IBM Support

Planned Material descriptions are not translated to secondary language



You might experience a scenario where translation does not appear to work for Item description in Plans tab, Materials subtab when the User profile for the connected user is changed to another language, for example, NL - dutch. WPMaterial Linetype-Item descriptions are not translated to Dutch (NL) language.
In Planned Work Order Material Tab, when an Line type: Item is being used and when we select any Item, the description is not being translated to Locale (NL) of the logged in user.


Ensure to have a MAS/Manage environment with both NL and EN languages installed, where EN is the base language
Run in the Database the following SQL to ensure you have data in the language tables:
You will notice the langcode for the results is set to NL, which is good.
Log into Manage as Maxadmin and go to Default Information to ensure the user Language is set to ENGLISH
Go to Job Plans app and create a new Job Plan and ensure you add a new Material line for item 0-0031 for this job plan, save it. Take note of the Job Plan.
Go to Work Order Tracking app, create a new workorder and ensure you add in the Plans tab, Materials subtab a new Material line for item 0-0031, save it. Take note of the Work Order.
Go to Default Information to ensure the user Language is set to DUTCH and locale set to NL-nl
Log out of Manage, and close browser windows
Log into Manage as Maxadmin and you will notive you are now logged as Dutch language user, which is fine.
Go to Job Plans app and find your job plan.  Verify the description of your item is correctly translated to dutch.
Go to Work Order Tracking app, find your workorder.  Note the descriptiion of your item is NOT translated to dutch it is still showing in english, which is wrong.
(HOWEVER if you insert a new material line, then it will correctly translate the item description to dutch, which makes it inconsistent)

Resolving The Problem

Here is from our Development team :

This is working as designed, data is translated only for tables which are multi-language supported. In this case ITEM is a supported table while WPMATERIAL is not. So when they change the language from English to Dutch (NL), data is translated only for supported tables and only existing data is translated i.e. if you don't already have a translation stored in language table than it is not converted on the fly.

So when the customer changes languages from English to Dutch (NL) data is translated for ITEM table as that is supported and translation for 0-0031's description existed in L_ITEM Table, also JOBMATERIAL's description got translated as that is not an individual field and that description is ITEM.DESCRIPTION.

While WPMATERIAL.DESCRIPTION did not get translated as it is an individual persistant field and WPMATERIAL table along with its attributes is not multi-language supported.

Also why the description is translated in WPMATERIAL from the next "New Row" option is because than it takes Description from the ITEM.DESCRIPTION which is translated after language change.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbP6AAK","label":"System Administration"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.0.0;and future releases"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 May 2024

