IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform, Version

Readme file for IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform

This fix pack updates the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform product.

Copyright© International Business Machines Corporation 2019. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Prerequisites and supported products

To install this fix pack, you must have TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.6.0 installed.

What's new in this fix pack

The following enhancement was added to the Administrator Console for this fix pack.

In the Administrator Console, you can now grant access to the Admin Console to any active user. In addition, access is now controlled object by object, instead of the three configuration options available in prior releases. Select the Admin Users object and use options in the Admin Console User Manager to control the display. You can change the number of users shown per page from the default 25 and show next or previous pages. You can show all active users or only active admin users. You can filter by complete or partial user name, full name, or both; the filters are not case sensitive.

To configure a user's access to Admin Console objects, you can select Full Access to give access to all objects, Read Only to give access to non-configurable objects, and No Access to deny access to all objects. Or you can select only the desired objects. Permissions can be copied and pasted from one user to another. You can reset a user's permissions to what is saved in the database. When the access for all users on the page is the way you want it, click Save Users to update the database. Note, after you click Save Users, a subsequent reset action shows the current permissions, not any prior values.

If you are upgrading from a prior version of the TRIRIGA Application Platform, existing users retain the level of access to the Admin Console defined in the upgraded release. New users created after upgrade do not have access to the Admin Console. (Tri-56788)

In the Admin Users object, after you click Save Users, an INFO record is written to the security.log for each user record saved.

Information resources

IBM Knowledge Center

Access the Knowledge Center to view the product documentation. Topics include product overviews; installation and configuration tasks; instructions for using, administering, and troubleshooting the product; and security information.

Real Estate and Facilities Management community

Use the Real Estate and Facilities Management community to review information such as best practices, performance and tuning, and product integrations. You can also collaborate with IBM experts and the broader user community.

IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform support portal

The IBM support resources portal provides access to tools and resources to keep your systems, software, and applications running smoothly. From the support resources portal you can find fixes, service requests, useful links, and an enhanced search to help you find information quickly.

IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform Information and Support Resources

The IBM TRIRIGA Information and Support Resources page is a collection of links and other resources that provides information and assistance for IBM TRIRIGA products.

Installing the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform fix pack

To install the TRIRIGA Application Platform fix pack, refer to the following general instructions.


  1. Ensure that no database configuration changes are pending and there are no entries in the WF_EVENT or EF_QUEUE tables. You can check the status of the tables by running the following SQL statements: select count(*) from WF_EVENT and select count(*) from EF_QUEUE.
  2. Shut down all of the application and process servers attached to the same database schema. For IBM WebSphere® Application Server and Oracle® WebLogic Server, keep the current application server running. For IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile, shut down the application server.
  3. Take a backup of both the database and of the existing TRIRIGA install directory for each server. If necessary, you can use the backups to revert the system to the current state.
  4. Download the 3.6.0-TIV-TAP-FP002 file.
  5. Extract the file. You can extract the fix pack file into any directory.
  6. Run one of following patch executable files: fixpack_tririga_v3.6.0.2_Windows.exe, fixpack_tririga_v3.6.0.2_Linux.bin, or fixpack_tririga_v3.6.0.2_AIX.bin.
  7. In the Introduction pane, select Next or Enter.
  8. In the license agreement, accept the terms and select Next or Enter.
  9. Choose the directory where IBM TRIRIGA is installed. For example, the following directories: c:\ibm\tririga\ or /opt/ibm/tririga/.
  10. Review the information and select Next or Enter.
  11. The fix pack process patches the WAR file and runs any platform database fix pack scripts.
    Note: In the patch folder for the fix pack, when the fix pack installer backs up the ibm-tririga.war file, the backup .war file appears as the ibs-tririga.war.bak file.
  12. For WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core profile, the WAR file deploys and the cache directories are removed. You must restart Liberty.
  13. For WebSphere Application Server, the WAR file redeploys and starts automatically. If it fails, you need to manually redeploy the WAR file. The WAR file is located in one of the following root TRIRIGA install directories: c:\ibm\tririga\ibm-tririga.war or /opt/ibm/tririga/ibm-tririga.war. Refer to IBM's instructions for deploying a .war application.
  14. For Oracle WebLogic Server, delete all of the cache, tmp, and .wlnotdelete directories under WebLogic's TRIRIGA domain after the fix pack installation is complete, as these directories might contain files that are left over from the previous application/ear installation. For example:



  15. For Oracle WebLogic Server, the fix pack process attempts to redeploy the WAR file into the managed server. However, because of conditions in the server environment outside of IBM TRIRIGA's control, you might need to manually redeploy the WAR file. Restart the application server when the fix pack completes and check the build number in the IBM TRIRIGA Administrator Console. If the old .war file still shows, redeploy the .war file. Refer to Oracle's instructions for deploying a .war application into the managed server.

What to do next

After the fix pack install completes, check the platform release in the IBM TRIRIGA Administrator Console. Verify that the fix pack you just installed is listed.

Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in the TRIRIGA Application Platform fix pack.

Issue Number Description
APAR IJ12222 When SSO is enabled, users logged into TRIRIGA that have access to the Admin Console are no longer required to reauthenticate when switching to the Admin Console. (Tri-57036)
RFE 123578 You can now grant access to the Administrator Console to any active user and that access can be restricted to specific managed objects. (Tri-56788)
A permission warning is now written to the security.log when a user that does not have access to an Administrator Console object attempts to access the object. (Tri-57172)