JR60184 - New way of subsetting data rule exception counts Setting the parameter using IAAdmin command: Installing this patch allows the user to set the parameter ‘defaultElseValueForRules’ using the command that specifies global settings for the host name, user name and password, and port number for the analysis engine and the project name for which the option is to be set. If -projectName is omitted, defaultElseValueForRules is set at global level. By default ‘defaultElseValueForRules’ is set to 'TRUE'. IAAdmin -user userName -password password -url https://localhost:9443 -setDSParams -dsHost dataStageHost -dsUser dataStageUserName -dsPassword dataStagePwd -dsPort 31548 -projectName -defaultElseValueForRules [TRUE|FALSE|NA] Rule Execution Results: This parameter manages the way data rules with IF… THEN condition in their rule logic are evaluated. Setting this parameter gives user the control over how the records that fail the IF condition should be categorized (case 3 below). Case1: Rows that pass both, IF and THEN conditions => counted as PASSED(Met). Case2: Rows that pass IF condition but fail THEN condition => counted as FAILED(Not Met). Case3: Rows that fail IF condition – i. defaultElseValueForRules=TRUE => counted as PASSED. ii. defaultElseValueForRules=FALSE => counted as FAILED. iii. defaultElseValueForRules=NA => counted as invalid. The rule statistics will be as follows: i. defaultElseValueForRules=TRUE => #Met rows + #Not Met rows = total # of rows ii. defaultElseValueForRules=FALSE => #Met rows + #Not Met rows = total # of rows iii. defaultElseValueForRules=NA => #Met rows + #Not Met rows <= total # of rows. The # of rows that failed the IF condition = total # of rows – (#Met rows + #Not Met rows) This patch also includes the following fix : Rows having values that are not suitable for the given rule are ignored and not counted as "passed" any more. Known Issues: When defaultElseValueForRules is set to 'NA', result of the quality rules with IF… THEN.. condition in their data rule logic will be same as the result when defaultElseValueForRules is set to 'TRUE'. However, this will not impact the Data Quality score of the dataset.