IBM Support

Process died unexpectedly returned from clustered engine during build



This technote outlines a possible problem with configuring clustered IBM® Rational® Build Forge® Engines, and details how it can be resolved.


An error is reported in the System Messages and the Engine's foreground output:

BuildForge: 457: Process for id [8] [B] died unexpectedly.

Engine Log / Foreground output:
Process: 692: Created process [/opt/local/bin/perl ./] with argument [8].
BuildForge: 692: Started process [760] for id [8] [B].
Build: 760: Process [760] started.
Build: 760: Build job [8] is not a queued build request.
BuildForge: 692: Job [8] [760] completed.


There are two engines attempting to use the same to access the database.

Build Forge will initially assign, 1engine1, to the first engine to activate on a new database. It then updates the bf_engines table, and writes a text file,, in the Build Forge root directory. The engine then reads the file moving forward.

A common problem is when two engines are first tested separately in their own DB and they both generate an file with the same 1engine1 value.


This problem is not specific to UNIX®, Linux® or Windows®, but it is related to setting up clustered engines in Build Forge.

Diagnosing The Problem

Take a look at all the files currently existing, then take a look in the bf_engines table.

A quick query to run is:

select bf_engineid from bf_engines

Make sure that each is accounted for in this table, and that both are unique of each other. When the is identical then the problem is likely to occur.

Resolving The Problem

This problem can be resolved by deleting the file and forcing the engine to obtain a fresh id the next time it starts up.

For more information on configuring Clustered Management Console, refer to IBM Rational Build Forge Installation Guide.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSB2MV","label":"Rational Build Forge"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Engine: Pooling","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0.2;7.0.1","Edition":"Enterprise;Standard;Express","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

