Resilient Circuits

Resilient Circuits

Resilient Circuits is the runtime environment for apps. It provides handling STOMP and REST API communications.

Previously, before V36, Resilient Circuits provided the development environment which included codegen and the Python template files to develop your app. Those, along with command line utilities, are now provided in the Resilient SDK package.

The Resilient Circuits runtime environment is included in the app containers and the integration server.

Currently, Resilient circuits is available for download to support the integration server. You can download the Resilient Circuits framework from resilient-circuits on PyPi. The download includes the Resilient module, which is the utility library. To install both, enter: pip install resilient-circuits

NOTE: Due to codegen being available in the SOAR SDK, the Function Developer’s Guide has been superseded by the App Developer’s Guide.