IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform, Version

Readme file for IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform

This fix pack updates the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform product.

Copyright© International Business Machines Corporation 2018. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Prerequisites and supported products

To install this fix pack, you must have TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.6.0 installed.

Information resources

IBM Knowledge Center

Access the Knowledge Center to view the product documentation. Topics include product overviews; installation and configuration tasks; instructions for using, administering, and troubleshooting the product; and security information.

Real Estate and Facilities Management community

Use the Real Estate and Facilities Management community to review information such as best practices, performance and tuning, and product integrations. You can also collaborate with IBM experts and the broader user community.

IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform support portal

The IBM support resources portal provides access to tools and resources to keep your systems, software, and applications running smoothly. From the support resources portal you can find fixes, service requests, useful links, and an enhanced search to help you find information quickly.

IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform Information and Support Resources

The IBM TRIRIGA Information and Support Resources page is a collection of links and other resources that provides information and assistance for IBM TRIRIGA products.

Installing the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform fix pack

To install the TRIRIGA Application Platform fix pack, refer to the following instructions.

Before you begin

Before you extract and run the fix pack file, back up the existing TRIRIGA files and make a backup copy of the database. You can extract the fix pack file into any directory.

About this task

Note: In the patch folder for the fix pack, when the fix pack installer backs up the ibm-tririga.war file, the back-up .war file appears as the ibs-tririga.war.bak file.


  1. Ensure that no database configuration changes are pending.
  2. Shut down all of the application and process servers.
  3. Take a back-up of both the database and of the existing TRIRIGA install directory for each server. If necessary, you can use the back-ups to revert the system to the current state.

    For IBM WebSphere® Application Server, shut down the WebSphere enterprise application that runs TRIRIGA and leave the WebSphere Application Server up. After the backup completes, restart WebSphere Application Server.
  4. For Oracle® WebLogic Server installations, confirm that the Oracle WebLogic Server is started. The fix pack install requires that this be running.
  5. Download the 3.6.0-TIV-TAP-FP001 file.
  6. Extract the file and run one of following patch executable files: fixpack_tririga_v3.6.0.1_Windows.exe, fixpack_tririga_v3.6.0.1_Linux.bin, or fixpack_tririga_v3.6.0.1_AIX.bin.
  7. In the Introduction pane, select Next.
  8. In the license agreement, accept the terms and select Next.
  9. Choose the directory where IBM TRIRIGA is installed. For example, the following directories: c:\ibm\tririga\ or /opt/ibm/tririga/.
  10. Review the information and select Next.
  11. The fix pack process patches the WAR file, runs any platform database fix pack scripts, and redeploys the WAR file in Liberty.
  12. For WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core profile, the WAR file deploys and the cache directories are automatically removed. This is required to restart Liberty.
  13. For WebSphere Application Server, the WAR file redeploys and starts automatically. If it fails, you can try to manually redeploy. The WAR file is located in one of the following root TRIRIGA install directories: c:\ibm\tririga\ibm-tririga.war or /opt/ibm/tririga/ibm-tririga.war
  14. For Oracle WebLogic Server, delete all of the cache, tmp, and .wlnotdelete directories that might contain files that are left over from the previous application/ear installation. For example:






  15. For Oracle WebLogic Server, the fix pack process attempts to redeploy the WAR file into the managed server. However, because of conditions in the server environment outside of IBM TRIRIGA's control, you might need to manually redeploy the WAR file. Restart the application server when the fix pack completes, and check the build number in the IBM TRIRIGA Administrator Console. If the old .war file still shows, redeploy the .war file. Refer to Oracle's instructions for deploying a .war application into the managed server.
  16. After the fix pack install completes, check the build number in the IBM TRIRIGA Administrator Console. Verify that the fix pack you just installed is listed.

Resolved issues

The following issues were resolved in the TRIRIGA Application Platform fix pack.

APAR Number Description
IJ07695 In a query section, you no longer need to scroll the list of results to the top of the section to select from the drop-down list of Related Reports. (Tri-54919)
IJ07935 A privilege escalation vulnerability was resolved. (Tri-54942)
IJ09145 Multi-byte characters in the title of an asynchronous BIRT report now display correctly to non-US English-language users. (Tri-55437)
IJ09202 Users no longer have to clear browser cache after a platform upgrade. (Tri-55937)
IJ09613 Performance logging for extended formulas no longer causes calculations with in-memory records to have unexpected results or to write com.tririga.platform.smartobject.util.formula.FormulaEvaluationException warnings in the log file. Prior to this fix, without performance logging on, the calculations worked as expected. Now, with this fix, the calculations work as expected with or without performance logging on. (Tri-55436)
IJ09777 BIRT reports in the Reports tab of records now render with a larger height, making each report easier to read and work with when viewing records through the main TRIRIGA window, as bookmarked pages, or as pop-up views. (Tri-56336)
IJ10910 Improved the performance of the Cleanup Agent. It no longer performs a full table scan when finding unlinked reference objects to delete. (Tri-56381)
IJ10978 The Platform Maintenance Agent removes records marked for deletion in batches. A new property named CLEANUP_AGENT_RECORD_BATCH_SIZE can be added to the file to override the default of 10000. This property controls the maximum number of records in a batch to be deleted at one time. For example, if there are 35000 records to clean, and this setting is at 10000, there will be 4 batches of around 10000 each. If there are 1000 records to clean, at a batch size of 10000, there will be 1 batch. The default value is 10000. (Tri-56180, Tri-56181)

A new property named CLEANUP_AGENT_ADD_MISSING_ASSOCIATIONS_FOR_SMART_SECTIONS needs to be added to the file to override the default behavior. When set to the default (true), the legacy behavior runs, and the cleanup agent performs a very time- and resource-consuming statement to add back removed associations for smart sections. This is typically caused by a workflow removing an association used in a smart section without clearing/delinking the record used in the smart section. Changing the value to false is only recommended if you are sure there are no deassociation tasks that would remove associations from smart sections. (Tri-56180)

If there are remaining tasks when the Platform Maintenance Agent stops because the number of minutes in the CLEAN_TIMEOUT is reached, the next run of the Platform Maintenance Agent starts with the next task after it stopped. Other sections not previously processed when the timeout occurred are processed and cleaned up. (Tri-56182)
After a restart or after clearing security cache, UX applications no longer have intermittent login issues where users see a message that the application does not exist. (Tri-54921)
This release includes updated translation files for Gantt. You do not need to take any action. The files are automatically deployed in <your server>/userfiles/Translations/TreeGrid/3.5.3. (Tri-55000)
Large object migration packages that contain UX component objects and that were created by clicking 'Copy Package' no longer take an extremely long time to open and export. Now, after doing a 'Copy Package' of an object migration package containing UX components, only the application and web component objects for the UX components appear, but the package is, in fact, complete. When the copied package is exported, all other dependent UX component objects, such as models, data sources, and data source fields, are added automatically to the object migration export package. (Tri-55162)
In response to a reported vulnerability, Apache CXF is updated to version 3.1.16. (Tri-55335)
The DB2 JDBC driver that is delivered with TRIRIGA was updated to the latest available version, 11.1.3 FP3. (Tri-55438)
If you select to open a portal section in a new window, the portal section now renders full height. (Tri-55494)
Email attachments that are of type .eml are now handled more efficiently. (Tri-55935)
A portal section that displays a hierarchy report now has a horizontal slider so you can see the data that is not initially displayed in the portal section. (Tri-55936)