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Rebuilding the Collection Table



Rebuilding the Collection Table


You are in: IBM i Technology Updates > Performance Tools > Performance Data Collectors > Documentation and Tips > Rebuilding the Collection Table

The IBM i operating system maintains a table of all the different performance collections that exist on the system. This list is used by certain performance tools commands and the IBM Navigator for i web interface. Sometimes this table gets "out of sync" with the actual collections that exist on the system. Below are some tips on how to keep your table stay in sync and how to rebuild the table when necessary.

Keeping the collection table in sync

Follow the steps below to ensure that the collections are properly added or removed from the collection table.

  • When moving collections from one system to another, always use the SAVPFRCOL and RSTPFRCOL commands.
  • When moving collections from one library to another, always use the CPYPFRCOL command.
  • When deleting collections, always use the DLTPFRCOL or DLTPFRDTA command.

The options to Save, Restore, Copy, and Delete collections available on the IBM Performance Tools for i green screen menu or in IBM Navigator for i will also properly maintain the collection table.

Failing to use the above commands or interfaces will not add the collections to the table, causing your system's collection table to be out of sync!

Rebuilding the collection table

If your collection table is out of sync, there are two options for rebuilding it.

Option 1: Rebuild the collection table in IBM Navigator for i

To rebuild the collection table, follow these steps.

  1. Select Performance > Manage Collections from your IBM® Navigator for i window.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Maintain Collections > Rebuild Collection Table.

For more information about IBM Navigator for i, visit Knowledge Center.

Option 2: Rebuild the collection table from the green screen

To rebuild the collection table from a command line, you must call program QPMCCRBD.

The program has three parameters:

  1. Collection format (10 character blank-padded string)
    Allowed values: '*ALL      ', '*CSFILE   ', '*CSMGTCOL ', '*PEXFILE  ',
                 '*PEXMGTCOL', '*JWFILE   ', '*DWFILE   ', '*BCHFILE  '
  2. Pointer to error feedback structure
    Pass in a null pointer using value x'00000000'
  3. Library name (10 character blank-padded string) *only available in release 7.2 and later*
    Allowed values: '*ALL      ' or 10 character blank-padded library name string


  • Rebuild all collection formats in all libraries:
CALL QSYS/QPMCCRBD ('*ALL      ' x'00000000' '*ALL      ')
  • Rebuild only *CSFILE collections in all libraries:
CALL QSYS/QPMCCRBD ('*CSFILE   ' x'00000000' '*ALL      ')
  • Rebuild all collection formats in library QPFRDATA:
CALL QSYS/QPMCCRBD ('*ALL      ' x'00000000' 'QPFRDATA  ')
  • Rebuild only *CSFILE collections in library QPFRDATA:

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
24 January 2020

