IBM Support

Rational Test Automation Server V10.1.3


Release Date

23 March 2021


IBM Rational Test Automation Server V10.1.3 was made generally available and contains features and fixes for customer-reported and internally found defects.

Download Description

Table of Contents
Sections Description

The Change history section provides an overview on what is new in this release with a description of any new functions or enhancements when applicable.

The How critical is this fix section provides information related to the impact of this release to allow you to assess how your environment may be affected.

The Prerequisites section provides important information to review prior to the installation of this release.

The Download package section provides the direct link to obtain the download package for installation in your environment.

The Installation instructions section provides the installation instructions necessary to apply this release into your environment.

The Known side effects section contains a link to the known problems (open defects) identified at the time of this release.

Supporting Documentation
Document Description

Click to review the detailed system requirements information for a complete list of hardware requirements, supported operating systems, prerequisites and optional supported software, with component-level details and operating system restrictions.

IBM Product Documentation provides an entry point to the documentation. You can view, browse, and search the online information.


Prerequisites include:

Review Prerequisites for installing the server software on Red Hat OpenShift or Prerequisites for installing the server software on Ubuntu in the IBM Product Documentation prior to installing.

Installation Instructions

Review Installation of server software on Red Hat OpenShift or Installation of server software on Ubuntu in the IBM Product Documentation.

Review the Upgrading the software page in the IBM Product Documentation before you install.

Download Package

Download options
Access type Description

Passport Advantage and Passport Advantage Express clients are required to sign in to download the software package.

If you are entitled for Rational Test Automation Server and need to download your software from Passport Advantage, perform the following steps:

  1. Logon to Passport Advantage.
  2. Select Software Downloads and Media Access.
  3. Select the Download Finder.
  4. Select Find by description or part number.
  5. Select the Product Description and All radio buttons and enter Rational Test Automation Server in the description field.
  6. Select Continue.
  7. Expand the eAssemblies and you will see your entitled software.

IBM Software Group OEM offerings are designed for partners who develop and sell business solutions with embedded or bundled IBM middleware software. Clients with Flexible Contract Type (FCT) license purchases and IBM Business Partners must sign in to download the software package.

How critical is this fix?

Impact Assessment
Impact Description

This is a service release. It contains new features as well as fixes for client-reported and internally found defects.

Test Results


Regression: An error in the Maintenance Delivery Vehicle (MDV) that produces incorrect or unexpected behavior causing a supported feature to stop functioning as designed.
This includes:

  • Coding errors that cause a regression
  • Documentation or packaging problems that cause a regression
  • Errors reported in a new function delivered in a MDV that cause a regression

Incomplete: An error in the MDV has not regressed, but does not work as designed.
This includes:

  • Fixed APARs which did not solve the original problem but did not break anything new
  • APARs reporting documentation errors, such as readme errors, that cause problems applying an MDV but do not lead to a regression

  • Regression and incomplete APARs are considered fix-in-error or MDV-in-error
  • Definitions above apply only to valid APARs that result in product fixes (APARs returned as working-as-designed are not assessed for being fix-in-error)
  • Issues in major releases due to new functionality do not apply in this definition

There are no known regressions to report.

Problems Solved

Known Side Effects

Review the following list of known issues and open defects:

Review the following list of known issues.

Rational Test Automation Server is a product of IBM's comprehensive test solution.  Fix packs are made available separately.

Review technote 1461170: Open APARs for Rational products available on the Web for information on how to configure your MyNotifications subscription account and subscribe to the APARs you are interested in following.

Known issues in this release include:

New to this release
TP-71416 When you attempt to run an API Suite on Rational Test Automation Server that is installed on OpenShift, and when the API project contains a vast set of resources, you might see that the Execute button in the Execute test asset dialog box is enabled after a delay or at times is not enabled at all.
When you install Rational Test Automation Server on Lightweight Kubernetes (k3s) and warnings about Ingress deprecation are displayed, you can ignore these warnings.
TP-74534 Before you migrate user data from an earlier version to the latest version, you must publish any created datasets to the Git repository. After the migration, when you try to publish a created dataset it might fail. If it does fail, your only option is to recreate the dataset from scratch.
Previous known issues that still apply
TP-71416 When you attempt to run an API Suite on Rational Test Automation Server that is installed on OpenShift, and when the API project contains a vast set of resources, you might see that the Execute button in the Execute test asset dialog box is enabled after a delay.
TP-67572 If a dataset is created on the server using a path within an integration tester project and the created CSV file is subsequently referenced in a file data source, then the server presents two datasets relating to the same CSV file.
TP-69141 When you install V10.1.2 of the product, you must decrypt and encrypt each dataset by using the CSV Editor to apply the strongest encryption on each dataset that you used in the earlier version of the product.
TP-71004 Stubs are a tech-preview feature, as such some functionality might not work in all environments.

When you have Rational Test Automation Server on Ubuntu and you run performance test assets such as VU schedule or Rate schedule on a static agent, then the test runs fail with an error message.

To work around this problem, you must add the following parameter to the helm install command during the installation of the server software:

--set networkPolicy.enabled=false

If you have already installed the server software, you can modify the helm parameter value by using the following commands:

helm upgrade {my-rtas} ./ ibm-rtas-prod -n test-system \

  --reuse-values --set networkPolicy.enabled=false

Where {my-rtas} is the name of the release that you provided during the installation of the server software.

TP-71030 After you install the product, if pods restart with the following log message:

ACCESS_REFUSED - Login was refused using the authentication mechanism PLAIN. For details see the broker logfile

You must uninstall the product, delete the pvc data-{my-rtas}-rabbitmq-0, and then install the product.
When the server is under high load, the results microservice might be restarted indefinitely. This happens when the server was killed while holding a database lock.

To work around the problem, perform the following steps:
Note: In the following commands, <myrtas> refers to the release name of your choice and <namespace> refers to the name of the namespace that you created during the server installation process.

1. Increase the value of failureThreshold in the following command to start the service:

kubectl patch sts -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results --patch '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": {"name": "results","startupProbe":{"failureThreshold":120}}}}'}}

2. Get the database password by running the following command:

kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode

3. Delete the troublesome database lock by running the following commands:

kubectl exec -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-postgresql-0 -i – sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=<PASSWORD> psql -U results -d results -c "DROP TABLE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK"'
kubectl exec -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-postgresql-0 -i – sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=<PASSWORD> psql -U results -d analytics -c "DROP TABLE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK"'
kubectl exec -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-postgresql-0 -i – sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=<PASSWORD> psql -U results -d upload -c "DROP TABLE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK"'

4. Restart the pod by running the following command:

kubectl delete pod -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-0
TP-72106 When you expand a dataset from the Datasets page, you cannot navigate to all the cells in the dataset by using the keyboard keys.

When you back up user data of V10.1.0 and restore it on V10.1.1 in the Ubuntu environment, one of the pods does not start. This problem occurs occasionally.

For example, if the result pod does not start, to work around this problem, perform the following steps:

Note: In the following commands, <myrtas> refers to the release name of your choice and <namespace> refers to the name of the namespace that you created during the server installation process.

1. Increase the value of initialDelaySeconds in the following command to start the service:

kubectl patch sts -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results --patch '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name": "results","readinessProbe":{"initialDelaySeconds":180}}]}}}}'

2. Get the database password by running the following command:

kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode

3. Delete the troublesome database lock by running the following command:

kubectl exec -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-postgresql-0 -i -- sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=<password> psql -U results -d results -c "DROP TABLE DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK"'

4. Restart the pod by running the following command:

kubectl delete pod -n <namespace> <myrtas>-results-0

TP-66834 During the installation, when you migrate user data from the previous version to V10.1.0, the datasets database does not restore properly. As a result, Data classification information is disappeared from Rational Test Automation Server. 

You must classify the encrypted dataset again by creating a new classification.  
TP-69650 When you run the script to set up the Kubernetes environment and if the snap command is unavailable, then the command-line interface incorrectly displays the following error message for snapd: 

./ line 232: ehco: command not found 

The intended message is: 

Error: snapd is not installed 
Please ensure that snapd and snap are installed correctly, for example: 
sudo apt-get install snapd         
TP-59943 If you configure Keycloak to use an LDAP directory service, you should import and synchronize LDAP users to Keycloak. This is a known issue with Keycloak:

To workaround the problem in Keycloak, on the Add user federation provider page make sure the following settings are set as shown:
Import Users = ON, Sync Registrations = ON, and Cache Policy = DEFAULT
TP-66941 You cannot run tests on the remote static agents connected to Rational Test Automation Server that is installed in an OpenShift environment.
TP-67215 When you configure Rational Test Automation Server test on the UCD server and you enter a value for any of the options available for Show Hidden Properties in the Edit Properties for Run Rational Test Automation Server test window, the values for the options do not work as designed during the test run.

To work around this problem, you must not set any values for any options for Show Hidden Properties.
TP-61446 When you unregister a remote docker agent, running and schedule tests are not canceled. 

To workaround this problem, stop any running tests and cancel any scheduled future executions for that agent before unregistering the remote docker agent.
TP-61311 When you archive a project that has a running test, that test is not stopped. The test completes execution even though it was suppose to stop.
TP-61494 If you unarchive a project that was archived while a test was running, the UI incorrectly shows that the test is still running after the unarchive.

To workaround this problem, make sure there are no tests running when you archive a project.
TP-61446 When you unregister a remote docker agent, running and schedule tests are not canceled.

To workaround this problem, stop any running tests and cancel any scheduled future executions for that agent before unregistering the remote docker agent.
TP-60059 When you schedule a test run and click the "Time" field a list of times displays. If you enter a value in the "Time" field, you cannot move the cursor by using the left or right (<- , -> ) keyboard keys. This is a known issue with the following date picker:

To workaround this problem, use the cursor.
TP-58061 A server shutdown will not stop currently running executions. It is recommended to not shutdown the server if there are active executions running. If the server is shut down while assets are executing the reported status of those executions might be incorrect.
TP-58017 In case of a slow network, the cloning of a repository might fail with an error. In such a case, you can delete and add the repository again.

When working in multiple Rational Test Automation Server tabs concurrently, a message “You are already logged in” might sometimes be displayed. This message occurs when your session has expired and you have since logged in again, but then attempt a navigation action in a browser tab other than the one in which you logged in.

This is a known Keycloak issue. For more information, see To workaround this problem, close the tab and open a new one.

Rational Performance Tester Agent

With 10.0, you might expect a reduction in the number of Virtual Users (VUs) supported by IBM Rational Performance Tester Agent depending upon workload characteristics. This variation is the result of the product shipping with OpenJDK™ 8 with OpenJ9 instead of IBM JRE.

OpenJDK 8 with OpenJ9 JRE exhibits a higher utilization of CPU for the workload. Up to 30% or more decrease in the supported VUs capacity may be expected for CPU-bound workloads. However, for memory-bound workloads, a much smaller, if any reduction in VUs capacity may be expected.

If you need higher performance and have access to IBM JRE or later that contains the latest security fixes, you can switch from OpenJDK 8 with OpenJ9 to IBM JRE. For more information, see

Change History

What's new

Review the Release notes in the IBM Product Documentation for a complete list of new features and enhancements.


Technical Support


Tab navigation



IBM Rational Software Support Communities

  • Visit the IBM Support Portal to configure your support portal experience and review FAQs, lists of known problems, fixes, and a wealth of important support information.

  • Visit IBM Developer to access an online collection of tutorials, sample code, standards, forums and other resources provided by experts at IBM to assist software developers using Rational tools including access to the IBM RFE Community.

  • Visit the Jazz Community if you use a Rational product created using the Jazz platform to interact directly with the Jazz development team and other community members, download product trials and betas and track developement progress.

Helpful Hints For Obtaining Technical Assistance:


Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you need to describe the problem. When you describe a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

  • What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?
  • Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?
  • Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it?
  • Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.

If you have helpful information to diagnose or identify the problem on your system, you can provide this data by following the instructions to exchange information with IBM Technical Support.


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS6QK3","label":"IBM Rational Test Automation Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000B7TAAU","label":"Test Automation Server"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"10.1.3"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
23 March 2021

