IBM Support

QRadar: Collecting get_logs and other information required to resolve a QRadar app case

Question & Answer


What information needs to be submitted specifically with a QRadar application case?


To collect logs from the command line, root access is required. The utility is available on every version of QRadar and is provided on every QRadar appliance. A further utility, qappmanager, provides additional information specific to the apps installed in the environment.

Note: for general Qradar cases (not dealing with Qradar application issues), reference the following guide:

Getting Help: What information should be submitted with a QRadar service request?

Steps for generating and collecting the logs:

  1. Use SSH to log in to the Console appliance (or All-in-One) as the root user.
  2. Enter the following command to generate a get_logs file:
    /opt/qradar/support/ -a
    • For administrators who have application or extension issues, use the -a option to collect application logs on your Console and App Host (if one exists). The logs from both hosts are saved under the Console's get_logs output, so only the Console's get_logs output file needs to be uploaded.
    • For a list of options that can be run, enter the following command.
      /opt/qradar/support/ -h
    • The script informs you that the log was created and provides the name and the location, which is always the /store/LOGS/ directory.

    Example output

    /opt/qradar/support/ -a
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v6.4 - qradar-qr750-3199-29271.cslab.iss.local
    INFO: Gathering install information...
    INFO: Collecting DrQ output...
    INFO: Collecting system files...
    INFO: Collecting old files...
    INFO: Collecting Cert metadata...
    INFO: Collecting accumulator information with v1.8...
    INFO: Collecting deployment info with v0.7...
    INFO: Collecting thread dumps from running java processes...
    INFO: Collecting database information...
    INFO: Collecting rpm version information...
    INFO: Collecting QVM files...
    INFO: Fetching Salesforce information...
    INFO: Collecting additional qflow information...
    INFO: Collecting app-framework logs and configuration...
    INFO: Fetching app logs...
    INFO: Running -a on app host to pull all app logs...
    INFO: Running: /opt/qradar/support/ -a '40 %' /opt/qradar/support/ -a u d290fd0a
        .12 -> bravo-apphost.
    Appliance Type: 4000    Product Version: 2022.6.4.20220829221022
    12:26:45 up 22 days, 21:21, 0 users, load average: 1.04, 0.55, 0.44
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v6.4 apphost.
    INFO: Gathering install information...
    INFO: Collecting DrQ output...
    INFO: Collecting system files...
    INFO: Collecting old files...
    INFO: Collecting Cert metadata...
    INFO: Collecting thread dumps from running java processes...
    INFO: Collecting database information...
    INFO: Collecting QVM files...
    INFO: Fetching Salesforce information...
    Can't open connection to service service: jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:7782/jmxrmi: Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming. Service Unavailable Exception [Root exception is java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: localhost; nested exception is: Connection refused (Connection refused)]
    INFO: Collecting additional qflow information...
    INFO: Collecting app-framework logs and configuration...
    INFO: Fetching app logs...
    INFO: Cannot capture recon ps. We are not on the console
    INFO: running
    INFO: Gathering extract rules and adding to get_logs...
    INFO: Compressing collected files...
    The file /store/LOGS/logs_apphost_20230713_d290fd0a.tar.gz (16M) has been created to send to support
    INFO: Fetching logs from App Host...
    INFO: Copying file back to the console...                                    100% 16MB 87.0MB/s 00:00
    INFO: running
    INFO: Gathering extract rules and adding to get_logs...
    INFO: Compressing collected files...
    The file /store/LOGS/logs_qradar-qr750-3199-29271.cslab.iss.local_20230713_d290fd0a.tar.gz (51M) has been created to send to support
  3. Copy the tar.gz file to a system that has access to an external network to upload your log file.
  4. Enter the following command on your App Host and save the output to a text file.
    docker ps
    Note: If there is not an App Host installed, enter the following command on your Console.

    Example output

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                         COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                         NAMES
    e99ebdca106c   console.localdeployment:5000/qapp/1151:7.0.7-20230623153041   "sh /opt/app-root/bi…"   6 hours ago     Up 6 hours>5000/tcp, :::49155->5000/tcp   qapp-1151-BYpt9S0C
    57dbf3eff783   console.localdeployment:5000/qapp/1102:3.5.2-20230623153444   "sh /opt/app-root/bi…"   6 hours ago     Up 6 hours>5000/tcp, :::49154->5000/tcp   qapp-1102-6CaNPtHx
    fdf131098eac   console.localdeployment:5000/qapp/1103:3.7.0-20230623153840   "sh /opt/app-root/bi…"   6 hours ago     Up 6 hours>5000/tcp, :::49153->5000/tcp   qapp-1103-OOiOneaG
  5. Enter the following command on your Console and save the output to a text file.
    • This command places you in a menu. To exit the qappmanager menu and return to the normal command prompt, enter 0.
    • This command includes a menu output that is not necessary to send to support. Ensure that you include all information listed in the APP DEFINITIONS and the APP INSTANCES sections:
      APP DEFINITIONS (SIO=Single Instance Only, MTS=Multi-tenancy Safe):
       ID   | Name                         | Version | Status    | Installed        | Memory | Instances | SIO | MTS | Errors
       1102 | QRadar Assistant             | 3.5.2   | COMPLETED | 2023-04-27 16:38 |    600 |         1 | t   | t   |
       1103 | QRadar Use Case Manager      | 3.7.0   | COMPLETED | 2023-04-27 16:50 |    500 |         1 | f   | f   |
       1151 | QRadar Log Source Management | 7.0.7   | COMPLETED | 2023-05-15 11:56 |    100 |         1 | t   | t   |
      APP INSTANCES (IID=Instance ID, DID=Definition ID, MHN=Managed Host Name, AHT=Application Host Type, SP=Security Profile):
       IID  | DID  | Name                         | Status   | Task Status | Installed        | MHN                     | AHT   | Memory | SP | Errors
       1102 | 1102 | QRadar Assistant             | RUNNING  | COMPLETED   | 2023-04-27 16:38 | qradar-qr750-3199-29271 | LOCAL |    600 |    |
       1103 | 1103 | QRadar Use Case Manager      | RUNNING  | COMPLETED   | 2023-04-27 16:50 | qradar-qr750-3199-29271 | LOCAL |    500 |    |
       1151 | 1151 | QRadar Log Source Management | RUNNING  | COMPLETED   | 2023-05-15 11:56 | qradar-qr750-3199-29271 | LOCAL |    100 |    |
      Total memory used by LOCAL app instances: 1200MB
       0) Quit
       1) Help
      10) App definition - list all
      11) App definition - list authorized
      12) App definition - show manifest
      13) App definition - cancel install
      14) App definition - delete
      20) App instance - list all
      21) App instance - list authorized
      22) App instance - create
      23) App instance - start
      24) App instance - stop
      25) App instance - authorize
      26) App instance - change authorized user
      27) App instance - change security profile
      28) App instance - change memory allocation
      29) App instance - cancel install
      30) App instance - delete
      40) Augmented security profiles - list
      41) Admin user - add augmented security profile
      42) Admin user - remove augmented security profile
      50) App containers - list
      Choose option:
  6. Contact support to open a case.
  7. In the case, include a description of the issue (what is happening, when did it start, and so on). Attach the get_logs file and the text files that contain the command outputs for docker and qappmanager to the case for review.


You successfully created a support case with IBM QRadar Support, populated the case with the relevant details and provided a copy of the most recent log files.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSBQAC","label":"IBM Security QRadar SIEM"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cwt3AAA","label":"QRadar Apps"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"7.4.0;7.4.1;7.4.3;7.5.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 September 2023

