APAR JR57942 Unstructured Data Connector RESOLUTION : On the Information Server Client machine: Define a new environment variable CC_UNST_GUI_LOCALE under User or System Variables. To define an environment variable, Right-click on "My Computer" and go to Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables->User or System Variables Assign the "code" of the Language(listed below) that is used during Information Server installation. Code Language ====== ========== en_US English (United States) fr_FR French (France) ja_JP Japanese (Japan) de_DE German (Germany) zh_CN Chinese (China) zh_TW Chinese (Taiwan) it_IT Italian (Italy) ko_KR Korean (South Korea) pt_BR Portuguese (Brazil) es_ES Spanish (Spain) Add an environment variable CC_UNST_GUI_LOCALE in the Job and assign the same language code that is used to define on Information Server Client machine. Example: If the Information Server is installed in English then the environment variable would like CC_UNST_GUI_LOCALE=en_US