IBM Support

Removing the mobile web module from Maximo Mobile 8.8

How To


When upgrading from a previous version of Maximo Mobile to 8.8 there are some changes that are required to the files and edits that are in place to build the Maximo Mobile web module which is no longer used.


Follow the steps below to remove the un-needed modifications from Maximo Mobile 8.8
1. Backup then open your buildmaximoear.xml in the maximo/deployment folder and perform the following tasks.
Search for and remove the following lines
                                           <property name="maximo.maximomobilewarfile" value="maxmobile.war"/>
                                           <property name="maximo.mobilewarclasspath" value=" lib/json4j.jar lib/gson-2.2.4.jar "/>
Search for and remove the following line
                                            <exclude name="maxmobile/**/*.*"/>
Search for the following line and remove mobileWarBuild
<target depends="init, propertiesBuild, buildDojo, businessObjectsBuild, commonWebBuild, mboEJBClientBuild, mboWarBuild, maximouiWarBuild, mboEJBBuild, meaWarBuild, maxrestWarBuild, mboJavaBuild, mobileWarBuild" description="Builds the MAXIMO Enterprise Archive File (maximo.ear) file" name="earBuild">
Search for and remove the section you see below
                                                <path id="compile.classpath">
                                            <fileset dir="C:\IBM\SMP\maximo\deployment/../applications/maximo/lib/">
                                                <include name="*.jar"/>
                                            <fileset dir=".\..\applications\maximo/maxmobile/webmodule/WEB-INF/lib/">
                                                <include name="*.jar"/>
                                        <target depends="init, businessObjectsBuild" description="Builds the Maximo mobile war file" name="mobileWarBuild">
                                            <mkdir dir=".\..\applications\maximo\maxmobile\webmodule\WEB-INF"/>
                                            <echo>generating war ${maximo.deploy}/${maximo.maximomobilewarfile} </echo>
                                            <war destfile="${maximo.deploydir.temp}/${maximo.maximomobilewarfile}" index="false">
                                                <fileset dir=".\..\applications\maximo\maxmobile\webmodule">
                                                    <include name="**/*.*"/>
                                                    <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${maximo.mobilewarclasspath}"/>
2.  Backup then open the  /maximo/applications/maximo/META-INF/deployment-application.xml
Search for and remove 
                            <module id="WebModule_maxmobile">
3. Backup then open /maximo/applications/maximo/META-INF/application.xml
Search for and remove
4.  Remove the following files from the maximo/deployment directory
  • buildmaximomobile-war.cmd
  • buildmaximomobile-war.xml
  • includemobilemodule.cmd
After performing the above steps the references to the maximomobile.war file will be removed and not cause issues with the deployment of Maximo Mobile 8.8

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000hAgaAAE","label":"Maximo Application Suite-\u003EMAS Applications-\u003EMobile"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS010361013","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.8.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 October 2022

