Readme file for IBM(R) TRIRIGA(R) Application Platform fix pack. Date: May 21, 2015 IBM Corporation Copyright(C) International Business Machines Corporation 2015. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =============================================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Information resources 3. Installation instructions 4. Resolved issues 5. Notices =============================================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================================== This fix pack updates the TRIRIGA Application Platform product. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prerequisites and supported products ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install this fix pack, you must already have IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.4.1 installed. =============================================================================================== 2. Information resources =============================================================================================== Knowledge center URL: Description: Access the information center to view the product documentation. Topics include product overviews; installation and configuration tasks; instructions for using, administering, and troubleshooting the product; and security information. Real Estate and Facilities Management community on Service Management Connect URL: Description: Use Service Management Connect to access blogs, wikis, forums, and communities. In Service Management Connect you can review information such as best practices, performance and tuning, and product integrations. You can also collaborate with IBM experts and the broader user community. IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform support resources portal URL: Description: The IBM support resources portal provides access to tools and resources to keep your systems, software, and applications running smoothly. From the support resources portal you can find fixes, service requests, useful links and an enhanced search to help you find information quickly. =============================================================================================== 3. Installation instructions =============================================================================================== The fix pack file can be extracted into any directory. Before extracting and running the fix pack, back up the existing TRIRIGA files and make a backup copy of the database. NOTE: Uninstall Information This fix pack is provided to you as a zip file. It overwrites your existing TRIRIGA EAR file and may contain database scripts that modify your database. If you want to reverse your changes, you must restore your backed-up version of the TRIRIGA directory, redeploy the old EAR file, and restore the database. Follow these steps to apply this fix pack: 1 Ensure that no database configuration changes are pending. 2 Shut down all of your application and process servers. 3 Take a backup of the database and of the TRIRIGA install directory. 4 After the backup has been completed, restart WebSphere Application Server. For JBoss and Oracle WebLogic Application Servers, make sure they remain shut down. 5 Download the 3.4.1-TIV-TAP-FP002 file. 6 Unzip the file and run the patch executable file (fixpack_tririga_v3.4.1.2.exe or fixpack_tririga_v3.4.1.2.bin). 7 In the Introduction panel, click Next. 8 In license agreement, accept the terms and click Next. (if you do not accept the terms, the patch will exit) 9 Choose the directory where TRIRIGA is installed. For example: c:\ibm\tririga\ Or /opt/ibm/tririga/ 10 Review the information, and click Next. 11 The fix pack process will patch the EAR file, run any platform database fix pack scripts, and redeploy the EAR file in JBoss. 12 For Oracle WebLogic Application Server, delete all the cache, tmp, and .wlnotdelete directories thay may contain files left over from the previous application/ear installation For example: C:\oracle\weblogic10\user_projects\domains\tririga10domain\servers\AdminServer\cache C:\oracle\weblogic10\user_projects\domains\tririga10domain\servers\AdminServer\tmp Or /opt/oracle/weblogic10/user_projects/domains/tririga10domain/servers/AdminServer/cache /opt/oracle/weblogic10/user_projects/domains/tririga10domain/servers/AdminServer/tmp 13 For Oracle WebLogic Application Server, redeploy the EAR file, and then restart the application server. The EAR file is located in the root TRIRIGA install directory: For example: c:\ibm\tririga\tririga-ibs.ear /opt/ibm/tririga/tririga-ibs.ear 14 For JBoss, the EAR file should be deployed and the cache directories will be automatically removed. All that is required is to restart JBoss 15 For WebSphere Application Server, the EAR file will be redeployed and started automatically. If it fails to deploy, you can try to manually. The EAR file is located in the root TRIRIGA install directory: For example: c:\ibm\tririga\tririga-ibs.ear /opt/ibm/tririga/tririga-ibs.ear ==================================================================================================== 4. Resolved issues ==================================================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved in this fix pack. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Security Issues: ---------------- IBM does not intend to provide vulnerability details that could enable someone to craft an exploit. IBM uses the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) as a standard for communicating the impact of security vulnerabilities in IBM products and solutions. CVSS is an industry open standard for assessing the severity or impact of computer system security vulnerabilities. This standard attempts to establish a numeric measure that represents how much concern or attention the vulnerability warrants. The resulting CVSS score is based on an assessment of a series of metrics. The CVSS Base Score represents the intrinsic and fundamental characteristics of the vulnerability that are typically constant over time and across user environments.For more information, see --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following security issues were resolved in the TRIRIGA Application Platform fix pack --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CVE ID: Title: Privilege Escalation Vulnerability CVSS Base Score: CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score. --- CVE ID: Title: Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability CVSS Base Score: CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Issues: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APAR #: IV67243 Defect: 158677 Description: When you publish a workflow, invisible mappings will now be removed from formula fields that are found in the create and modify tasks. --- APAR #: IV67962 Defect: 158736 Description: Events with the end dates that are set to 0 AM now display correctly and the additional More link no longer appears for the day after an event. --- APAR #: IV68361 Defect: 159054 Description: In Chart Type reports, an issue was resolved that occurred when the drill through functionality was not handling special characters correctly. --- APAR #: IV68911 Defect: 166082 Description: The BIRT report can now retrieve the correct data in multiple languages. --- APAR #: IV69871 Defect: 165225 Description: An issue was resolved where the This Month filter would not find dates that were set to relative on the first day of the month. An issue was resolved where the This Month filter would pull too many records from the last day of the previous month. --- APAR #: IV70831 Defect: 168124 Description: When you export text from a workflow, an invalid Map ID will no longer cause an error. --- APAR #: IV71104 Defect: 166625 Description: The Microsoft Internet Explorer security updates no longer cause tasks to not load their properties in the Workflow builder. --- APAR #: IV72394 Defect: 171018 Description: When the Platform Maintenance Agent is complete, server caches are cleared. --- APAR #: Defect: 158637 Description: In an editable query of a parent object, you can now configure Single Smart Section fields to wrap. --- APAR #: Defect: 163196 Description: When you load a CI application definition, if there is an invalid configuration for a special field on a mapping, that field is skipped and the mapping will still load. --- APAR #: Defect: 164913 Description: In the administration console, when you debug out-bound mail configurations, platform logging now has an Outgoing Mail category. --- APAR #: Defect: 168215 Description: The Code Signing certificate for applets was updated. The new certificate expires in June 2017. --- APAR #: Defect: 175168 Description: Resolved an application custom class loader issue when the class loader delegation was set to Parent-Last. Class loading functionality is no longer pushed to the parent class loader when the custom class loader attempts to load certain java classes from packages. For example, javax.*. ==================================================================================================== 5. Notices ==================================================================================================== This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. 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