68983 Defect: 211442 Description: Conditional ALN domain values do not work for the Specification's Alphanumeric Value Lookup. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV81993 Defect: 215079 Description: PRLINE AFTER DELETION FROM THE REFERENCING PENDING REVISION PO BECOMES�UNAVAILABLE FOR SELECTION WHEN PO IS APPROVED. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV81802 Defect: 214638 Description: SAVING WORK ORDER WITHOUT SPECIFICATION ATTRIBUTE VALUE THOUGH IT IS MARKED AS MANDATORY IN CLASSIFICATION APPLICATION Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV82017 Defect: 216800 Description: Error message configure#missinguniquecolattr configuring database for custom objects. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV81822 Defect: 214422 Description: BACKPORT "Set Work to Day" from Scheduler 7.6 Database Scripts: HF7520_05 Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV65686 Defect: 213469 Description: PROBLEM CODE DOES NOT CLEAR IF FAILURE CLASS IS CHANGED ON WORK ORDER. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78725 Defect: 204477 Description: PO LINES RECEIPT TOLERANCE IS NOT POPULATING FROM VENDOR RECORD WHEN MANUFACTURER OR MODEL OR CATALOG EXISTS. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV75740 Defect: 207474 Description: BMXAA3229E THE PURCHASE ORDER CANNOT BE APPROVED.THE COST OF Release PO exceeds maximum value on the contract. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV68977 Defect: 160765 Description: IF PRESERVE EXISTING RECORDS ON REFRESH BOX IS SELECTED, TASK WORK ORDERS ARE DISPLAYED IN GANTT VIEW INCORRECTLY. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV82842 Defect: 217809 Description: REORDER ITEM ISSUE WHEN AN ITEM IS IN A PURCHASE CONTRACT ANDUNIT OF CONVERSION IS SPECIFIED FOR THE ITEM. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV82589 Defect: 220341 Description: JOB PLAN SPECIFICATIONS ATTRIBUTES BECOME NOT AVAILABLE FOR OTHER SITES. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69029 Defect: 221449 Description: In Application Designer, the 'Save' button is not active when Configure Type-Ahead changes are made if mxe.webclient.ClientDataValidation is set to 1 in the System Properties application. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV78955 Defect: 204346 Description: When a meter is deleted from the Meters tab of the Assets or Locations application, corresponding PM meters created for the asset or location meter are not deleted. These orphaned PM meter records can lead to null pointer exception errors during PM work order generation. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV64816 Defect(s): 231579 Description: In the Quick Reporting application, when you select the current date from the Date/Time lookup, the time that is displayed is ahead of the application server time. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV86767 Defect(s): 232910 Description: MIF PO PROCESSING DOES NOT VALIDATE POCOST AGAINST STOREROOM Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV82029 Defect(s): 229697 Description: LOT TYPE VALUE DOESNT GET REMOVED ALONG WITH ITEM IN ISSUES ANDTRANFERS APPLICATION Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV87350 Defect(s): 234936 Description: THE INTERNAL REPRESENTATION OF THE FAILURE REPORTIS NOT VALID. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV86220 Defect(s): 231531 Description: FIFO COST DATE IS CHANGED AFTER MOVE OF ITEM BETWEEN BINS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV81321 Defect(s): 235787 Description: JOB PLAN SEQUENCE TABLE WINDOW IS NOT GETTING UPDATED PROPERLY Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV74893 Defect(s): 234886 Description: Multiline textbox do not word wrap on IE11. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV85105 Defect(s): 226607 Description: Escalation points date intervals not considering shift hours - from escalation kick off. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV89101 Defect(s): 242002 Description: LAUNCHING A REPORT WITH "(" OR ")" IN THE NAME GIVES ERRORBMXAA5529E - SECURITY PRIVILEGES DON'T ALLOW YOU TO RUN ... Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV79220 Defect(s): 248326 Description: Maximo database password is getting exposed from the logs when using SSL database connection. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV85838 Defect(s): 229800 Description: REMOVE SAFETY PLAN ACTION IN WORK ORDER TRACKING APPLICATION RECEIVE BMXAA4129E Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV76798 Defect(s): 242036 Description: User with expired password can log in to maximo Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV83719 Defect(s): 248324 Description: Maximo urls produce stack traces in the client browser Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV82714 Defect(s): 250392 Description: A PO CAN BE CLOSED DESPITE IT HAVING UNINVOICED RECEIPTS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV89679 Defect(s): 249513 Description: Null pointer exception when changing status of originating ticket to match followup ticket Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV69228 Defect(s): 252140 Description: BMXAA7024E ERROR WHEN RUNNING A SAVED QUERY Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV66423 Defect(s): 250561 Description: DUPLICATE FORECAST ENTRY BEING CREATED AFTER DELETING AN EXISTING FORECAST AND GENERATING THE FORECAST TWICE. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV86757 Defect(s): 232576 Description: While duplicating Asset, Ancestor getting copied. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV91407 Defect(s): 253267 Description: BMXAA4176E ERROR OCCURS WHEN CLICKING 'SEQUENCE OF PATTERN DAY' LOOKUP FOR FILTERING IN CALENDAR Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV89917 Defect(s): 248405 Description: BMXAA2324E occurs when trying to filter on [Cron Task Admin Job Queue] dialog. Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV89936 Defect(s): 247711 Description: REPORT PO VENDOR PERFORMANCE REPORT INCORRECT TOTAL COSTS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: Go to Report Administration application, filter for vendor_performance.rptdesign and select. From Reports tab in the Select Actions menu, click Import Report. Select the vendor_performance.rptdesign file and click OK. Click OK through the rest of the dialog options. --- APAR #: IV67719 Defect(s): 242038 Description: SIGOPTIONS AND CONDITIONS CAUSE SECURITY ISSUES ON SCHEDULER Database Scripts: V7520_175.dbc Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV95080 Defect(s): 250721 Description: DUPLICATED MESSAGE DIALOG OPENS IF CHANGING A CHILD WORKORDER STATUS FAILS Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- APAR #: IV90988 Defect(S): 256310 Description: TIME OUT MESSAGE IS GENERATED WHEN MAXIMO SCREEN NOT IN USE FOR 5 MINUTES Database Scripts: N/A Manual Changes: N/A --- =================================================================================================== VI. Notices =================================================================================================== This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: Intellectual Property Licensing Legal and Intellectual Property Law IBM Japan, Ltd. 19-21, Nihonbashi-Hakozakicho, Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-8510, Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. 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Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Privacy Policy Considerations IBM Software products, including software as service solutions, ( Software Offerings ) may use cookies or other technologies to collect product usage information, to help improve the end user experience, to tailor interactions with the end user, or for other purposes. In many cases, no personally identifiable information is collected by the Software Offerings. Some of our Software Offerings can help enable you to collect personally identifiable information. If this Software Offering uses cookies to collect personally identifiable information, specific information about this offering s use of cookies is set forth below. Depending on the configuration that is deployed in the application server, this Software Offering may use session cookies for session management. These cookies can optionally be enabled or disabled, but disabling the cookies will also disable the functionality that they enable. See the application server documentation for additional information. Optionally, you can also use functionality, such as typeahead, to store data locally on the browser. The data that is stored locally could contain personally identifiable information. For more information, see the Data validation topic in the Maximo Asset Management Information Center: If the configurations that are deployed for this Software Offering provide you as customer the ability to collect personally identifiable information from end users by using cookies and other technologies, you should seek your own legal advice about any laws that are applicable to such data collection, including any requirements for notice and consent. For more information about the use of various technologies, including cookies, for these purposes, see IBM s Privacy Policy at, IBM's Online Privacy Statement at in the section entitled Cookies, Web Beacons and Other Technologies, and the IBM Software Products and Software-as-a-Service Privacy Statement at