IBM Support

Query/400 Discovery Tool



Query/400 Discovery Tool


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Many IBM i clients have created hundreds of Query/400 reports over the years, and are interested in modernizing the reporting environment for a variety of reasons:
  • Take advantage of advanced query optimization technology in Db2 for i to improve performance and better manage/control query processing
  • Expand the community of report authors from beyond just the “database” and Query/400 experts
  • Deliver data in the forms that end users want (dashboards, spreadsheets, etc.) when they want

The Db2 for i  Lab Services team offers getting started with Db2 Web Query and Query/400 modernization consulting services that incorporates installation, training, getting started prototyping and best practices guidance. Over the course of a few years since the introduction of Db2 Web Query, the consulting team has developed several helpful utilities and processes to aid in the analysis of the Query/400 environment with the purpose of building a plan to migrate to Db2 Web Query. The combination of utilities (developed by IBM Lab Services) and processes (e.g., running auditing functions to gather usage information) provide helpful information in situations where clients have hundreds, if not thousands, of Query/400 definitions that have built up over time.

One utility in particular leverages a little known stored procedure, called Print_Query_Definition, to pull information from Query/400 definitions and then extract pertinent information from the spool files that are created by running the command. The utility creates database tables that contain such information as which files/tables are being used by the queries, join tests, result fields, etc. This information can then be analyzed further to get underneath the many Query/400 definitions.

Based on popular demand, we are making this Query/400 discovery tool available under an "as is”, best effort support basis. To obtain the tool and provide feedback, please send an e-mail to with the subject "Query/400 Discovery Tool."

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSAUST","label":"Db2 Web Query for i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
11 February 2020

