IBM Support

Rhapsody and Rhapsody Model Manager integration

Question & Answer


Which interim fixes do you need for the IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody and IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody Model Manager integration?


Unlike with Design Manager, interim fix versions are no longer tightly coupled and it is possible to connect to the RMM server from a client that is using an older, or newer, interim fix in the same release stream. However, it is still recommended to use the latest fix available for:

  • Rhapsody (including RMM Client Extension), client side.
  • Enterprise Workflow Management / Rational Team Concert Eclipse Client, client side.
  • Rhapsody Model Manager server / Enterprise Workflow Management server & Rhapsody Model Manager extension (aka "Combined Server"), server side.

Note that Rhapsody Model Manager interim fixes are bundled into the CLM / ELM interim fix downloads from, and are not available for download separately. However, not every CLM / ELM interim fix will contain changes to RMM.


Rhapsody + RMM Client Extension version Engineering Workflow Management / Rational Team Concert Eclipse Client version ELM / Rhapsody Model Manager Server version
10.0.1 (any) * 7.1 (any) 7.1 (any)
10.0.1 (any) * 7.0.3 (any) 7.0.3 (any)
10.0.1 (any) * 7.0.2 (any) 7.0.2 (any) *****
10 (any) * 7.0.3 (any) 7.0.3 (any)
10 (any) * 7.0.2 (any) 7.0.2 (any) *****
9.0.2 (any) * 7.0.3 (any) 7.0.3 (any)
9.0.2 (any) * 7.0.2 (any) 7.0.2 (any)
9.0.1 (any) * 7.0.2 (any) 7.0.2 (any)
9.0.1 (any) * 7.0.1 (any) 7.0.1 (any)
9.0 (any) ** 7.0 (any) 7.0 (any)
8.4 (any) (any) (any)
8.3.1 (any) *** 6.0.6 (any) 6.0.6 (any)
8.3 (any) **** 6.0.5 (any) 6.0.5 (any)

* The license format has changed to support the Model or Model & Code offerings for Model Manager. Please regenerate and re-upload your license if upgrading from 7.0 (or older) to this version.

** Note that as of 7.0, the Model Manager application on the server is now an extension to the EWM server-side application. In addition, the Design Manager license is no longer used and a dedicated Rhapsody Model Manager license is required.

*** If connecting to a RMM server from the Rhapsody 8.3.1 client, be aware that images representing the diagrams in the web browser (a tech preview feature in 8.3.1) will be impacted; Updates to existing diagrams that were already published will not modify the images seen in the web browser and new diagrams created in Rhapsody will not result in images in the web browser at all. The diagrams themselves, however, will be updated and can be retrieved through the Eclipse client and viewed in Rhapsody as normal.

**** Note that while Rhapsody Model Manager (found at /am) and Rhapsody Design Manager (found at /dm) can both be installed on the same server, or available in the same enterprise deployment, a Rhapsody 8.3 client installation can have EITHER the Rhapsody Model Manager OR the Rhapsody Design Manager client installed. As of 8.3.1, it is possible to install both and switch between them.

***** When using Rhapsody 10 or 10.0.1 in conjunction with an ELM 7.0.2 server, it will be necessary to configure the Samesite options in Liberty as described here in order to prevent issues with Rhapsody displaying the ELM login screen and remote artifact pickers in an embedded browser window. If using WAS, follow the samesite instructions from step 18 onwards here.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSV36Y","label":"IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody - Model Manager"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

More support for:
IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody - Model Manager

Software version:
All Version(s)

Document number:

Modified date:
31 October 2024



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