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QSQPRCED() statement level control of QAQQINI options



QSQPRCED() statement level control of QAQQINI options


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The QSQPRCED() API (SQLP0410 format) has been extended to include optional statement level controls for a subset of the QAQQINI query options.

The controls added to the API are:


QSQPRCED API information:

Parallel degree. Specifies the parallel processing option that can be used when running database queries and database file keyed access path builds, rebuilds, and maintenance in the job. The specified parallel processing option determines the types of parallel processing allowed. There are two types of parallel processing: Input/Output (I/O) parallel processing. With I/O parallel processing, the database manager uses multiple tasks for each query to do the I/O processing. The central processor unit (CPU) processing is still done serially. Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP). SMP assigns both CPU and I/O processing to tasks that run the query in parallel. Actual CPU parallelism requires a system with multiple processors. SMP can only be used if the system feature, DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing, is installed. Use of SMP parallelism can affect the order in which records are returned.

The possible values are :

I Also known as *IO. Any number of tasks can be used. SMP parallel processing is not allowed.
M Also known as *MAX. Like *MAX, with the value xxx indicating the ability to specify an integer percentage value 1 - 200. The query optimizer determines the parallel degree for the query using the same processing as is done for *MAX. Once determined, the optimizer adjusts the actual parallel degree used for the query by the percentage given. This option provides the user the ability to override the parallel degree used to some extent without having to specify a particular parallel degree under *NUMBER_OF_TASKS.
N Also known as **NUMBER_OF_TASKS. Indicates the maximum number of tasks that can be used for a single query. The number of tasks will be capped off at either this value or the number of disk arms associated with the table. It is not recommended that this option be used if running SQE. The SQE optimizer will attempt to use this degree and override many of the normal costing mechanisms. For SQE instead use *OPTIMIZE with a percentage.
O Also known as *OPTIMIZE. Any number of tasks for: - I/O or SMP parallel processing of the query - Database file keyed access path build, rebuild, or maintenance. SMP parallel processing is used only if the system feature, DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing for IBM i, is installed. Use of parallel processing and the number of tasks used is determined by: - the number of processors available in the system - the job share of the amount of active memory available in the pool in which the job is run - whether the expected elapsed time for the query or database file keyed access path build or rebuild is limited by CPU processing or I/O resources. The query optimizer chooses an implementation that minimizes elapsed time based on the job share of the memory in the pool.
S Also known as *SYSVAL. Set to the current system value QQRYDEGREE.
Z Also known as *NONE. No parallel processing is allowed for database query processing or database table index build, rebuild, or maintenance.

Parallel degree value. Indicates the nn value when Parallel Degree is set to 'N' (*NUMBER_OF_TASKS nn), 'M' (*MAX nnn), or 'O' (*OPTIMIZE nnn).

Prevent additional conflicting locks. This is a statement level query option, that can be used to direct the operating system to favor a request for an exclusive, no read lock over new requests to lock the object for reading.

The possible values are :

Y When YES (Y) is chosen, any new requests for these lower-level read locks will be kept behind the exclusive lock request and could surface to applications as the table is unavailable for use for querying. This control applies to the following operations: ALTER TABLE (Add, Alter or Drop Column), CREATE TRIGGER, LOCK TABLE, and RENAME TABLE.
N When a job requests an exclusive lock on an object, do not prevent concurrent jobs from acquiring additional locks on the object.

Pseudo open check host variables. This option can be used to allow SQE to check the selectivity of the host variable values at pseudo open time. If the new set of host variable values require a different plan to perform well, SQE will re-optimize the query. This option is most appropriate when there is considerable variability in the selectivity of host variable in the queries predicates.

The possible values are :

Y Also known as *YES. The optimizer will always check host variable selectivity at pseudo open time. Note: If the REOPTIMIZE_ACCESS_PLAN INI option is set to *ONLY_REQUIRED then this INI option has no effect.
N Also known as *NO. The optimizer does not check host variables for selectivity changes once in pseudo-open.
O Also known as *OPTIMIZE. The optimizer will determine when a host variable selectivity should be checked. In general, the optimizer will monitor the query and if after a certain number of runs it determines that there is no advantage to checking host variable selectivity at pseudo open time, it will stop checking. Full opens do normal plan validation.

SQL deflate table. This is a statement level query option, that specifies whether an SQL CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX or CREATE VIEW statement should be implemented by creating only a portion of the table (i.e. deflated) because there is a strong likelihood that the table will never be used.

The possible values are :

Y This option affects the creation of SQL tables, views and indexes. When this option is chosen, DB2 for i will create only the file level objects. The remainder of the table, view or index will be automatically created when the object is used.
N Database objects are created using their normal, documented behavior.

SQL statement compression maximum. This is a statement level query option, that specifies the compression maximum setting, which is used when statements are prepared into a package. The integer value represents the number of times that a statement is compressed before the access plan is removed to create more space in the package. Executing the SQL statement resets the count for that statement to 0. The valid Integer values are 1 - 255.

SQLP0410 Format

The following shows the format of the function template parameter for the SQLP0410 format.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(1) Function
1 1 CHAR(10) SQL package name
11 B CHAR(10) SQL package library name
21 15 CHAR(10) Main program name
31 1F CHAR(10) Main program library name
41 29 CHAR(18) Statement name
59 3B CHAR(18) Cursor name
77 4D CHAR(1) Open options
78 4E CHAR(1) Using clause for describe
79 4F CHAR(1) Commitment control
80 50 CHAR(3) Date format
83 53 CHAR(1) Date separator
84 54 CHAR(3) Time format
87 57 CHAR(1) Time separator
88 58 CHAR(3) Naming option
91 5B CHAR(1) Decimal point
92 5C BINARY(2) Blocking factor
94 5E BINARY(2) Scrollable option
96 60 BINARY(2) Position option
98 62 BINARY(4) Relative record
102 66 BINARY(4) Number of rows for multiple row statement
106 6A CHAR(1) Direct map
107 6B CHAR(1) Reuse SQLDA
108 6C CHAR(1) Name check
109 6D CHAR(1) Use pointers
111 6F CHAR(18) User-defined field
129 81 CHAR(10) Close file name
139 8B CHAR(10) Close library name
149 95 CHAR(1) Reopen
150 96 CHAR(1) Use performance area
151 97 CHAR(1) Reserved
152 98 BINARY(2) Maximum Scale
153 99 CHAR(1) Maximum Precision
155 9B CHAR(1) Minimum Divide Scale
156 9C BINARY(4) Statement text CCSID
160 A0 PTR(SYP) SQL-package system pointer
176 B0 PTR(SYP) Main-program system pointer
192 C0 CHAR(10) Sort sequence table name
202 CA CHAR(10) Sort sequence library name
212 D4 CHAR(10) Language identifier
222 DE CHAR(1) Allow copy of data
223 DF CHAR(1) Allow blocking
224 E0 BINARY(4) Offset to statement text length and statement text
228 E4 CHAR(1) Hex literal option
229 E5 CHAR(1) Statement length type
230 E6 BINARY(2) Extended User-defined field length
232 E8 BINARY(4) Offset to Extended User-defined field
236 EC BINARY(4) Length of additional fields
240 F0 BINARY(4) Connection handle
244 F4 CHAR(1) Autocommit option
245 F5 CHAR(1) Extended indicator option
246 F6 CHAR(2) Reserved
248 F8 BINARY(4) Cursor index
252 FC BINARY(4) Statement index
256 100 BINARY(4) Length of extended cursor name
260 104 BINARY(4) Offset to extended cursor name
264 108 BINARY(4) Length of extended statement name
268 10C BINARY(4) Offset to extended statement name
272 110 CHAR(1) Concurrent access resolution
273 111 CHAR(1) Prevent additional conflicting locks
274 112 CHAR(1) SQL deflate table
275 113 CHAR(1) Parallel degree
276 114 BINARY(4) Parallel degree value
280 118 BINARY(4) SQL statement compression maximum
284 11C CHAR(1) Pseudo open check host variables
285 11D CHAR(3) Reserved
288 120 BINARY(4) Length of CURRENT CLIENT_USERID special register
292 124 BINARY(4) Offset to CURRENT CLIENT_USERID special register
296 128 BINARY(4) Length of CURRENT CLIENT_WRKSTNNAME special register
300 12C BINARY(4) Offset to CURRENT CLIENT_WRKSTNNAME special register
304 130 BINARY(4) Length of CURRENT CLIENT_APPLNAME special register
308 134 BINARY(4) Offset to CURRENT CLIENT_APPLNAME special register
312 138 BINARY(4) Length of CURRENT CLIENT_PROGRAMID special register
316 13C BINARY(4) Offset to CURRENT CLIENT_PROGRAMID special register
320 140 BINARY(4) Length of CURRENT CLIENT_ACCTNG special register
324 144 BINARY(4) Offset to CURRENT CLIENT_ACCTNG special register
* * BINARY(2) or BINARY(4) Statement length
* * CHAR(*) Statement text
* * CHAR(*) Extended user-defined field
* * CHAR(*) Extended cursor name
* * CHAR(*) Extended statement name
* * CHAR(*) CURRENT CLIENT_USERID special register
* * CHAR(*) CURRENT CLIENT_WRKSTNNAME special register
* * CHAR(*) CURRENT CLIENT_APPLNAME special register
* * CHAR(*) CURRENT CLIENT_PROGRAMID special register
* * CHAR(*) CURRENT CLIENT_ACCTNG special register

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
21 January 2020

