IBM Support

Required step for upgrading GSKit when configuring CA 11.0.9 with IBM HTTP Server on Windows

Question & Answer


When configuring Cognos Analytics 11.0.9 with IBM HTTP Server on Windows, Cognos Administrator need to be advised with following product updates · Cognos Analytics 11.0.9 includes upgraded version of IBM GSKit (Global Security Kit · IBM HTTP Server could contain earlier version of GSKit such as (IHS9) or (IHS8.5.5) · Typical example of this implementation is configuring SSL/TLS as well as Single Sign On (SSO) · When trying to use mod2_4_cognos.dll (for IHS9) or mod2_2_cognos.dll (for IHS8.5.5), following behaviors can be observed - Some of DLL files such as CAM_Crypto_Interface.dll during startup of IBM HTTP Server (process httpd.exe) fails loading - Gateway log (gwmod2.log) displays following error message FATAL t:5652 isOpen() returned false after new CCLCrypto FATAL t:5652 SSLGatewaySocket::Open(): crypto failed to load, look for earlier


GSKit (Global Security Kit) version difference between IBM HTTP Server and Cognos Analytics 11.0.9


To resolve, you need to update GSKit version on IBM HTTP Server. Please follow the next steps.

1. Find GSKit version by going into {IBM HTTP Server Install Location}/bin. Type


This will display version number of GSKit

For example:

@(#)CompanyName: IBM Corporation

@(#)LegalTrademarks: IBM

@(#)FileDescription: IBM Global Security Toolkit


For details, please see

2. Download Location for GSKit version - for example, (release date: September 18, 2017) or (release date: December 13, 2017) can be downloaded from following Fix Central URL*&source=fc

i. Select the one you need. For example, select

for Windows 64 bit operating systems

ii. Stop any related processes such as Cognos and IBM HTTP Server

iii. Extract the zip file and find two executable files

For example:

iv. First, install gsk8crypt32.exe and select the {IBM HTTP Server Install Location}/gsk8. Click Next until installation is completed

For example:

v. Next, install gsk8ssl32.exe and follow the same step by browsing to {IBM HTTP Server Install Location}/gsk8

vi. Check GSKit version by going into {IBM HTTP Server Install Location}/bin. Type gskver.bat

For example:

@(#)CompanyName: IBM Corporation

@(#)LegalTrademarks: IBM

@(#)FileDescription: IBM Global Security Toolkit


For details on upgrade instruction for GSKit, please see

vii. If necessary, share trust between Cognos and HTTP Server. Please see

viii. Restart IBM HTTP Server and launch Cognos Analytics gateway URL

[{"Product":{"code":"SSTSF6","label":"IBM Cognos Analytics"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Administration and Configuration v11x","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"11.0.9","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

