IBM Support

Patching the Login_Security module to work with IBM API Connect portal site



The unexpected discontinuation of the login_security module from releases and 10.0.8 presents a pressing dilemma for users who heavily depend on its security functionalities, compelling the adoption of proactive measures such as comprehensive support, detailed documentation, and exploration of potential alternative solutions to safeguard the continuity, security, and stability of customer deployments.


Beginning with releases and 10.0.8, the login_security module will not be included in the standard package.

Resolving The Problem

To install the login_security module on your site, you can download its latest version for Drupal 10 from here. For detailed guidance on how to install a custom module, refer to our step-by-step tutorial page on our Knowledge Center.By following these instructions, you should be able to use the login_security module on your site without affecting its stability. However, be aware that further updates, support, or compatibility fixes for this module are not guaranteed.

Warning: Since the login_security module is no longer part of our standard distribution, anyone who decides to use it as a custom module does so at their own risk. IBM will not offer support for this module, and you will be responsible for all maintenance and troubleshooting.


After installing the module you can now patch it to make it work with the IBM API Connect Portal site. 

Step 1:- First exec into one of portal-www pods admin container;

 kubectl exec -ti POD_NAME -c admin -- bash

Step 2:- Create the first patch files 


vi /tmp/login_security-patch-1.patch

Then copy and paste below into the newly created file, then save and exit (:wq).

--- modules/login_security/login_security.module    
+++ modules/login_security/login_security.module    
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
 use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
 use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
+use Drupal\ibm_apim\ApicType\ApicUser;
  * Implements hook_cron().
@@ -124,7 +125,16 @@
 function login_security_soft_block_validate(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
   $config = \Drupal::config('login_security.settings');
-  $variables = _login_security_get_variables_by_name($form_state->getValue('name'));
+  $name = !empty($form_state->getValue('name')) ? $form_state->getValue('name') : NULL;
+  if ($name) {
+    $variables = _login_security_get_variables_by_name($name, $form_state->getValue('registry_url'));
+  }
+  else {
+    // Set as already notified:
+    \Drupal::state()->set('login_security.threshold_notified', TRUE);
+  }
   // Check for host login attempts: Soft.
   if ($variables['@soft_block_attempts'] >= 1) {
     if ($variables['@ip_current_count'] >= $variables['@soft_block_attempts']) {
@@ -145,12 +155,19 @@
   // Sanitize user input.
   // Setting $name=NULL will use the anonymous user:
   $name = !empty($form_state->getValue('name')) ? $form_state->getValue('name') : NULL;
+  $registry_url = !empty($form_state->getValue('registry_url')) ? $form_state->getValue('registry_url') : NULL;
   // Expire old tracked entries.
-  // Populate variables to be used in any module message or login operation.
-  $variables = _login_security_get_variables_by_name($name);
+  if ($name) {
+    // Populate variables to be used in any module message or login operation.
+    $variables = _login_security_get_variables_by_name($name, $registry_url);
+  }
+  else {
+    // Set as already notified:
+    \Drupal::state()->set('login_security.threshold_notified', TRUE);
+  }
   // Detect an ongoing attack:
   // An ongoing attack counts the total failed login attempts and notifies
@@ -436,22 +453,31 @@
  * @return array
  *   login_security variables.
-function _login_security_get_variables_by_name($name = NULL) {
+function _login_security_get_variables_by_name($name = NULL, $registry = NULL) {
   global $base_url;
   $config = \Drupal::config('login_security.settings');
-  $account = _login_security_user_load_by_name($name);
+  $apicUserStorage = \Drupal::service('ibm_apim.user_storage');
+  if ($registry !== NULL) {
+    $login_user = new ApicUser();
+    $login_user->setUsername($name);
+    $login_user->setApicUserRegistryUrl($registry);
+    $account = $apicUserStorage->load($login_user);
+  } else {
+    // fall through to the more risky user_load_by_name - this will fail if there are more than 1 matching user by name
+    $account = user_load_by_name($name);
+  }
   $ipaddress = \Drupal::request()->getClientIp();
   $request_time = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime();
   $variables = [
     '@date' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($request_time),
     '@ip' => $ipaddress,
-    '@username' => $account->getAccountName(),
-    '@email' => $account->getEmail() ?? '',
-    '@uid' => $account->id(),
+    '@username' => $account ? $account->getAccountName() : null, 
+    '@email' => $account ? $account->getEmail() : null,
+    '@uid' => $account ? $account->id() : null,
     '@site' => \Drupal::config('')->get('name'),
     '@uri' => $base_url,
-    '@edit_uri' => Url::fromRoute('entity.user.edit_form', ['user' => $account->id()], ['absolute' => TRUE])->toString(),
+    '@edit_uri' => $account ? Url::fromRoute('entity.user.edit_form', ['user' => $account->id()], ['absolute' => TRUE])->toString() : null,
     '@hard_block_attempts' => $config->get('host_wrong_count_hard'),
     '@soft_block_attempts' => $config->get('host_wrong_count'),
     '@user_block_attempts' => $config->get('user_wrong_count'),

Step 3:- Create the second patch files 


vi /tmp/login_security-patch-2.patch
Then copy and paste below into the newly created file, then save and exit (:wq).
--- modules/login_security/src/Form/LoginSecurityAdminSettings.php    
+++ modules/login_security/src/Form/LoginSecurityAdminSettings.php    
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
     $form['notification']['disable_core_login_error'] = [
       '#type' => 'checkbox',
+      '#disabled' => TRUE,
       '#title' => $this->t('Disable login failure error message'),
       '#description' => $this->t('Prevents the display of login error messages. <br>
         A user attempting to login will not be aware if the account exists, an invalid user name or password has been submitted, or if the account is blocked. The core messages are also hidden.'),
@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@
     $form['notification']['notice_attempts_available'] = [
       '#type' => 'checkbox',
+      '#disabled' => TRUE,
       '#title' => $this->t('Notify the user about the number of remaining login attempts'),
       '#default_value' => $config->get('notice_attempts_available'),
       '#description' => $this->t('The user is notified about the number of remaining login attempts before the account gets blocked. <br>

Step 4:- Apply the patches
First CD into your site directory 

cd /var/aegir/platforms/PLATFORM-DIR-NAME/sites/SITE-DIR-NAME
Please note :- that you can get your platform directory name by running ls/var/aegir/platforms and you can get your site directory name by running list_sites-a|awk'{print $3}'

Once on the site directory, you can then run the patch command to patch the module.
patch -p0 -i /tmp/login_security-patch-1.patch  

You can run a dry run of this command first by providing the --dry-run flag to the command.
Repeat the above command for the second patch file.
Once the patches are applied you can enable the module and start configuring it.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSMNED","label":"IBM API Connect"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000Ce9QAAS","label":"API Connect-\u003EDeveloper Portal (MM)"},{"code":"a8m0z0000004Cq8AAE","label":"API Connect-\u003EManagement and Monitoring (MM)-\u003EOther"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
25 April 2024

