Readme file for IBM(R) TRIRIGA(R) Portfolio Data Manager fix pack. Date: September 18, 2015 Copyright(C) International Business Machines Corporation 2015. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =============================================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. What's new in this fix pack 3. Installation instructions 4. Information resources 5. Resolved issues 6. Notices =============================================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================================== This fix pack updates the IBM TRIRIGA Application product. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prerequisites and supported products ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install this fix pack, you must already have IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio Data Manager 10.4.2 installed. ================================================================================= 2. What's new in this fix pack ================================================================================= This fix pack resolves a number of issues, as listed in the Resolved issues section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhancements in IBM TRIRIGA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Payment instruction functionality that was introduced in 10.4.2 for real estate leases, asset leases and owned property (fee) agreements, was added to lease abstracts. In when a lease abstract is complete, a payment instruction record is created per payment type for current and future payment schedules on a real estate lease. Only payment schedules that were created in the past will each have individual payment instructions and will not be merged. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM TRIRIGA Patch Helper Workflows ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch helper workflows correct the record data in your IBM TRIRIGA application. A patch helper workflow can revise and update, bring new data records for a release, and recalculate records. The patch helper makes necessary changes to your IBM TRIRIGA database. You apply the patch helper workflows for a release after you install or upgrade to that release. Wait for one patch helper workflow to complete before you begin the next. Some patch helper workflows can take a long time to complete. The following patch helper workflows are in this release: Workflow Name triPatchHelper - triCalculate - 10.4.2 - Application Data - App Version Description: This workflow creates an Application Version record for fix pack Release. Workflow Name triPatchHelper - triCalculate - 10.4.2 - Retro Payment Instructions Description: During the 10.4.2 upgrade process, the 10.4.2 Payment Instruction Update patch helper was run. After the fix pack is applied, run the Retro Payment Instruction workflow again using the following special string to resolve issues in the 10.4.2 upgrade: 10.4.2 Payment Instruction Update. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name change for TRIRIGA files: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application fixes that used to be named with the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform (TAP) are now named with the IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio Data Manager (PDM). The naming conventions of TRIRIGA fix packs will now follow a three-digit number system rather than a four-digit number system. This change was made to align TRIRIGA file names with the standard naming conventions put forth by the software group. =============================================================================================== 3. Installation instructions =============================================================================================== The fix pack file can be saved into any directory. Do not extract this file. The Object Migration tool requires that the file is in ZIP format. NOTE: The fix pack will overwrite existing objects and any customizations made to those objects. Review the list of objects using the Object Migration tool before you import the package. Follow these steps to apply this fix pack: 1 Run the Object Migration Agent and the Object Publish Agent for Object Migration. 2 Log in as an administrator. 3 Go to Tools > Object Migration. 4 Click New Import Package. 5 Browse for the zip file containing the fix pack and click OK. 6 Use the Validate action to verify that the objects can be imported successfully. 7 Use the Import action to initiate the import process. A notification is sent to the user when the import process is completed. =============================================================================================== 4. Information Resources =============================================================================================== Knowledge center URL: Description: Access the information center to view the product documentation. Topics include product overviews; installation and configuration tasks; instructions for using, administering, and troubleshooting the product; and security information. Real Estate and Facilities Management community on Service Management Connect URL: Description: Use Service Management Connect to access blogs, wikis, forums, and communities. In Service Management Connect you can review information such as best practices, performance and tuning, and product integrations. You can also collaborate with IBM experts and the broader user community. IBM TRIRIGA support resources portal URL: Description: The IBM support resources portal provides access to tools and resources to keep your systems, software, and applications running smoothly. From the support resources portal you can find fixes, service requests, useful links and an enhanced search to help you find information quickly. ==================================================================================================== 5. Resolved issues ==================================================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues were resolved with this fix pack: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defect: 119789 Application: Asset Lease, Real Estate Lease Description: Payment schedules are no longer only associated to real estate lease and asset lease records. The payment adjustment process now associates split payment schedules and updated payment schedules to general clauses. --- Defect: 170265 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: On the Options sub tab of a lease abstract, the Find action retrieves schedules that contain rent in the payment type from the Rent Schedules sub tab. --- Defect: 175410 Application: Asset Lease, Real Estate Lease Description: In a payment schedule, the Monthly Rate field is now calculated correctly when there is a partial payment and the schedule begins near the end of the year. --- Defect: 177595 Application: Asset Lease, Owned Property (Fee) Agreement, Real Estate Lease Description: When you add a payment schedule with a status that is pending to a real estate lease with a payment schedule with a status that is scheduled, and when the payment type is the same, the Effective To Date field in a payment instruction is no longer incorrect. --- Defect: 177751 Application: Asset Lease, Real Estate Lease Description: In Rent and Straight-Line values that are based on 30 days, if the accounting start date is February 28 or 29, the number of partial days is now calculated correctly. --- Defect: 177982 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: When you complete a lease abstract, matching sets of payment instructions on the lease abstract will create one payment instruction record for a real estate lease. Payment instructions are created per payment type for current and future payment schedules. A payment schedule with an end date that is in the past will have a payment instruction record with an end date that is in the past. Past payment instructions are not merged into one payment instruction record. --- Defect: 177984 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: On a lease abstract, in a payment schedule the Add action is removed on the following sub tabs; Rent Schedules, Percent Rent Schedules, Commission Schedules, CAM Schedules, Insurance Schedules, Tax Schedules, and Other Payment Schedules. The Generate Payment Schedules action will be available on all sub tabs. --- Defect: 178004 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: When you complete a lease abstract, a new payment instruction record is created for each payment schedule on the real estate lease. The existing payment instruction from the lease abstract is no longer incorrectly associated to the real estate lease. --- Defect: 178005 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: In a lease abstract, when you create a Payment Instruction record from the Generate Payment Schedule wizard, the Effective From Date field and Effective To Date field now populates. --- Defect: 181590 Application: Asset Lease, Owned Property (Fee) Agreement, Real Estate Lease Description: During the 10.4.2 upgrade process, the 10.4.2 Payment Instruction Update patch helper was run. After the fix pack is applied, run the Retro Payment Instruction workflow again using the following special string to resolve issues in the 10.4.2 upgrade: 10.4.2 Payment Instruction Update. An issue was resolved where the Retro Payment Instruction workflow had an incorrect variable selection that caused multiple Payment Instruction records to be created for the same payment type. Now the payment instructions are merged into one payment instruction for current and future payment schedules when multiple payment schedules exist on a lease. --- Defect: 182013 Application: Asset Lease, Real Estate Lease Description: On a Retail calendar with a 30-day basis, if the initial liability carryover is greater than zero, the Net Rent Payment column and the Expected Cash column will now match. --- Defect: 182451 Application: Asset Lease, Real Estate Lease Description: In a renewal option, when you review the assumptions, a payment schedule now includes daily and monthly rates. The Schedule A and Schedule B values are now properly calculated beyond the Accounting End Date. --- Defect: 185757 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: When you use the Generate Payment Schedule form to create multiple payment schedules, the Effective From Date fields and Effective To Date fields for payment instructions are based on the start and end dates of payment schedules. --- Defect: 185983 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: On a lease abstract, the Add Clause action now populates the current period start date on the quarterly payment schedule that is associated to the lease clause. When you complete the lease abstract, the current period start date is now mapped for each payment schedule on the real estate lease. --- Defect: 186714 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: On a lease abstract, the Find action in the Payment Instruction section is now hidden on the Generate Payment Schedule form. --- Defect: 186720 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: On a lease abstract, the Copy action will now copy payment instructions to the embedded payment schedules for Commission, CAM, Insurance, and Tax clauses. --- Defect: 186875 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: On a lease abstract, the Copy action now creates a copy of the Payment Instruction record of the original lease abstract to the Copy of record. The same Payment Instruction record is no longer used for the original and the Copy of record. --- Defect: 186881 Application: Asset Lease, Real Estate Lease Description: In the first fiscal period, an issue was resolved that caused the FLI amount to include only the partial first amount of a payment schedule within the Accounting Start and End dates. The FLI amount now includes both the partial first amount and the last amount. --- Defect: 187451 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: When you create a real estate lease from a lease abstract, duplicate payment schedules are no longer created. --- Defect: 187570 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: When you complete a lease abstract, the following Payment Schedule fields are now mapped to the generated real estate lease: Calculation Method field Payment Due On field --- Defect: 187627 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: On a lease abstract, when you select the Find action on the Options tab, the Payment Schedule section now only returns rent payment schedules that are created on the Rent Schedules tab. --- Defect: 187642 Application: Real Estate Abstract Description: When a copy of a lease abstract is complete, options will now have payment schedules that are correctly associated in a real estate lease. ----- ----- --- ==================================================================================================== 6. 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