IBM Support




This document describes the status of QUSRTOOL and the change that was made at R320/R370.

Resolving The Problem

The current status of QUSRTOOL is:
1. There are currently approximately 15 to 20 tools in QUSRTOOL.
2. As of R320/R370, all of the TAA tools developed by Jim Sloan are licensed by Jim Sloan. IBM granted him exclusive distribution rights for these tools. Therefore, the TAA tools are no longer included in QUSRTOOL and are not provided by IBM any other way.
3. All of the licensed TAA tools are included in a product called TAA Productivity Tools that can be purchased from TAA Tools Inc. :,  507-258-5182.
4. If a user already has the TAA tools from a pre-R320/R370 version of QUSRTOOL, installation can be attempted on the current release. They may work; however, if they do not work, the only alternative is to purchase the supported TAA Productivity Tools from TAA Tools Inc. at the above telephone number.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.1.0"}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
18 December 2019

