IBM Support

Operational Decision Manager Known Limitations, Version 8.8



This page lists the known limitations in releases of the Operational Decision Manager 8.8. The list also provides workarounds for most of the issues.

Updated: March 2021



Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
When a user enters unicode characters such as German umlauts and French accents in logging in to an ODM console, an error is displayed: Invalid user name or password. On the WebSphere Liberty application server, you can fix the issue by adding the following line to the jvm.options file, which is located in the same directory as server.xml: -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8

On the Tomcat application server, you must set the encoding of the form authenticator value:
<Context docBase="teamserver" path="/teamserver" reloadable="true"
<ResourceLink global="jdbc/ilogDataSource" name="jdbc/ilogDataSource"
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator"
characterEncoding="UTF-8" />
The Program Directory for ODM Standard and Advanced on z/OS states that the PSP upgrade is ODM880 for both products. This should be ODMS881 for ODM Standard, and ODMA881 for ODM Advanced. 8.8.1
Operational Decision Manager no longer supports Java SE 6. Use Java SE 7 or 8. 8.8

Decision Server Rule Designer

Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
While you are editing ruleflows, decision tables or decision trees in Rule Designer on Mac OS, the Eclipse window stops responding, and the Eclipse process must be closed.
Avoid editing ruleflows, decision tables and decision trees in Rule Designer on MacOS. Use the editors in Decision Center, or use Rule Designer on a different operating system, for example, Windows or Linux.
For decision tables, try disabling the Swing editors in Rule Designer:
  1. In the toolbar, open Window > Preferences > Rule Designer.
  2. Deselect Embedded Swing editors.
  3. Click Apply and Close.
The name property cannot be empty when you publish a project from Rule Designer to Decision Center. Make sure that all the rules and packages are in the rule folder, and there is no .rulepackage file directly in the rule folder or anywhere else in the rule project. All
Rule Designer does not support proxy servers that require authentication. Configure an exception on your proxy server to allow unauthenticated connections from the machine that is running Rule Designer. All
Rule Designer in MacOS does not support testing on the Decision Validation Service. No workaround. 8.8.1
The Rule Designer keyboard shortcuts for Mac OS X vary from those for other operating systems.
  • In editors for decision tables, decision trees and ruleflows, instead of Cmd+C and Cmd+V for copy and paste, you must use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
  • Cmd+S for saving inside an editor, and Cmd+Z and Cmd+Shift+Z for undo and redo do not work. For these actions, use the file and edit menus, or the toolbar icons where available.
  • In the ruleflow editor, you cannot drop packages into the editor. Create a rule task, and configure it by selecting packages in the properties view.
  • In the decision tree editor, you cannot move nodes.
In Rule Designer, there is no warning that certain language fragments are not implemented. When a user is in the autocomplete editor and the language includes a syntax that is not defined, autocomplete does not indicate what to do next. When no suggestion is provided for what to add next, the user must enter the values. 8.8
When a business object model (BOM) uses a dynamic domain model from an Excel file, the members of the domain model must have names that are valid Java identifiers. When migrating projects from previous releases, you must rename the dynamic model members that are not valid Java identifiers. In Operational Decision Manager (ODM) V8.8, the members of dynamic domain models must have names that correspond to valid Java identifiers. This restriction does not apply to previous releases of ODM.

When migrating projects from previous releases, you must rename the dynamic model members that are not valid Java identifiers.

A Java identifier can contain uppercase and lowercase ASCII Latin letters, ASCII digits, the ASCII underscore (_), and the dollar sign ($). The first character of the name must be a letter.


  • digital4_concept
  • Time$part
Rule Designer fails to start, and its error log shows messages like the following statement:
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: JVMCFRE003 bad major version; class=ilog/rules/studio/ui/perspectives/IlrRuleEditingPerspectiveFactory, offset=6
If you installed both Rule Designer and Insight Designer on your computer, uninstall both applications. Then, before your reinstall them, in the preferences of Installation Manager, make sure that the repositories for ODM Rules are listed before the repositories for ODM Insight. (This also applies to fix pack and iFix repositories. ODM Rules repositories are sometimes identified by the "DSR" acronym, and ODM Insight by "CIS" or "DSI".)
When you are ready to reinstall the applications, install Rule Designer before you install Insight Designer.
Alternatively, you can configure Rule Designer to run on an instance of JVM 1.8. Edit the -vm parameter in the <ODM_INSTALLDIR>/eclipse.ini file to point to the bin folder of the JVM 1.8 installation.
You cannot synchronize a folder that has a period (.) in its name. I a folder has a period in its name, rename the folder to remove the period. 8.8
In decision service projects, you cannot pass ruleset parameters from a COBOL or PL/I application. The variable set page does not have the option Enable type check for COBOL XOM or PL/I XOM. 8.8
Rule Designer uses only Eclipse 4.4.2. To use an existing instance of Eclipse, it must be version 4.4.2. If you have an earlier version of Eclipse, update it to 4.4.2 to use Rule Designer. 8.8

Rule Execution Server

Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
With versions of WebSphere Application Server prior to, a defect (PH14966) prevents the Rule Execution Server console from starting. Change the name of the library <WAS_HOME>/plugins/ to <WAS_HOME>/plugins/ All
In the decision engine, a ruleset with ruleflows that contain tasks and packages with UTF-8 characters in their names might break at runtime when running IBM JDK or Avoid updating your runtime servers to IBM JDK IBM JDK is looking for a solution. If upgrading the JDK is required, modify the names in the ruleflow to use ASCII characters. All
When calling rules that use HTDS REST with XML payload as input, if the input payload has incorrect data, for example, a string data type attribute assigned an integer value, instead of throwing an exception and returning a 500 error, it executes the rules and returns incorrect results. Verify the correctness of the parameters by running the validate request before the execution request. 8.8
The Excel scenario files for simulations and tests do not support XMLGregorianCalendar. When you try to create a XMLGregorinaCalendar object, you get the error java.lang.InstantiationException. Use the class constructor to initialize attributes. Provide a Date type as an input parameter to the class constructor, and then translate it into XMLGregorianCalendar. For more information, see . All
Introduced in 8.8.1, a new public API, String getRulesetSignature(), returns different content for the classic rule engine (CRE) and the decision engine (DE). If you use this API, be careful to check the returned document structures. The engines invoke different implementations, resulting in the inner content being the same and the outer content being different, as shown in the following examples:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<desc:signature-declaration xmlns:desc=" " xmlns:sig=" ">
<sig:type bom-type="financial.EventBatch" kind="xml" xml-element="EventBatch" xom-type="financial.EventBatch"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<sig:ruleset-interface xmlns:sig=" ">
<sig:type bom-type="financial.EventBatch" kind="xml" xml-element="EventBatch" xom-type="financial.EventBatch"/>
Tables in the topic "Execution data that is collected in the SMF records" in the IBM Knowledge Center for Operational Decision Manager for z/OS contain errors. The tables contain the following errors:
  • In table 1, SMF120HDV is for only ODM for z/OS 8.8.
  • In table 3, ignore entries RULEXPATH and RULEXCMIN.
8.8.0, 8.8.1
The product documentation does not state clearly how to set the epoch time stamps of the REST API for Decision Warehouse traces. You must specify the start and end parameters available on certain resources as epoch time stamps in milliseconds. 8.8.1
Calling a ruleset from another ruleset is not officially supported on the distributed and z/OS platforms in all versions of Operational Decision Manager, including 8.8.0. None 8.8
When you run Rule Execution Server on WebSphere Application Server, Java 7 must be SR5 or later. Ensure that you use the correct version of Java. 8.8
You cannot deploy the RES console in a JEE cluster. None 8.8
You must deploy the RES console as a singleton in a WAS ND cell. None 8.8
When the Liberty application server in CICS 5.3 hosts the RES console, expanding some sections of the console causes an error page to open, for example, expanding the property section of a rule. Click the address bar and press Enter to reload the page. The error goes away, and the section expands or contracts correctly. 8.8

zRule Execution Server

Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
When TCP/IP is restarted while the zRule Execution Server console is still running, the console goes into a loop, outputting [NioSocketAcceptor-1] WARN org.apache.mina.util.DefaultExceptionMonitor - Unexpected exception messages to the console error file. Stop the zRES server and console before restarting TCP/IP, and then start them again once TCP/IP is restarted. 8.8
Interceptors require the XOM classes to be in the class path of zRES. Interceptors cannot use managed XOMs. Class path entries override the managed XOMs, so any XOM that you provide as a managed XOM resource is ignored by the interceptors and by zRES during rule execution. If you use interceptors, ensure that you keep the XOMs in the class path up to date. To avoid confusion, do not upload a XOM as a managed resource through the zRES console, as the XOM will be ignored. All
When you use CICS 5.3 and WOLA, you get the message Transaction HBRC failed with abend BBOX. Instead of WAS, use zRES or CICS JVM to host the rules. 8.8.1
In the log file ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/your_ssid/logs/messages.log, you see the following message:

CWWKS2911E: SAF Service RACROUTE_FASTAUTH did not succeed because the resource profile YOUR_SSID.res.resDeployers in class EJBROLE does not exist.

Define each resource profile that is shown in the IBM Knowledge Center to the EJBROLE class:
  • YOUR_SSID.res.resDeployers
  • YOUR_SSID.res.resAdministrators
  • YOUR_SSID.res.resMonitors
When running the zRES inside the the CICS JVM server, it is not possible to use the ruleset interceptor capability when using DB2 as the HBRPERSISTENCETYPE. It is recommended that you use HBRPERSISTENCETPYE of FILE in this situation to be able to exploit the ruleset interceptors in the CICS JVM server. 8.8
When running zRES in embedded mode (HBRTARGETRES=EMBED) a second pair of HBRCONN/HBRDISC calls can fail. It is recommended that only one pair of HBRCONN/HBRDISC calls be used per batch job when running in embedded mode. Multiple HBRRULE calls may be done between them. 8.8
Calling a ruleset from another ruleset is not officially supported in all versions of Operational Decision Manager, including 8.8.0. None 8.8
When the Liberty application server in CICS 5.2 or 5.3, using JDBC type 2, hosts the zRule Execution Server (zRES) console, the following error message is displayed:
Use JDBC type 4 connections when running ODM in CICS Liberty. 8.8
When the Liberty application server in CICS 5.3 hosts the zRES console, expanding some sections of the console causes an error page to open, for example, expanding the property section of a rule. Click the address bar and press Enter to reload the page. The error goes away, and the section expands or contracts correctly. 8.8

Profile Templates

Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
WebSphere Application Server Profile Management Tool fails to create or augment profiles. Before starting Profile Management Tool, make sure that WAS is using Java 7 by default. To do so, use the the managesdk script in the WAS bin folder. For example, for the Linux platform, it is as follows:
  • cd WAS/bin./ -listAvailable
Note the Java 7 SDK name, for example, 1.7_64, and use it in the following commands:
  • ./ -setCommandDefault -sdkName 1.7_64
  • ./ -setNewProfileDefault -sdkName 1.7_64

Decision Server Insights

Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
Insight Designer cannot be launched on MacOS. Use an Oracle JDK8 with a build version less than or equal to 1.8.0_151.
The REST API cannot access a shared aggregate definition whose first letter is capitalized. Start the definition with a lowercase letter. For example, change "the Number avg aggregator" to "the number avg aggregator." 8.8.1
In Insight Designer, when you deploy two or more solutions with the same version level to the server, the run might fail. Use solutions that have different minor version numbers. 8.8.1
In Insight Designer, you cannot write checks in a test scenario for shared aggregates that are grouped by a relationship to an entity. Test the value of these attributes by using TestDriver within a JUnit test, instead of by using test scenarios. 8.8.1
In Insight Designer, several solutions with Java/SPSS agent or extension projects cannot import packages from their Java models when they have the same version level. Use solutions with different version levels. 8.8.1
The system monitor might capture the message CWMBD0207 too often because the solution property warningProcessingTimeThreshold is set to 2,000 milliseconds by default. Set the solution property warningProcessingTimeThreshold to at least 1 minute. 8.8.1
Insight Monitor and WebSphere object grid mbeans stop working when you embed the IBM Health Center agent. Update the IBM Health Center agent in Decision Server Insights to v3.0.8. 8.8.1
In Insight Designer, there is no warning that certain language fragments are not implemented. When a user is in the autocomplete editor and the language includes a syntax that is not defined, autocomplete does not indicate what to do next. When no suggestion is provided for what to add next, the user must enter the values. 8.8
If you installed and uninstalled Insights repeatedly, you can run out of system semaphores and see messages such as "JVMSHRC681E System limit for maximum number of semaphores or the system wide maximum number of semaphores has been reached." This problem occurs on z/OS, but it might occur on other platforms as well. The cause of the problem is that Liberty uses a Java shared class cache that allocates system semaphores and messages. All the servers in a Liberty installation share the same cache. If Insights is uninstalled by simply deleting the wlp directory, the system semaphores and messages remain allocated.
You only encounter this problem when you are running a test scenario that involves repeatedly removing and reinstalling Insights. The system semaphores and messages are also restored when the OS is rebooted.
Before uninstalling Insights, run this Java command to delete the cache, including the system semaphores and messages:
java -Xshareclasses:cacheDir=wlp/usr/servers/.classCache,destroyAll
Setting maxBatchSize on the inbound connectivity activation specification to retrieve messages in batches of 20 can improve inbound connectivity throughput by up to a factor of 10. This was not required in previous versions of Insights.

Note: This change is only required in cases where the connectivity server is in a separate JVM to the container server. It is not required when using WMQ JMS connectivity.

The maxBatchSize property is set in the inbound connectivity configuration file as a wasJms property:
<jmsActivationSpec id= ….">
<properties.wasJms …
maxBatchSize="20" />
Note: With a batch size of 1 (default), a failed event delivery in the inbound connectivity server can result in a duplicate message being processed. When batching size is greater than 1, a failed event delivery can result in other events in the batch also being duplicated.
For information on changing the inbound JMS connectivity files, see Completing connectivity configuration files .
For information on the maxBatchSize setting, see
When a solution is redeployed, shared aggregates lose their value. The value is reset, and events are aggregated starting at the time of the deployment. None 8.8
Unpredictable schedule events occur for a rule agent when a rule involves a definition part that has shared aggregate usage or temporal conditions. Any kind of variable in a rule could lead to bad schedule event computing, and heavy CPU usage. None 8.8
Insight Designer uses only Eclipse 4.4.2. To use an existing instance of Eclipse, it must be version 4.4.2. 8.8
In Insight Designer, completion failure occurs in a data provider or entity initializer implementation that references If the interface is explicitly referenced by an extension project that is being migrated from 8.7.x to 8.8.0, you can correct the compilation failure by updating the source to use the new interface name. 8.8
You get the error OpenXML4JRuntimeException when you use the SolutionGateway API in z/OS. Set the Java property as follows:

Decision Server Insights Map Viewer

Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
The entity details on the map include only the attributes of simple types such as strings, text, and numbers (enums are treated as strings). None 8.8
The map viewer supports only longitude and latitude geographic coordinates. None 8.8
All the snapshots must have the same geometry type to be shown on the map. Although moving geometry can have different geometry types at different points in time, for example, t1:point, t2:polygon, t3:point, and t4:line-string, the first available snapshot determines the geometry type. 8.8

Decision Server Events

Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
Event Designer uses only Eclipse 4.4.2. To use an existing instance of Eclipse, it must be version 4.4.2. 8.8

Decision Center

Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
In the sample "Change notification using the anonymous login," the anonymous login in the Enterprise console gets the following error message:
This user does not have the correct role.
This part of the sample no longer works.
When you run a test on collections in the Business console, you do not get details for observed or expected results in the "results" column of the test report. No workaround. All
The search index in the Business console might not always be in sync with the content of the Decision Center repository. This typically happens after a reinstallation of ODM, a migration, or a server crash.
Possible symptoms:
  • A search in the business console does not find the correct elements.
  • A search in the business console finds some elements, but the console shows an error when you click on a displayed link, for example, The specified decision table was not found.
  • The server logs contain exceptions whose stacks contain
If you have installed Decision Center with a remote SOLR server, you need to delete the SOLR indexes that correspond to Decision Center. If you rely on the embedded SOLR server (default behavior), you must remove the directory that contains the SOLR index. By default, this directory is computed with the following Java expression: System.getProperty("") + "/decisioncenter-solr-dir". Depending on your application server, JVM and OS, this directory is either in a temp or tmp folder inside your application server installation directory, or in a global temporary directory. All
With builds 8.0.39 and 7.0.73 of Tomcat, you get the following error when you try to display the Decision Artifacts content tree in the Business console:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986
The error occurs because square brackets ([ ]) are not allowed in these builds. Use an earlier build of Tomcat. 8.8,,,
When there are many branches and projects, the Enterprise console package selector takes a while to display artifacts when you copy a rule. Use the teamserver.searchCurrentBranchInPackageSelector property to display only the selected branch and its dependencies. You set the property in the Installation Settings wizard. All
Dynamic XOMs are not automatically taken into account during the merge process. A dynamic XOM is a property of the project information element, which is not versioned. The merge process takes into account only versioned elements such as rules and decision tables. It does not include properties in the project info information elements such as dynamic XOMs. You must use the synchronization feature in Rule Designer to merge changes in the project information element of the target branch. All
In the Business console, when you test a decision service that contains COBOL XOM, you get the following error:
ERROR: Cannot find value info for key: ilog.rules.extension.cobol.valuecheck.StringValueInfo.
Test the decision service from the Enterprise console. 8.8.1
The Business console now supports the editing of variable sets. You can select the name, type, and verbalization of variables. However, you cannot set the optional initial value of a variable. Use Rule Designer to set the initial value. 8.8.1
The Business console does not support the localization of rule projects. Localize rule projects in Rule Designer. 8.8 and
The Decision Center merge tool does not handle categories. The Decision Center merge operation only handles elements for which history information is kept. Use Rule Designer to publish category changes in Decision Center releases. 8.8 and
The Business console does not provide extension points for custom property editors. The Business console provides editors that support extended custom properties with the exception of enumerations of complex types, multivalue enumeration, or complex types. 8.8
Some labels in the Enterprise console decision tree editor display squares for the GB18030 character set. None 8.8
The Business console decision table editor does not support all the features in Rule Designer. The editor does not support the following Rule Designer features:
  • Hierarchical overlap and symmetry checks
  • Locking constraints
  • Display of row and cell comments
  • Specific formatting for a cell (tooltip, font, and color)
  • Moving rows in the mode for manually ordering row

Business Rules Embedded

Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
Missing steps in the Using the WRule sample .

In the section "To work with a new project," do the following actions for steps 2 and 3:

2. Model Tab: Select the schema file <ER_HOME>/samples/data/customer.xsd, and click Upload.

3. Model Tab: Enter the following parameter information, and then click the Confirm RulesetParameter button:

  • Ruleset parameter name: customer
  • BOM type: com.ilog.rules.customer.Customer
  • Verbalization: the customer


Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
It is impossible to install ODM on WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and above, and to start the sample server after you upgrade WAS 8.5.5 to fix pack 11 or above. From WAS_HOME/properties/version, copy the following files as directed:

To install ODM, copy ibm.com_WebSphere_Application_Server_Network_Deployment- into WebSphere_Application_Server_Network_Deployment-

To run the sample server, copy ibm.com_WebSphere_Application_Server_Network_Deployment-8.5.5.swidtag into WebSphere_Application_Server_Network_Deployment-8.5.5.swtag.

Rule Designer might not start on a computer that already has Insight Designer installed. Install Rule Designer before you install Insight Designer. 8.8
The console mode of Installation Manager (command line imcl -c) does not display feature trees properly. As a result, the console mode can only install a default subset of the features. Use the graphic interface or installation with silent files. 8.8
Shell sharing with Rational products is not supported. You cannot install Operational Decision Manager and Rational products in the same package group. There are two options to install the ODM designers (Rule, Event, and Insight) into an existing Rational environment:
  • Extend an existing Eclipse if you are installing from Installation Manager.
  • Use ODM eclipse update sites if you are working with an Eclipse installation.
8.8, 8.8.1


Limitation Comment or workaround Version(s)
In the Rule Designer tutorial "Defining a vocabulary," the code sample in Step 3c of "Task 4: Extending the Business Object Model" contains a typo: age-- Change age-- to age = age -1 or age -=1. All
On the welcome page , the links for technotes and known limitations are incorrect. For a list of the ODM V8.8 technotes, see Operational Decision Manager V8.8 Technotes . 8.8
The Education Assistant link on the welcome page no longer works. Operational Decision Manager (ODM) Online Education replaces IBM Education Assistant. 8.8

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSQP76","label":"IBM Operational Decision Manager"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":",;;;;;8.8","Edition":"Enterprise;Standard","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
24 February 2022

