IBM Support

Product Readme for WebSphere MQ for HP OpenVMS v6.0

Product Readmes


This document contains the readme file for WebSphere MQ for HP OpenVMS v6 on the Alpha platform.



DESCRIPTIVE NAME IBM WebSphere MQ for HP OpenVMS, Version 6.0

Statement: Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2008
All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - use,
duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA
ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Status: Version 6.0
Updated: 6th July 2008


WebSphere MQ for OpenVMS, V6.0 README

Welcome to WebSphere MQ for OpenVMS, Version 6.0

This README file applies to WebSphere MQ books and product shipped on or after July 2008.

This README file contains information that was not available in time for our publications.
In addition to this file, README.TXT, you can find more information on the
WebSphere MQ System Requirements web page:

The SupportPac web page is at:

For current information on known problems and available fixes, see
the Support web page for WebSphere MQ at:

The latest updates to the Web-based WebSphere MQ documentation are now
available from the WebSphere MQ documentation library web page at:

An online version of this readme file is maintained on the web, and
might contain additions made since this file was frozen on this media.
The web page is:

WebSphere MQ for HP OpenVMS V6.0 Electronic Software Download installation


These instructions apply to installing WebSphere MQ for OpenVMS Version 6.0
from an installation image downloaded from IBM. Use it with the Quick
Beginnings manual for this release. A version of the Quick Beginnings book
is available from the download site; it has a description of the 'WebSphere MQ
V6.0 Installation Documentation'. The installation image is provided as a
compressed AXPEXE file.

Copy the WMQ60-VMS.SFX_AXPEXE install image to a suitable directory accessible
to the computer where the software is to be installed. This directory must
be on a file system with at least 256Mb of free space (this is in addition to
the disk space required for the product, as detailed in the Quick
Beginnings publication).

Steps to extract the IBM WebSphere MQ product on OpenVMS/Alpha V8.2


2. $ backup /list/ignor=(inter,label) wmq60vms.bck/sav [...]
A directory wmq60vms.dir is created in your current directory.

wmq60vms.dir contains the following:

b. MQLICENSE.COM (DCL script to install the Product License.)
c. LAP.DIR (Contains the JRE and the License Acceptance Process related files)


1. Ensure that the version of HP OpenVMS/Alpha is 8.2 or above for this Release

2. Ensure that all critical, and the latest, OpenVMS OS patches are installed.

3. The License Acceptance tool uses JRE. To run JRE, you must set the following
quotas for the user account that is accepting the license. Once accepted, the
quotas can be reversed. The License Acceptance tool should be run only from the
same account used for installing the product.

The ASTLM quota recommended minimum: 300
The BYTLM quota recommended minimum: 400000
The ENQLM quota recommended minimum: 4000
The FILLM quota recommended minimum: 4096
The PGFLQUOTA quota recommended minimum: 2097152
The TQELM quota recommended minimum: 100

Migration from WMQ V5.3 using the MS03 support pack:

Pre-Migration Steps:

These are the activities to be carried out before removing WebSphere MQ V5.3
from any FP level.

1. Start the Queue Managers.

2. Ensure that there are no applications and channels programs connected.

3. Use the MS-03 SupportPac according to the OpenVMS platform in use, either Alpha
or Itanium.

4. Refer to the README.TXT file supplied with the MS-03 SupportPac and take a
backup of all Queue Manager objects, for all Queue Managers mentioned in steps 5
to 8.

5. Unzip the supplied file.
The zip file contains SAVEQMGR.EXE, after extracting to a local folder create the symbol:

6. The Queue Manager to be migrated must be running when the MQ-object is obtained.
Start the command server prior to running SAVEQMGR.
Use the SAVEQMGR command to backup up the QMgr objects, as follows:

7. Use the AMQOAMD command and generate a backup of all authorization definitions
for all Queue Manager objects, for all Queue Managers.

8. Preserve outputs obtained from steps 6 and 7, separately for each Queue Manager.

9. Take a backup of Queue Manager data and log directories for all Queue Managers.

10. Preserve the backup saveset obtained from step 9.

11. End the Queue Manager and all its processes and stop the MQ application processes.

12. Use the DLTMQM command to delete the Queue Manager.

13. Repeat steps 5 to 12 for all the Queue Managers to be migrated.

14. Ensure that there are no MQ processes running on that system.

15. Use the DLTMQM command to delete all Queue Managers existing on the system.

16. Use the Monmq Delete command to delete MQ-related residual global sections.

17. Shutdown MQ services using SYS$STARTUP:MQS_SHUTDOWN.COM

18. Use the product remove command to uninstall the WebSphere MQ V5.3 product from the system.

Follow the installation procedure for WMQ V6.0 driver using the product install command

Post Migration Steps:

1. After the successful installation of WebSphere MQ V6.0 for either Alpha or Itanium,
restore the outputs obtained from the MS-03 supportpac and the AMQOAMD command to a
local directory.

2. Create Queue Managers, taking care to preserve both their names and cases as they were
in the previous version.

3. Use the RUNMQSC command and the output of the MS-03 SupportPac to re-create all QMgr
objects definitions, for all Queue Managers. Refer to README.TXT on how to run this
command from your local directory where the outputs are stored. Ensure the correct
MS-03 output (from pre-migration step 6) is used for each Queue Manager being

Restore the MQ object definitions, by issuing the command:
$ pipe runmqsc "QMGR" < "QMGR".MQSC > "QMGR".OUT

The output file "QMGR".OUT can be referred to check successful MQSC commands.

4. To migrate authorization definitions for all Queue Manager objects, use the prefix
‘$’ dollar sign in all lines before SETMQAUT commands in the respective outputs
of the AMQOAMD command for each Queue Manager.

5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for all the Queue Managers to be migrated. The steps can be
executed as a DCL command procedure for all Queue Managers.

Installation Procedure:

1. Uninstall previous versions of MQ and reboot the system before installing the
WMQ V6.0 driver. Rebooting is not required on systems with no previous versions of MQ.

2. The installation procedure can be carried out from the SYSTEM account or by any user
account having the following privileges:

3. Start the License acceptance process by running the MQLICENSE.COM script
$ @mqlicense

a) If you want to view a text-only version of the license, which can be read by a
screen-reader, type:
$ "-text_only"

b) For a GUI display during the License acceptance procedure, set the display of
your system
as follows:
$ set display /create /node=<Your IP-Address> /transport=tcp

If you accept the license, you can continue with the PCSI installation process.
If you do not accept the license, you cannot continue the installation process.

4. To start the PCSI installation, type the following:
$ product install WEBSPHEREMQ

Follow the directions indicated during the installation procedure.

5. The first time that you start a queue manager on this machine, if you have not
already run the setmqcap command, you get the warning 'Purchased license units
not set (use setmqcap)'. If you have already run setmqcap but entered an
incorrect value, you get the warning 'Insufficient
license units'. You must run setmqcap to correct this before you can start a
queue manager.


1. The FIPS functionality of SSL is not supported on WMQ on OpenVMS.
2. Isolated bindings are not supported on WMQ on OpenVMS.
3. The support for IPv6 is not available with this release.


The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the
United States, or other countries, or both:

IBM MQSeries SupportPac WebSphere

HP OpenVMS, HP and Alpha are trademarks of the HP Corporation.

ActiveX, Microsoft, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Windows, and Windows NT are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States, other countries, or both.

Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries,
or both.

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States
and other countries.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks
of others.


Original Publication Date

16 July 2008

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKSJ","label":"WebSphere MQ"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF021","label":"OpenVMS"}],"Version":"6.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
21 June 2018

