IBM Support

QSPL Library Damage

Question & Answer


Many jobs, including those that should be ended, are in a Message Wait (MSGW) status.  Spooled files cannot be generated.  Messages MCH1604:  System object QSPL damaged, and CPF8122:  Full damage on library QSPL, are found in the history log.  How do I recover from QSPL library damage? 


In rare cases, QSPL library can become damaged.  When QSPL library becomes fully damaged, no spooled files can be created.  
QSPL library damage is not the same as physical file damage and any of the solutions in QSPL Physical File Damage will not work.
Any job that would create a spooled file, including a job log when the job ends, will be in Message Wait (MSGW) status.  Messages that might be seen for the jobs include:
CPF4182:  File <PrinterFileName> in library <LibraryName> member or device not opened.  
Previous messages might include message 
CPF9845: Error occurred while opening file <PrinterFileName>. 
CPF2528:  Job log not written to output queue because of CPF4182.
Any action taken on QSPL library, such as clearing (CLRLIB) or renaming (RNMOBJ) will fail.  Messages that might be seen in the interactive job log, QSYSOPR message queue, and history log include:
CPF8122:  Full damage on library QSPL. 
MCH1604:  System object QSPL damaged. Internal dump ID <DumpID>. Error class <ErrorClassNumber>, device number <DeviceNumber>.  Error class 0003.
CPF2176:  Library QSPL damaged.


The recovery is to perform a Clear/Clear/Clear IPL with the Spooled File Recovery set to *REMOVE and IPL the system.  
**All spooled files will be lost.**
There is nothing that can be done to save the spooled files after the damage to QSPL library has occurred.
If spooled files have been saved prior to the library being damaged, the spooled files can be restored after the recovery.  For information on saving and restoring spooled files, refer to Saving and Restoring Spooled Files.
Change the IPL attributes:
IPL the system:
After the IPL, change the IPL attributes back to Spooled File Recovery as *DETACH:

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.1.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 March 2021

