IBM Support

Populate meters in New Asset Assemblies application

How To


Populate meters in New Asset Assemblies by using Master PM (CM) with meter based frequency for CM items


IBM Maximo Asset Configuration Manager 7.6.7



1- In Models (CM) application, create a new Model A380 with label System ATA

New CM Item A380 is already created by default.

On the Build Items (for A380) section, do New Row and add new Build Item FUSELAGE.

On the CM Items (for FUSELAGE) section from CM Item field, hyperlink to CM Item Master (CM) and add a new CM Item FUSELAGE, save and Return with Value, add Label 000000 for FUSELAGE and save.

On the Build Items (for A380) section, do New Row and add new Build Item RIGHTWING.

On the CM Items (for RIGHTWING) section from CM Item field, hyperlink to CM Item Master (CM) and add a new CM Item RIGHTWING, save and Return with Value, add Label 1111111 for RIGHTWING and save

On the Build Items (for A380) section, click New Row and add new Build Item LEFTWING.

On the CM Items (for LEFTWING) section from CM Item field, hyperlink to CM Item Master (CM) and add a new CM Item LEFTWING, save and Return with Value, add Label 222222 for LEFTWING and save.

image 7935

In Configurations tab, uncheck Abstract checkbox and change status to ACTIVE.

Go to Build Hierarchy and Configuration Rules tab and create Hierarchy:

Right-click on square icon on row for A380, add a New Child under it with FUSELAGE, then same for RIGHTWING and LEFTWING

image 7938

2- In the CM Item Master (CM) application, select FUSELAGE and select "Add to Item Master" action. It creates a FUSELAGE Rotating Item that is referenced in the Item field

3- In Item Master (CM), open FUSELAGE and select "Add Item to Storeroom" action.  Change status to ACTIVE.

4- In Assets (CM) app, create a new Asset FUSELAGE12 and reference CM Item FUSELAGE and save.

5- Go to the Master PM (CM) application, create a new record e.g. FUSELAGE12, select FUSELAGE for the CM Item field.

image 7939

6- Go to Frequency tab, Meter Based Frequency sub-tab

Enter a Meter e.g. 'FLTHRS' (Flight Hours), add a frequency

Enter another meter with frequency e.g. RUNHOURS

image 7941

Change the status to ACTIVE

7- Select “Create associated PMs for CM Items” action and select asset FUSELAGE12

A new PM # 1028 is created.

8- Go to New Asset Assemblies (CM) application and create a new Asset e.g. MYPLANE

Enter the same CM item "FUSELAGE" and Model "A380" from step 1 above

Enter "NOT READY" in the status field

Enter a Registration number and save the record

image 7947

9- In the CM Item Master (CM) application, select CM item "RIGHTWING" and select “Add to Item Master” action. It creates a RIGHTWING Rotating Item that is referenced in the Item field

image 7948

10- In Item Master (CM), filter for "RIGHTWING" and select "Add Item to Storeroom" 

 Add to a storeroom

Change the status to ACTIVE

image 7949

11- In Assets (CM) app, create a new Asset RIGHTWING1

Reference CM Item RIGHTWING and save the record

image 7950

12- Go to the Master PM (CM) application, create a new record e.g. RIGHTWING

Enter RIGHTWING for the CM Item field and RIGHTWING for the Item field

image 7951

13- Go to Frequency tab, Meter Based Frequency sub-tab

- Enter a Meter in the Meter-based Frequency, e.g. FUEL-G

Enter another Meter with frequency

Change the status to ACTIVE

image 7952

14- Select “Create associated PMs for CM Items” action and select asset RIGHTWING1.

A new PM is created e.g. PM 1029

15- Go to New Asset Assemblies (CM) application and open Asset MYPLANE

16- Go to "Create Meters from CM Build" action

Receive message: “BMXAM0225I - New asset meters created successfully.”

17- Go to the Meters tab on the bottom of the screen

All meters from the various Master PMs referenced for the CM Builds for this Asset are correctly referenced on the Asset

image 7953

18- Go to the Sub Assembly Details tab.

Go to Action/ Select “Create Sub Assemblies from CM Build” option.

You get message: “BMXAM0226I - New asset sub assemblies and their meters created successfully.”

The Sub Assemblies table has been updated with the relevant Build Items.

10- Go to Initial Readings tab, Initial Readings for Build Item 'RIGHTWING' are populated

image 7954

Additional Information

The "Create Meters from CM Build" action in New Asset Assemblies depends on Master PMs with Meter Frequencies associated with the CM Item of the Assets.
The Meters and Meter Groups associated with a Rotating Item are only applied at the point of ASSET creation 
There is no way to create the Meter records at the New Asset Assemblies stage based on the associated Rotating Item / Meter Groups.

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKSJ","label":"Maximo Asset Configuration Manager"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbFDAA0","label":"Industry Solutions->Maximo Asset Configuration Manager"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS004756695","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
25 January 2021

