IBM Support

App Connect Enterprise Data Collector Script

How To


The App Connect Enterprise (ACE) data collector script collects and packages vital diagnostics for an ACE Integration Node or stand-alone Integration Server.

This script is intended for only App Connect Enterprise and replaces the functionality of the "mqsidc" tool provided in previous versions of the product.
It was formally included in ACE v11.0.0.8 and is available as a download from this page for prior fix packs.
This tool is included in all ACEv12 releases.


  1. If your fix pack level is lower than v11.0.0.8, download the ACE data collector script from this location: (Unix)
    Note this script is included in the product installation in fix pack v11.0.0.8 and in all subsequent fix packs.
  2. Run the script with your ACE service ID  from a directory with write access.
    Specify the Integration Node, Server, or both in the command:
    ./ [-b INT_NODE [-e INT_SERVER]] | [-w workDir]


  • Capture data from the Integration Server 'default' associated with Integration Node 'ACENODE':
    ./ -b ACENODE -e default
  • Capture data from the Integration Node 'ACENODE':
    ./ -b ACENODE
  • Capture data from the stand-alone Integration Server in the work directory 'workDir':​​​​
    ./ -w workDir
  • Output help information from the script:
    ./ -h
  1. If your fix pack level is lower than v11.0.0.8, download the ACE data collector script from this location:
    aceDataCollector.bat (Windows)
    Note this script is included in the product installation in fix pack v11.0.0.8 and in all subsequent fix packs.
  2. Run the script from the ACE Console and from a directory with write access for your user your ACE service ID.
    Specify the Integration Node, Server, or both in the command:
    aceDataCollector.bat [-b INT_NODE [-e INT_SERVER]] | [-w workDir]


  • Capture data from the Integration Server 'default' associated with Integration Node 'ACENODE':
    aceDataCollector.bat -b ACENODE -e default
  • Capture data from the Integration Node 'ACENODE':
    aceDataCollector.bat -b ACENODE
  • Capture data from the stand-alone Integration Server in the work directory 'workDir':​​​​
    aceDataCollector.bat -w workDir
  • Output help information from the script:
    aceDataCollector.bat -h
Note: This process assumes the Red Hat OpenShift client is already installed and that the user is logged in to the cluster. 
  1. Log in to the Integration Server pod.
    oc rsh <ace pod name>
  2. Ready the shell with the 'mqsiprofile' command.
    . /opt/ibm/ace-11/server/bin/mqsiprofile
  3. Navigate to the subdirectory 'aceuser'.
    cd /home/aceuser
  4. Run the ACE DataCollector tool, specifying the 'ace-server' work path. -w /home/aceuser/ace-server
  5. From a new terminal, log in to the cluster and copy the file from the container to the local machine.
    oc rsync POD_NAME:/path/to/ /path/to/local/filesystem


oc rsync is-toolkit2-is-5ff95bf7cf-4dxvn:/home/aceuser/ACE_Data_Collector_20210511-183009_SIS.tar.gz /Users/tmp

Additional Information

Performance impact:
This script runs several operating system command-line commands (such as 'ps' or 'TASKLIST') as well as ACE command-line commands (such as 'mqsireportproperties'). This script is not expected to cause a performance impact to a running Integration Node or Integration Server.
Expected file location:
This script creates a compressed archive file (on Unix) or an output directory (on Windows) in the current working directory with the name format 'aceDiagData_<YYmmDD-HHMMSS>_<type>.<extension>'
  • ACE_Data_Collector_<YYmmDD-HHMMSS>_<Int.Node>
  • ACE_Data_Collector_<YYmmDD-HHMMSS>_SIS
  • ACE_Data_Collector_<YYmmDD-HHMMSS>_general
Expected file size:
This script attempts to collect errors and logs associated with the Integration Node or Server.
The number of errors and the size of these logs directly impacts the resulting file size of the script's output.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSDR5J","label":"IBM App Connect Enterprise"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
05 April 2023

