IBM Support

Readme for WebSphere MQ V7.1, Fix Pack

Product Readmes


This document contains the WebSphere MQ readme for fix pack


Product readme for WebSphere MQ fix pack for UNIX and Windows

This file describes the following:

1. What is new in the fix pack
2. Limitations, known problems and other changes.
3. How to obtain and install WebSphere MQ version as a fix pack.
4. Notices and trademarks

A minor update has been made to the product license, removing an incorrect reference to z/OS,
please see here for details:

In addition to this file, you can find more information on the WebSphere MQ Web site:

The SupportPac Web page is at:

For current information about known problems and available fixes, see the Support
page of the WebSphere MQ Web site at:

Web documentation updates :
The latest updates to the Web-based WebSphere MQ documentation are available from
the WebSphere MQ Web site at:

Announcement letter :
The announcement letter for WebSphere MQ Version 7.1 (US English) is available at:
(for distributed platforms)
(WebSphere MQ for z/OS ).

See the announcement letter for the following types of information:
- Detailed product description, including description of new function
- Product-positioning statement
- Ordering details
- Hardware and software requirements

31 May 2012 - Updates for WebSphere MQ version
11 November 2011 - Updates for WebSphere MQ version


      Section 1 : Release notes - What's new in this release

No new functionality in

      Section 2 : Limitations, known problems and other changes

Uninstallation on AIX and HP-UX
There is logic in the uninstallation process to prevent inadvertent removal of the WebSphere MQ installation in use for running queue managers. This logic has been seen to be faulty on AIX and HP-UX, where it is possible to uninstall while queue managers are still running, using that installation.

Please check carefully that all queue managers running on an installation you intend to uninstall are shut down prior to the uninstallation process. Please also check carefully that you are uninstalling the intended installation, as we are unable on these platforms to prevent you from accidentally uninstalling a
different installation on which you still have running queue managers.

This is a permanent restriction in WMQ 7.1 and its fixpacks.

Windows migration to v7.1
If you migrate from an earlier version of WebSphere MQ to v7.1 on the Windows platform, you may experience one or both of the following issues:

The MQ service and MQ Alert Monitor (task bar icon) may fail to restart following migration, unless they are terminated prior to migration. These will record errors visible in the event viewer, with symptoms such as amqxcs2.dll not found, or Application SID does not match the Connection SID. The migration
process will succeed, and these errors can be ignored, but the MQ service and Alert Monitor may need manual restart following migration.

After migration, the 'Remove Fix pack' icon(s) may not be removed from the Start Menu. These icons can be safely removed manually since they apply to the pre-migration installation at an earlier version.

This is a permanent restriction in WMQ 7.1 and its fixpacks.

HP-UX Non-IBM licence text display
When viewing the Non-IBM licence text in text-only mode on HP_UX, no text is visible. There are no Non-IBM licences applicable, but this is not made clear when viewing in this mode.

This is a permanent restriction in WMQ 7.1 and its fixpacks.

WebSphere MQ Telemetry Service log file permissions on UNIX/Linux
The permissions for log files created by the WebSphere MQ Telemetry Service (mqxr.log, mqxr.stdout, mqxr.stderr) are not consistent with other WebSphere MQ log files and may require an authorised user to modify the permissions to enable other users to read their contents, for example when diagnosing

This is a permanent restriction in WMQ 7.1 and its fixpacks.

MQ Explorer migration
On a multi version system if migrating from MQ V7.0.1.6 or higher to MQ V7.1 or higher any queue managers that are not auto start will not appear as running in MQ Explorer after they have been manually started. To see the queue managers appear as running restart MQ Explorer.

This is a permanent restriction in WMQ 7.1 and its fixpacks (internal defect 155539).

XMS .NET application hang when closing a long waiting consumer
For Windows applications using IBM Message Service Client for .NET (aka XMS .NET), in unmanaged client mode, a hang delaying closure of the application can be observed if consumer.close() is called subsequent to a client reconnection.

Unmanaged client mode is configured via the connection factory connection mode property set to XMSC.WMQ_CM_CLIENT_UNMANAGED. If this is used in combination with automatic client reconnection, and a reconnection occurs, then calls to consumer.receive() or consumer.receive(wait), where wait is an extended timeout period, will hang during closedown due to a clash with the processing in

The above problem is being addressed by internal defect 155741. Install verification on HP UX
After installing on top of 7.1 in a non default location on HP UX,if an attempt is made to verify installation using swverify command the following error message may be seen , which is safe to be ignored.

ERROR: "": 1572 files had errors during this operation.
* The analysis phase failed for "".
* Verification had errors.

The above problem is being addressed by internal defect 158524.

Affected users should contact their IBM support center to obtain an interim fix. Uninstallation on AIX
When at attempt is made to reject fixpack which is installed in non default location on AIX, the following error is seen

3001-101 The Trusted Computing Base is not enabled on this machine.
To enable the Trusted Computing Base, you must reinstall and
set the 'Install Trusted Computing Base' option to YES.
No checking is being performed.

installp: The reject operation has FAILED for the "usr" part
of the following filesets (the software has been marked
BROKEN and may need to be reinstalled):
mqm.base.runtime (R)

The above problem is tracked using internal defect 158475.

Section 3 : How to obtain and install WebSphere MQ version as a fix pack

Product/Component Release: 7.1
Update Name: WebSphere MQ fix pack

3.1 Download location

3.2 Prerequisites and corequisites

3.3 Installing
3.3.1 Prior to installation
3.3.2 Downloading the fix pack to an appropriate location
3.3.3 Uncompressing the fix pack installation images
3.3.4 Extract the fix pack install files
3.3.5 Stopping all WebSphere MQ processes
3.3.6 Installation AIX HP-UX Linux Solaris Windows Multi-instance queue manager upgrade More information on applying maintenance level

3.4 Post installation
3.4.1 Perform the necessary tasks after installation
3.4.2 More Information on Installations of GSKit, JDK, and IA9H (IBM Service client for .NET)
3.4.3 Troubleshoot Installation from Support Site

3.5 Uninstalling
3.5.1 Prior to uninstallation
3.5.2 Uninstalling WebSphere MQ fix pack AIX HP-UX Linux Solaris Windows More information on removing maintenance level

3.6 List of fixes

3.7 Copyright and trademark information

3.8 Notices

3.1 Download location
Download WebSphere MQ fix pack from the following location:

Below is a list of components, platforms, and file names that apply to this readme file.

Product/Component Name <------> Platform <----------> File Name
------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------------
WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 <--------> AIX <----------------> 7.1.0-WS-MQ-AixPPC64-FP0001.tar.Z
WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 <--------> HPUX IA64 <------> 7.1.0-WS-MQ-HpuxIA64-FP0001.tar.Z
WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 <--------> Solaris Sparc <---> 7.1.0-WS-MQ-SolarisSparc64-FP0001.tar.Z
WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 <--------> Solaris X86-64 <--> 7.1.0-WS-MQ-SolarisX64-FP0001.tar.Z
WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 <--------> Linux X86 <--------> 7.1.0-WS-MQ-LinuxIA32-FP0001.tar.gz
WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 <--------> Linux X86-64 <----> 7.1.0-WS-MQ-LinuxX64-FP0001.tar.gz
WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 <--------> Linux s390x <------> 7.1.0-WS-MQ-LinuxS390X-FP0001.tar.gz
WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 <--------> Linux PPC <--------> 7.1.0-WS-MQ-LinuxPPC64-FP0001.tar.gz
WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 <--------> Windows <--------->

3.2 Prerequisites and corequisites
Before downloading WebSphere MQ V7.1.0.1, perform the following steps:

1. Ensure that your system meets all the system requirements:
This action prevents technical problems that might occur after the installation and configuration of the fix pack.

2. Review the Flashes and Authorized Problem Analysis Reports (APARs) on the WebSphere MQ for
UNIX and Windows product support Web site:

APARs describe defects that have been addressed in a fix pack, For a list of WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1. APARs, refer to:

3. Ensure that you have sufficient file system free space to download and extract the fix pack. You need to have a file system with one gigabyte of free space to contain the compressed file and the uncompressed installation image.

4. Ensure that you have the free space required to install the fix pack. The free space must be available in the location of the WebSphere MQ installation that you are updating.

To determine the space used by the existing WebSphere MQ products on UNIX platforms, perform the command:

du -k -s MQDIR

where MQDIR represents the location where the WebSphere MQ product is installed.

5. If you already have the WebSphere MQ v7.1 product installed and have obtained special fixes, contact IBM(R) support to determine whether you need an updated version of the fixes before you install WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1. This helps to ensure that your system is in a consistent state and that no special fixes are lost.

3.3 Installing

3.3.1 Prior to installation
Before installing WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1, perform the following steps:

1. Read all of this readme.
2. Download the fix pack to an appropriate location.
3. Uncompress the fix pack.

3.3.2 Downloading the fix pack to an appropriate location
There must not be any spaces in the directory path where you plan to download and uncompress the fix pack. If there are spaces in the directory path, the installation will fail. For example, make sure that your directory path resembles the following:

/home/WMQFixPack/FP1/ ...

It should not resemble the following:

/home/WMQ FixPack/FP1/ ...

3.3.3 Uncompressing the fix pack installation images
All fix pack installation images on the download site are compressed in gz/Z/zip format. Before you can apply the fix pack from this format, copy the downloaded file to a temporary directory and use gunzip/uncompress and tar to extract the fix pack installation image.

3.3.4 Extract the fix pack install files
To extract the fix pack install files, perform the following steps:

1. Copy the gzipped/Z image to a temporary location.
2. Change to the directory where you copied the image.
3. The following are example commands to extract the fix pack
installation image:
    gunzip -c filename.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
    zcat filename.tar.Z | tar -xvf -

where filename.tar.gz etc. is the name of the downloaded file.

3.3.5 Stopping all WebSphere MQ processes
You must ensure that all WebSphere MQ processes are stopped and do not start automatically during the installation procedure. To stop all WebSphere MQ processes, perform the following steps:

1. Log in as a user in the mqm group.
2. Use the endmqm command to stop all running queue managers.
3. Stop any listeners associated with the queue managers, using the command:
    endmqlsr -m QMgrName

4. To check that you have stopped all of them, enter the following:
    ps -ef | grep mq

Check that there are no processes listed that are running command lines
beginning amq or runmq. Ignore any that start with amqi.

5. Take any further administrative actions (as root if necessary) to stop all applications that use queue managers on the system, and prevent them from restarting automatically during the installation procedure.

3.3.6 Installation
Applying WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 fix pack to update an existing installation:

Note : If multiple installations of MQ server is installed on the system, make sure that the commands are run against the correct installation.
Use command :dspmqinst AIX

Note : If the installation is in the default installation location, use the System Management Interface Tool, SMIT. Use installp command if MQ server is installed at non-defult location.

1. Log in as root
a. Update the whole installation in the default location
    installp -agXYd. all

b. Update selected filesets in the default location
    installp -agXYd. list of file sets

c. Update the whole product in a non-default location using the -R flag
    installp -R USIL_Directory -agXYd. all
d. Update selected filesets in a non-default location using the -R flag
      installp -R USIL_Directory -agXYd. list of file sets

Where USIL_Directory is the installation parent directory HP-UX

1. Log in as root
2. Make your current directory the location of the fixpack image location.
3. List all WebSphere MQ components that are installed using command
      swlist MQSERIES
4. Interactive update
* Install all or some WebSphere MQ components from the maintenance package,
selecting only the update components that are required.
      swinstall -s $PWD/hp-Uxxxxxx.v11
* Mark MQSERIES if you want to install all WebSphere MQ components.
Or open MQSERIES and mark the update components you want to apply.
* Select Actions > Change Product Location to change the WebSphere MQ
installation you intend to update.
* Select Actions > Install. The log file tells you if there are any problems that need fixing.

5. Non-interactive update
a) Silently install all the installed WebSphere MQ
components by installing the whole maintenance package.

Example: swinstall -s $PWD/hp-Uxxxxxx.v11 MQSERIES,l=MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH

b) Silently install some WebSphere MQ components from the maintenance package using the list of installed WebSphere MQ components, create a space separated list of the components that needs to be installed (update_components). This list requires the installation path of each component to be specified,
in the form: component,l=MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH

Example: swinstall -s $PWD/hp-Uxxxxxx.v11 update_components Linux

1. Log in as root.
2. To find out which packages are installed on your machine, enter the
    rpm -q -a | grep MQSeries

For example, if you have a minimum WebSphere MQ installation and SDK
component, at level, this will return:

3. If this fixpack is to be upgraded on a installation which is not the first installation on the system, run the crtmqfp command to create and use a unique set of packages to install on the system. In order for the crtmqfp command to run on Linux, the pax command must be installed.

a) Use command : crtmqfp <suffixname>

where suffixname should be same as the suffix used during renaming of base level WebSphere MQ installation.

b)Set your current directory to the location specified when the crtmqfp
command completes. This directory is a subdirectory of /var/tmp/mq_rpms,
in which the unique set of packages is created. The packages have the
suffix value contained within the filename.

For example, if suffix "1" was used during repackaging of base level WebSphere MQ installation:
Enter command: crtmqfp 1
there will be a subdirectory named /var/tmp/mq_rpms/1/xxxx and the packages
will be renamed, for example:
From: MQSeriesRuntime-7.1.0-1.xxxx.rpm
To: MQSeriesRuntime_1-7.1.0-1.xxxx.rpm

4 To install to the default location /opt/mqm, use the rpm -ivh command
Example: rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-Uxxxx-7.1.0-1.xxxx.rpm \
MQSeriesSDK-Uxxxx-7.1.0-1.xxxx.rpm \

5. To install on non-default location, use the rpm --prefix option.
rpm --prefix /opt/customLocation -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-Uxxxx-7.1.0-1.xxxx.rpm \
MQSeriesSDK-Uxxxx-7.1.0-1.xxxx.rpm \

Note: You must apply all packages in a maintenance update that correspond
to those packages that are currently installed on your system.

6. Repeat step 2, and you will see that the Runtime, SDK and Server packages are now at level
MQSeriesServer-Uxxxxxx-7.1.0-1 Solaris

1. Log in as root.
2. Change to the directory containing the maintenance packages.
3. If this fixpack is to be upgraded on a installation which is not the first installation on the system, run command crtmqfp to create and use a unique set of packages to install on the system.

Example: crtmqfp <suffixname>

where suffixname should be same as the suffix used during renaming of base level WebSphere MQ installation.
Note: This command creates a full copy of the installation packages in a subdirectory of /var/tmp.

Set your current directory to the location specified when the crtmqfp command completes. This directory is a subdirectory of /var/spool, in which the unique set of packages is created. The packages have the suffix value contained within the filename.

4. Proceed with installation using the following command

a) If this fixpack is to be upgraded on a installation which is the first installation on the system,
enter the following command to start the installation process:
      pkgadd -d .

b) If this fixpack is to be upgraded on a installation which is not the first installation on the system,
enter the following command to start the installation process:
      pkgadd mqm-suffix

where suffix is the suffix chosen in the previous step.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions. Windows

Before installing this fix pack, remove any installed WebSphere MQ interim and test fixes.

1. Log on as an Administrator.
2. Stop the WebSphere MQ service for the installation.
Right-click the WebSphere MQ icon in the taskbar > click Stop WebSphere MQ.
3. Load and apply the maintenance files:

a) Interactively:
* Open the folder where the maintenance package has been extracted.
* Right-click on the maintenance program and select Run as administrator to start the loading process.
* Choose your installation language, and click OK.
* Continue to follow the instructions on screen.

b) Silently:
* Open the folder where the maintenance package has been extracted.
* Modify the response file, silent_install.resp.
* Open an elevated command prompt in the directory where the maintenance program was extracted.
* Start the silent loading by entering the following command:
      executableName -f responseFile

executableName is the name of the maintenance package. For example, for version 7.1, fix pack 1: 7.1.0-WS-MQ-Windows-FP0001.exe.
responseFile is the full path and name of the response file.

3. Optional: Apply the maintenance to other installations on the system:

a) Interactively:
* From the Windows start menu, select Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere MQ > Apply Fix Pack
* Continue to follow the instructions on screen.

b) Silently:
* Open an elevated command prompt and navigate to the directory where the maintenance program was loaded.
* Enter the following command:


where name is the name of the installation that you want to apply maintenance to.

Note - See the Maintenance tasks section of the WebSphere MQ
Information Center for more information about how to install or remove the fix pack. Multi-instance queue manager upgrade

For details on upgrading muti-instance queue manager,
refer to the product documentation at : More information on applying maintenance level

For more details on applying maintenance level updates,
refer to the product documentation at :

3.4 Post installation

3.4.1 Perform the necessary tasks after installation
After installing WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1, perform the following steps:

1. Restart the queue managers.

After applying a fix pack, it is not mandatory to recompile applications.

3.4.2 More Information about Installations of GSKit, JRE and
IA9H - IBM Message Service client for .NET (XMS .NET)

GSKit version history:

WebSphere MQ version --- GSKit version -------------------> ------------------->

IBM Java JRE version history:

WebSphere MQ version --- Java JRE version -------------------------> 1.6 SR10 -------------------------> 1.6 SR9 FP1

IA9H(XMS .NET) version history:

WebSphere MQ version --- IA9H version --------------------------> --------------------------->

3.4.3 Troubleshoot Installation from Support site
Before contacting IBM you are recommended to view the web site which has
specific advice on problem solving and data collection for WebSphere MQ.

3.5 Uninstalling

3.5.1 Uninstalling WebSphere MQ fix pack
-------------------------------------------------------------------- AIX

Interactive Uninstallation :

This procedure uninstalls fixpack from the default location of /usr/mqm

1. Log in as root, or switch to the superuser using the su command.
2. Open the appropriate smit panel using this sequence:

Software Installation and Maintenance
    Software Maintenance and Utilities
      Reject Applied Software Updates (Use Previous Version)

Alternatively, use a fast path command, smit[ty] install_update.
3. Complete the SOFTWARE name field.

Enter mqm* to restore all applicable file set updates to your installation.
Note: If an option to restore only selected file set updates for WebSphere MQ
for AIX appears, avoid it. The option results in all applicable file set updates
for the maintenance update being restored.
4. Click Enter to reject the current maintenance level and reinstate the
previous maintenance or install level.

a. Accept displayed default values for all other fields
b. Dismiss the confirmation message

The reject process starts. While the command runs, it displays progress messages
terminating with an Install Summary table.

Check the table to see which components of WebSphere MQ for AIX have been rejected

Non-interactive Uninstallation :

Uninstall the fixpack in one of the following ways:

1. Uninstall the fixpack in the default location:
    installp -r mqm <Fixpack version>
Example: installp -r mqm

2. Uninstall the fixpack in a non-default location using the -R flag:
    installp -R USIL_Directory -r mqm <Fixpack version>
USIL_Directory is the installation parent directory. HP-UX

1. Use the swremove command to remove the maintenance package from the system. For example, to remove the maintenance level, use the command:
    swremove MQSERIES,r=,l=/opt/mqm_7.1

where /opt/mqm_7.1 is MQ install location

Make sure that autoselect_dependencies is set to true before you remove any maintenance packages from the system. Linux

1. Log in as root.
2. To find out which packages are installed on your machine, enter the following:
      rpm -q -a | grep MQSeries

Using the example given in Applying service, the above command returns:


3. Remove all the updates applied at level 2, with the following commands:
rpm -ev MQSeriesRuntime-Uxxxxxx-7.1.0-1 \
MQSeriesSDK-Uxxxxxx-7.1.0-1 MQSeriesServer-Uxxxxxx-7.1.0-1

4. Repeat step 2 to check that the update packages have been removed:
MQSeriesServer-7.1.0-0 Solaris

1. Use the pkgrm command to remove the latest service update from the system.
    pkgrm packagename
where packagename is the name of the package that you want to remove.
Note: Ignore any error messages of the form <shared pathname not removed>.

2. If you have installed a WebSphere MQ client, and the client was updated after installing the service level that is being removed, you must specifically update your WebSphere MQ client installation again,
after the service level has been removed. Windows

1. Ensure that you are logged on as an Administrator.
2 End all the activity of queue managers associated with the WebSphere MQ installation.
3. Click
Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere MQ > Remove Fix Pack
4. Click Remove to start the process. This returns the installation to the
state it was in before the maintenance package was applied. More information on removing maintenance level

For more details on removing maintenance levels, refer to the product documentation at :

3.6 List of fixes
Fixes included in WebSphere MQ v7.1.0.1 :

    Section 4 : Copyright, Notices and trademarks

4.1 Copyright and trademark information

4.2 Notices
Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.

This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM
may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.


The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided or referenced below. Please note that any
non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the licenses below, provided as part of the English version of this file, is the
official version.

Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have with IBM or any of its related or affiliated entities (collectively "IBM"), the third party software code identified below
are "Excluded Components" and are subject to the following terms and conditions:

* the Excluded Components are provided on an "AS IS" basis
* IBM will not be liable to you or indemnify you for any claims related
to the Excluded Components
* IBM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages with respect to the Excluded Components.

4.3 Trademarks
The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both:
    AIX FFST i5/OS IBM MQSeries SupportPac
    WebSphere z/OS
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKSJ","label":"WebSphere MQ"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"APAR \/ Maintenance","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

