IBM Support

PowerShell tool for obtaining node information

How To


This tool was known as the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager nodes PowerShell tool.

# Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2012 v3.1.34
# Created on: 10/02/2014 09:45 AM
# Created by: Brandon Stevens
# Organization: Banner Health
# Filename: TSMForm2.psf


Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.WSMan.Management

$formTSMBackupRepairTool_Load = {

#TODO: Place custom script here

$Tooltip = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip

$ToolTip.AutomaticDelay = 0

$ToolTip.ToolTipIcon = info

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($buttonClear, “Clear All Text”)

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($buttonClose, “Close this Tool”)

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($buttonCycleCryptographicSe, “This button will cycle the Cryptographic Service”)

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($buttonTSMNodeErrorLog, “Displays TSM error log 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\BaClient\DSMerror.log'”)

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($buttonTSMNodeScheduleLog, “Displays TSM schedule log 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\BaClient\DSMsched.log'”)

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($buttonCycleTSMJournalServi, “Stops the TSM Journal Service, deletes all .jbbdb files from TSM directory and starts TSM journal service. This may take about 15 seconds to run.”)

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($buttonTSMNodeServices, “Displays dependent and affiliated services for Tivoli Storage Manager”)

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($buttonCycleTSMScheduleServ, “Cycles the TSM Scheduler Service. ::WARNING:: If an actual backup is running the stopping of this service kills the backup session.”)

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($buttonCycleWindowsManageme, “Cycles the Windows Management Instrumentation Service and services dependent with it”)

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($VSSadmin, “If writer state shows not running than cycle the services affilitated with it”)

$ToolTip.SetToolTip($buttonCycleCOMEventSystemS, “Cycles the COM + Event Service”)

$Tooltip.SetToolTip($buttonServerUptime, "Shows uptime of the host in the results text box")

$tooltip.SetToolTip($TSMJBBD, "When cycling the Journal Service sometimes the TSMJBBD process is stuck. This will end that process.")


$buttonTSMNodeServices_Click= {

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$Services.Text = Get-Service 'TSM Journal Service', 'TSM Scheduler', 'TSM Scheduler Clstr', EventSystem, CryptSvc, Winmgmt -Cn $Server | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String

$o = Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $Server

$systemDrive = $o.SystemDrive

$aOSName = $"|")

$b = Get-WmiObject win32_Bios -ComputerName $Server

$biosMfgTextBox.Text = $b.Manufacturer

$SystemInfo.Text = $aOSName[0], $o.OSArchitecture, $b.Manufacturer


$buttonTSMNodeErrorLog_Click= {

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$ResultObj = Get-Content -Path "\\$Server\C$\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerror.log" | Select-Object -Last 100

$ResultObj | Out-GridView -Title "DSM Error Log" -PassThru




$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$ResultObj = Get-Content -Path "\\$Server\C$\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmsched.log" | Select-Object -Last 100

$ResultObj | Out-GridView -Title "DSM Schedule Log" -PassThru



$buttonCycleCOMEventSystemS_Click= {

#TODO: Place custom script here

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$SrvName = "EventSystem"

$SrvObj = Get-Service -Name $SrvName -Cn $Server

$SrvObj | Stop-Service -force -PassThru

$SrvName + " is now " + (Get-Service $SrvName).status

$Results.Text = $SrvName + " is now " + $($SrvObj.Status)

Start-Sleep -s 10

$SrvObj | Start-Service -PassThru

$SrvName + " is now " + (Get-Service $SrvName).status

$Results.Text = $SrvName + " is now " + $($SrvObj.Status)



#TODO: Place custom script here

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$SrvName = "CryptSvc"

$SrvObj = Get-Service -Name $SrvName -Cn $Server

$SrvObj | Stop-Service -force -PassThru

$SrvName + " is now " + (Get-Service $SrvName).status

$Results.Text = $SrvName + " is now " + $($SrvObj.Status)

Start-Sleep -s 10

$SrvObj | Start-Service -PassThru

$SrvName + " is now " + (Get-Service $SrvName).status

$Results.Text = $SrvName + " is now " + $($SrvObj.Status)



#TODO: Place custom script here

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$SrvName= "CCMExec", "BITS", "VMUSArbService", "UALSVC", "Winmgmt"

$SrvObj = Get-Service -Name $SrvName -Cn $Server

$SrvObj | Stop-Service -Force -PassThru

$SrvName + " is now " + (Get-Service $SrvName).status

$Results.Text = $SrvName + " is now stopping " | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String

Start-Sleep -s 8

$SrvObj | Start-Service -PassThru

$SrvName + " is now " + (Get-Service $SrvName).status

$Results.Text = $SrvName + " is now running " | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String


$buttonCycleTSMScheduleServ_Click= {

#TODO: Place custom script here

$OUTPUT = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Do not proceed if backup is running! Are you sure you want to cycle the TSM Scheduler Service", "Status", 4)

if ($OUTPUT -eq "YES")


$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$SrvName = "TSM Scheduler"

$SrvObj = Get-Service -Name $SrvName -Cn $Server

$SrvObj | Stop-Service -force -PassThru

$SrvName + " is now " + (Get-Service $SrvName).status

$Results.Text = $SrvName + " is now " + $($SrvObj.Status)

Start-Sleep -s 2

$SrvObj | Start-Service -PassThru

$SrvName + " is now " + (Get-Service $SrvName).status

$Results.Text = $SrvName + " is now " + $($SrvObj.Status)




$CancelSched = Write-Host 'Cancelled'

$Results.Text = "TSM Schedule Service cycling is cancelled."




#TODO: Place custom script here

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$SrvName = "TSM Journal Service"

$SrvObj = Get-Service -Name $SrvName -Cn $Server

$SrvObj | Stop-Service -force -PassThru

$SrvName + " is now " + (Get-Service $SrvName).status

$Results.Text = $SrvName + " is now " + $($SrvObj.Status)

Start-Sleep -s 3

$SrvObj1 = "\\$Server\c`$\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\"

Get-ChildItem –Path $SrvObj1 -Filter *.jbbdb –Recurse | Remove-Item –Force

Start-Sleep -s 2

$SrvName2 = "TSM Journal Service"

$SrvObj2 = Get-Service -Name $SrvName2 -Cn $Server

$SrvObj2 | Start-Service

$SrvName2 + " is now " + (Get-Service $SrvName2).status

$Results.Text = $SrvName2 + " is now " + $($SrvObj2.Status)



#TODO: Place custom script here

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$ResultObj = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock { VSSAdmin List Writers }

$ResultObj | Out-GridView -PassThru



#TODO: Place custom script here




#TODO: Place custom script here

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$Services.Text = Get-Service 'TSM Journal Service', 'TSM Scheduler', EventSystem, CryptSvc, Winmgmt -Cn $Server | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String

$Services.ForeColor = 'Black'

$Services.BackColor = 'White'




#TODO: Place custom script here








#TODO: Place custom script here

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$date = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $Server | foreach{ $_.LastBootUpTime }

$RebootTime = [System.DateTime]::ParseExact($date.split('.')[0], 'yyyyMMddHHmmss', $null)

$Results.Text = "The host has been running since " +$RebootTime



#TODO: Place custom script here

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

$ResultObj = Get-Content -Path "\\$Server\C$\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerrorclstr.log" | Select-Object -Last 100

$ResultObj | Out-GridView -Title "DSM Error Log" -PassThru



$TSMJBBD_Click = {

#TODO: Place custom script here

$Server = $ComputerName.Text.Trim()

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock { taskkill /IM tsmjbbd.exe /f }

graphical user interface

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGSG7","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 March 2020

