Publishing Apps

Publishing Apps

Technology Partners and IBMers can submit apps to the IBM Security App Exchange portal or IBM SOAR Community Apps repository on GitHub.  

Content posted on the IBM Security App Exchange goes through a validation process, as all applications and content apps are reviewed by IBM SOAR quality teams.

Content posted on the IBM SOAR Community Apps repository are marked as community provided apps on the IBM Security App Exchange.

Provide the following set of material, along with your app code. You need to package and sign your content. You can request access to the IBM Security App Exchange portal to submit this material and schedule a validation test.

Your App

The app must be supplied as a .zip file. Typically this contains an installable Python package, such as the packages created by the SOAR SDK. This package can include all the required v platform apps:

  • Code for Functions
  • Rules, Phases, and Tasks
  • Scripts and Workflows
  • Custom Fields and Data Tables

Application Information

  • Application Version/Release/Modification Numbers
  • Short Description
  • Long Description
  • Minimum supported SOAR platform version
  • Support email or URL
  • Indicate wheather your app requires Internet access
  • Indicate wheather your app contains encryption functionality or cryptography

Application Documentation

  • Documentation
    (PDF or URL link to user documentation for your app)
  • Graphics
    • 100*100 px .png – Your Company Logo
    • 200*72   px .png – Your App Logo
    • Screen captures to show your app displays in the SOAR platform (min 1280*720 px .png or .jpg)
  • Optional: Brief Video


  • Application License (click-through for end-users to download the app). Typically this license is the Apache or MIT open-source license.
  • Business Partner Agreement (signed by you). This legal document provides the ability for IBM to post your app on the IBM Security App Exchange.

Test information

Provide as much information as possible to enable the validation engineers to effectively test your app. Useful test information typically includes:

  • Good user documentation!
  • Credentials for cloud access to your software (preferred), or instructions to configure your software for on-premise testing.
  • Test cases that cover all the significant functionality.
  • Walk through each of the use cases of your app and show the resulting screens with data.

See the Reference page for a list of communities and documentation.