IBM Support

Auto-provisioning enhancements for portal administrators accounts-phase II

Release Notes


Auto-provisioning enhancements for portal administrators accounts-phase II


In this release, the following enhancements have been introduced: 

  • Cloud Extender (CE) 2.94 module is used to fetch portal administrator account status from Active Directory.
  • The module offers deactivation of auto-provisioned administrator accounts if user account is no longer in Active Directory (AD) or not included in an auto-provisioned group.

The deactivation of administrator account includes the following scenarios.

Scenarios Description
  • User is moved from an auto-provisioned user group to a group that is not auto-provisioned.
  • User is removed from an auto-provisioned user group.
  • The auto provisioned user group is removed.

In any of the following 3 scenarios, when user tries to AD, AD LDAP, or Open LDAP login to MaaS360 portal, user account becomes inactive because user account does not belong to an auto-provisioned user group.

If user is not logged in to MaaS360 portal, then the account is automatically mapped inactive when portal batch job runs at the back-end at periodic time intervals. 

Note: On removal of auto provisioned group, all user accounts under this group become inactive either when users  AD, AD LDAP, or Open LDAP login to MaaS360 portal or during periodic portal batch jobs.

If user account is deactivated or deleted from AD.  In this scenario, when user tries to AD, AD LDAP, or Open LDAP login to MaaS360 portal, login authentication fails. However, user account is not mapped as inactive. Only during the periodic portal batch job runs at the backend, user account is mapped as inactive.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSXX","label":"IBM MaaS360"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"10.67","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
25 February 2019

