IBM Support

Oracle Solaris™ Server Requirements and Support



IBM Spectrum Protect Server for Oracle Solaris™ minimum requirements and support below.

Resolving The Problem

Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements

Tip: Beginning with Version 7.1.3, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager is now IBM Spectrum Protect. Some applications such as the software fulfillment systems and IBM License Metric Tool use the new product name. However, the software and its product documentation continue to use the Tivoli Storage Manager product name. To learn more about the rebranding transition, see

Versions that have reached End of Support :
  • Tivoli Storage Manager Version 6.2
  • Tivoli Storage Manager Version 6.1
  • Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.5
IBM Spectrum Protect Server V7.1
Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements
One of the following processors is required:
  • Ultra SPARC-based processors (sun4u architecture)
  • Ultra SPARC-based processors (sun4v architecture)
Disk space
The following list is the minimum values for disk space for Ultra SPARC-based processors (sun4u and sun4v architecture) for the respective directories and logs:

  • 512 MB for the /var directory
    • 5 GB for the installation directory
  • 2 GB for the /tmp directory
  • 128 MB in the home directory for the root user
Tip: Expect to use more space for problem determination.
  • 2 GB for the shared resources area

Significant additional disk space is required for database and log files. The size of the database depends on the number of client files to be stored and the method by which the server manages them. The default active log space is 16 GB, the minimum that is needed for most workloads and configurations. Allocate at least three times the active log space for the archive log (48 GB). Ensure that you have sufficient resources if you are using data deduplication or expect a heavy client workload.
You must format the disk device to have a disk sector size of 512 bytes.

For optimal performance and to facilitate I/O, specify at least two equally sized containers or Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) for the database. See Optimizing Performance for more information about the configuration of directories for the database. In addition, each active log and archive log should have its own container or LUN.

Ensure that you see the capacity planning section for more details about disk space.

The following minimum values for memory:
  • 12 GB.
  • 16 GB if you are using data deduplication.
  • At least 40 GB for heavily used servers. Using 40 GB or more of memory enhances performance of the Spectrum Protect server database inventory.
  • If you plan to run multiple instances, each instance requires the memory listed for one server. Multiply the memory for one server by the number of instances planned for the system.
  • Node replication processing requires additional memory. Use a minimum of 32 GB of memory for node replication without data deduplication. Node replication with data deduplication requires a minimum of 64 GB of memory.
  • When you create the active log, you need at least 64 GB of memory to run replication. If replication and deduplication are both being used, create an active log of 128 GB in size.

Tip: Ensure that there is at least twice as much swap space allocated as there is physical memory on the system.
Operating system
  • Solaris 10 Update 10
    • Patch 118822-25
    • If raw devices are used, patch 125100-07
  • Solaris 10 Update 11 (starting with TSM v7.1.1.100)
  • Solaris 11 Update 2 (starting with TSM v7.1.1.200)
Communication protocol
Device drivers
The Spectrum Protect device driver required for non-IBM® drives and tape libraries. The Spectrum Protect device driver package contains device driver tools and ACSLS daemons.

For the IBM 3590, 3592, or the Ultrium tape library or drives, the IBM device drivers are required. Install the most current device drivers. You can locate IBM driver packages at the Fix Central website:

Configure the device drivers before you use the Spectrum Protect server with tape devices.

Gunzip utility
The gunzip utility must be available on your system before you install or upgrade the Spectrum Protect Version 7 server. Ensure that the gunzip utility is installed and the path to it is set in the PATH environment variable.
Other software
Korn Shell (ksh)

To authenticate IBM Spectrum Protect users with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server, you must use one of the following directory servers:
  • Microsoft Active Directory (Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012)
  • IBM Security Directory Server V6.3
  • IBM Security Directory Server V6.4

Tivoli Storage Manager server V6.3
Operating System
Communication Protocol
Additional Software
Version 6.3

One of the following processors required:
  • Ultra SPARC-based processors (sun4u architecture)
  • Ultra SPARC-based processors (sun4v architecture)
  • 12 GB.
  • 16 GB if you are using deduplication.
  • At least 32 GB for heavily used servers. Using 32 GB or more of memory enhances performance of the Tivoli Storage Manager server database inventory.
  • If you plan to run multiple instances, each instance requires the memory listed for one server. Multiply the memory for one server by the number of instances planned for the system.
Tip: Ensure that there is at least twice as much swap space allocated as there is physical memory on the system.

Disk space
The following list is the minimum disk space for Ultra SPARC-based processors (sun4u and sun4v architecture) for the respective directories and logs:
  • 5 MB for the /var directory
  • 30 MB for the /opt directory if you create mount points
  • 2 GB for the /opt/tivoli/tsm directory
  • 600 MB for the /tmp directory
  • 300 MB for the /usr directory
  • 2 GB in the home directory
Tip: Expect to use more space for problem determination.

You must format the disk device to have a disk sector size of 512 bytes.

Significant additional disk space is required for database and log files. The size of the database depends on the number of client files to be stored and the method by which the server manages them. The default active log space is 16 GB, the minimum that is needed for most workloads and configurations. Allocate at least three times the active log space for the archive log (48 GB). Ensure that you have sufficient resources if you are using deduplication or expect a heavy client workload.

For optimal performance and to facilitate I/O, specify at least four separate directories or Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) to be used by the database and logs. By making these specifications, I/O is balanced across multiple directories or mounts.

Ensure that you see the capacity planning section for more details about disk space.

Version 6.3
  • Oracle Solaris 11 (Storage Agent only with TSM Storage Agent
  • Oracle Solaris 10 running in 64-bit mode on an Ultra Sparc system with sun4u or sun4v architecture
    • Patch 118822-25
    • If raw devices are used, patch 125100-07
Version 6.3

Version 6.3
  • Device and drivers

  • If you have an IBM® 3570, 3590 or Ultrium tape library or drive, install the most current device driver. Configure the device driver before using the Tivoli Storage Manager server with tape devices.

    You can locate IBM device drivers at the Fix Central website.

  • Gunzip utility

  • The gunzip utility must be available on your system before you install or upgrade the Tivoli Storage Manager Version 6 server. Ensure that the gunzip utility is installed and the path to it is set in the PATH environment variable.
  • Korn Shell (ksh)
Tivoli Storage Manager server V6.2
Version 6.2

One of the following processors required:
  • Sun Ultra SPARC-based (sun4u architecture)
  • Sun Ultra SPARC-based processors (sun4v architecture)
  • x86_64-based processors (AMD64 or EM64T architecture)

Recommended and minimum memory requirements and minimum space requirements to run:
Recommended memory: 12 GB. 16 GB if you are using deduplication.

Also consider:
· Large production servers may require more than the recommended amount of memory.

Minimum memory: 4 GB for small production servers. A server is considered to be small if it has the following characteristics:

· It does not use storage pool deduplication.

· It supports only a small number of clients, or the nightly backup data transferred is 100 GB or less.

· It is used only as a library manager.

· On a machine having only 4 GB of RAM, only a single server is being run.

Additional information to consider:

· If the intention is to run with less than the recommended amount of memory, it is further suggested that this configuration be tested under those circumstances to determine that this will support the intended workload in this particular environment. Or if V6.1 servers are already implemented in these less then recommended memory environments, that would also provide a proof point that this may be suitable for these particular environments.

For more details about deduplication, search the keyword deduplication.


Disk Space
  • 5 MB for the /var directory
  • 10 MB for the /opt directory if you create mount points
  • 2 GB for the /opt/tivoli/tsm directory if you create mount points
  • 600 MB for the /tmp directory
  • 300 MB for the /usr directory
  • 2 GB in the home directory

Significant additional disk space is required for database and log files. The size of the database depends on the number of client files to be stored and the method by which the server manages them. The default active log space is 16 GB, the minimum that is needed for most workloads and configurations. Allocate at least three times the active log space for the archive log (48 GB). Ensure that you have sufficient resources if you are using deduplication or expect a heavy client workload.

You must format the disk device to have a disk sector size of 512 bytes.

For optimal performance and to facilitate I/O, specify at least four separate directories or Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) to be used by the database and logs. This allows I/O to be balanced across multiple directories or mounts.
Version 6.2

You need one of the following systems:
  • Oracle Solaris 11 (Storage Agent only with TSM Storage Agent 6.2.5)
  • Oracle Solaris 10 running in 64-bit mode on a Sun Ultra Sparc system with sun4u or sun4v architectures
  • Patch 118822-25
  • If raw devices are used, patch 125100-07
  • Oracle Solaris 10 running in 64-bit mode on a system with AMD64 or EM64T architecture
  • Patch 127128-11
Version 6.2

Version 6.2

If you have an IBM® 3570, 3590 or Ultrium tape library or drive, install the most current device driver before you install Tivoli Storage Manager Version 6.2. You can locate the device drivers at
Tivoli Storage Manager server V6.1
Version 6.1

One of the following processors required:
  • Sun Ultra SPARC-based (sun4u or sun4v architecture)
  • x86_64-based processors (AMD64 or EM64T architecture

Recommended memory requirements and minimum space requirements to run:

Recommended Memory:
  • 12 GB. 16 GB if you are using deduplication.
    Also consider:
    · Large production servers may require more than the recommended amount of memory.

Minimum Memory:
  • 2 GB (4 GB for production servers)

Disk space:
  • 2 GB for the /opt directory
  • 100 MB for the /var directory
  • 2 GB for the /tmp directory
  • 200 MB for the /usr directory
  • 2 GB for the active log
  • .5 GB for the archive log and the failover archive log
  • .5 GB for the database directory
  • 2 GB for the mirror log
You must format the disk device to have a disk sector size of 512 bytes.

You need additional disk space for database logging, depending on your product usage requirements.
Version 6.1
  • Oracle Solaris 10 running in 64-bit mode on a Sun Ultra Sparc system with sun4u or sun4v architectures
  • Oracle Solaris 10 running in 64-bit mode on a system with AMD64 or EM64T architecture
Version 6.1
  • TCP/IP
Version 6.1
  • IBM Java™ 1.5 or later.
Tivoli Storage Manager server V5.5
Version 5.5
  • For SPARC: Any Sun system which supports the Sun4u or Sun4v architecture
  • For x86_64: An AMD64 or Intel EM64T or compatible processor

  • 512 MB

Disk space:
  • 128 MB
You must format the disk device to have a disk sector size of 512 bytes.
Version 5.5

Oracle Solaris 9 (64 bit, only on SPARC servers)

Oracle Solaris 10 (64 bit, SPARC or x86_64 servers)
Version 5.5
  • TCPIP/IP, which comes standard with Oracle Solaris
  • Shared Memory Protocol
Version 5.5

Transfer a client from the distribution medium to the target workstation
  • Additional temporary disk space is required during the transfer.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSGSG7","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Server","Platform":[{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"5.5;6.1;6.2;6.3;7.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

More support for:
Tivoli Storage Manager

Software version:
5.5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.1

Operating system(s):

Document number:

Modified date:
17 June 2018

