IBM Support

Single Sign On Implementation for COM 8.5



Single Sign On Implementation for COM 8.5


How can Single Sign On be implemented for COM 8.5?

Resolving The Problem

1. Follow steps given in section 16.3.1 of Customizing RCP Interface Guide.
2. Class file created in above step should have isAuthTokenAvailable, getBrowserAuthParams, and setAuthToken methods implemented.
isAuthTokenAvailable should always return true if authentication is available i.e. Single Sign On is implemented.
setAuthToken method can be used to set up credentials which can be verified by SSO Manager class. This is where custom logic to verify user can be implemented. For example in this method some attribute can be set up in cookies. These attributes can be verified at server side by SSO Manager class.
3. Implement a class which implements YCPSSOManager interface. Refer to core JavaDocs for more details. In this class, credentials passed in method setAuthToken can be verified.
4. Follow steps in section 16.3.2 of Customizing RCP Interface Guide.

- Rename web.xml.sample present in <INSTALL_DIR>/repository/eardata/smcfs/extn to web.xml.
- Add init parameters where for servlet name RcpSSOServlet.
- Example:

<servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_24">

Param value is class SSO Manager class name created in step 3 above.

5. Rebuild EAR file and deploy it.

Sample Code of YRCSSOAuthenticator and YCPSSOManager attached to article.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Mapping and Translation","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym

[<p><b>]Function Area[</b><p>];Single Sign On;[<p><b>]Severity[</b><p>];Normal

Document Information

Modified date:
11 February 2020

