Readme file for IBM(R) TRIRIGA(R) Application Platform fix pack. Date: July 29, 2016 IBM Corporation Copyright(C) International Business Machines Corporation 2016. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =============================================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. What's new in this fix pack 3. Information resources 4. Installation instructions 5. Resolved issues 6. Notices =============================================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================================== This fix pack updates the TRIRIGA Application Platform product. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prerequisites and supported products ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install this fix pack, you must already have IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.5.1 installed. =============================================================================================== 2. What's new in this fix pack =============================================================================================== The following enhancements were added to the UX Framework for this fix pack. The Polymer version was updated to 1.6.0. Elements and components from the Polymer Catalog, such as iron, paper, gold, and platinum, were updated to the most current versions as of July 1, 2016. Several new components were added. With the triplat-duration component, you can specify years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds in a customizable dialog box so that your application will allow the user to specify a duration. For example, the scheduled duration for a meeting. You can use the triplat-incremental-input component to easily add a number field that has a plus and minus button to increment and decrement the value. With the triplat-loading-indicator component, you can easily display a spinner when you wait for the server to return data. You can use the triplat-login component to specify an alternate login page for your UX application. With the triplat-note component, you can display the rich text that is stored in a TRIRIGA field with a field type that is Note and the matching data source field with a data type that is Note. Note is a new data type for this fix pack. The triplat-resource-calendar component was added to display calendar resources, for example a calendar view of rooms that are booked. Several existing components were updated. The triplat-date-picker component and the triplat-datetime-picker component were updated to improve the styling to make it easier to read and navigate the dialog. The components now have support for a custom label element, now include a method to get the browser time zone, and now include a property to turn off the floating label. Additionally, the triplat-datetime-picker component now displays the time section below the calendar. The Seconds input in the Time section is hidden by default; however, you can enable the input with the displaySeconds property. The year selection no longer has OK and Cancel buttons and will close once you select a year. You can disable the year selection with the disableSelectYear property. The triplat-ds component documentation page now includes best practices for performance considerations. The triplat-icon component was updated with about 10 new icons. The triplat-search-input component was updated to present the filters vertically when there is insufficient space to display them horizontally. Also, the documentation page now includes best practices for performance considerations. The header Show More option performance has improved and loads records on demand as you scroll down. The triplat-resource-calendar plugin for triplat-ds was updated to allow fields that exist in the Additional Display column in the Calendar Set definition that have data type strings that are Boolean or Number added to the data source. For additional details of any of these components, refer to the UX Framework Documentation page: http:////p/web/doc =============================================================================================== 3. Information resources =============================================================================================== Knowledge center URL: Description: Access the Knowledge Center to view the product documentation. Topics include product overviews; installation and configuration tasks; instructions for using, administering, and troubleshooting the product; and security information. Real Estate and Facilities Management community on Service Management Connect URL: Description: Use Service Management Connect to access blogs, wikis, forums, and communities. In Service Management Connect you can review information such as best practices, performance and tuning, and product integrations. You can also collaborate with IBM experts and the broader user community. IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform support resources portal URL: Description: The IBM support resources portal provides access to tools and resources to keep your systems, software, and applications running smoothly. From the support resources portal you can find fixes, service requests, useful links and an enhanced search to help you find information quickly. =============================================================================================== 4. Installation instructions =============================================================================================== The fix pack file can be extracted into any directory. Before extracting and running the fix pack, back up the existing TRIRIGA files and make a backup copy of the database. NOTE: In the patch folder for the fix pack, when the fix pack installer backs up the ibm-tririga.war file, the back-up .war file appears as the ibs-tririga.war.bak file. Follow these steps to apply this fix pack: 1 Ensure that no database configuration changes are pending. 2 Shut down all of your application and process servers. 3 Take a backup of the database and of the TRIRIGA install directory. 4 For IBM WebSphere Application Server, after the backup has been completed, restart WebSphere. 5 For Oracle WebLogic installations, the Oracle WebLogic Application Server must be started and running while the fix pack is applied. 6 Download the 3.5.1-TIV-TAP-FP001 file. 7 Unzip the file and run the patch executable file (fixpack_tririga_v3.5.1.1.exe or fixpack_tririga_v3.5.1.1.bin). 8 In the Introduction panel, click Next. 9 In license agreement, accept the terms and click Next. (if you do not accept the terms, the patch will exit) 10 Choose the directory where TRIRIGA is installed. For example: c:\ibm\tririga\ Or /opt/ibm/tririga/ 11 Review the information and click Next. 12 The fix pack process will patch the WAR file, run any platform database fix pack scripts, and redeploy the WAR file in Liberty. 13 For Oracle WebLogic Application Server, delete all of the cache, tmp, and .wlnotdelete directories that may contain files left over from the previous application/ear installation For example: C:\oracle\weblogic10\user_projects\domains\tririga10domain\servers\tririgaServer\cache C:\oracle\weblogic10\user_projects\domains\tririga10domain\servers\tririgaServer\tmp Or /opt/oracle/weblogic10/user_projects/domains/tririga10domain/servers/tririgaServer/cache /opt/oracle/weblogic10/user_projects/domains/tririga10domain/servers/tririgaServer/tmp 14 For Oracle WebLogic Application Server, the fix pack process will attempt to redeploy the WAR file into the managed Server. However because of conditions in the server environment outside of IBM TRIRIGA's control, it may be necessary to manually redeploy the WAR file. Restart the application server when the fix pack has completed, and check the build number in the IBM TRIRIGA Administrator Console. If the old .war file is still shown, redeploy the .war file following Oracle's instructions for deploying a .war application into the managed server. The WAR file is located in the root TRIRIGA install directory: For example: c:\ibm\tririga\tririga-ibs.war /opt/ibm/tririga/tririga-ibs.war 15 For IBM WebShere Application Sever Liberty Core profile, the WAR file should be deployed and the cache directories will be automatically removed. All that is required is to restart Liberty. 16 For WebSphere Application Server, the WAR file will be redeployed and started automatically. If it fails to deploy, you can try to manually. The WAR file is located in the root TRIRIGA install directory: For example: c:\ibm\tririga\ibm-tririga.war /opt/ibm/tririga/ibm-tririga.war 17 For Oracle WebLogic Application Server, the fix pack process attempts to restart the managed server. You might need to manually restart the application server. ========================================================================================================== 5. Resolved issues ========================================================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved in this fix pack. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defect: 228458 Description: An issue was resolved where the Merged From field showed the description of the object label that you selected. The display name of the label now shows. --- APAR #: IV85602 Defect: 228636 Description: Column header text is no longer the same color as the background. --- Defect: 229230 Description: In object migration, the Full Metadata Package create mode export option is available. The Full Metadata Package Create Mode export option contains all objects from the system, except for most record data. The record data for classifications is included in the package; however, any record data that is associated to the classifications is not included. The Full Metadata Package create mode export option replaces the Full Package option that was available in earlier releases. --- Defect: 229997 Description: BIRT Reports now render properly when the application server is running on a Windows server. --- Defect: 230062 Description: Charts in small portal windows now render. --- Defect: 230072 Description: A privilege escalation issue was resolved that allowed a user without system report access to create system reports if the user entered the correct URL into the address bar. --- APAR #: IV86141 Defect: 230736 Description: With the IBM TRIRIGA Capital Project Manager license, you can now create survey questions. --- APAR #: IV85756 Defect: 230947 Description: CAD Integrator/Publisher and BIM commands that launch TRIRIGA, such as the Edit Record and Launch Portal, now authenticate automatically and will no longer show session expiration messages. --- Defect: 231221 Description: A performance issue was resolved that caused the Report Manager to take a long time to display the report list. --- Defect: 231276 Description: In an object migration export, when you search by an object label, you can now find business objects if you use the InProgress label as a search criterion. --- APAR #: IV85144 Defect: 231466 Description: External reports with format files that were previously in the system do not prevent community and report templates from loading. --- APAR #: IV86578 Defect: 231892 Description: You can now configure a custom sign-out redirect page for single sign-out capabilities. You can set the SSO_SINGLE_SIGN_OUT_REDIRECT_URL property to an external URL or page accessible via a different context root on the server so that users can sign out of the SSO session. You must add the SSO_SINGLE_SIGN_OUT_REDIRECT_URL property to the file. --- Defect: 231929 Description: In the ObjectMigration.log, invalid SYS_VERSION column messages no longer appear. --- APAR #: IV87335 Defect: 232072 Description: When a UX application uses the triplat-graphic component, XREF layers now appear. --- APAR #: IV85264 Defect: 232110 Description: In the Report Manager, Add action buttons now only display if you specify an Add action button for that report. --- APAR #: IV86808 Defect: 232692 Description: Email notifications that are sent as a single email now include a record's preview if attached to the email notification. --- Defect: 229492 Description: Performance logging was added to the startup classes. --- APAR #: IV86610 Defect: 232693 Description: Pop-up windows in IE11 compatibility view now display as layers (similar to Chrome) to correctly perform expected functionality. --- APAR #: IV86739 Defect: 232769 Description: When a US English user updates the value of a classification field that shows its full path, and no data language pack was ever imported into the system, the record is now updated in the page after an asynchronous workflow transitions it to another state. --- Defect: 232979 Description: An issue was resolved in Workflow Builder, specifically in edit mapping, where sometimes Source mappings would not be saved when clicking "OK" or "map all". --- APAR #: IV86985 Defect: 233657 Description: Pop-up windows in Internet Explorer now display as modal windows to improve visibility and access to all areas of the form. --- APAR #: IV86579 Defect: 233658 Description: Resolved a regression in Liberty and WebSphere that prevented runtime filters from working when the filters contained multi-byte characters. --- Defect: 233836 Description: A non-admin user can now add a related report in My Reports. --- Defect: 234020 Description: When you click the Apply button, the Associated Query/Availability section property value is now saved. --- Defect: 234021 Description: Resolved an issue where an unneeded "Query" parameter was rendering in the properties of a Graphics Section in Form Builder. --- APAR #: IV87143 Defect: 234592 Description: Resolved an issue that caused sorting of a column on a query execution page to not perform the sort. --- APAR #: IV87402 Defect: 234812 Description: Incoming mail attachments now process attachments and inline attachments when the attachment header is in lowercase or uppercase. It is now case insensitive. ==================================================================================================== 6. Notices ==================================================================================================== This information was developed for products and services offered in the US. This material might be available from IBM in other languages. However, you may be required to own a copy of the product or product version in that language in order to access it. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive, MD-NC119 Armonk, NY 10504-1785 US For license inquiries regarding double-byte character set (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: Intellectual Property Licensing Legal and Intellectual Property Law IBM Japan Ltd. 19-21, Nihonbashi-Hakozakicho, Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-8510, Japan INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. 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