IBM Support

Product readme for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition, Version

Product Readmes


This document contains the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition readme for product version


Product readme for IBM Websphere MQ File Transfer Edition
IBM Corp.
31 March 2009



27 March 2009 - file updated for Fix Pack

09 March 2009 - file sent for translation

19 February 2009 - file updated for Early Access Program

5 December 2008 - file updated for electronic general


- Description and useful links
- Prerequisites and corequisites
- Installing this fix pack
- Updates in this fix pack
- Limitations and known problems
- List of fixes in this fix pack
- Trademarks

This readme file details updates, fixes, limitations, and known
problems. For the very latest version of this file always refer
to the readme at:

In addition to this readme.txt file, you can find more information
on the WebSphere(R) MQ File Transfer Edition Web site:

The SupportPac(TM) Web page is at:

For current information on known problems and available fixes,
see the Support page of the WebSphere MQ Web site at:

Web documentation updates
The latest updates to the online WebSphere MQ File Transfer
Edition product documentation are available at:

Announcement letter
The announcement letter for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Version 7.0
in US English is available on the Web at
(for distributed platforms),
(WebSphere MQ for z/OS(R)).

See the announcement letter for the following types of information:
- Detailed product description, including description of new
- Product-positioning statement
- Ordering details
- Hardware and software requirements

Prerequisites and corequisites for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition are listed
at the following Web site:

Before you can install this fix pack, you must already have installed
Version of WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition.

The fix pack installer uses your existing product configuration so
you will not be asked to enter any configuration information during fix
pack installation.

As with Version of WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition, there are
three possible components for the fix pack: Server, Client, or Remote Tools
and Documentation.

To install the fix pack:

1. Launch the fix pack installation wizard, using the executable file or
binary file. On Windows(R), this file is install.exe and on UNIX(R) and Linux(R)
platforms, this file is install.bin.

2. Select the language that you want to use for the installation process.
Click OK.

3. On the Introduction panel, click Next.

4. Read the software license agreement and select the option to accept
the terms of the license. Click Next.

5. Select the same installation directory as you used to install the
product. Click Next.

6. Click Update existing install.

7. Read the summary panel and click Install.

8. Wait while the fix pack is installed and click Done.


Reporting of Transfer Log publication failures
WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition agents send Transfer Log messages
to the SYSTEM.FTE queue on the coordination queue manager. The coordination
queue manager then publishes the messages on the SYSTEM.FTE queue to
the SYSTEM.FTE topic. If the publication fails for some reason,
the coordination queue manager attempts to send a reply to the
SYSTEM.FTE.COMMAND.<sourceAgentName> queue on the
source agent's queue manager. For this to work, you must set up WebSphere MQ
intercommunications between the coordination queue manager and source agent's
queue manager so that the coordination queue manager can send messages to
the source agent's queue manager. The source agent reads the reply messages
from the SYSTEM.FTE.COMMAND.<sourceAgentName> queue and logs a warning message
in the agent's event log: outputn.log. The warning message shows the transfer
ID and the reason codes for the failure.

Data set performance improvements and Java(TM) SDK upgrade for z/OS
Performance for data set transfers has been improved in WebSphere MQ
File Transfer Edition for z/OS. To fully take advantage of these
performance enhancements, upgrade the Java SDK that WebSphere MQ File
Transfer Edition for z/OS uses to Version 5.0, SR9.

Maximum data set size limit on z/OS - earlier restriction lifted
Previously for z/OS systems, there had been a limit to
the maximum size of data set that could be transferred. This size restriction
has now been lifted.


Interoperation between Early Access Program drivers and the general
availability level of WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
There is no support for interoperation between
agents at any Early Access Program level and agents at any other
level of code (that is, the official general
availability release or the Fix Pack). You must ensure that
all agents in your WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition network are at
the same level.

However, interoperation between agents at Version and
agents at Version at is supported.

Uninstalling Early Access Program drivers
If you have previously installed an Early Access Program
driver for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition, you must uninstall
the driver before installing the general availability (GA) version
of WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition. You must also remove any
configuration associated with the driver.

For all platforms, carry out the following steps before
uninstalling the driver:
1. Stop all agents that are running using the fteStopAgent
2. Remove the SYSTEM.FTE name from the
SYSTEM.QPUBSUB.QUEUE.NAMELIST namelist on the coordination queue
3. Delete the SYSTEM.FTE queue on the coordination queue manager.
4. Delete the SYSTEM.FTE topic on the coordination queue manager.
5. Delete all agent queues on the agent queue managers. Each agent
has the following queues:
* SYSTEM.FTE.COMMAND.<agent_name>
* SYSTEM.FTE.DATA.<agent_name>
* SYSTEM.FTE.EVENT.<agent_name>
* SYSTEM.FTE.REPLY<agent_name>
* SYSTEM.FTE.STATE.<agent_name>
6. Delete the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition configuration directory.
By default this directory is called "config" (the directory was
called "data" for the first EAP driver).

If you are on Windows, you must then use the following steps to uninstall:
1. Uninstall WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition from your system.
2. Restart your machine.
If you do not restart your machine after
uninstalling an Early Access Program driver and before installing
the GA version, there might still be files marked for deletion. This
file deletion still occurs, even if you have installed a new version.
This might cause your new install to stop working after a future
3. Delete the WMQFTE directory if the directory still exists.
4. Install the GA version of WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition.

Text-only (console) installation
You can install WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition using a
text-only option (console installation): -i console
This method is documented at:

Installing into an existing empty configuration directory
The installer does not write configuration information directly
into an existing directory. This affects you if you do not accept
the default installation location and instead manually
create a directory before installation.

For example, if you create a "/var/fte_config" directory on a
UNIX(R) system and then enter this directory as the configuration
directory in the installer, the installer treats this empty
directory as an existing complete configuration. The installer
will prompt you to reuse "/var/fte_config", and will not write
any new configuration.

Work around this by manually creating a "/var/fte" directory
and then entering "/var/fte/config" as the configuration directory
in the installer. The result is the directory "config" is
created in the existing "/var/fte" directory, with the correct

Installation locations
You must ensure that you have write permission for the directory
that you want to install WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition into.

The installer will appear to allow you to install into a location
that you do not have permission to install into. The installer
does not warn you that you do not have write permission on the directory.
This means you can go through the install panels and only get an error
message at the end, which asks you to check the error log. However,
the error log probably does not exist because it cannot be written
to your install root because of these permission restrictions.

You are also recommended to use different locations for the
installation directory and configuration directory.

Installing on Security-Enhanced Linux
If you are running Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux), install
WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition using the following
steps, which depend on the on Linux distribution you are using:
1. If you are using SuSE Linux, set the SELinux mode to permissive.

If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enable the following
option for your SELinux policy:
"Allow all unconfined executables to use libraries requiring text
relocation that are not labeled textrel_shlib_t"

2. For both SuSE Linux and Red Hat Linux: install WebSphere MQ File
Transfer Edition.

3. If you are using SuSE Linux, re-enable the SELinux policy.

4 For both SuSE Linux and Red Hat Linux, run the following command:
chcon -R -t texrel_shlib_t WMQFTE_INSTALL_DIR/jre

Installing the Remote Tools and Documentation CD on platforms other than
Windows or Linux
If you install the Remote Tools and Documentation CD on any platform apart
from Windows or Linux, you cannot use either the WebSphere MQ Explorer
plug-in or the information center. You can only use the remote command
line tools part of the installation, even though you might have
selected to install the WebSphere MQ Explorer plug-in
and the information center.

Maximum number of file transfers
By default WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition processes a maximum of 25
inbound and 25 outbound file transfers at one time. If these limits are
exceeded, any additional transfers are rejected and listed as "cancelled"
in the transfer log.

This might be a problem if the file transfer agent is stopped for an
extended period of time and a backlog of more than 25 transfer requests
builds up. You can configure the number of transfers that an agent
processes using the 'maxSourceTransfers' and 'maxDestinationTransfers'
parameters. These parameters are described in:

If you increase the maximum number of transfers, this increases
the resources consumed by an agent. To accommodate this you might
want to adjust the amount of memory that the agent's JVM
uses. You can override the default agent JVM settings by setting
the "FTE_JVM_PROPERTIES" environment variable before you start the agent.
For example, specifying a FTE_JVM_PROPERTIES environment variable of
"-Xmx512M", sets the maximum amount of memory that the agent uses to
512 MB.

Retaining transfer log message information
The transfer log information generated by WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition,
is sent to the coordination queue manager where the information is published
to any subscribers. If there are no subscribers, the message will not be
delivered to any parties and will not be retained. To ensure that transfer log
messages are retained, you are strongly recommended to take one of several
actions before submitting the first file transfer to WebSphere MQ File Transfer
Edition. For more information see:

Running the fteCreateAgent command on z/OS
When you use the fteCreateAgent command to create an agent
with a bindings or local queue manager connection, the command
needs to know where the WebSphere MQ Java(TM) Native libraries
are located. The command is not able to get this information
on z/OS systems because there is no default
location and you will see the following informational message:

BFGMQ1007I: The coordination queue manager cannot be contacted
or has refused a connection attempt. The WebSphere MQ reason code
was 2495. The agent's presence will not be published.

To successfully register the agent on your WebSphere MQ File Transfer
Edition network when you subsequently run the fteStartAgent command,
set the system environment variable "LIBPATH" to the directory
location of your WebSphere MQ Java Native libraries. For example:

export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:<WMQ Java Native Library Location>

This variable is not set by default and causes the informational

By setting the javaLibraryPath in the file for
the agent, the presence of the agent will be registered anyway
at the first use of the fteStartAgent command.

Using fteCreateTransfer to copy an existing PDS data set to a new data set
When you use the fteCreateTransfer command to copy an existing PDS data
set to a new data set that is to be created by fteCreateTransfer, a PDSE
data set is created by default.

For example the following command copies the PDS data set
'test.pds.orig' to a new data set '':
fteCreateTransfer -sa ZOS2 -da ZOS1 -dp "//" "//test.pds.orig"

You can create a PDS rather than the default PDSE by specifying the
DSNTYPE(PDS) attribute. For example:

fteCreateTransfer -sa ZOS2 -da ZOS1 -dp "//;DSNTYPE(PDS)" "//test.pds.orig"

z/OS coordination queue managers and SYSTEM.QPUBSUB.QUEUE.NAMELIST
namelist changes
If you are using a z/OS queue manager as a coordination queue manager
and you make any changes to the SYSTEM.QPUBSUB.QUEUE.NAMELIST namelist,
you must restart the coordination queue manager's channel initiator
(CHINIT) to pick up the namelist changes.

Pending transfers in WebSphere MQ Explorer
When viewing Pending Transfers in the WebSphere MQ Explorer,
the information in the Name column is unique only for the
source agent handling the pending transfer. Because the
Explorer can show pending transfers from multiple agents,
the Name can appear to be duplicated. The unique reference
for a pending transfers consists of the Source column and Name

Deleting a scheduled transfer in WebSphere MQ Explorer
Typically, when you issue an fteDeleteScheduledTransfer command,
the command connects to the command queue manager that you have
configured. The WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition plug-in for
WebSphere MQ Explorer currently connects directly to the
agent queue manager instead.

In some environments, this connection to the agent queue manager
might cause the request to delete the scheduled transfer to fail.
One example of these environments is one secured with SSL. Another
example is where the agent queue manager is not contactable from
the WebSphere MQ Explorer using the agent's published information
because the agent queue manager is configured to connect to
localhost, or because of WebSphere MQ security or firewalls.

Command line help
The -jn parameter for the fteCreateTransfer command
is documented in US English only in the command line help.

Documentation for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
You can find the most current WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
product documentation at:

If you have installed the version of the information
center supplied on the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition
Remote Tools and Documentation CD, download the most current
information by clicking the Update button on the information
center toolbar. The instructions for updating the information
center are described in the topic "Using the WebSphere MQ
File Transfer Edition documentation". Or you can view the
instructions online at:

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

- IC59979 CSQX541E when using WMQFTE via MQ Explorer view
on Windows to connect to the z/OS queue manager

- PK80076 error EDC5024I an attempt was made to close a file that
had been opened by another thread while transferring QSAM files
to z/OS

- IC59697 (DOC) WMQFTE wild card behavior is not correct as stated
in the manual

- IC59671 MQ FTE is not handling correctly the standard output
stream when double byte character sets are used

- IC59506 WMQFTE scheduling transfer doesn't work when using
Japanese locale

- IC60263 Path delimiter in exits is inconsistent with an exit

- PK82916 DBCS EBCDIC text transfer problem with end of line characters



The following terms are trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries,
or both:
IBM SupportPac WebSphere z/OS

Windows is a trademark of Microsoft(R) Corporation in the
United States, other countries, or both.

Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks
of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries,
or both.

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United
States and other countries.

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States,
other countries, or both.

Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or
service marks of others.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKSJ","label":"WebSphere MQ"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"WMQ File Transfer Edition","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

